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Post software life is objectively worse without.
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Thank you based Ajay
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Thank you gimp
AdNauseam, the based version of ublock origin. sorry OP
I love this jeet like you wouldn't believe
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Redpill me on this. How’s it different from ublock?
couldn't get this turd to find mp4 codecs on my system
librewolf didn't have this issue
i'm no tech genius like you /g/uys but it's basically an improved ublock, not only does it blocks ads but it also indiscriminately clicks on all of them so you do not leave a recognizable footprint of what you like/dislike. also because it mass-clicks on all ads it basically leeches money off corpo niggers which rely on the per-click ad policy. basically it's an even bigger "fuck you" to advertisers than regular adblock software.
i said basically like 3 times, i'm fucking retarded my bad lol
So it's just ublock + bloat? Why would I care if they lose money or not? I just want ads out of my sight
It is worse since it doesn't actually block ads but hides them instead
maybe you don't care, but bad things always happen because good people don't do anything.
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Never leaving Windows because of this
>also because it mass-clicks on all ads it basically leeches money off corpo niggers which rely on the per-click ad policy.
I understand the idea (since it's an useless click but they have to pay for it they lose money) but this just seems so petty. I could not care less about those filthy kikes and using such a function is just weird to me. if the extension (in)directly lead to ads stopping to exist then sure, but it doesn't do that
and like the other anon says, it just seems like bloat
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Genuinely thought this was 2hu from the thumbnail before reading the filename
Literal snake oil, AdNauseam blocks significantly less. It's better to just block with uBO instead of using more of your own resources to click ads in the background which has zero effect on anything other than slowing your browser down and exposing you to more third parties.[1] It's also proven Mossad spyware[2] that encourages you to disable your real adblocker (uBO) in favor of (((their))) extension with the promise of """sticking it""" to the man.
>muh source
[1] http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1873/IWPE17_paper_23.pdf
[2] Go to their website. Two of the three devs are from the tribe, and one of them literally worked for Mossad's Unit 8200 as developer for their geospatial systems.
Oy vey, the Goyim know! SHUT IT DOWN!!!
Nice try, Moshe, still not installing your Mossad spyware.
original AdNauseum shill here, you guys make valid points so i'll look into this. like I said before i'm no computer genius so no bully pls we can be civilized
Yeah it neither reduces your footprint (you get profiled as adnauseum user, much smaller pool) and the clicks also don't cause financial loss for neither as are easily distinguishable, idea is good, but would need more manpower to properly implement
>i'm no computer genius
Then maybe you shouldn't be giving advice to other anons on browser security and privacy when you haven't even researched what you're shilling. Not bullying, just being real with you.
i understand and that's fair, i just wanted to share because nobody ever talks about it so i thought it was maybe because its very obscure not because of the evidence against it
not him but i don't want ads to go away in general, just for me
basically, people who don't care get ads to pay for things so i don't have to. if ads go away, i will need to pay for more things, so i don't want them to go away
it sounds selfish, but it's not really, as i am in no way preventing others from blocking ads if they don't wish to see them
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If I have to use win, at least I can use this.
>Post software life is objectively worse without.
Just use win+shift+s? What are you doing lmao
Pretty much 99% of software I use comes from Microsoft/Google/Samsung, the only exceptions are vidya/piracy related stuff that they lack in.
>Firefox (+Cloudflare DNS) (+uBlock Origin Extension)
>JDownloader 2
It's ublock but worse since it has to load ads in order to click on them. It just hides ads rather than blocking them. You actually end up getting the worse end of the deal using up a small portion of your limited bandwidth vs costing a company a millionth of a cent.
The weird shit I'll see my friends do because they're afraid of learning like 3 basic flags on ffmpeg... And then if I do it for them they call me a hacker it's retarded.
My life is regularly made far worse by using gimp but it seems 3.0 addresses many of the annoying quirks I have issue with.
What's particularly special about sharex? Linux has flameshot.
More people need to have this attitude. It's ok for some cool shit to be locked behind some level of knowledge. No, not everyone should pirate, fuck off. No, not everyone should block ads. And no game emulation should not be brazenly advertised on multi million views YouTube videos. I wish people could shut the fuck up about these things and enjoy the little bit of good we still have left.
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before it got yeeted off the internet i managed to cause 10k$ worth of ad clicks.
Maybe point them to FFmpeg Batch AV Converter if they require a UI? Far more useful knowing the flags, but you can do some basic stuff too.
High IQ. The only way for piracy and adblocking to be sustainable for the future is if normalfags don't know about it. I pray for the day to come that twitter, reddit, and tiktok ban piracy/adblock related content so that I can sleep easy knowing we won't end up in a dystopian nightmare scenario in 10 years where piracy and adblocking no longer exists because it got too big and got oy vey shut down.
It does so much more
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Does so many things, so I don't need separate programs. Never ran into a single bug or issue with it, either. Just fucking works and has a tiny footprint.
>adnauseam shills back at it again
>yes just load the ads into your browser and click them haha it's to say fuck the corpos! it's so much better than the uBlock origin approach
why not using mspaint
Going on movie, sports and porn sites without ublock is one of the frustrating things I've ever done. One porn site I used to use had "fuck adblock" written in the html but they serve 8/9 of the world's most annoying adverts that make sites unbearable before you can watch anything. If they served fewer ads in a less annoying way I'd support them but the admins can go fuck theirselves.
Going on movie, sports and porn sites without ublock is one of the frustrating things I've ever done. One porn site I used to use had "fuck adblock" written in the html but they serve 8/9 of the world's most annoying adverts that make sites unbearable before you can watch anything. If they served fewer ads in a less annoying way I'd support them but the admins can go fuck theirselves.
The quality of everything would go up if all ads stopped existing, so it's a fair trade off.
directory opus has been the only file manager for me so far that hasnt shat itself when loading a folder with a large amount of thumbnails
What does it help? Or it is helpful because you buy it?
sumatra pdf
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I've replaced it with One Commander
not FOSS though because the dude likely took a bunch of code with him from winamp.

it does work well, but literally no linux version
FOSS doesn't matter, and I'm not some Linux cultist.
Me neither. I just switched to it after 30+ years of MS stuff though, because I didn't like where Win11 (and now Win10) were headed. Linux feels again like I am in control and Mint w/ Cinnamon is like a solid Win 7 installation.
I was just looking for a file manager that would let me customize some actions, like double-clicking on the "white" space, had some non-trivial rename functionality and scripting. I stayed for that and it's catalog feature, branch view, tabsets, color filtering, paper folder, throw away clone (saves no history), and loads of other stuff that fit into my workflows.
I haven't used opus for a while but I recall it being very solid.
Like what? What does 3.0 add?
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LocalSneed. It magically just werks.
I'm looking for a software for tagging pictures on windows (preferably something that just werks with the default explorer)
I got recommended to make a private server for a program I forgot the name of, but it was booru styled. this is too much of a hassle for me.
I just want to be able to better organise my /an/ folder for separate animals and not make 20 subfolders
I used to use "apps" like this when I was younger, but now I just use FTP. Filezilla is going to be way more secure and stable than some random trendy "app"
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the quality won't change, only the cost. without ads more things will need to directly cost the user money. if you think something having ads alone reduces its' quality, then you're already the type who will block them
for the majority who don't care or even like them, many of them if given the choice will take ads over paying for something
perhaps ideally to replace ads you'd need some kind of equivalent payment system, something similar to how ads work, like for example something which, with as little friction as possible, charges you cents based on say how many minutes of youtube you watch. i'm sure there's people who wouldn't mind doing that if it was made extremely easy to sign up for (the beauty of ads is that you can make money from someone without them needing to do anything at all, conversely, they can pay for something without needing to do anything, and no effort is far better than little effort), like say some kind of website/application-agnostic system handled at the OS level where say you have a credit placed in there, and websites/applications can charge you from that pool, this way you'd only have to set it up once. perhaps opt-in in exchange for removing ads.
sounds similar to various "premium" options some services have, except this would be based on actual usage like ads work, so could be attractive to people who don't use a service much, like for example who would buy youtube premium if they only use youtube a few hours a week? it wouldn't be worth the cost, but if they only had to pay the equivalent ad revenue for those few hours, maybe they would
I've always wondered, how do they measure ads watched -> product consumed? Because I don't know about you guys, but an ad usually doesn't make me want do buy anything, it's usually listening to you faggots talk about shit.
probably lots of running different ads at different times in different places and trying to correlate it to whatever inputs they have for sales or interest
doing this well is a whole-ass industry

keep in mind that ads are more insidious than simply see ad > buy product, sometimes that happens, but i think the biggest one is instilling familiarity. people like familiar things, whether it's concious or not, if they see something they've seen in an ad, it will be more familiar, and have a better chance of being chosen for that reason over another product
does this shit not even block the sites and scripts that load ads? that is retarded. the best part of ublock is that you can just block all connections to ad servers and whoever else. i don't care about tracking. what i do care about is being able to block some goon's minified ad javascript from running in my browser

>Verification not required.
>>102420976 (me)
also, why do you want to kill ads? ads pay for websites. let other people who are not smart enough to use an adblocker view the ads, and block them on your own devices using ubo et al
>because it mass-clicks on all ads it basically leeches money off corpo niggers which rely on the per-click ad policy. basically it's an even bigger "fuck you" to advertisers than regular adblock software
this is an offensive blocker, i like this a lot
fucking datamining thieving scum, in a just world they would be paying us
For me, it's dopus.
This guy gets it.
Non destructive editing is a big one.
kek, no fuck gimp its literally the worst fucking shit j
ust pirate photoshit
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I use this shit for screenshots and videos which automatically get uploaded and hosted on a discord server, for free
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I didn't know he was a jeet. For me life would suck without Emacs.
>can't live without xfeces
You are a German aren't you?
Objectively wrong
Most definitely
I've used it for over a decade and like it but that tiny footprint blows up if you have a huge library. There's no way to set the browser pane to just display folders without scanning metadata (even if you set it to show folders), which is what makes it take up so much RAM. It could be better is all.
picom, genuinely impossible to use anything else if you bought goyvidia 7 years ago
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>suddenly begins waxing about feces
>projects fetish onto others
hiya doin
What is considered a huge library? I have 10651 songs from 849 albums and it only shows up using 23.4 MB.
god dopus is so fucking based i never wanted to have sex with a piece of software like i have directory opus
60,000 files. Mostly vgm formats. foobar eats about 400 MB of RAM at idle.
Extreme use case maybe, but there should be an option to disable the need for metadata scanning/caching until files are sent to a playlist.
Jeet means victory. As does the name Ajay.
I go barebones for tags because if I don't, I go super autistic OCD with it and spiral out of control. No album artwork or even genre tag for me.
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This, despite its shortcomings is literally the only DE remained consistent since its inception.

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