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Now that gorhill has thrown an autistic meltdown and has taken his ball and gone home, what are the best alternatives to ublock origin for chrome?
uBlock Origin
Suck my dick, OP
Give me a sloppy blowjob
Gorhill sounds like the name of some extreme metal band. The kind that only sings in belches and guttural noises.
>for chrome
Found your problem
Pick one, big silly boi.
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>for chrome
Firefox you dumbfuck
What's wrong with uBlock Origin Lite? I installed it in Thorium and haven't seen a single ad.
>a browser 95% funded by google will never buckle to mv3
lmao even
yiff in hell furfag
> using chrome
kill yourself
The way out, by now, is the Brave browser.
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>Still being a Chromie.
I did some testing yesterday to see what the alternatives are feeling like. I visited a lot of piracy sites and niche shit like boorus, imageboards, forums, etc. And I feel like all the options are just dogshit. DNS adblocks are terrible and just can't compete whatsoever. MV3 adblocks like AdGuard and uBO Lite felt okay-ish, they blocked all the most annoying ads, but there were a lot of placeholder boxes left, or tiny ads and annoyances getting through, including pop-ups on piracy sites flashing in background which was most annoying. It really does feel like MV3 ruins adblocks completely, pretty much the only option is to either run Brave or Firefox+uBo
What if you use both DNS and the adblockers you mentioned? And did you enable every filter list to be sure? There are also some popup and redirect blockers independent from those, not sure if they're v3 though. You could also block the leftovers manually if Lite is as versatile with its element picker as Origin is. Most people visit the same few sites every day so it should be effective enough. Aside from YouTube ads maybe, even if not injected into the video those need proper blocking.
I was honestly curious how long i could just keep running ungoogled after all these huge changes lately and i held out until the past week, nearly every website has bugs and even if ads are still blocking fine (never updated ubo) chrome is now 100% unusable, it's fucking crazy.
I mean, people here are autistics that turn everything into a football tier competitive "my team better than your team" but really what the fuck do we do if/when the brave people get the knock from the glowies and aren't our pals anymore? We have zero alternatives.
never thought i'd even need to go back to brave but now i am because of how unusable ungoogled is.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Firefox already implemented mv3 - your brown skin prevents you from understanding how webrequest still functions!
It's gonna work just fine for normalfags, like if your internet use really only means the top ten most visited websites in the world (which is the case for most people) then mv3 adblockers will suffice. I imagine the only issue might be when YouTube attempts another anti adblock crusade, mv3 filter lists cant update until the entire extension updates, and it can take 1-2 days for Google/Microsoft/Mozilla/Opera store extensions to verify that uBO Lite or AdGuard is safe to update and send it through. For me as someone who likes to visit weird shit, it felt pretty unusable compared to a hardened Firefox/Brave with all filter lists enabled. And yes, I always use a DNS no matter what, in most cases though sites just block your access if they detect your DNS adblock so you should instead run something like Cloudflare or Quad9 instead of AdGuard DNS imo.
I think everything will be ok, I don't see Firefox/Brave really having any issues with this in the future, if anything it's a blessing in disguise for them as another reason to use them over Chrome/Edge/Safari beyond just "m-muh FOSS" that most normalfags don't care about. I don't really have a horse in the race, I use Firefox+uBO on desktop, and Brave on mobile. But I also have Edge/Chrome/Samsung as backup browsers for the very rare cases where they are needed be it DRM or some niche shit like government sites or university tests and stuff.


nigger the next time you post this you will become a eunuch
just use Brave browser lmao
Ghostery is better in every way
Raymond admits it on ubo's own GitHub.
poo loo sirs
>Now that gorhill has thrown an autistic meltdown and has taken his ball and gone home
Are you talking about uBo Lite? If so, he's right to be mad about manifest v3. It's bullshit.
I wouldn't mind if sites didn't use the most annoying, obnoxious adverts ever. Like put your ads in places I look fair enough. But ads when you click on the page several times to get to your desired content are annoying as fuck. Also cookie pop ups are fucking annoying as fuck, I don't want the government interfering with the Internet again because cookie warnings on every single fucking site every time you visit are annoying as fuck. I get it, sites need ads to make money but fuck me could you make them less annoying and we won't care about adblock so much. I recently tried watching some sports on chrome mobile and it was hell, switching to Firefox mobile with ublock and it blocked every single ad and was a pleasant experience.
I can't find this add-on in the chrome webstore. Can you help me?
Just try watching the ads, who knows, you might learn about a cool new product and go buy it.
What are you talking about? Ungoogled works perfectly fine? Normal ublock works on it. Also someone is working on forking brave by removing the ads, crypto, telemetry etc. Basically ungoogled with braves built in adblocker.
i dont know man, ive been sitting on a months old build (i THINK) and its getting buggier and slower. Been sitting on brave for a few days now with none of those issues.
Thanks for the heads up though, I love ungoogled for its old internet spirit of JUST being a fucking browser and nothing else, brave could be fine with an ungoogled variant.
>ive been sitting on a months old build (i THINK) and its getting buggier and slower
Literally who told you to do that. That's stupid as hell. The latest version works fine what are you even doing
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>Literally who told you to do that
my common sense that knew MV3 was coming so don't update if i don't want problems? I only update my shit every few months or so/if i need to.
What's stupid as hell is being a "le UPDOOOTER"
Yeah it sure is common sense to not update the one browser that keeps mv2 and then complaining that its buggy and doesnt work. Totally. Seriously do some simple research.
What the fuck does this even mean?

fucking summer
Just fucking install Firefox. Why wouldn't you? A marginal speed difference?
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>for chrome
>Why wouldn't you
Its slower, more bloated, full of spyware and I dont like their values
then install GNU IceCat retard
Is GNU IceCat Firefox
Reminder that Firefox devs were seriously discussing blocking URLs at the browser level to prevent the spread of misinformation about minorities and our trans sisters.
Are you going to answer the question or
So? News flash: Nobody wants to see bigotry and misinformation like anti-vax or anti-lgbt spread around.
it's a privacy-conscious fork of Firefox maintained by a trustworthy source committed to software freedom. there is no spyware or mysterious liberal vibes. it's slightly slower than chrome but certainly not more bloated
I'm not going to use it
you're a stupid child and you'll get what you deserve I guess
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Yeah this is total misinformation. No reason anyone would be anti lgbt right
Get well soon
>erm men in sexualized outfits... is le bad
>but bringing your kids to hooters to be served by women in sexualized outfits is le good!
Classic liberal
I am going to install every single adblocker I can find on Brave and attempt to browse the internet.
Keep us posted
who gives a shit about chrome
Not him but the best answer is that they should both be shut down for the betterment of mankind.
Filter lists update only when the extension updates (no fetching up to date lists from servers)
Many filters are dropped at conversion time due to MV3's limited filter syntax
No crafting your own filters (thus no element picker)
No strict-blocked pages
No per-site switches
No dynamic filtering
No importing external lists
22 installed so far, I'm force installing dodgy jeet ones now
ive been using ublock and chrome forever and ive never had any issues, do u normies update your software like a sheep? just stop updating shit and the ads wont attack you
Could literally care less if one of the devs is a furfag. It's the only decent Chromium fork out there now.
It's so fucking SLOW
Now that the scientists have thrown an autistic meltdown and have taken their ball and gone home, what's the best alternative to LK-99?
>now that such & such has happened and I've given no qrd or links....

Just werkz for me and fuck off op.
>no links
op is a faggot
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much spyware
very spooky
Holy based
Dogshit browser ever since XUL and XPCOM were killed. Nowhere near as customizable as it used to be.
>he doesnt know
This shit is so tame, people were freaking out over this?
He also tried to redpill normies about (((genital mutilation))) in the Burgerstan, gotta shut it down.
Anyways, DoJ better be bringing up Chrome in their antitrust lawsuits. Seriously, I'm not an lawyer, but there has to be fucking something relevant about all the shit they've been doing with the Chromium project. FLoC, Privacy Sandbox, Manifest V3, attestation, the search leak that shows they are mixing Chrome telemetry into the bin for their ranking algorithm, ~65% market share. Seems like something of note.
Well, they already ruled how I'd expect, I can go Ctrl+F the Courtlistener doc, and I'm trying Librewolf, so it's whatever.
sex and based, honestly
you wouldn't get it and you don't have to be a furry to get it, you're not degenerate
Oy vey
>gorhill has thrown an autistic meltdown
>Now that gorhill has thrown an autistic meltdown and has taken his ball and gone home, what are the best alternatives to ublock origin for chrome?
Can I get a more detailed rundown of what happened at Ublockorigin?
>82 posts no link
shill thread, all fields
Hello guys, I’ve been using Firefox since Ubuntu 8.04 and I’m still not seeing ads anywhere.

Why do you have to make your lives so hard?
works on my machine
Use waterfox
that is legitimately the tip of the iceberg. that setting does disable some telemetry, but there is quite a bit more
you have to use something like this:

or arkenfox (which the above rep may pull changed from, i dunno) or something to get rid of as much of the rest as you can
>what are the best alternatives to ublock origin for chrome?
uBlock Origin for Firefox.
Still works on Brave.
Which is chromium too.
This is a Firefox board you retard, stop using any chromium-based shit.
How are any of the things you mentioned antitrust
i think when youtube decide to go anti-adblocker again next, itll be hard to keep lite useful.
as something that needs to sit on a computer that guests use because they recognise the chrome icon, i wouldnt pick anything else.
otherwise firefox is browser of choice for mozilla actually pretending a linux market exists.
use mercury
>Nowhere near as customizable as it used to be.
config.js injection hacks are even better than xul
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Unfortunately, as much as you fucks want to hate him, Gorhill still has the best approach compared to all the other trash out there, because he actually builds his solutions while others only copy his work.

Picrel, this is ubol vs ubo, ubol catches most of what MV2-based ubol catches, misses a few things, but fucks up less than other solutions, as you're about to see...
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>MV2-based ubol
I meant >MV2-based ubo
Picrel is that adguard beta mv3 garbage vs regular adguard
Works on my Firefox
Gorhill more like Gemhill
just use firefox or better yet a firefox fork
but you like GOOGLE's values???
Things nobody said
>Now that gorhill has thrown an autistic meltdown and has taken his ball and gone home, what are the best alternatives to ublock origin for chrome?
but he didn't do that you autistic googlecuck. They cut off all the ways to make the addon work so that they could serve you adds, now you have to live with that or switch.
Why blame him for your own limitations?
>i use chrome cause i don't like firefox's values
ergo you prefer Google's
Can you show me where I said I use chrome? Thanks.
>solves the chrome to firefox transition
I didnt ask for a browser rec
I'm being paid $0.01 every time I suggest the browser to someone complaining about Firefox sir. Just go with it sir or I won't be able to feed my family sir. Thank you sir for understanding that I am in need of money. Sir have a lovely day.
You should sign up for Brave Rewards.
I didnt ask
Icecat gets jewed by cloudflare.
Alphabet is a nsa and cia front company you dumb nigger, why would the doj bring up any of that?
just replace ff icon with a chrome one retard
Yeah, but that is Chrome's problem, not gorhill's.
Those are Lite's limitations compared to full, dipshit, it doesn't matter whose fault it is.
Brave shields. Simple as that.
Still works on Vivaldi and Edge. No need to install malware like Brave.
Still working on my chrome
Just don't use Chrome lol, you have no excuse in 2024
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>for chrome
Ironic given that Vivaldi and Edge are literally closed-source spyware, while Brave is FOSS and confirmed to be more private than any mainstream browser.
>Now that gorhill has thrown an autistic meltdown and has taken his ball and gone home, what are the best alternatives to ublock origin
There are no alternatives
>for chrome?
Oh shit, didn’t figure you’d be retarded.
You don’t ever use Google Spyware if you don’t want ads.

Also, get a pihole.
Mozilla Firefox.
Firefox Relay.
Firefox Sync.
uBlock Origin.
Has surfing the Web ever been better?
I'm using uBO on Edge and everything is fine.
did anything happen to ublock origin?
t. furryfox user
You didnt read the study huh
I would use Firefox if it doesn't needed the MS Store media extensions for hardware decoding, and no, I won't install the MS Store.
Brave and Thorium can hardware decode AV1 and VP9 just fine without the extensions.
i know you are shitposting cause i can literally see you use the Brave browser, but just use ublock lite on chrome or stop using chrome all together.
Yeah it got blocked by googol, chromesissies on suicide watch
BSD Derangement Syndrome
Beta Dicklet Syndrome
Let me spell it out: BDS = BSD Derangement Syndrome
Yeah, go try to customize Chrome, you dumbass
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I still use μbolck on chromium

yes raising your son to be a hetero is cool and based
I'm guessing latest chrome blocks it if you didn't configure the enterprise extension for manifest V2.
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the best solution is to use one of the chrome forks with uBlock tier adblockers built in and manifest v2 plugins still available,

brave or vivaldi
the best solution is to switch to gecko
>github still active
>chrome release is still available for latest builds
i think OP is making shit up so people will reply
Youtube is spazzing out for me on Firefox with uBo, it's refresh-looping and is unusable atm.
I've been on adguard for 5 years and still not seeing ads
This is a complete shill campaign all year and will continue to be a shill campaign until the end of time
Don't use Chrome (or any chromium based browser). Problem solved. Forever.
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>Dogshit browser ever since XUL and XPCOM were killed. Nowhere near as customizable as it used to be.
I know I'm being baited but you can customize literally everything. Not sure where you're getting your info. Profile based customization is the most robust its been. I even have Edge tier vertical tabs. Plus: https://github.com/yokoffing/Betterfox
anti-vax is code for critical thinker
uBo is still available in the chrome webstore, so what in actual fuck are you referring to, you autistic piece of shit?
Same. Disable your Cookie filter lists from uBlock and just use I (Still) Don't Care About Cookies or something similar. I haven't tried with separate filters yet (as uBlock has two such lists). I only noticed the issue in private browsing though.
Meant to say cookie notice lists or whatever they're called, you get the idea.
>just doesn't load the ENTIRE domain

LOL, I just checked it myself and the MV3 adguard beta indeed just blocks entire domains of a lot of sites instead of properly filtering them like uBOL in >>102422304

How incompetent are the adguard "devs"?
Update: makes no difference which cookie notices list you use, YouTube gets stuck in a loop. I guess all those anons saying to just use those lists instead of an addon lost today.
Waterfox is about as customizable as Firefox, as in, only surface-level. about:config only gets you so far.

Show me an email client inside of Firefox. Show me extensions that significantly fundamentally change the way Firefox works, whether it be editing MIME type descriptions and actions, changing keyboard shortcuts, or a dozen other things that about:config and settings do not allow.

You are describing surface-level customization, I am describing low-level customization. XUL and XPCOM allowed that. If Chrome is for babies, Firefox is for toddlers. The last time a proper web browser existed was Opera 12.

Chrome sucks shit too. All web browsers suck ass now.
>You are describing surface-level customization
JS injection is capable of fundamentally altering the way the browser works.
>my browser should also be an IRC client, email client, text editor with vi-mode editing capabilities and a torrent client
You are everything that is wrong with modern software
>my browser should also be an IRC client, email client, text editor with vi-mode editing capabilities and a torrent client
>You are everything that is wrong with modern software
You two know that Seamonkey exists, right?
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>mail client
Not sure why you would want that considering how insecure running mail in a browser is, not to mention slow. Thunderbird is still Mozilla though if you so inclined.
>IRC client
Now I know you're fucking with me. Just run konversation or a terminal IRC client like a sane person.
>about:config only gets you so far
Apparently you've missed the part about modifying user.js, which is far more open than any other browser on the market.
comfy af bro
mozilla may be morons but their shit is open source and just works.
Jesus Christ, niggers, just use Firefox if you wanna keep using uBO. Or just use Adguard if you're stubborn on using a chromium fork.
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Mull Browser (Firefox)
Proton Pass (extension for autocomplete)
Proton Mail
xBrowserSync (https://www.xbrowsersync.org/) or Firefox Sync (self-hosted for either, never "free" through 3rd party hosting like Mozilla)
uBlock Origin
Betterfox (https://github.com/yokoffing/Betterfox)
Sidebear for custom vertical tabs (https://github.com/ryanbugden/Sidebear)
Imagine using Chrome in 2024
>for chrome
Lol, lmao even
Use vivaldi, it has a built in adblock
You're maybe thinking of gojira
>Also someone is working on forking brave
yeah for 6 months
What are you talking about
>autistic meltdown
that's just you, fuck off
>Heh, following the natural order is actually the exact same thing as grooming people into the unnatural order
Why would you even argue with people like this
It makes me feel alive, imagine how a heroine addict feels when they shoot some up
I wouldn't know
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what are the odds mv2 extension developers will keep supporting chromium?
Probably low
Stop posting these fatsos you utter nigger
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I'm the original anon you replied to, youtube works now, I thought 'I best not waste time on it, it will sort itself out' and it did. I don't exactly know where the issue is.
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But they said they would support mv2 even when other wouldnt
userChrome.css works just fine for me though?

Google wants to prevent adblocking, makes it so that you can't effectively block ads on their browser

If you don't leave Chrome at this point, you only got yourself to blame
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or you could just use Zac Browser
Your inbred genes prevents from learning anything


>We also wanted to take this opportunity to address a couple common questions we’ve been seeing in the community, specifically around the webRequest API and MV2:

> The webRequest API is not on a deprecation path in Firefox
> Mozilla has no current plans to deprecate MV2 as mentioned in our previous MV3 update
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This is fake news. I just went to the ublock origin web page and there is no mention of any problem.
>Since 2006, more than 6 million people with autism have learnt how to use technology and navigate a safe browser thanks to Zac Browser
Aren't autists just born with that skill?
>"Who can use Zac Browser? Anyone on the autism spectrum"

Humilliation ritual confirmed.
Brave doesn't have that problem
Finally going to get off my ass and switch off Chrome. But where do I go? Brave seems to get a lot of love but it's on Chromium. Isn't everything Chromium gonna get fucked with mv3 and make Ublock unusable?
And apparently Firefox doesn't use chromium but I keep seeing complaints of it not displaying webpages correctly cause sites are almost all developed around Chromium.
>Could literally care less
So you do care.
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You're such a fucking pseud. GTFO /g/.
I've never had an issue with Firefox. You'll be fine.
>Isn't everything Chromium gonna get fucked with mv3 and make Ublock unusable?
Brave's ad blocker is a separate component.
huh what did you assholes do to him
So it's essentially LibreWolf or Mullvad Browser, only Chromium?
But what if I want to watch 40 ads and let malware riddled ads take over my machine?
Still works fine for me.
What happened?
>brave shill runs out of arguments so xhe resorts to screaming about xher made up """derangement syndrome"""
lube up for your google overlords, chromebabbies
Chrome user deserve to be abandoned.
Yeah, no. Imma just stick to Brave then. Chromium is way too fast and performant for me to abandon it, but nobody has to tolerate Google's anti ad-blocking shit.
You mean Google stole his ball and burned his house down? Why don't you stop using an ad company's web browser idiot
Without good adblocking Chrome is going to go on a downward trend, guaranteed. A lot of casuals go to a power user to help them set up their browser, power users generally install an adblock on their prefered browser. No adblock = not good browser = not going to get installed on a casual's OS. It's going to take years, but Chrome is going to gradually get phased out due to this.
and hopefully google antitrust before that

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