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Have hard drives plateaued
If SSDs are so reliable, why are Amazon and google using magnetic tapes for longevity?
They use a massively distributed storage parity solution (infinity RAID, basically), and HDDs are generally more stable over more write cycles than SSDs.
magnetic tapes are not hard disk drives you goddamn fucking moron
tape is not a matter of reliability it's just the cheapest way of long term data storage (once you amortize the cost of the machines).
it's been basically over since they introduced SMR
every single one of my HDDs still work flawlessly to this day. I bought one SSD and it died after 1 year of heavy use. you can fuck right off.
We're past that again. Newest gen of WD blues is back to cmr and most product pages for drives now state if it is or not. People got so pissed about that it bit them in the ass.
SMR can suck my dick. BRB making a ZFS array out of SMR. Oh wait, don't do that.
Is write performance the only concern with SMR?
I read a lot more than I write, so I'd be willing to get cheaper drives that use SMR unless there's some other glaring detriment.
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If you have absolutely no interest in rebuilding your array after a disk fails then I guess they are fine. You are running some sort of raid/zfs system right? I can only imagine how long it would take to rebuild a 20TB SMR drive.
>comparison is SSDs vs HDDs
>throw in a completely different storage medium

what the fuck
Damn, not a nice trade off but I'll keep it in mind when looking at the prices.
I think a scrub of my current array takes a few days so I've got patience. I'm gonna bank on my luck of having 0 failed drives in my lifetime though and say the cost of lets say waiting a week for resilvering would probably be okay in the rare event of failure.
see? you get the meme? SSD's are more reliable and faster, that's what the meme states. w- wait, you don't argree? what do you mean? every jewtuber and redditor uses SSD's. what did you just said? your old but reliable and fast h*rd dr*ve is "enough" for you? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!?? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO CONSOOM NEW TECH EVEN IF DON'T NEED IT!!!! EVERYONE HAS SSD's SO YOU MUST HAVE ONE TOO!!!!!!!! YOU ARE BORN TO CONSOOM GOY!!!!!! you WILL follow the latest trends and you WILL obey to your MASTER LORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why are SSDs so fucking expensive. you would think we could have 20 TB ssds under a grand but here we are where spinning rust still matters because its so much cheaper per GB. doubly so for tape
you need an SSD to boot modern and somewhat usable operating system.
They are not. stop being poor.
>cheapest SSD (QLC) per TB ~$50
>cheapest HDD (WDDC) per TB ~$14
0/10 baitw
I swear to Christ this board is filled with insecure poor fags who can't accept that something is better than what they have
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Yes, see >>102416190
As far as the cloud providers dumping double digit millions into enterprise hard drives are concerned hm-smr is the accepted future.
doubt it
>more expensive = more better
Let me guess you unironically think an iPhone or a shitty car is a "status" symbol.
No but I'm not a broke bitch either
>needs to "flex" with a shitty $100 SSD on a Mongolian amateur cave painting forum
>I'm not a broke bitch
lol, lmao even
I'm not flexing anything and I don't even have that gay ass SSD, but implying an HDD is better than an SSD because it's 1/3rd of the price per TB is retarded and broke fag shit. Cope.

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