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Do you guys buy third-party game controllers at all? I got into them because of the hall effect joysticks but the two I've owned so far (Gulikit Kingkong 2 and 8bitdo Ultimate) were really cheaply built and the micro-USB port stopped working on both of them. I don't know if spending more guarantees a better product or not. Curious what your experiences have been with these, /g/.

Pic related, new premium sweatshop controller
Hall effect joysticks are pointless, they only help against drift but they don't do shit against loose sticks so you'll have to replace them eventually anyways.
I've had decent luck with 8BitDo and Retrobit controllers so far. The dpads are awful in my opinion and syncing any wireless controllers is akin to arcane magic, but the sticks are nice.
>8BitDo and Retrobit
They're the only two brands worth anything anymore. Better then first party controllers IMO.
> The dpads are awful in my opinion
I've never understood this from people on 8BitDo controllers. Every one I've used was notably better then Nintendo's trash offerings they've had for the past few console gens. I say this as an old boomer who still plays on NES pads at times.
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I've had enough of geniune Xbox gamepads dying so I took a gamble on a Gamesir G7 because it was half price on Amazon for $25
forgetting the meme name its actually a well made product and hasnt given me any grief for the past year. I'd say the $50 price tag is steep if you see it for under $30 its worth it.
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got this chonky guy new for $20. it's great. haven't switched batteries since i got it. works on everything, even a submarine
Why would someone go out of their way to kill themselves? Just get a elite controller like everyone else.
please do not redeem the gamepad sir

It's ironic that he has a Titanic badge on his jacket. kek.
The hall effect implementation Sega used for arcades Saturn and DC didn't have a redundant gimbal mechanism which is required for potentiometer sticks. If they're not being made that way to avoid infringing a patent then we must be in a clown world.
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>Do you guys buy third-party game controllers at all?

Well I can tell you the first party controllers are fucking DOGSHIT, so might as well play chinese roulette with Peepeepoo brands from Aliexpress.

>bought an Elite 2 expecting some QC in a product branded E L I T E (!) for $250
>right stick not re-centering OOB
>wireless dongle is sold separately, suffers from overheating and shutting down
>Rip it apart, glue a metal nut onto the chip to serve as a heatsink
>a year later the bumper keys desintegrate, Elite 2 is nearly impossible to disassemble, just yeet it
>Buy Gulikit KK3 max
>Cheaper but feels nice
>no wireless issues
>no soft touch but it had very sharp grippy dot texture
>generally liked it
>a few month later the bumpers crap out
>easily take it apart
>the contacting part on the bumpers worn down, can't fix that the plastic is fucking gone
>so far using a controller costs like a 20$ monthly subscription
>bought a flydigi Apex 4 because i've seen reddit glazing it
>feels and play FANTASTIC
>the force feedback dualsense triggers are a gimmick, save your money and buy a Flydigi Vader with a mouse click trigger instead
>Plebbitors say some specific batches had defective stick modules that cracked and fell apart
>shake my controller
>something rattles
>loose solder and plastic parts fall out ($120 BTW)
>disassemble it very easily and inspect everything
>looks fine
>works fine for now

Man the controller market is F U C K E D. But the Flydigy sticks are out of this world, entirely different from anything you've seen before. That's IF they work and some batches were prone to failure, right now i'm being rough with it on purpose trying to see if it would break while I can still return it but it's working so far.
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Flydigi invented a new inhouse stick module. It's hall effect, and this type of mechanism is always going to re-center correctly, they are even tension adjustable.
The catch is that there have been some defective batches prone to straight up breaking apart and desintegrating, but man, when they work they are FANTASTIC. These are the lightest, smoothest and most precise sticks ever made.
what's good with analog triggers?
I have a PowerA Xbox controller and it's great. Got it as a Christmas gift from a nice anon.
Rather than a third party controller, I've instead used a third party controller interface. Pic related. What does this piece of shit do? Simple. You plug it in and your controller just works. Any controller using Bluetooth or USB can connect to it, and I can tell it to spoof that controller as another one or a generic controller. If you've ever had to google why your controller wasn't working and getting into the hassle of directinput or xinput and bluetooth fuckery, this thing is a miracle worker.
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Forgot pic because I'm retarded. Stock image from amazon. Don't care. Shit works.
Are those game SAAAAR controllers comparable to x360 controller?
They're frequently on sale and much cheaper than new xbox controllers
The original XB360 controller is god tier, mine served me for 10 years straight and it's still alive, the only flaw is that i worn the sticks down to the plastic.
I heard some company made an official licensed rerun of them recently. It's hyperkin Xenon.
>new xbox controllers

new Xbox controllers are fucking dogshit. HORRENDOUS. Anything is better than the nex XB controllers.
>not one, not even ONE, controller with steam input mappable back buttons that are usable + at least one trackpad + 2 analog sticks + 500hz minimum polling rate gyro

Dualsense edge has unusable back buttons. The paddles go right where your fingers normally sit so you can't get a comfortable grip ever. Steam Deck is the only one that fits this criteria but that will also cramp your hand over time if you're using it for motion controls.
The controller API itself doesn't support any extra buttons other than

Valve are testing their new controller in Japan right now, maybe you could buy it somehow.

Other than a Valve controller nothing else would support the steam API natively, everything else is made for the xbox API
A patent that old would be long expired anon.
Bro, go and buy literally anything else. Logitech controllers are like gen6 mad catz in quality. They work _strictly speaking_.
no you're retarded you can map the back paddles on dualsense edge in steam to whatever you want. You can even map them to just enabling gyro which is how I like to enable it.
My Elite 1 & 2 are fully funtional. The grips are coming off of the original as the glue gives out, but replacments on ali were $5. Stop death gripping your controllers the same way you grip your cock when you goon.
>usb cable attached directly to the controller
>no micro-usb
why this isn't standard for wired controllers I have no idea. micro-USB ports are so failure prone, especially when you're holding a gamepad and moving it around constantly. That's why the connections wear out on them so fast.
Sounds like a skill issue kid
Works on my machine
You should treat youself better. Those logitechs have always sucked. Im not even who you where replying to.
If it works for you then more power to you. Even if it fails, you're out $20. I stopped buying Logitech stuff after I kept having to replace it. It reminds me of fruit of the loom panties. You can buy a pack of 5, but they'll last you a year tops, whereas if you spend real money you can get something that lasts you more than a year.
I like my 8bitdo pro 2. I recently got the ultimate and it feels a bit better in hand (not that I had problems with the pro), however, I hate that the batteries aren't removable anymore and that you can't use switch mode (aka gyro) when using 2.4. Unlike they correct course this will be my last controller from them
Wait what, I never heard of this. Do you have any more info about this new steam controller?
It feels like Nintendo's d-pad patent expired only a few years ago...
>Wait what, I never heard of this. Do you have any more info about this new steam controller?
You can google it, its actually not yet released and the initial release is going to be japan only
It's made by Hori, it's valve licensed but not valve designed. It didn't seem much more functional than a traditional Xbox pad.
I use pic related
I like it so much, but I think the jack port is broken or something, I can't use the mic when I use my headphones.
When I use the mic it duplicates the audio of the game and put it as it was my voice.
I have the V3P too, I use it on my PC.
> no trackpads
It has gyro that you can enable with the capacitive sticks, but I wish it had a trackpad
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You guys use trackpads on your controllers? I always just disable mine if I can to avoid brushing it by accident

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