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>Fixes your Distro-hopping permanently
>Gives you a functional OS that just werks with X11
>Don't ever need to go near the terminal
>Drivers just werk, Gaymin just werks

Mint won.
I kneel, and use arch btw
>Gaymin just werks
Another day of /g/ huffing that copium. Lmao.
can you elaborate
nta but I'm a Linux fag since the 90's, but playing games is not good enough yet. Pirate windows to play games. Use a fun Linux distro to anything else.
ah okay that does make sense, i'm new to linux so just wanted to know. thanks
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wrong pic sorry
Brother, Wayland is the future. X11 is outdated, and as a result, mint also feels outdated. Its good for normies who want to make the jump from windows to linux tho, since its piss easy to install it.
i watch the linux experiment too
If you're pirating Windows, why not just use Windows? It beats having to jump back and forth between two OSes every time you want to do something else.
>X11 is outdated
Don't mistake "feature complete" with outdated. Wayland is a fucking unusable meme in the current year unless you have a gAyMD GPU.(10% marketshare btw)
Typing this from kde Wayland as we speak. No issues whatsoever :)
convenience vs privacy
>playing games is not good enough yet
Provide examples of specific problems or shut the fuck up, retard.
Games are created for windows, they expect you to run them on windows, and devs do all the testing and tweaking on windows. If you use linux you'd be going up against the current and fighting the games always. Realistically the only case where linux gaming is good is if you have a very specific use case like this: You only use steam to play games, you don't pirate games, you don't use non-steam games, you don't play multiplayer games with anti-cheats, and you don't intend to heavily mod games. Even in that scenario you will still inevitably encounter more issues than on windows and on average have more performance issues and instability, but it'll be a fairly good experience. Keep in mind that Steam only supports Ubuntu according to it's support page, nothing else, and that's only for linux made games which is like a tiny minority of the entire store. As for proton, that's intended to be used by Steam Deck, not by normal linux distros and that's why it often has issues on any hardware that's not specifically a Deck.
>gets hacked
never heard of it
btw i'm using arch, not sure if it helps
that's not even a skill issue, just plain ignorance
There's no distro out of the box that just werks with an appstore and where you don't need to touch the terminal

>tinkertranny shit

not the same anon, but I remember a similar experience with gaming in the 90s, when windows was a lot less stable than it is today. as such, I don't even mind these issues because I've been there already + I don't even play multiplayer games (which might actually become viable anyway because microsoft wants to lock down kernel after the crowdstrike faggotry). that doesn't mean that "gaming just werks" is /v/ copium, though. my experience is that tweaking is very minimal
Not really, everything I said is absolutely the truth. I never said you can't game on linux, it's just never going to be as good as windows, especially now with valve officially conceding to windows and fully hopping on proton train which is completely reliant on windows redistributables and code. This just solidifies the fact that linux will only ever play second fiddle to windows in gaming, but in the next few decades it might get to the point where all the AAA titles are playable and there's a user base big enough where gamedevs care about fixing linux/proton specific issues. That's just not the case right now with linux being 1.6% of all operating system users, and being 2.X% of all steam users.
Yeah, I have no doubt there are people for who linux gaming fits just perfect. That wasn't the case for me, and I don't think it's the case for most people. The weaknesses should be pointed out so the OP can go into trying out linux with clear knowledge of what can happen, and not expect it to be a perfect flawless switch, which it will never be and will only lead to disappointment or seethe at being lied to.
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Gaymin almost, almost just werks
I have had some issues with games with certain launchers because VRR fucking breaks on them, Wayland -can- have this problem but there's workarounds (on GNOME it just works), but as for the rest it does just werks
>There's no distro out of the box that just werks with an appstore and where you don't need to touch the terminal
ubuntu lol
but you'll find something else to whine about anyways
ubunga is dead on arrival snap proprietary garbage with telemetry and modern day guhnome
>There's no distro out of the box that just werks with an appstore and where you don't need to touch the terminal

Why do you choose to come to an anonymous image board to lie?
Why do you?
>lower statistical rt performance
I use mint for at least 10 years. Just works.
OS choice is not very important anyway, it is just a waste of time.
Thanks, but I'm sticking with Debian, and the GNOME desktop environment.
Mint is easy to set up without the CLI and the Software Manager works....also without the CLI.
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>>Don't ever need to go near the terminal
t. inefficient shitter
its alright

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