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ITT: We laugh at Amazon wagies.

WFH should always be earned
isnt amazon in a decline recently? since the products are worse quality than ever.
>Amazon CEO Andy Jassy is instructing corporate staffers to work out of the office five days a week.
a rich out of touch exec worth half a billion dollars is instructing the wagies to get back in their cagie? how unexpected
Well at least it's not six days a week, which is standard in my country
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>working five days a week is abnormal now
god first worlders are insufferable, fuck my life
Amazon has a pretty widespread reputation of being a cancerous workplace. Their target employees are mostly starry eyed grads with dreams of muh fagman who got rejected from the other five
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>work in and of itself is the problem
post nose
during the pandemic i specifically asked my contract at the company i work for to be amended to fully remote, they didn't mind at the time cause it was the norm, but i knew the good times wouldn't last forever
3 years later i still work there and they can't do shit. the rest of the people go in for 3 days a week mandatory, but not me
sucks to be them lmao
this is kek to me because it's done as a way of firing people so they don't have to lay them off.
Amazon is a shitty company with shitty products so I'm not that shocked. Google is doing the same shit, but softer with 3day a week. My company tried to do it but I just refused and they literally cannot fire me.

just hold the line and don't be a cuck. also don't work at meme tech companies that can actually replace you trivially.
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>making an uproar
>for working FIVE days a week
Muhricans are such little princesses. No wonder why nobody wants to touch them with a pole and they're getting replaced by immigrants.
They'd kill themselves if they had to work 12+ hours shifts, 6 days a week like most third-worlders do in their home countries.
unironically yes, I'll only work 4 days a week.
It makes the job harder to outsource, and in-person mitigates the amount of jeet frauds you see with remote work where there's no guarantee the guy doing the LC is the guy you're actually hiring.
We don't want to commute to the office five days a week, you stupid brown fuck. We already work from home. Sorry you can't fix potholes from the comfort of your office chair.
based legal wagie.
>We don't want to commute to the office five days a week, you stupid brown fuck
And that's precisely why you are getting replaced by a brownoid soon.
You're a lazy piece of shit and a nuisance to your company.
You complain more than 15 year-old girl when she doesn't get what she wants.
Man up and get your ass to the office, sissy.
office work is fucking AIDS when you have a computer and internet at home
get back to work slaves my iphones wont make themselves
>Man up and get your ass to the office, sissy.
That's the thing, I don't have to. LOL!
the irony is I don't really care about commuting. my bigger issue is I'm going to an office surrounded by people that literally have nothing to do with my job or what I support / dev for.
It's a waste of fucking time and I can already see the office being a bunch of literal poo brown jeets on headsets and zoom calls all day. I want nothing to do with this shit. call me whatever you want, but I'm not wasting my fucking time in this retarded bullshit.

at my last job? sure, all the people on site were working basically on the same shit, on the same project, same product, etc and being in the office let you experiment and play with real hardware in realistic deployments. Office jeet jobs like Amazon and my current one are nothing like this.
>the products
You mean the dropshipped markups from aliexpress? Yeah what did you expect. And the actual prices of non-chinese brands are not even worth their price on Scamazon anymore.
all of you retarded 100% wfh zoomers are missing out on networking, thats why you're all complaining about no promotions and raises. wfh is great, but 100% wfh isnt.
this. I don't even understand the point. You pretty much need amazon only if you absolutely need the 2 day shipping and/or you're buying name brand shit.
you're a dumb faggot. fuck off. maybe your office is better, but most S&P500 tier company offices are not. they're just overglorified jeet call centers and wage cubes of people independently doing whatever fake and gay bullshit they're claiming to do.
Land of the free right? You're free to reduce your commute by moving closer.
I'm also free to eliminate my commute by finding another job (:
Says the food-stamps slave that won't be able to afford it after Rajneesh takes his job, lol.
Just go to the office, bro. It's not that hard, I promise.
>just live in a shitty American "City" with zero public transit and dangerous roads where you'll likely get ran over by someone outside of a car.
>work in construction
>head to a pro-exclusive hardware store in the morning to pick up some stuff
>they serve free coffee & sandwiches
>has to be at least 20 guys there, chatting and stuffing their mouths
>pick up my stuff, head to the work site at around 7am
>half the people i saw at the hardware store show up 8:30am and then leave for lunch at 10
Yes, laugh at them! Don't sympathize with them, don't band together with your fellow workers to rebel agains your masters, assume they're your enemies and ridicule them! It's a good thing when other people's lives become worse!

The richest 1% own more than 10 times as much wealth as the poorest 50% in the USA, but we still need you to work yourself to the bone to generate more wealth! Fuck you. There is no good reason we even have to work 40 hours a week, let alone be exploited into 12 hour shifts or 6-day workweeks. It's pure greed, and retardedly so because we settled on 40 hours because beyond that point efficiency decreases to the point where overall productivity is actually lower than 40-hour workweeks.
wfh is sweeter when everyone else has to work from the office though
Those amazon wagies are part of the richest 1% retard
i wouldnt brag about that bro
Why would I need to go to the office if all I do is code? There's literally only one other person at work whom I have to talk almost daily, and he doesn't go to the office either.
>t. NEET subhuman
>Being promoted by networking with cattle
lmao sure
Yeah, no. They're clearly not among the poorest 50% and pretty well of relatively speaking, but the 1% is obscenely rich. They work in positions like top-level management.
I wouldn't brag about working less than 40 hours a week in this economy.
I wouldn't brag about how little I work from home, when there's the looming threat of unemployment/replacement breathing on my neck.
But you do you, I guess.
It's a dog world out there, and competition is more rampant than ever.
yeah earn it by telling your current employer to go fuck themselves and applying at a remote only company for a giant raise, that's what I did lmfao

>come back to the office or else :)
>ok bye
>wait you can't do that
feels good
I got an amazon account cause everyone was telling me their customer service was sick and I have such issues getting refunds for two cheap pairs of earbuds that I closed my account and haven't used them since.
Ain't shit going on at the offices anyways, just a lot of seething because you're surrounding by retards who aren't even pretending to work.
That’s the compromise we set: destroy everything good about our society, destroy our families and culture, but in exchange, we get convenience and leisure. Your country has culture, family, religion, and structure. Ours doesn’t. The least we ask is a bit of comfort to make it all palatable. Otherwise the people are going to revolt, and you don’t want that, do you?
How can you “network” when everyone is coming in on different days? You’re just sitting in an empty office all by yourself because Mr. Noseberg wants to justify the office rent. It’s either 0% or 100%, and if you choose 100%, people are going to start asking for wage and benefits increases. And you don’t want that, do you?
>muh network
Being a nepo hire doesn't make you special.
i unironically like going to the office 2-3 days a week. at home all i do is jackoff and play videogames. what i usually do now is work my ass off on office days to get as much done as possible, then coast on wfh days.

so far its been comfy.
Amazon wagies live in HCOL areas that make some 3rd world nations seem clean and safe by comparison. They commute through dystopia and see nothing wrong, they only deserve suffering.
I only work 4 hours per day Monday-Friday (but still get paid for a 38 hour work week) but even so I can still feel exhausted just working from 10am to 2pm. Don't think I'd ever be able to actually work a full 8 hour day, let alone five days of that in a row.
Same, but I'm quite lucky that my team is really chill. I have two colleagues around my age who I always get 2 hour lunch breaks with, and a lot of "breaks" to go play some ping pong or go for a walk.
>Five days a week
Why not say the whole week?
Or are they working more than 5 days a week?
jeets work monday-saturday
>Don't sympathize with them! They're your enemies, it's a good thing when their lives become worse!
>hey other slaves have to suck my dick 59 minutes out of an hour! you should be grateful you only have to suck it for 55 minutes!
this but unironically
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And other people will respond the same when you're the one getting fucked, and so we all continue to live increasingly shitty lives while the rich elites continue enriching themselves at everyone else's expense.
>muh family
You don't even have a family, shut the fuck up faggot. You have a kike lie called "nuclear family" which is far from being a family.
The healthiest societies were the ones that lived in communes of BLOOD-RELATED members and their neighboring families (and I'm specifying that before you use the typical hippie Twitterfag """commune""" strawman)
I also work construction in Australia, and I'm this guy: >>102415806

My job lets me work remotely happily. I’m fortunate.
i'd rank aws higher than gcp
i am a third worlder and I work from home, the fuck are you doing with your life you niggerbrained retard? in fact i am pretty sure i am replacing a whitoid.
Amazon is a niggerlicious company tho
Won't anyone ever think about the climate???
More climate faggotry means less niggers in Altimas so yes, Greta based and pilled and please think of the climate.
maybe. I found all of the major clouds to be absolute dogshit unfit for any use other than you being a single wagie lazy faggot who just wants to press button and get backups. outside of object storage and some hosted db, I'd never bother.
ECS got shitted on if you made the mistake of using the newest Amazon Linux image, AKS is broken dogshit hosted on the jankiest install of Ubuntu that will break randomly because Ubuntu packaging sucks. It's all just a massive joke.
>europoors and thirdies are literally illiterate
The topic is about the forced return to office for positions that demonstrably work just fine remotely, not the standard full-time five days a week those employees are already working, you absolute mongoloids.
>The richest 1% own more than 10 times as much wealth as the poorest 50% in the USA, b
Because the poorest 50% are black and hispanic people who don't work and collect benefits
Its not surprising people who don't contribute to society don't get much out of it
Lol no retard if you actually weren't lazy and read the article, it points out this WFH applies CORPORATE EMPLOYEES.
You know, top-level management.
buddy, 80% of this country is working 7 days a week just to make enough money to slowly starve to death in a run down home they'll never own. Shit in America is not like what they put on TV from the big democrat coastie cities.
I know amazon has a lot of money for shills, but is this really the place and way to do it? Surely there's better bang for their buck.
It was illegal to be a NEET in the USSR so I don't know why so many people here communism
Is it just mental retardation
I mean you could just go back to leftypol because you're not stop me from hating unions and voting for Trump
nice try jassy but both leftoids and conservatards hate you, divide and conquer won't work much longer
>Jassy is the son of Margery and Everett L. Jassy of Scarsdale, New York.[3] Of Jewish [9][10]Hungarian ancestry,[9] his father was a senior partner in the corporate law firm Dewey Ballantine in New York City, and chairman of the firm's management committee.[3] Jassy grew up in Scarsdale, and attended Scarsdale High School,[3][11] where he played varsity soccer and tennis.[12]
when i am emperor by divine right I will personally torture and execute every turd world nigger on earth
> climate change is real and a threat to humanity
> you must commute which is the single greatest polluting activity most people do

Liberals are so fucking annoying.
Their website is trash. Too much unfiltered garbage in the results.
>The Peter G. Peterson Foundation is an American billionaire-funded foundation established in 2008 by Peter G. Peterson, former US Secretary of Commerce in the Nixon Administration and co-founder of the Blackstone Group, an American financial-services company.
That must be why the vertical axis doesn't start at 0.
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>Everyone comes to America looking for a better life
>Complains when Americans have a better life than their country
I would, actually. 45 hours already makes me want to kill myself. I'm not my employer's property, which is why I regularly tell my boss to fire me to her face.
bizarre how few people recognize this, even on 4chud
I am not even a first worlder and I don't think I should get in the office at all. Even 2 days I go, feels like a defeat. When covid forced remote work, it did expose how much of a faggotry the office was and showed how same work could be done from a more comfortable environment. Fuck office and fuck dumb execs for trying to force that shit on us again.
Before covid , they made me write an email explanation if I was late more than 15 minutes. Now they are happy if I arrive at 11 or at all.
Once again fuck the office , fuck the execs and fuck the C-humanoids.
I don't care about promotions, I don't care about who benefits from my work, I don't care about relationships. I just want to WFH and live innawoods.
This is a good thing for someone looking at faang. Now you need to compete against A LOT less people for a job at amazon since lots of people are unwilling to commute and live in a HCOL area.
>t. approved full time remote
your WFH status won't last forever, maybe you can delay it a year or two.
>push notifications from (((Bloomberg)))
>last big chunk of my RSUs vests in May
I guess one quarter is fine then I'm out of Big Tech worth a few hundred thousand dollars without ever doing real work for them
good fuck wfh
>Worked for Nixon
Ultra based.
I can only imagine the weak feeble bodies you wfh faggots have
My friend wfh and he has turned into an absolute slob
It's honestly pathetic, I'm so glad office faggots are getting exposed for providing nothing to society. The least you could do before was stimulate the economy by buying lunch out etc. Now you just rot in your shitty 1 bedroom stimulating Uber eats lmfao
No wonder most of you have never had sex either, fucking wfh incels
Before you say jealous, I would hate to wfh. I doubt you faggots have ever had the absolute feeling of natural dopamine by fixing or creating something with your bare hands. All those pale skinny fingers do is click on a keyboard lmfao. It's honestly pathetic
>t. incel welfare parasite
>inb4 mass resignation
Imagine being proud to be a slave to a corporation.


I don't care what hours third worlders work you fucking faggot, there is always someone worse off.
I work a third worlder that work 60hrs/wk in the office and I still support wfh.
The entire point of technology advancement IS to lazymaxxing.
>Commute 2 hours a day for my 8 hour work week
>Nothing is different from doing the meetings via zoom and actually online
Literally no reason for you to go back to the office unless your bosses like to micromanage.
Unironically this.
What's the point of making me waste hours commuting to office when I work together with streetshitters halfway across the world?
I'm super green now. I never leave the house thanks to wfh and also upgraded it to be very energy efficient. Don't blame me lefties.

Also this everyone just fucking does meetings over zoom anyway. what is the even the point for jobs like this
Imagine boasting about slaving for some dude 6 days a week.
>Uber eats
Imagine not expanding your cooking skills if you wfh. I've literally kneaded dough in my apron in the middle of meetings before.
So I assume you work retail or some manual labour job since you don't understand the concept of working from home.
I barely earn above minimum wage for a tech job in this cursed company, motherfucker.
>let me tell you, anonymous internet user from another country, about your life and your family

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