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Why do people act like using the terminal is a bad thing? It’s honestly really simple once you learn the basics and it’s a much faster system of package management. I’m not even smart but I feel like being afraid of a terminal is the ultimate IQ filter.
>Low IQ
terminal is le bad because hard to use
>Mid IQ
Terminal is le good because I want to emulate men I worship and want to get topped by, I only use computers so that Luke Smith, Mental Outlaw, Linus Torvalds, and Richard Stallman would fuck my femboy bussy
>High IQ
Terminal is shit. Shut the fuck up retard.
i use the terminal a lot as well there is only one gripe i have and that's having to remember every single command and commands and all the flags along with that. i have a paper notebook solely dedicated to my most used commands because my brain cant hold all that info
I use the terminal every day at work and at home for managing my OS and for using Git. My zoomer coworker installed a GUI for Git and refuses to even try a terminal, makes me puke.
Your brain is kinda small anon.
The terminal is a strict subset of GUIs. You can put a terminal in a GUI, the opposite is not true.
Some things like dependency trees and navigating long lists at a glance are better done in a GUI.
Synaptic is a much better package management interface than anything terminal based.
It could be even better if it had more features, like being able to download whole dependency trees for offline use in .deb.
there's a lot of commands ok??
Understanding complicated git histories pretty much requires a GUI capable of showing graphs.
>his terminal can't show graphs
If your using small company guis, the terminal is generally easier to navigate.
People with jobs have more important things to do than memorizing distro specific man pages.
So you would rather make do with some ASCII art bullshit just becase "GUI is for noobs"? Ok.
Do you also avoid using GIMP and instead edit your images in the terminal to look like a 1337 h4X0r?
The only commands that are distro specific involve package management zoomer.
Yes because I dont need a 400MB piece of electron shitware to render a graph.
zoomies don't like terminals because they don't have attention span for reading manuals
guis are inherently more discoverable but they are often lacking for large operations
every gui should have a cli counterpart and a tooltip or history of the commands that would accomplish the same tasks
you're not being very k-r@d right now d00d
I never quite understood how people could code in a terminal when there was a suitable IDE, but now that it isn't an all-day task for me to get a project building from source I guess it's something you just get comfortable with after a few days of forcing yourself. I'll give it a shot
>t. Low IQ
just add some aliases
typing on a keyboard to launch a program or run a command is much faster and easier than navigating through menus and sub menus and sub sub menus with a mouse.
it's why i stopped using application menus on my pc. it's why i now use a search-based launcher on my phone.
terminal is good news.
CLI is currently the ultimate level of abstraction
Yeah, typing a command is totally so much quicker than double clicking an icon on my desktop. Why does autism do this to people?
This post sounds midwit so I’ll take it as a confession
First you have to double click the icon
Then you have to wait for Rajesh's 800MB bloatware to launch (don't worry guys, Microsoft Teams only takes 15s to start now!), then you have to navigate through a bloated interface and 5 different sub menus to run one operation.

In a terminal you start typing and then press tab a few times. Unless you type at 1 wpm, it's faster.
it depends on the situation. If I've got a bunch of windows open then the only thing that beats Windows key > CMD is grabbing a window and shaking to get it all minimized, then clicking the desktop icon, which I just don't wanna do.

t. Windows user
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Clearly plenty of people care about it if we have this conversation every day.
that would just make it more confusing because then if i ever need to use another computer all that shit's gone and i end up typing "oy -vey!" and instead of it doing sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda it would do "unknown command" which is cringe
>same three aspies talking abut the same thing
>he thinks its only three
New here, huh?
Thread was made an hour ago, with 28 posts. Absolutely.
GUI is good for GUI-related operations, otherwise I'd say terminal is good for the other stuff. You've got to pick your battles better, it shouldn't be GUI vs terminal but rather, when is GUI appropriate because terminal is insufficient?
when* terminal is insufficent
esl sorry
>Why do people act like using the terminal is a bad thing?

...using terminal is nothing but larping has kool hacker and your os is shit!
Under-30s have never touched a physical keyboard, they become frustrated and angry.
i'm frustrated and angry that you lumped me with the rest of these zoomies
>double click an icon on the desktop
>slowly open one program
>minimise it to task bar opened window
>double click another icon the desktop
Sounds very fast....
>so that Luke Smith, Mental Outlaw, Linus Torvalds, and Richard Stallman would fuck my femboy bussy
Those are ALL bottoms
Naturally. A terminal is at its best when you're working on and passing around structured data, usually text in the case of Unixes. File management, system administration, looking at diffs, pulling some kind of resource into a project, running a script and so on. For everything else, GUIs do wonderfully, and that's a lot of things GUIs are better for. The question of the OP though isn't which one is better for what, it's why people think any kind of work with CLI is bad, and the truth of the matter is it's because they either have zero experience working with them or they have tried it and were filtered by simple concepts.

...wtf? ...when i read something like this, replacing you with indians in the corporate world is justfied!
That's because you suffer from a case of mental retardation. Many such cases, I hope you get the help you need by the next stand up.
yes i understand OPs question, it's just everyone seemed to be devolving into the "which one is better" argument and i want to make sure it doesn't happen. i also wholeheartedly agree with your point as well, in my personal use-case i've always had a mix of terminal and GUI as that will let me use the best of both sides.
i don't think you even know how to read, or you wouldn't be saying stupid shit like this
terminal is good for making it look like you know what you're doing for normies
You have that opinion because you don't know what you're doing with a terminal
>ctrl+f "terry"
you beat me to it
terminal presents IO as a 1D stream of characters.
GUI presents IO as a spatial 2D graphics. more information can be displayed, non linear input (you can have multiple buttons, menus, shortkeys etc), spatial memory can be utilized instead of just memorizing 3-5 letter cryptics character combinations (one button is top left corner, another is bottom right corner, for example).

GUI will always outperform any terminal program. terminal is just inneficient to use. simple as.
this memorization is not really necessary unless you're using something autistic as fuck, give the example file management. i use ranger for it and while there's a brief upward learning curve afterwards i am able to do everything i need to do faster than in file explorer for instance. not saying terminal is superior, but it is superior in what >>102415463 mentioned. GUI has its place where terminal is limiting. but terminal is not something that is objectively bad.
file manager in the terminal? wtf? pwd, cd, ls, mv, rm -rf / --no-preserve-root what's so hard about that?
You're equating the capability to represent complex data to efficiency which is only true in the case of data which is sufficiently complex to warrant a more complex representation. Taking relatively data and representing it in an unnecessarily complex structure is antithesis to efficiency, it pointlessly convolutes operations.
s/relatively data/relatively simple data/$
its hard because i have to remember commands, and as i mentioned earlier i reserve that for more complex tasks, when i'm managing files i dont want to fucking remember all that to do regular file management.
for vi-mode which as we all know is the ultimate paradigm for doing anything
GUI was invented in the first place because terminal is slow and inconvenient way of operating computer. You are a faggot hipster who uses outdated inconvenient technology for the sole sake of aesthetics and because spending 30 instead of 2 seconds on mundane tasks give your pointless life some edge
Prime example
>I have no argument
terminal interfaces are 2D, by the way
I use my computer to do more than just open a handful of programs. If I had a desktop icon for each one of them, I'd spend a long long time looking for the right one. Sure, eventually you'd develop a map of these things, but why would you bother when you can just start typing in the name of what you want?
why do you post if you have no argument?
>still no argument
Got it, just another psued.
gegged out loud
You should've taken more time before replying. Very weak reply
ladies ladies you're both qt3.14s now kiss and hatefuck each other already.
At work I exclusively use my IDE as the Git client
It's objectively the most effective and efficient way to do it

>Verification not required.
The full-screen start screen is even better, you don't need to hide windows to uncover your shortcuts
Terminals have a place (scriptable environment, easy to set up and preform redundant tasks), but everything that can be done in a terminal should also be doable in a UI.
They both have their places, but if you're stuck being able to do something only in the terminal, its likely a poor design, with exceptions.
>>High IQ
>Terminal is shit. Shut the fuck up retard.
your argument was doing so well until this point, terminal only its own is "shit". Using a terminal emulator with mouse support enabled within the larger scope of a full desktop environment is ideal
in that case a terminal is just a poor man's programming language, and terminal programs are just functions.
Typical pajeet who gets filtered by a simple CLI interface
my good sir, it is you who's filtered by IDEs
Terminals are ok but most of the time it's just faster to use a mouse. I assume there's some terminal that has good mouse integration, TUIs do this a lot but it's so limited that when I think of terminals I think keyboard only.
ok but i hate the mouse
The terminal has nothing to do with package management and on a desktop, package managers are an objectively inferior way of managing software.
In fact, software installation on Linux is an absurd mix of packages, free-floating debs, snaps, flatpaks, app images, and portable binaries, some of which are portable, some of which aren't, and most need an internet connection to install at all.

Backwards compatibility is one of Linux's greatest fuck ups.
sorry, i prefer gui
Terminal emulation is bad because you're emulating 1970s hardware on a computer that can do a lot more. Text-based interfaces can have fonts, graphics, objects, context-sensitive help, clicking to set the cursor position, etc. Terminal ≠ command line.

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