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based, can't wait to try iphone mirroring
Nothing like waking up in the morning, seeing that your device has an update pending, starting it and then grabing a coffee or tea to sip on and read the news while your stuff updoots. God I fucking love updooting. Fresh. New. Latest and Greatest. I need to fucking UPDOOT. I want to be on the latest patch with all the latest goodies. I check updates every time after waking up and before sleep, just to be sure I am on the latest updoot. UPDOOTING is my life and I love it. Zen. Peaceful. Calm.
oppositional defiant disorder incel thread
This but unironically
I wasn't ironic thoughbeit, I love updooting
Updooting is great for your phone, it totes don’t make it slow intentionally.
>b-but i updoot from there!
Posting from my mirrored iPhone right now
Funny to see iPhone’s terrible and annoying autocorrect happening with my keyboard, and other stuff i’m used to like tab+space to click the captcha not working

Should b cool for non-iMessage texts tho
>major bugs introduced
why is apple like this?
Why is it that sometimes the notes will only say "minor bug fixes" but the update is still 7GB+?
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That is one snappy update. Feels like a brand new phone
is it safe to update? i have a 15 pro max
i keep seeing people crashing on older devices
works on my 13 pro
>doesn't updoot on background like Android does for years with A/B partition system
the absolute state of iKeks
>my turd polishes itself, take that losers
Brother in GNU/Linux, have you ever heard of Arch Linux?
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lmao even
if I was poor I’d be droidjeet
if I was tech-illiterate I'd be iGoy
Didn’t notice a difference before but now it does feel snappy
Did I just placebo myself
its unironically not as satisfying, arch linux gives off constant small dopamine pushes but rarely gives off a big change because of that. it's nicer to be on just up to date stable of windows/mac/ios/android that have major updates every month and especially even bigger updates every 6 months or year etc. it feels super satisfying to UPDOOT, my daily updoot dopamine comes from updating microsoft or google playstore and also browsers and extensions. I LOVE UPDOOTING
Here’s the anti Apple loser with nothing better to do than post old screenshots on /g/.
>Muh curry
>Muh poo
>Muh jeets
If you spent some time applying yourself, perhaps you wouldn’t be a seething poorfag.
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>i'm so poor i consider buying something on a $20/mo payment plan to be rich
applel is literally a welfare nigger brand kek
I don’t want to play with my phone all day, I want it to do the work for me. The time you waste in goydroid’s sandbox could be used for something productive, i.e making more money so you could afford an iPhone
>January 2024
I know you faggots have twisted perception of time because of fried dopamine receptors from consooming but come on.
>I don't have time for this, I'd rather do something productive like shilling crapple on /g/ all day
consider killing yourself
>do my thing
>shitpost on 4chan
>go back to my thing
>change skin for the 23rd time this year
>complain about apple in an apple thread again
>change launcher for the 4th time this year
Something fishy is happening even if I don’t update. As soon as a new release anvailab to the general public, my phone drains battery even faster, so they are making their apps do enhanced functions even when you haven’t updated the actual OS.
its actually just sending your data in a huge batch then changing the iOS version number...
i learned my lesson with mac os updates
always wait for at least .1
surely "the thing" is something important and productive if you can interrupt it every 5 minutes.
another wave of pseudo-tech sector layoffs can't come soon enough
fuck, i already updated man
>and read the news while your stuff updoots
..how are you reading anything when your reading device is busy updating?
This guy knows
I actually extend it to .2 depending on how far the device is from the OS it came with
I'm updooting my desktop computer, while browsing the news on the mobile phone. Or updating my mobile phone, while browsing the news on the desktop computer.
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good, good. update to the latest version. It’s the AI age
What do you think, anon?
Looks nice, messed around with the tinting on app icons. I haven't really palyed with it much outside of that.
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the new photo app is categorizing all my anime pics as frieren
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Post em
No way
I'm getting doxed
Just post it bro, it's only a bit of mass surveillance.
I waited at least six months before finally updating my iPhone X to the final version of iOS. Been burned too many times.
I updated macOS to 15 and iOS to 18, it went fine

don't worry guys ;)
Welcome to 2012 little bro
IToddlers excited to get something android has had for almost 20 years now.
He told you not to reply, andjeet
To bad iToddler
Article is about a 2020 lawsuit. You do read these, right?
Is there an iSheep raid going on or soemthing?
For the OS, they don’t do partial updates
So you have to download and install an entire boot partition even if only a few bytes change
Sucks if you have a metered connection but it makes the update process less variable
I currently have a iPhone 11 and before that used the 2016 SE (my first iPhone was the 4S)

But I kinda wanna try switching to a Google Pixel for my next phone (in like 3 years maybe)

There isn’t really anything special anymore about iOS or an iPhone that would make me buy another one again

Anyone that has switched recently? I think Android is more fitting for me, since I don’t even use any other Apple products (I use Windows and Fedora on my laptop)
>discord color with contrast so shitty your eyes hurt just by trying to recognize those icon shapes
why are iTroons like this?
looks like iOS is the only major OS left which can't do partial updates lmao
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lmao even
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there was never anything special about iJeetphones
at this point they're running out of things to copy
Don't bother with Pixel for now, since they switched from Qualcomm to Samsung components the battery life is bad. This should change with Pixel 10 which should have fully in-house SoC, but nobody knows how good it will be.
A phone with Qualcomm SoC would be a good choice.
If it hurts your eyes to look at that then I would suggest checking your eyes. Also I did mention your kind need not respond, Ranjesh.
>his iDevices don't update automatically while he sleeps
Works on my machine (12 Pro Max)
>not watching the device while millions of data gnomes move data around in chips to finish update
Actually soulless NPC "individual"
we still don't have split screen apps on 2024 iPhone (6.9 inches, almost a tablet) lmfao
that nigga browsing pol on his pc
shitty color palette is putting stress on your eyes unnoticeably at first, but please keep ruining your eyesight troon
the sooner you lose it, the better for this board
Fuck off gypsy
The tears of slavs and pajeets are delicious. Cringe poodroidslavic peasants kek.
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>imagine updating iOS
>iGoyim must buy an iPad for that function
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oh no no no no no

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