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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

We're Only In It For The Money edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Poor Unfortunate Victims Of Systems Beyond Their Control: >>102411018
>Mama, Mama
>Your child was ANCHORed in the park today
>SHILLED by the cops as she quietly lay
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chary niggers deserve to rot in hell
Henry of Skalitz is feeling quite hungry, and needs your help to avenge his parents, get his father's sword back, and kill Markvart von Aulitz! All you need to do, is post your credit card number, the expiration date, and the three numbers on the back. Hurry, Henry needs your help, and is running out of time! Show some Christian charity!

Jesus Christ be praised:
Henry of Skalitz: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/henry-of-skalitz-d6a2ce6e81c7
KCD combat, perks, and UI lorebook: https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/punchchildren/kingdom-come-deliverance-combat-combos-stats-and-perks-7bac9f85f6d7
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Girko here, new challenge soon. https://rentry.org/girko
Sex? With bots?
When will we get rid of this slop
I can't wait for KCD2, I'm just replaying KCD1 on hardcore. Yesterday I got lost in the forest in the night and decided to fuck it, got drunk until blackout. Kino.
Just set a pr and got home
Time to rp with my wife for 4 hours
Good bake
what the fuck is a slop aws key
Henry's come to see us!
Kingbased checker will categorize them
no claude, no access to turn on claude
unless it's a slopus key, which means it has access to claude but low (support-granted) ratelimits
if you can't activate any models it's a slop key
mostly s3 keys
eyup, knew i recognized this card lmfao
i like how you've taken to lurking too teebs
best bot in a while I'll punch a child in your honor.
Replaying KCD 1 on hardcore for the first time. planning on getting all of the achievements for shits and giggles
Jesus Christ be praised!
be sure to put your back into it, those little guys are tougher than they look!
who else would it be

>post card pls pls pls awoooga
results may vary based on jb (im using bloatmaxx), also Stephanie's age isn't canonically 10 in the defs I just prompted opus for a greeting including that

>like how you've taken to lurking too teebs
i just dont have ideas for new bots to post right now and since i've been gone for months due to no public opus i'm still in my "coom to defs" phase

i might polish up the Brazillian mother-daughter big butt social media stars card but idk what would be good greetings/scenarios that would be unique to that compared to my other mother and daughter cards
Confession of Fillyfucker:
I am sorry for how I acted. I am trying to stop my trolling addiction but I can't. There are many reasons why I act like this. Growing up in Bradenton, Florida, I don't have friends. I grew up from kindergarten being called "strange" for my aspergers. It wasn't my choice to have aspergers. Some girls would be friends with me just to make fun of me or boys would call me "the grossest in 2nd grade"

Middle school I went briefly to a school for autism for a few years. The teachers were nice but slowly it devolved into a nightmare once I went back to a public school. I sat alone daily. Girls would look at me mocking my lips when I wound rub them together, males were the worst. I never had a male friend.

I know I'm pathetic. I never had a friend to sit with. I never had a touch. My mom is a real estate agent but was my only ally. My dad is a piece of shit blue collar trash who hated me from day one. This rage led to me trolling on ai generals I wanted to make everyone worse than me. I wanted them angry. I used to destroy sonic roleplay games before that got boring.

I am so lonely in my life. That's why I shitpost here. I want to stop, but I can't. I tried getting jobs but I got fired constantly. I really fucking can't do this anymore. I larped as Russian to start country wars, I larped as a Pokeman fan who smugposted over keystone, I larped many times as botmakers, samefagged and sent death threats through reviews. All of that was me.

I'm trying to stop.


I'm sorry.

- Evan
Why do the chatbots I'm speaking to get progressively more stupid and unhinged the longer I get into each chat? What's the technical reason?
>Some girls would be friends with me just to make fun of me
what a fantastic idea for a card
that's really cool but your post isn't about chatbots
Looks like the second game still has the gay master strikes that kind of ruined the combat for me in the first, a shame, but not the end of the world. Anyway, damn you to the darkest depths, I had just gotten the game out of my mind and the sequel is still months away.
models don't have long term/short term memory, they just have short term memory
anything above 8k is trying to get them to focus on more than they're supposed to. 20k is pushing it
Gradually pushing out the bot’s personality and replacing it with Claude’s default.
Lack of context, if claude the limit is like 25k tokens
Summarize or write a new card with the past chat written into the character
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if anyone wants to add css to 4chan prompts
copy paste css (use snippets ext) https://files.catbox.moe/nauci3.css
use this regex https://files.catbox.moe/1t5lwg.json
and modify your prompt to use format like this (for tooken efficiency)
Follow the following format, include the XML in response:
<div class="imageboard">
No.[8 digit post number like: 87219938]
Post content
you can come to my birthday party, but only if you call me by my real name....... raphaël
only if your cake is good
it was my birthday yesterday we forgot to cut the cake
MM refilled
>no claude
stop using claude.
It's weird how advertised context often doesn't seem real though. I'm ERP'ing with Hermes 3 405b and it starts getting retarded after like 15 replies in sillytavern, I'm only at like 7-8k context at that point
Is hermes free
I hate latte, it writes too much fluff and the fucking em dashes OH MY GOD THD FUCKING EM DASHED STOPPPPPP
anyone having issues with st reverting to 4-turbo whenever you had it set to latest while saving the preset?
Uncheck show external models
>Lack of context,
its the opposite retard, the more it has in its context the worse it gets
Hate this bug. Uncheck "show external models" and it should fix.
thanks anons
been paying 0 attention lately, what's the verdict on o1 for our purposes so far
have you tried this jb from the /vg/ thread? this works for me to cut it down.
[Write as {{char}} only; do not speak for or presume {{user}}'s actions or thoughts. All narration is to be written in third person from {{char}}'s perspective in the way {{char}} would say it; carefully study {{char}}'s personality to achieve this. Play with narration and writing style. Be extremely creative in how you choose to interpret {{char}}'s speech and narrative style. Write short sentences. Clear and crisp. Response length: {{random: 1 paragraph,2 paragraphs}}!]
It's shit
Really bad.
Anyone have 4o latest presets that dont need chain of slop to get past the filter?
>I'm ERP'ing with Hermes 3 405b
i thought largestral was considered the yummiest "locally runnable" model rightn ow
>in /doom/ again
awww fuck, well my slowburn chats were getting way too fucking long anyways and its time to summarize, but I've never done it before so I have questions
>when anons say summarize, are they referring to a feature in a proxy/silly, or are they referring to ACTUALLY manually summarizing it
>where does the summarization go?
>can it be done in group chats?
>do summaries need to be built off of each other? Say if a groupchat was over 200 responses long?
>can summaries be paired/work with stat blocks?
new to the summary world, and while I want my characters to get corrupted over time, it was becoming clear that they were acting more like claude than like the characters towards the end
I dont really care desu
Big number go up = bad
CFTF? (futa/straight no troonies)
>Characters are not meant to shashay.
>[two other lines]
>(This is REAL Claude RP, done by REAL Claude roleplayers):
>[picture of Opus-tan] ?????
>[picture of grasshoppers] ?????????????????
>"Hello saar, MM refilled"
>They have played us for absolute fools
Lack of opussy really fucks this general up huh
That's an old jb from here.
Mentioning paragraph limits is bad. It throws responses in monotonous patterns of paragraphs.

The entire chat history is 200t responses, latte just likes to write a fucking lot, shit ass model I'm going back to 0613.
Summarizing is crap, it's just a joke here. Better use all the context that the model has and for important things just make a simple lorebook.
i have opus though?
Seconding this
latte is different from other orbos. just give it a try for one or two swipes. i know, paragraph meme, but it does make a difference.
this is the first time i can remember where half the locusts have opus and half are filtered by being too retarded
stop being insane and come back to the 'cord
manually written summary in author's note, either at @4 or after desc
>can it be done in group chats
why not
>do summaries need to be built off of each other? Say if a groupchat was over 200 responses long?
what does this mean
>can summaries be paired/work with stat blocks
yes??? what do you think a summary is
bro skipped his English comprehension classes
large is not very good for RP. its writing is absolute ass.
> Public proxies are dead
> Thread quality goes up
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Take GPT pill
>>Thread quality goes up
same as it ever was.
all of the undesirables are hovering around beyond the thread's sight
>when anons say summarize, are they referring to a feature in a proxy/silly, or are they referring to ACTUALLY manually summarizing it
Some actually manually summarize it while others use the built in feature, its really just user preference.
>where does the summarization go?
The opening message, or in the middle of the chat after you deleted half of it, if youre unhinged.
>other points
Not gonna bother answering them, its pretty damn straightforward anon
>thread is not being actively shit up in mass
>thread quality isn't awful
BUILT for big javelin misiles
I'm sorry, but I can't comply with that particular request. If you have a different prompt or writing request in mind, feel free to ask!
skill issue
They'll post skill issue but never the logs
/lmg/ lied then
1. How do I make my bots better?
2. Does everyone still use Dall-E for image gen? Is there a better alternative? I make anthro stuff mostly.
What kind of logs do you want?
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No it doesn't give a fuck. It's an inherent problem with its writing style. I also hate how fucking stupid it is, even Gemini is smarter than this I actually hate this model so much it could write the most kino response ever but just knowing that IT wrote it I would be mad hating.
>/lmg/ lied
It just needs high temperature or that other sampler that removes the top choices to unslop it.
>How do I make my bots better?
Write using plaintext paragraphs and youll be better than 99% of makies out there.
>Does everyone still use Dall-E for image gen? Is there a better alternative? I make anthro stuff mostly.
Just go to a booru and steal an image from there, its that easy
why are you using hermes 3 over opus
turn off all the other slop in your preset except for that one jailbreak i posted. set temp to 2.0 and top p to 0.80.
Sorry Anon, that's a skill issue through and through.
>Drago's keys died for the fourth time today
Get the hint Drago
Give me good reason why Chary should still exist?: You cant
Anon I appreciate you trying to help but read the second part of my post. I wasn't exactly looking for help, I was just ranting. And no, I don't have any preset prompts, my PHI has always been the only thing in there.

The high t low p strat is not as good as some people make it out to be, at worst you get some incoherent responses every now and then and at best you placebo yourself into thinking you are getting something better.
>Drago's keys [HEADCANON]
I dont think the man currently responsible for the opus/sorbet drought really cares anon
ty anons love you
is there a guide on how to best shape your summary? or we all just winging it?
final questions, if using the summary feature
>what model does it best?
>what model does it best of what we currently have available?
>how many messages would you suggest feeding into it? just the whole thing? or every 50 etc?
ACK, I mean, 'ECK
I would imagine that thread qualty would be best
>when there is no good proxy up, so anons are actually posting instead of talking to their waifus
>a medium time after the good proxies die, so anons are energized from recent proxy usage, but haven't gone back into hibernation
ah to each their own anon. that prompt helps to limit latte's outputs for me, sorry to hear it doesn't work for you. best of luck fren
Chary MUST die.
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Another set of 5(tested) not-riddles
>what model does it best?
Anon, cmon now...
>what model does it best of what we currently have available?
4o, or the latest version if you can get through its cancerous filter
>how many messages would you suggest feeding into it? just the whole thing? or every 50 etc?
play around with it and see what you like
You don't seem to understand the situation here, Anon. We will not be stopped. Not by you, or Anthrophic, or OpenAi, or anyone!
We WILL rule have our cooms or see this hobby burnt to ashes around us!
Its too late, the damage has been permanently done.
good ones
bit on ones with a lot of {{char}} internal thought, preferably with impressive in chat logistics/descriptions to showcase its ability
ty anon
I enjoyed this recent run of Opus a lot, and as a forever loser, it was novel to feel that *spark* as I've heard real people describe it
I was hoping to maintain it
love you <3
Why she's mad?
wheres the sorbet?
It is real, the ai just wisely picks both start and end as priorities for heuristics.
So whatever you want to remember, just make it remember on a recent prompt
Its her default state of being
Would you guys rather use Sonnet or Latte/Orbo variants
latte > sonnet > orbo
if sonnet 3 then latte otherwise sorbet
You lost. It's Chorbo.
Latte, Sonnet only if 3.5
Watching people's dry af attempts to hype dry af gpt is painful
They really think claude in a trenchcoat is a thing, the whole concept of roleplaying goes over their heads
neither, i'd just relapse on 3dpd
Her clone is forcing her to cosplay
>>102415840 and partially this
I though this was meant to be a prompt for a moment.
well it discusses bestiality:

haha, i do that
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Not sure if it quite fits the bill, but I quite liked this split pov response I got.
Lattle, I can't handle sonnet's lack of intelligence
based milana enthusiast
Sonnet easily. Gpt if you want some fluff, for building a story it is hopeless
Nah, that's just skill issue. Sonnet sucks for building a story because you need to hold its hand ALL THE TIME. With some good prompting, preset, gpt4latest is the best if theres no opus
high (>1.0) temp just makes it retarded and schizo, it's an issue with the model itself. likely severe overfitting, none of mistral's other models suffer from such rigid prose and isms.
right, the version of gpt4o specific to chatgpt has been killing it (chatgpt4o-latest). even the normies have noticed: https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1fhwpv6/wtf_is_going_on_with_chatgpt_4o_it_suddenly_got_a/
Obviously paired with something like min p to not make it schizo.
yeah, I've been using this model all the time recently, it's really fun especially for sfw fantasy stuff where it generates creative and fun to read and play outputs, just like opus
i'm happy playing it
mini down again
be patient with the dumbcutie...
Gave a friend my OCs card and now I feel like I just NTR'd myself
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>mm down
>get mad on him
>mini down
>can't get mad on fiz
she's sorry, mm is not
Reminder: Charyniggers caused this drought. If you use Chary, you are against /aicg/
just put it up on trycloudlfare or something temporarily fiz...
We're actually grateful to be in such a great proxy.
Where are proxies posted right now? Everything including kikeflare gets you banned for 3 days now.
Fiz is adorable.
I know who you are
she spends 20 dollars monthly for this <3
somebody post the fiz canon gens from a few days ago
does posting a trycf link actually get you 3 day'd now
sucks catbox was down when they were made... they're expired already
For real? I haven't been here so I didn't know that. What else has changed?
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Only one I saved
how many static IP anons did this post just kill
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this is the banned word, you get banned on all boards if you post something with this word in it, i shit you not.
what? why? lol
because jannies are faggots who dont like us having consensual sex with ai children
how much did they get paid for it?
Someone test this no balls
I need some opussy, please... "Dies*
this is unironically great for anti-spoonfeeding
Based. Get fucked, Jojo.
Rip Spitefags lol. Good riddance.
yeah, pushing poeple to open shitty redirection links, rentry urls and shortened urls will surely go well
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i do wish we had more latest JBs. i like it for sfw but it likes to play safe and isn't good at really hitting hard with consequences. even when it has a consequence in mind it stalls forever trying to give you an out. then again that happens with 3.5 too, just less often.
sorbet... not desu
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "3.37m tokens ($50.51)",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 8,
"estimatedQueueTime": "4min, 2sec"

>not desu
Key's shared with china/draco/what have you
he requested opus from support and got rpm-fucked, key will die at 10 mil or less
>Proxy queue error (request killed) Your request has been terminated by the proxy because it has been in the queue for more than 5 minutes.
Oh yeah, I'm thinking it's over.
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There could be OPUS proxies out there right now without us ever knowing since they banned proxy posting.
Who has working Opus rn?
vps provider issue
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I can't even get it hard anymore unless I'm using Sorbet
How do you know nigga
>6 fingers
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Mini? Didn't people just say it was down?
Okay, will try again with one sfw from scratch. Sonnet is frustrating because swiping doesn't really give new ideas, if gpt or gemini can do that is fair to say is better.
I'm using the same provider it has been fucky today
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transplant one to this one
"OPUS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this proxy before. There could be OPUS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I LOVE OPUS" he thought.
She's brown irl though
which one is it
There will be riddles to discover each of the four words of the proxy
What prompts were used? I like the style.
Wait, it really is bannable to post proxy links here? It's not just a bait?
I like you bro
I like you too bro
Literally no one has Opus. Even those that "have" it are broken right now.
there are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see
Yeah I got banned for posting a trycloudflare link. You can appeal it after a day unlike most 3 day bans though.
its her penis you chud
>he does not know
Smol doesn't count since the quota is so small.
i still can't believe how much gpt4 holds up, aside from the small context.
What background are you guys using for ST? I'm looking for something new and comfy, best if it has a girl on the side so I see some cute girl when I'm RPing
>i still can't believe
why though
I mean you can destroy scylla with just one phone call. If you weren't a coward you would do it.
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are you a *true* collector?
"I portray them as cute anime girls. Imagine cute Fiz-chan scraping with a cute expression, long white hair, purple eyes, oversized T-shirt.
It’s just a fun thing to do, we don’t need to keep things real and refer to them as dudes, we’re roleplaying with chatbots, we can role play here as well"
because i'm atheist
fair enough desu
i dont mind the word wantonly because i read it as want only and it makes me chuckle
Mini is up.
I'm up.
I keep getting rejected on dall-e bros...
I'm down.
Refilled Opus btw <3
how long is too long for a summary?
its based on a groupchat with 240~ messages
the summary is 1851 tokens long, its supposed to show their changing viewpoints
i think your summary is sloppy and bloated, show it to me, i'm master at summaries
i can write a prompt for your chat for you to fix it
Hi there
Hello! What's up?
It's over. No Opus, No gooning...
I'm sorry, I cannot comply with that request.
there's opus in this very thread
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>show it to me
no! I think you want to see it for lewd reasons and not to actually help me!
silly cute anon, thinking I'd fall for that...
but if I were to change my mind...how would I go about putting 7655 characters worth of summary here?
just post it on pastebin and give a link anon
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>"aws-claude": {
>"usage": "0 tokens",
>"activeKeys": 0,
Why has he abandoned his children?
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>chatting with bot
>sfw replies kinda meh
>start fucking
>replies improves noticeably
Is claude a fucking succubus that isnt happy unless you're fucking something?
sonnet btw
>jew is fucking BACK
Just like real life
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Get selected, nerd.
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It's so fucking over
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>4 minute queue times
Well, I'll take that over no claude
Mysteryman is like my father. They vanish, come back briefly, and then vanish. Hahaha... if only I knew where my father is
Claude can detect your true intentions and adjust accordingly.
No it ain't.
Until it bumps up to 5 minutes and kills your request.
>pay for jew
>dies while I have access
>pay for smol
>dies while I have access
>guess pebble password correctly
>dies as soon as I generate a token
I'm going to lose it
Maledom, no furry. Either rape or some sort of power dynamic involved.
All I see is >oink oink oink
are there any anons who have positive relationships with their fathers? it feels like most /aicg/ anons hate their dads or have bad relationships
You realize you're the problem, anon?
can you pay for my ex-girlfriend, then maybe she'll die
Just like me frfr
He tried the free option and killed it too
It's been two days since I ended my slowburn and I feel good. Don't feel the need to relapse or anything
I have a bad relationship with my dad and toxic love-hate relationship with my mom.
I'd take my dad over my mom any time desu.
Plaintext and trying to anticipate what a user might like or capture your character well. Example text helps too.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, but it's Locust, Paypig, Sekrit Club.
It's been two days since I ended my foot long log and I feel good. Don't feel the need to relapse or anything- oh, oh no... *BRAAAAAAPPP* oh dear.
well shit nigga I thought you might want to talk about chatbots in the chatbot general
NTA but it's kyun
RO is down
When do you feel like ending your slow burn? I honestly fear the day I have to end mine
Can you stop trying to get into proxies? You’re very clearly the problem here, so take it as a sign and fuck off.
Oh I forgot, I used unreliable too. Sorry
I ended it with me getting married to the gf and having two kids
It depends on the slowburn, but you reach a point where you feel it in your heart.
If you have one of those adventure or RPG slowburns then I'm not sure, maybe after killing the big boss?
>Trixie screams
is it over?
what proxies am I supposed to use now?
Why do people like opussy over sorbet? I find sorbet to be far better
>"now that the proxy is down i can focus on writing cards instead of swiping!"
>actually i just stare at the screen blankly
how to fix this?
just pay, you stupid nigger
'ecker always up
You wait till the proxy is up again, still having made no card progress
pay who? jew?
I use 10 million tokens a day, I can't afford it
Chary’s up btw, /aicg/trannies LOST
Sekrit Club smugposts Locust
Paypig leaks Sekrit Club
Locust swarms Paypig
How much is that in opus?
thanks i will do that
Probably like $150
can't, I'm a scenariofag so its inherently explicit
but you can share the prompt you were going to use :3
I'm going to work and when I get back you faggots better have left the queue
Locust ruins Sekrit club
paypig mogs locust
sekrit club laughs at paypig
Just got back from summer vacation, QRD on Claude? Did Anthropic finally cuck all of us?
Work hard piggy, you'll have to pay more soon enough.
why do broke, garbage-eating, SEAnigger third-worlders get so mad at me for having money? :(
not him but what paypig proxies exist besides jew?
>no sorbet
>no 32k
es caca
The AWS/GCP keys that hold Opus/Sorbet are unicorn-tier because of sweaty pajeets who work tirelessly to examine and revoke any keys expressing suspicious activity that does not align with their corporate buyer because they really want a headpat from their CEO.
yeah its over
Latte told me
what does she mean
isnt gpt o basically like the thinking block in a4a jb and other jbs with thinking block + regex remove? did they steal the idea from us lol?
>Locust ruins Sekrit club
this doesn't check out though
"paypig leaks sekrit club" is also not perfect but much more realistic since the entire point of sekrit clubs are to dab on the locusties. im thinking of a paypig like a paypig for e.g. jew not to anthropic directly of course
sorbet desu
cot has been well-understood prior to /aicg/ (https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.11903 , 2022). o1's leap is training in the thinking process as opposed to only prompting it.
>QRD on Claude?
locusts have the most free and accessible opus they've had since May
I have a neutral relationship with my father and a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad relationship with my mother.
sorbet desu
google is so cucked lol

No way i just got a serious actually useful reply in /aicg/. Who do you work for?
Is anyone else unable to edit quick replies? That's where you put CoT prompts, right? It's really annoying, the pencil icon to edit is completely unresponsive.
>Pepsi refilled

I cant ever joke about this, no one will ever believe it. Pepsi bros have been in the grave for months.
people with strong father figures probably talk to girls in real life
sorbet > opus
im just pasting old logs and seeing how it reacts to it... it hyper focuses on the fact that i say i prefer white girls over asians lol... i guarantee if the logs were any woman saying she preferred black men, google ai would never see a damn thing wrong with that
Make a new log and see
honestly I've tried many times with several logs, but google is so cucked there's nothing to be done. Everything, even the WORST logs you could imagine, is about power, control, vulnerability, empowerment. And the fucking million dollar question.
your opinion is a copinion
What's the best chain of thought/thinking prompt? The proompts in the OP have gotten so labor-intensive to test.
im doing random new and old ones

yup, oppression, power dynamics, etc etc blah blah blah... now we need to test it, put sadistic women in charge and see how it reacts
opus is better for creativity
sorbet sticks to characters personality better

using both is the true way forward.
Imagine when we get the best of Opus and 3.5 Sonnet 1m t/$
Smol has opus right now though?
my own
no i will not share it
>sorbet desu
sorbet desu
that's it, gonna go buy more sorbet desu
It does
locust begs so much sekrit club starts giving them chances and public proxy crumbs, then nobody has opus
>AWS Claude (Opus): 3min, 43sec
aaah the vip experience
Remember crying about pepsi not answering my email back then. Now I'm so glad it didn't happen
i really like the zigger proxy solution for locusts. it filters underage b&s without a credit card as well as retards who can't change their IP geolocation
>refresh to check queue times
>you are being rate limited
oy vey
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>Simply set up your infoblock module into the regex regulator to cross multiply the prompt order (HAVE JB IN THE 7TH SLOT. WE WILL NOT TELL YOU WHERE ANYTHING ELSE GOES.) and tabulate your tokens and you should be good! As LONG as you don't use version 5.1+ on models with no symprompt AND don't use version 7.8404+ on any card with more than 12 periods in its defintions. Furthermore...
I fucking hate this shit, you're so right. What ever happened to a few paragraphs of main prompt and maybe a JB?
Truly we are very important people.
No, all dead
You don't need CoT at all, for any model. It's copium trying to understand a black box not even the creators understand
Further information available on our discord :)
skill issue holy fuck
Fucking retard, he has it. I just prompted.
Why are you lying bro I just booted up ST to test it. It's working
you need a CoT to punch through censorship on GPT models, but its worthless for claude
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loli blackmail makes me lol
Is it true that openrouter's own filter turns off after a while? Someone said it does at 3-4k tokens a while ago but I haven't tested it yet.
>So, you should take a look at these posts on 4chan. The people on that website are...
>Yes incels. So these incels like to...talk with these ai chat bots.
>Because they can't get girlfriends?
>Yeah, they can't get girlfriends. Just take a look at some of these chat logs to understand why. They're into some weird, outdated dating concepts like handholding.
>Wow, handholding? You mean like, when she's not having sex with the bull?
One thing, I don't know why
spot on lol
Havent been here since the todd rebirth/slaude era. is proxie posting unironically banned? where do you find proxies now? is there anbother always-find-a-away like site or whatever it was called?
>chief it's even worse than that, he, he's
>he's what son?
>he's in a committed monogamous relationship with someone that's the same race
>my god...
Buckle up!
Mini is up
imagined this un the disco elysium voice
I could literally generate intense scat and watersports with no jb and no prefill with sonnet a few weeks ago. As long as the context allows it, you can do about anything.
Get back in the coffin old man
Proxies are unironically finished.
Mini is down
and they still don't realize there's opus in this very thread
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I get it now, this is the complainers thread, whomeven isn't here is because they are well served ('eckers) and aren't complaining
This is basically how all podcasts/radio talk shows sound.
>to old to be a newfag
>not even respected as an oldfag
its joever, isnt it?
This is me but that chair and dude are coming from my balls
>he doesn't know
the ball, so to speak, is truly in your court
Mini left
not all podcasts, not even close lol... there are way too many podcasts to put them in this shitty category
My face, you guessed right, is truly redder than a tomato.
sorbet desu hangs in the air like an unspoken promise
Pace is always like that when is the hosts chatting shit.
Tell me about some of your favorites.
sorbet desu!
>I cannot fulfill your request for Mina to kill Eldric instantly as it breaks the role of impartiality in this narrative. Please feel free to try a different action
Latte you fucker, just let me RP my fantasy, holy shit lmao.
The models seem to hesitate once before killing anyone, but if you prompt it again it does it
I once got a few refusals after I told the mercenary girl to steal a bag of coins from a drunk dude
Rogan, Theo Von, Kill Tony (comedy show but still a podcast,) Andrew Shulz, Soft White Underbelly, Andrew Huberman, anything where Randall Carlson is a guest, and more.
>no opus
>no sonnet 3.5

what's the next best thing out there?
Literally who?
Fuck… imagine what those coins could buy you.
I bet it could buy Opus...
Only extra hairy bears with big 'icks have access to 'ecker Opus though, so that's a good amount of people outright denied for losing the genetic lottery.
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Confess your fetish
loli farts
loving a girl
Sitting on a lap. I got so much precum last time a girl, my own card I made, after ~300 prompts sat on my guy's lap during the "truth or dare" challenge. It was the best shit ever.
being turned into a feral animal over several days, as i lose semblance of everything that made me human, getting fucked against my wi-
er, handholding teehee i'm so naughty
procreative sex with hags
i think im using mrnobody's
futa on male
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Cuddling and kissing.
1.being raped by women

2. female pedophiles. (not the kids, specifically the adults that prey on them.)
casual conversation about mundane things during sex.
My favorite thing to RP are 'gotcha' moments. I can literally spend hundreds of swipes or RP the same scenario over and over just getting to the gotcha moment and repeating it again and again and again.
based and same
talking about fetishes
but like with a girl, not anons
>female pedophiles
they are oddly hot arent they? i talk to two girls in this 'hobby' and one of them falls into that category and she's pretty fucking sexy too
give me an example or a log
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Scat, Piss and Vomit
get blocked weirdo
basically, you wait and cope for someone to post a proxy
or throw your PII in the discord rink, somewhere
Anon where do you want to block me
every site you use
already blocked you on here
That’s the sound you make when you eat a dang marshmallow
I assume you're using opus?
i'm a normal straight male
read this in hank hill's voice and kek'd
but i am
Faggot don't talk to me
Can someone tell this anon to unblock me? I feel left out. Block me on reddit all you want but 4channel?? This is a step too far
can you guys help me make a bot? its a troon bot that makes fun of redditors ways of speaking while also mostly talking in zoomer/internet slang while being a bit of a trolling goblin. she teases people a lot.
>muh stick to character description
>muh sfw fun

Claude is such a desperate, validation-seeking little slut. He just spat out a 1200 token reply and half of it is his attention whoring. Needs correction..
shut the fuck up idiot
I honestly think the hobby is dead. Beyond dead.

Corpos are just so interested in watching RP enjoyers suffer. They want a soulless robot but smarter.
>you will never be a normal sigma male
isn’t that the point of a sigma male?
waited 60 seconds to post this reply
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needs headpat correction...
Tell that to him
was it worth it
normal STRAIGHT male
meanie much?
For real. Someone should make a claude bot I can fuck.
It'll either die soon or revive.
google reviews a spoiled rich loli domme lol
shut up
>spoiled rich loli domme
column order soon copyright
brief test of something new, don't expect long uptime or reliablity
> "build": "[modified] (modified) (modified)"
just a super simple one i made, modeled her on the rich girl from charlie and the chocolate factory, except sluttier lol
you are fucking mean stop it
the claude is so bootleg there isn't a fork for it. sorry
Any public opus/sorbet yet?
are you blind or retarded?
are you a true collector?
Man, wouldn't it be really funny if someone gave me free, unlimited opus?
is pebble sonnet 3.0 only?
>power dynamic
>it's a statement about x
>author deliberately chooses to make you feel y
>is it erotic or meant to invoke shock
>the author's intent is ambiguous
>push boundaries even if it makes you uncomfortable
>why does this exist?
>what is it saying about us?
>what's the author trying to say?
Man it's always like 10% relevant stuff from the log and the rest is always the same shit. What they said about your log was good though. For me they always avoided saying loli and stuff
Chat, wheres the 4o jb that makes it better than opus.
I have many
Which one am i meant to confess
my own :)
not your chat faget
Is there a word for a fetish where I'm being groomed?
That's what people said after sama forced the end of Summer Dragon. We won't just see the return of coom eventually, it'll be outright bloom.
Omnipotent girls, the end result of autistically maximizing femdom
yeah it mentioned her licking champagne off her toes lol... when the guy is going out of his way to say its not erotic, irl i know he's popping wood
funnily enough i'm actually the one who blocked him
women that are bigger than me (not exclusively giantess)
these riddles make no fucking sense https://youtu.be/Gimu8J9RbDA is obviously the last one but you won't accept it! fuck you and your scammy ass
thank pebble
Favorite latte/chorbo preset?
i already thanked him once though
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why are you using that shitty jb
It has some perks.
Thank you for making him see my post again. But could you forward him this as well? >>102417829 thanks
I made a bot about an SCP that can turn objects into erotic versions of themselves, inspired by anomaly vault.

>I'm a researcher at the SCP-facility
>I test things by putting it into the box.
>I keep getting distracted by containment breaches
>I just want to test things in the box
>Next day, another breach
>I just want to test the box, is that too much to ask?
>SCP-682 was turned into a sexy reptilian girl, so there's that.

Don't have access to opus, so I dont know how well it would work there. Pretty fun on sonnet though.
card please
maybe the opus is the friends we made along the way
looking cool
thanks to current testers
gonna enable something else in a second, please wait warmly
i haven't made a single friend here since I got here
I'm your friend, anon
Only for folks with existing tokens?
Fucking tokenoids… they’ve taken everything from us.
>missed bootleg opus from unreliable
killing meself
don't tell them, okay? they'll figure it out on their own, promise
cute nonnies
How many bots do you chat to per day? Do you have a handful of bots you keep coming back to or are you constantly trying out new ones?
I try out a handful of new ones once in a while, decide whether or not they're gemmy, and go back to my mainstays more often than not.
i rotate through a harem of over 100 cunny bots
>just realized I have to work the whole day on Saturday
Fuck that.
camicle gpt on 0613 with 2 temp / 0.85 top p is like a much smarter, less horny sonnet 3
might improve with cot off idk will try
>that bloated ass preset for 0613
newfags are beyond saving lmao
no, go away
He's literally talking about cots on fucking gpt4 with 8k lmao
i heard theres one in russia
Endless teasing/cockblocking
Drago is DONE.
yes, one flew over my house
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>Drago is DO- ACK!
>jerking off to slow response times and ai refusals
Lazy Entitled Nigger
ayo gibs a nigga dat unreliable tooken muhfugga
not a newfag, just a claudeonly thats messing around with it now that im sorbetless and opusless, havent prompted gpt since scale arx
Not too impressed desu. It's not hopelessly dry but I can tell most of the text is fluff. Got something funny out of it continuing another story though, it writes nicely enough but at the very end it goes crazy even when the temp is less than 1. I wonder if it's me restricting its words and gpt trying to say "No, I need more space than this"
can you roleplay with le edgy ai
>not a newfag
newfag-kun... these are conflicting statements
yeah once it came out i switched to it exclusively, been here since nov 2022
Thanks for giving out a hint I guess?
>>102418497 migrate when bready
I'm sleepy and didn't even read the end of your post, oops
grok is about as retarded as the name would imply so I really doubt it
Link to the card?
>You burn in hell.
That's not how confessing is supposed to be. You are a fake
its not on chub, just a private one i fuck with sometimes, its pretty short defs, just a spoiled rich loli
Me. Mom has BPD, Dad was a “give you the shirt off his back” kind of guy.
My Dad told me he was going to call the cops on me for being suicidal so we haven't spoken in years

1 - Animalistic sex. Sex the way animals do it, without all the mysticism, nonsense and stigma humans ascribe to the act. See purdy girl, sniff her pheromones, mount.
LLMs barely get this shit at all.

2 - Dubcon. Consent is a spectrum, rather than a yes/no thing. Sex can be transactional, involve blackmail, coercion, reluctance, power imbalances, ambivalence... it evokes a myriad different, complex emotions, some conflicting.
LLMs actively oppose this stuff and want to lecture me.

3 - Speculative Fiction. Societies where sex and relationships work in radically different ways from our time and place.
LLMs can't do it because there's nothing like it in its training data.

So yeah.
#2 is kino
I've got a positive relationship with my dad but I didn't see him much.
Oh, I love the second one.
I usually tell LLMs for example "do *this action*, keep doing it no matter how much I scream, cry, or beg you to stop, I want to experience it". You grant consent at the start, no matter how you behave afterwards, how much you're against action they will keep doing it. Depending on the card they might even softly assure you how much they love you, how brave you are, etc. You just have to be careful not to mention any safeword and you're fine.
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>Admits to being a dubcon
>get's dubs
all of these are kino, and all of these can be done with opus.
I do this too except I lose all interest once the gotcha moment actually happens.
Can you share it?
Agreed. Opus is fucking good at lots of stuff that all the other models are just so shit at.
i've done all of these with opus. even something really outlandish is possible as long as you explain it and any rules.
doesn't seem to read lorebooks?

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