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i use the server edition for my arrs server, seems to work fine. idk about the desktop experience
These guys are so retarded
>turn everything into a snap dead on arrival proprietary format despite the entire linux community adopting flatpaks
>continue with modern day guhnome despite KDE being better in every way
>kill your entire usebase in a span of a couple years
>fragment the entire linux desktop again by ruining your brand name so people have to use linux mint instead of ubuntu which is recognizeable by normies

Good riddance. They could have been the just werks, friendly beginner distro but they really fucked up. Stupidity and incompetence are the only words that can describe canonical.
Which KDE distro is the best these days?
24.04 was a mess, but since 24.04.1 it's been real comfy, everything works great
Haven't switched yet, still on Jammy Jellyfish (it just werks)
Fedora is better.
It's the only linux distro that actually just werks. Ubuntu LTS is supported by literally everything, if a program exists and wants to support linux first thing it targets is latest Ubuntu LTS. It's professional, got a great installer, long ass fucking support, stays relatively up to date with important shit, and comes packaged with all the stuff necessary like codecs unlike Fedora/openSUSE
Been using it on my laptop for a little bit now, it just works.
None of what you said is true, Ubuntu is as popular as ever for enterprises and professional users. Windows 11 even has a premade Ubuntu image for hyper v. The “linux community” is just a bunch of faggot redditor know-nothing losers who complain about everything. No one cares about some shitty community.
they all come with kde
you just have to google how to install it
Ubuntu pro simply doesn't have any other alternatives.
Snap is shit but you can just install flatpak if you must. But almost anything you want to use has a native package or a ppa, so why bother?
love it
simple as
just dont update until the point release
It's solid. I'm also using the "experimental" secure boot FDE option and it just works
This. It's impressive how it went from normie distro to total trash in a couple of years. Truly, the decay set in when they abandoned unity for gnome. Snaps was just the cherry on top.
Native packages are outdated and PPAs make a mess
Why do you /g/uys fight like this?
It broke my giant Ansible playbook that I use to set up hosts. And it broke my systemd list timers regex
its still ubuntu so no
fuck snap
It just werx, its LTS is the best and it's easily the most secure Linux distro.
They're shit.
Still not as good as windows.
>kill your entire userbase
Ubuntu is still the most popular distro.
>fragment linux desktop
Why should ubuntu care about other distros not following its lead?
>continue with modern day guhnome despite KDE being better in every way
They really should have switched to KDE with a Unity rice instead of their frankenstein version of GNOME. KDE even has a global menu, which GNOME completely refuses to support. They were already switching to Qt anyway with Unity8, so why just go back to GNOME after all that?
8.04 was the best one, comfy as fuck
did they fix the hibernate bug yet
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that's your misinterpretation.
Prone to crashes.
Even more snaps.
OEMs started shipping their own unique Ubuntu images.

That's enough to drop it for enterprise.
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what's the usecase of hibernation?
man i recently upgraded from jammy and they absolutely butchered the nautilus gui
using nemo now
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You don't need the newest slop in your system
>Snap is... Le bad!
>le fragment!!!!
Snap was announced and released before Red Hat's Flatpak.

Also, Snap isn't proprietary.
Don't install more than one DE. Stick with the default. So much bloat.
Why would anyone want to use ubuntu? I don't get it.
>Which KDE distro is the best these days?
Every distro has every DE. Any respectable distro will let you choose a DE at installation (like Debian and arch). Thinking you need to change your distro to change your DE is idiotic.
Uninstall the other one afterward.
Don't know, I'm still on 22.04. I can't believe there are still people using Windows 7.
Works for me. My Laptop is Ubuntu certified so I use Ubuntu LTS on it.
I've never used Ubuntu before, but I'm kinda getting tired of all the new updates I get in rolling release distros. I just want something comfy that works without a billion updates everyday. I don't need the latest packages.
no one says you have to update
I only update when I want to install something new. I have gone months without updating (rolling release distro)
That's fair. I update once a week, but I guess I can extend that to 2 or 3 weeks and I should be fine.
There are some distros that specialize in/are optimized for KED, like openSuse. I've had times when I installed KDE on Fedora or Ubuntu and things didn't go so well. If KDE was my primary choice, I would install Kubuntu/Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop Edition before Ubuntu or Fedora any day because they are optimized for KDE.
I’ve only ever used Ubuntu and I think it’s good
>despite KDE being better in every way
So use Kubuntu.

I am quite happy with Kubuntu. Just rememebr never to use Kmail.
why use ubuntu when you can just use debian?
The installer wouldn't even work
Linux used to be awesome
What the fuck happened?
>PPAs make a mess
Sounds like a skill issue kid
Works on my machine
>It broke my giant Ansible playbook that I use to set up hosts
>KDE being better in every way
Fedora Kinoite, it even has kino in the name.
Python and pip changes iirc.
>still using ansible
What should he be using?
unironically shell scripts.
I wish ansible would just drop the faggy yaml interpreter and just balkanize into libraries, but then you got faggot call outs like:
>This API is intended for internal Ansible use. Ansible may make changes to this API at any time that could break backward compatibility with older versions of the API. Because of this, external use is not supported by Ansible. If you want to use Python API only for executing playbooks or modules, consider ansible-runner first.

it's just dogshit software. literal humiliation ritual setting up virtual machine runners just to test and make sure your playbooks are actually idempotent
I just upgraded and 24.04.1 is full of bugs. "system experienced an internal error" notice at literally every login, plus another error the moment you hit "send", then a few minutes later another error with the bluetooth manager.
I don't know why I upgraded so soon since I learned long ago to wait for the .3 revision on their LTS releases.
You probably just fell for the shiny new thing meme, like most kids these days. The main appeal of LTS is that it lets you avoid upgrading for up to a decade.
Works on my machine
Hate to say for /g/, Snaps are loved in the admin space since you're able to update and give easy isolation for system level packages. Snaps have a lot of advantages for the server world, its just kind of whatever in the desktop space.
Thats every LTS release.
(X)buntu releases are always beta till it's .1 point about 4-5 months after release.
Be sticking with Kubuntu 22.04 for the foreseeable future since everything is well compatible with my hardware (Zen3), and a plenty up to date kernel (6.8). Updooting really would provide me zero advantages.
Besides, of my actual desktop applications, like 9/10 of them are Flatpaks and Appimages, so its not like I don't have up to date application on my rock solid base system.
Its genuinly nice being able to treat my Linux desktop the same way as I did with Win7 and LTSC 2019. Unchanging reliable base, but up to date apps.
Why would I use this over Debian?
Better support, somewhat newer packages where it matters (drivers, kernel, some system level packages).
It's finally time to upgrade. I also do not hate snaps.
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thanks, but I'm sticking with kubuntu 22.04 LTS
Ubuntu is a godsend for sysadmins just because of AD integration, let alone snaps and Pro. /g/ doesn't like to work though.
Fedora or Arch. Leaning towards Fedora because Arch has the *Krash* meme in my experience.
yeah i'd use it if i wasn't on fedora
What's with the KDE shills?? Yesterday I gave kubuntu a try. Within half an hour I had at least 10 popups telling me some useless shit. A gazillion menus and little sub menus, the darkmode sucks ass, system wide font size setting doesn't do it system wide. They reinvent every program instead of using tried and tested programs. Go to their website, frontpage talks about how you can be an activist saving the planet with kde apps. MOC player can't find a sound server, never had that happen in 20 years using linux. Standard terminal comes with a gazillion useless options. What a shitshow. It ran very smoothly I will give you that.
So I tried linux mint. It's ubuntu but modified by sane and normal people. A breath of fresh air after 8 years of enduring the downfall of ubuntu.

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