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why didn't he win?
because he's retarded
reminded when he got all the comments were deleted on the mega upload song that called him a weirdo and to "lose the fat guy"
>nooo you must allow me to insult you thats the only way i can cope with my shitty life
t. kim dotcom
spherical man in a square hole
Has something happened? Is he getting deported to America? Last time I heard he was going to get deported but said he had a plan.
spent all of his money on retarded "luxury" instead of hunkering down globally and hacking from maid computers i.e. failed fastman, became fatman
>why didn't he win?
is it because he looks like a chump?
Is this an actual, in the flesh, Kim Dotcom simp in the wild? Am I dreaming?
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FAT, I cannot take anyone FAT seriously. You're trying to give me advice? How about put down the fork fatass.
He plans to seal his butthole with superglue before he is incarcerated
because he believed in a free and open internet for everyone which the feds couldn't stand
It's the opposite. Anon used a crying feraljak with the meme arrow to basedquote OP.
'slot status?
Fatty snitched hoping he would get away but the same feds he snitched to went after him anyway
what did he snitch?
An anon wrote that he snitched on BBS release groups.
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we all support adolf hitler is supporting kim dotcom that big of an ask?
Go look for it.
Not sure about the old warez scene snitching but here's proof of him snitching more recently https://web.archive.org/web/20130125041010/https://pastebin.com/xdTdsgAe
Following this up by saying you also need to use archive.org to dig out the wired story
how do we know this isn't an op
on the one hand you can never trust a fattie on the other hand glowniggers hate him
Unironically because he didn't move to Russia.

Imagine living in a tyrannical western society where kids are troons and copyright jews exist

Edward snowden realized this. Russia is more free than america.
They give you the warrant right there. Read the article. Megaupload cooperated with the feds to put people in prison. Kim is a snitch.
i don't understand, if he cooperated with feds why would feds arrest him
Because that's what you get for trusting glowniggers
As opposed to wholesomechungus Russia with lax CP laws and open doors immigration, throwing away their next generation in meat grinder Ukraine? The same place where political opponents get locked up and murdered?

>Edward snowden realized this
Lol he's just trying to keep himself alive. There are very few places he can go to avoid retribution from the US government, Russia just happens to be one of them.
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>lax CP laws
He failed to move to a non-5 eyes country.
Simple as.
Anything can be used ironically, I think he was defending him.

But to answer the question and remain on topic, >>102420464 >>102420291 >>102420054 >>102417507. In sum, he made millions on infringing on copyright which is a HUGE fucking problem if you're taunting the industry while doing so. Government does not give a fuck if you do not make money. If you are making money, it will move heaven and earth and arrest you in a transnational RICO, because of Five Eyes and extradition treaties. They basically did the same to Omar Carrasquillo, who pirated cable TV stations and resold them as a cheaper subscription service. Based, but if he didn't make money no one would give a fuck and he wouldn't be in prison.
>open doors immigration

really glownigger nobody believes that, you should know thats a bad argument especially with the US border and haitans eating cats and dogs, and literal spics killing murdering whites. Russia has foreign churkas and asiatics but to say that russia is nonwhite is crazy. To also say that russia is soft on crime is crazy as well. In america if a spic kills someone they get a slap on the wrist in many places.

In russia you are going to prison for life and possibly execution if you murder another russian citizen.

America is 40% white and even the whitest US cities are like 70% and Russia is like 90%+ in the majority cities and over 98% slavic aside from some ethnic tatars in villages.
And you are white?... Senor Jose Vasquez Gonzales from mexico with 60% indio, 20% Nigger and 20% euro DNA?

Anyways bad bait, US is losing and to make a claim that US is safe is fucking laughable. A mass shooting not even 5 days into the school year.

No wonder the white americans that left have zero patriotism. All it is are 65+ year old boomers keeping american pro sentiment alive. The young white generation fucking hates the US government with a passion and has more in common with a russian.
>According to Rosstat[6] and United Nations,[7] the number of legal immigrants in Russia during the 2000-2015 period fluctuated between 11 and 12 mln., or ca. 8% of Russia's population. In 2020 Russia held the 4th place among countries with the largest absolute numbers of immigrants in their population after the USA, Germany and Saudi Arabia.[8]

>Both legal (according to the laws of the country) and illegal (in violation of Russian laws) immigration are widespread currently. Legal immigrants in Russia receive both grant money and repayable low-interest loans, that are issued by Rossotrudnichestvo.

>The large non-Slavic immigrant populations arriving in response to Putin's liberal policy have sometimes encountered xenophobia. To counter this, pursuant to Russian hate-speech laws, the Russian state has shut down various anti-immigrant groups, such as the Movement Against Illegal Immigration.

Hmm sounds pretty open doors to me. Do you think Russia's massive border with central Asia isn't crossed illegally?

>In russia you are going to prison for life and possibly execution if you murder another russian citizen.
Yet Russia has a higher homicide rate than the US. Russia also has a higher rate of aids and a much higher rate of opiate use.

>and Russia is like 90%+ in the majority cities
Not even 70% of Moscow is Russian lol
It got 16.6% less Russian in a decade, that's like London tier replacement
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buh buh muh based monke man
Hahaha, look at this retarded fat fuck.
hmm looks like it's all a wash. how confusing, i guess we'd better just support globohobo. remember to vote!!!
>It got 16.6% less Russian in a decade, that's like London tier replacement
London tier? That shit was just projection from their bot farms, London should be careful not to go Moscow tier.
Fat Dotpedo
Kim Jong Un really let himself go.
>going to prison for life
5-7 years for 1st degree and probation ofr manslaughter.
because he's a fat insufferable retard who thinks he's much more clever than he actually is

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