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2 > 4 > 1 > 3

common python W
java my wife...
Marin > Satsuki > Muzuho > Reiko
2 > 4 > 3 > 1
Isn't c++ way older than Jawa
This chart doesn't make sense sirs
if about the fictional women, I agree, if about the languages, 4 > 2 > 3 > 1
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4 > 1 > 2 > 3
Simple as
If I was in late 20s or early 30s I might go with 4
Otherwise they are all shit
>I'd like to have lots of children
>I'm mother of two little ones
to the trash
Still the most fuckable by far, so who cares
if by women, its
Fuckin hell. It takes less effort to go actually get pussy then it does to become an artist and draw it.
Nah, you are a cuck, 4 is better by a lot, and 3 belongs to the trash
man i thought the number tag was their age for some reason, time to sleep

Marin already has kids from some other dude.
twist: marin's kids live with their dad and only shotw up for holidays. still worse than horse hag?
Java should be kind of fat. That is the only correct aspect.
You aren't a cuck for fucking women, nigger. 4 has smaller tits
>Putting 4 first.

Retards. She's rich, educated, and with a career, yet single at 31 and desperate enough to go to matchmaking events.

She's hiding either a horrendous personality, or some serious skeletons in her closet.
This is so far fetched I actually laughed.
Even if true, others are even worse unless it is not marriage but just casual sex in which case 3 is the best one obviously
OTOH, #3 is the only one open with what a man would see as a serious disadvantage, and isn't trying to hide it (#4), bribe you like a child (#3), or coach being a deadbeat looking for a sponsor with fancy words and pretending to be a geek (#2).
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Tell me the name of the manga, now, けつもどき!
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You are just making excuses because you like the tits.
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Never mind, found it.
Manga is call "Hare Kon".
>She's hiding either a horrendous personality, or some serious skeletons in her closet
Why should i think i could do any better?
Whoever did the translation/typesetting of this should be shot.
how the hell did you find it? I tried to yandex the image, and got "domestic girlfriend". Also looked at iqdb, but that obviously yielded fuck all.
I'd stop programming if this was true
Stfu nerdnigger nip cocksucker
>literal liberashka west cocksucker (probably tranny) is the best
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I bet you kiss girls faggot.
girlcock > everything else.
You must be a cuck
>erm akschually you see this totally attractive cute fertile 18yo girl in her prime that wants to settle down and likes hobbies that an average 4chan user would have is le bad because she has colored hair. you should instead fuck a 55yo fat woman or a single mom with two kids who need you to pay the fuck up for them
Colored + short hair, definite tranny and liberashka who hates Russia. Only a homosexual would go for that
>settling for sloppy seconds
>hates russia
based woman
>> https://www.reverseimagesearch.com/
Directs me to google images. Legit recognize the kana and translated. Got the manga info and look up the image again and got a page number from reddit matching the OP image.
Took me less than 5 minutes to do.
You'll find the full panel in chapter 95-Men and women go hunting.
Also, the best one is C. Simple and elegant, fill with beauty.
anon, that's C++, not C.
Her womb is barren
Second best, she looks a pick me though
25 years old and mother of two means she's most likely the town bicycle and now she's settling down for "nice guys" that she wouldn't give the time of the day when getting passed around
Best one. Best age to settle down since at 30 you should have already found your footing and can live independently.
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If the "little ones" are little girls I'll gladly become their step daddy, otherwise into the trash.
desu 1 and 3 could be possibly interesting if we knew more. for example we don't know the age & interests for #1, she could be a giant pervert or her father could be running an underage sex slavery ring. you could use her for anything or have her prepare girls you can use for anything.

for #3, it's unlikely but not impossible that she is loaded with dosh so you could just spend the days breeding her and spending her money, or that her ex didn't left but died in a freak accident or something and she's simply looking for someone else to stay faithful to. but I agree that this is EXTREMELY unlikely and she's the one most likely to avoid.

2 could potentially be the most fun but she'd suck your money big time for her hobbies, possibly care more about her hobbies than you. hell, she could be just sitting home playing games and doing nothing else.
4 is most likely to be the winner, the only problem is her age.
also 2&4 may not be interested in starting a family which would be a big problem.
1 could be a safe bet, but we'd need to know more of her interests.

that just means she has to pay child support, and if you marry her, you have to pay child support.
dont reply to pedo shit
Just because she's 18 doesn't mean she haven't rode miles of cock already. The appearance can say a lot about someone most of the time.
All these anoms putting 4 high ...
You do realise that :
> works in real-estate
So she's a scammer.
> horse riding
So she's a BPD crazy.
> law school
So she's a whore.
if anything the egirl appearance and pickme hobbies indicate she's probably the only virgin or low body count on the list
Still risky, i would go for middle schooler instead. Age of consent is 12 here.

obvious choice is number four but 3 onaholes > 1 onahole
was going to shit on #3 but i have seen the light. you can definitely gaslight her into letting you mess around with her daughters... but can you get her to join in? there's your challenge.
Who said anything about daughters? I'd have to see the kids first. If they were some disgusting nigger spawn it's an immediate pass. If they're cute little aryan children who's father was killed fighting over seas or rescuing kittens from a burning building then it's a maybe.
you're retarded if you don't choose the rich fat java girl
a free $350k to start with plus she'll inherit more when he dies
350k is nothing and the other anon is right that she's definitely infertile
4 is probs serious about her career, and kind of a square (see: job & hobbies). Many such cases, both male and female. These folks can still be fun, just don't expect to see them a lot.
She's not bad _because_ of the colored hair. The colored hair reveals things about her background, personality, and likely worldview.
I will be 4's housemalewife.
>madoka op starts playing
Just a betrothal present. you can obviously get more.
And she's old, her dad is likely to be in his 70s+ already and will die soon. you're set to inherit his money. She's also the most insecure and submissive of the bunch, and would likely tolerate you cheating on her.
you don't want children? or do you plan to raise bastards who she will hate?
I can fix her(She can break me)
All women are whores. 4 is rich and childless so she's the low maintenance whore.
Maybe, but her dad will kill you and stuff you inside some womans bathroom so everyone thinks you died being a pervert.
Even better, you can hire a white woman to birth your children with her dads money, completely cucking a japanese lineage.
i figured we were pretending to be japanese in this scenario since no sane man would birth a hapa
There are very few decent typesetters left. They all burned out, wrecked their eyes, or chose to focus on education and career. We're left with the SEAmonkey slop. Within five years scanlation will be as dead as fansubs.
a-are fansubs dead?
Java is the only one that really makes sense. Ugly, fat and mature, but can make you rich because that's what a lot of non-silicon valley big ass corporations still use.
Python kind of makes a bit of sense because of the whole "working behind the scene" but nor much else.
C++ and JS makes no fucking sense at all.
literal autist
Hello fellow 30+ bro
I can fix her (I'm built different)
What's the worst case anyways? Patrick Bateman?
>javascript girl
>has two kids
>html and css
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She's simple, direct. down-to-earth, has a solid career, and is educated. By far the best choice imho.
I put it into google and the first result was a leddit post with the sauce. Google's reverse image search is still far and away the best general reverse searcher, and it's not even close. ascii2d sometimes finds weeb twitter sauces that google doesn't, and saucenao is generall best for pixiv/booru searching, but overall Google is way better.

Just use saucenao (and all the image searchers it links on the left of the page when you search) + Bing's reverse image search (it's actually decent now)
l e l
>I work behind the scenes...
Yeah she's a prostitute
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assuming 1 is young (mid to late twenties)
I'll make an agreement with her to date for 4 months so long as she goes to the gym with me and diets
long enough to prove she will be consistent, but not too long so as to expand her options in that time/she would still choose me
marry her, with that much money in an index fund, she doesn't have to work, just me and I work from home so I can monitor her
/fit/ so I'm used to the gym and already go nearly everyday, we monitor each others diets, and I do all the grocery shopping
a woman of nip size likely wouldn't take long to lose the weight, in a years time she would be very fuckable, and wouldn't have past hot girl personality syndrome, and would likely be closest to perfect
you anons only focus on the now, but I am willing to architect my future

if shes old than I will be 4's muscular femboywife
Nakadshi C++.
Satsuki would be so demanding, so fucking demanding
She'd cuck you faster than Marin because you're not enough, no man is
Yes, like no father in her life or at least not enough attention from him lol
>tumblrina dyke
>t. pussy whipped
C++ will give the best genes to my daughterwife, so I guess that's the language I choose.
Where have you been?
Where can I read it?
You all are ignoring the 50 million Yen!!!
What would haskell, C and lisp look like?
you're on this board and you couldn't make that much money in 2 years before tax?
>gh 404
>Tachiyomi will no longer be actively developed.
>It's just a reader, no source
You're so funny, thank you for wasting my time.
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>he doesn't know
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I dated 2 before. Never again. Hit me with 4 any day.
Why is everyone putting 1 last? She's not very hot but she's rich and seems nice.
because she's desperate
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And most anons aren't?
>The only hot one is the one with the kids
thrusting yourself into an unhappy marriage out of desperation is worse than being alone
you solve each other's immediate insecurities but the years have taken a toll on your ability to socialize; you acquire autism, and don't have the tools to deal with each other's flaws or really lack of anything in common

ask any old white guy how his marriage with his filipino wife is going. probably his third one. should have just hired a fuckin maid at that point.
She is the only hot one, that’s why she is the only one that had sex
Because men couldn’t resist her, were attracted to her and could not contain themselves in her presence
The rest are ugly unwanted trash

This is the brutal redpill
1 all the way for me. My cousin found a rich wife and he's got it made now, his life is amazing.
Helps that I like tubby women.
>2 would suck your money big time for her hobbies, possibly care more about her hobbies than you.
>4's only problem is her age
I don't think you realize how much of a money, time and attention pit horse riding is compared to 2's basic art hoe hobbies.
3 is an honest bubbly bimbo
Men find it hard to resist women like this, even if they are used goods they at least want to fuck the shit out of them
It’s only maybe worth it if you’re cheating on them with girls like #3
How can I reconcile my immediate gut feeling of "lol cuck" if I see a man with children that aren't his with my ideals that every person should have a strong father figure in their life? Stooping down to raise children that aren't your own is weak, but if you can steer them in a direction saving them from a single mother household... fuck... I can't wrap my head around it.
I'll just say fuck it and pretend I can have both beliefs until I can figure out how I can have both.
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marry 1, cheat on her with 2 3 4
it's that shrimple
1 > 4 > 3 > 2
I wonder if any of the so called technology enthusiasts noticed that 55 is her entrant number and not her age
her only problem is her looks and with her getting her dad to fork over pussy-ransom money, she must have a very try-hard and dependent personality
2 sadly doesnt look a team player
3 is better than 2 only if she is a widow
4 is still unsure about choosing between career and romance but ive read too many OL to write her off
>marrying for a measly $250,000
become a shop teacher or otherwise mentor for high school kids and continue to call step-fathers cucks
I'm a romantic and want a beautiful girl to marry that I can actually love, not for money THOUGH
Community outreach. Volunteer. Father figure is not necessarily father.
Also, what about adoption? Is that cuckholdry too then, assuming you invite them at a young age?
Internet is not real life, I can't think of a guy in rl that doesn't see being a stepdad as being cucked. Maybe some would be fine with it if the mom is very fucking hot and out of their league, so it balances it out and they get to knock her up with their own biological children as well. But in most cases people understand that dating a single mom with kids is baggage and a downgrade in many ways, but it's the only opportunity they have to even get a wife.
no amount of money will make me want to fuck jabba the hutt
Yeah, C is a fat 50 yo "geek girl" who doesn't shower and stays in her pajamas all day.
I was team 4 when I saw this thread earlier, but 1 is growing on me. She thinks she brings nothing to the table, doesnt even mention her age like the others, just naively jumps to what she thinks will sell you the hardest. She isnt ugly, just plain, and fatwise nobody here is Hercules either so I cant complain. She gets mogged only because she drawn realistically while the other whores get anime proportions. I have abandonment issues so I value unconditional loyalty alot, and I think she would be the best candidate to have that with.
cuck mindset
It's objectively less cucked to have a woman to fuck and pass on your genes by impregnating her, than it is to stay a wizard incel and die without a heir. It is cucked if you don't knock her up and just raise the stepkids though. But as I said, if two girl are identical the one that doesn't have baggage (kids) is always better objectively, but if you have no options its better to knock up a single mother than it is to not knock up any woman. This is confirmed by snoopes so no point in you replying again
womens bodies remember the genetic code that was implanted on them by every man they had sex with so even if you manage to impregnate her that kid still has another mans gene on it
thats the most retarded thing i ever said. the reason its bad to date women with a lot of exes is because its baggage and some crazy ex might still try to hit her up or get angry at you, and it's a sign that she isnt a long term relationship kind of girl and goes through men like socks. the retarded shit you said is literally broscience
Are you saying that body count can be inferred by genetic testing? Can you compare 2 dna samples and check if shes had sex in the time between them?
isn't cucking some polyarmory fetish thing? what does that have to do with raising kids?
nta but cuckoldry and polyamorous relationships are also two different things
Art whores are a waste of time.

They have the same liberal opinions as any other random whore, just with a little extra spiced in.
You can't pump-and-dump them, because they demand your commitment.
They are drug heads and don't want children either.
The more you talk to them, the dumber they appear and the less respect you have for them.
They aren't even submissive.

Not good for company. Not good for a quick fuck. Not good for a relationship. Not good for children.

They are such a waste of time. Speaking from experience.
I talked to 70 IQ niggers who had more thoughtful opinions than art whores.
>I don't think you realize how much of a money, time and attention pit horse riding is compared to 2's basic art hoe hobbies.

2 is 18 years old, she literally has neither a job nor a career, nor education past high school, she'd be reliant on your income and spend it all on anime figurines or making her manga cosplay outfits. "working behind the scenes... in fashion accessories" means she was a janitor in a fashion show, once.
4 is 31 years old, finished law school and works in real estate, meaning she is smart, has very good income, and likely has been at it for many years. Unless she has a huge horse fetish, chances are she has more in her savings account than what you'll ever earn in your life.
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>You can't pump-and-dump them, because they demand your commitment.
btw. by that i don't mean the art whore herself, but their overall circle of friends.

You have to get into the clique and get to know all of the other artsy mouth-breathers.
Which isn't hard, because the art whore will introduce you to them. And once you are in the clique (takes a month of visiting idiotic events), you have access to multiple art whores. They aren't picky at all and when one whore drops a guy, he can go to the next, with no bad feelings.
But none of the whores is useful for anything.

It's a huge waste of your time. At the end you will think: "I could have just played video games instead".
You are just boring as fuck, hate fucking bratty art hoes is the hottest shit ever. I can just imagine how dead your bedroom is
You can't hate something that has no brain.
You might as well just pay for a prostitute and spare yourself the time investment.
Both are soulless.
bratty is hot, agree. but short hair and coloring your hair in unnatural colors are turnoffs. Short hair specifically is the biggest sin a woman can commit.
>They aren't even submissive.
mudnigger detected. If I wanted a slave, I would order a mail in bride from your third world shithole
coloring hair is definitely a turnoff, but short hair? come on dude. short (as in chin/shoulder length, not like a buzz cut kek) hair on a girl is the best
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Shoulder length can be very hot if done correctly, but chin is already overly teacher/librarian/old lady like, and that is a turnoff for me.
1>POWER GAP>4>2>3
Simple as. 3 is a single mom so fuck no, 2 is too young to actually know what she wants and 3 is great but there's a good reason why horse girls are a stereotype.
Take the reiko-pill, plap your way to a fat inheritance, a cushy C level job provided by step dad, and a loving wife.
now that's actually disgusting
I wish!
Say more, my stiffie is painfully erect right now.
fuck Java, I mean it, literally. what amazing wife material that is. doesn't mean you can't have fun with JS and C++ when Java is not looking. I wouldn't touch Python even with a stick. too much potential trouble.
That makes no sense, because the worse a country is, the less submissive are the women.
With the extreme example of sassy niggresses in Africa.
That depends on whether or not you smoke. This, however is just hot breath, she is Russian and climate is cold.
>whether or not you smok
I quit 13 years ago
I am entirely okay with you taking the ugliest one for yourself, I don't mind at all
In real world, muslim africans and muslim arabs are the biggest pedophiles and wife beaters.
Don't know which universe you crawled from
The only one that doesn't come with red flags is the fat one.
And she isn't even that fat.
I never smoked, so it would probably taste disgustingly. I wonder if it can be fixed with a chewing gum one hour before kissing
>whines about religion all of a sudden
Have fun with your fat niggers.
being fat is already a red flag in itself
being over 25 also is
>I wonder if it can be fixed with a chewing gum one hour before kissing
it can't. the smell sticks to literally everything. your skin, your clothes, your hair, etc. and smoker breath smells gross, even if you brush your teeth, if you've smoked for a long time it's not gonna go away easily
If java should be kind of fat, js and python should be hamplanets
Sub-sahara Africa has twice as many Christians as Muslims, you uneducated mulatto.
And yes, those tribes are strongly matriarchal.
You are a faggot, men have to be the lead or the those whores won't respect them. It's how human works.
js c++ chad wifes
Art hoe will bloat and will be fatter and uglier than 1 by the time she hits 21.
Nope, Christianity is primarily found in white countries like Russia.
nigger detected. the """people""" who respect others based on how much they mistreat them are nothing short of mentally ill mudsharks who all have to be exported into a mental asylum
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Sub-sahara Africa is both Chrstian and Matriarchal.

Not a single successful civilisation in human history got built on "strong women".
vast majority of christians are african retard. there are 750 million europeans alive and like 50% are agnostic or atheistic. Reality is that developed countries and developed cultures inherently kill off religion. Even shitholes like Iran are having women take of their hijabs in rebellion now. It's impossible to fight progress. The future of every religion is death. In the end religion will only stay in backwater irrelevant shitholes like sub-saharan africa and black people that are sadly hundreds of years behind everyone else.
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>Sub-sahara Africa is both Chrstian and Matriarchal.
This is a retarded statement. The only countries which can be argued to be matriarchal are western European countries. Asian are equal and African are patriarchal.
Explain Russia
>gender inequality = patriarchy
>muh rigged globohomo numbers
You don't understand how nigger tribalism works.
They don't have the concept of fatherhood, the tribe as a whole is responsible for the children.
Women are the in charge. Women are also the ones who get the billions of gibs the West pumps into those countries, and they are in charge of sharing those with the men, if they feel like it. Men are just disposable meat.
That inequality graph comes from how little girls are treated. Like its not that uncommon that one (christian) tribe raids another (christian) tribe and steals their little girls.
But pro tip: Women are very cruel on other women.
In strictly islamic countries, the ones who shame women for not covering their ankles, are other women.
>yeah women run africa and sandnigger countries, that is why the women there are so poor! poor = elite!
you are just coping now
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>Women are also the ones who get
beaten up by niggers.
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Looking into Africa shows you were the West is heading.
They worship niggers so much that they copy them
>concept of fatherhood removed
>the state is the father now
>sassy women
>lots of niggers
>lots of genital mutilation
>fat-ass beauty standard
Based Melanesia.
It's time to kick the muslims out of Papua and give it back to their rightful owners!
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>state is ... le bad!
dumb eleutheromaniac. what did Mussolini say?
Weird, this map doesn't match religious distributions at all.
Like absolutely not at all.
Weren't you whining about muh muslims for some reason?

High score: Spiritual Magic bullshit in Papua
Second highest: Budhist regions
Third highest: Christians
Can you give me a quote on what Mussolini thought about family bonds?
Did he want to have a country full of single mothers?
Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan? But even for ones who don't, they instead match the racial map.
THIS is the border between civilized and uncivilized world. Uncivilized barbarians hit and maim people who cannot defend themselves, while the Civilization protects the defenseless from barbarism
Only in the cities and that is a good thing. The city faggots are the worst raised people in any country. Very arrogant, entitled, never humble, very obsessed with wealth and status, very unlike peasants. The state should send all cityfaggots to the countryside to learn from the peasants. Alternatively, the state should be the father of cityfaggots and raise them herself, because their actual fathers are doing a shit job to put it mildly
I will repeat it again:

Hghest: Papua New Guinea (spiritual native bullshit)
Second highest: Whole Budhist region with India
Third highest: Christian sub-sahara Africa
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan that low? That can't be right.
>Highest: Cargo cult
>Second highest: Muslim/Hindu
>Third highest: Christian
makes sense to me
and now you realize that the areas with the Lowest are muslim
I don't know what "Kyrgyzstan" is or does, but Kazakhstan was part of the SSSR equal rights equal lefts
India, Iran, Saudi? Nigger. Buddhism (China, Japan) and Christianity (Europe and Russia) are the actual lowest
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>THIS is the border between civilized and uncivilized world
no, THIS is it
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>your advancement as a civilization is defined by how much you worship holes
>Buddhism (China, Japan)
What are you doing here?
Just pretending to be retarded? Or are you an American, who are known to just make up stuff that supports their point?
seems that way
America and Britain have had and still have one of the worst pedophilic events, actually. You know, brothels where you can order a child prostitute
>Cute nerdy girl
>used goods
>christmas cake
The choice is obvious
glasses and dyed hair are the two pillars of massive turnoff.
Who cares. At least she isn't fat or old.
If a girl looks like 4 does at that age, this pretty much means she will never age. The only safe option
mating press with mizuho serizawa
With #1s money and desperation for a man you can have her work out and improve herself. But you run the risk of her ditching you once her self esteem improves as a result. So I guess #4 is probably the best bet but she'll bust your balls and be the man in the relationship
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Cuck's fuck and Chuck.
Cuck's copium stash.
Cuck's butt fuck.
Cute nerdy or Cake San. I'm thinking 18 >> 31.
>64 year olds look like that in japan
jesus christ god is a funny man cursing them with small penis and long work hours
Are you retarded?
C coders are that old though
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I was crushing on a 2 at work for a while. Then I realized she dated at least 3 guys out of the nerd pool in a single year.
Cute > hot and 4 delivers in spades.
though 4 is also hot methinks (hard to analyze the size of her tits from that angle)
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4 > 1 > 3 > 2
I'd be lucky to make that much in my lifetime.
>shekel grabber
I am not a prostitute
I am not homosexual
Pump and dump
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This might be the saddest indictment of a the state of America yet. Just 20 years ago our boobs were famous worldwide.
I come
Rumors say that this is the reason why Japanese surrendered in WWII. The Russian girls have beautiful hair and skin and stay young longer, but they are flat chested. Japanese want em big though, they couldn't take being invaded by Russians
Two nukes for every nip!
>automatically assumes women are trans if they are too girly or liberal, prefers more masculine women
I've got some good news
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>too girly
liberashka look is not girly. every girl should look like this
This looks gay as fuck. Ugly creature
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>seems nice
The fact she's leading with "my dad is rich and he's offering you money to be with me" means she has literally nothing else good to offer, and she and her father both know it. You dont need any more information than that. It's safe to assume her family is lazy, stupid, and doesn't know how to problem solve beyond just throwing money at the issue. And that money will be coming from your bank account once she's married. It's the lowest IQ bait in the dating game, like a piece of cheese on a mousetrap.
When you meet a girl like that, you ignore her and move on, and you pat yourself on the back for not being a drooling retard
You have no taste, you must be a homosexual trannyist
Ironic coming from someone who posts women with such a square, masculine face, huge jaw, ugly, unnatural makeup and nigger lips.
completely round face, actually.
>nigger lips
Full lips are the most straight thing you can like
>kissing women is gay
>she has literally nothing else good to offer
unlike you, anon?
>every girl should look like a whore
and threaded eyebrows
>You have no taste
>posts most basic bitch look imaginable
this but unironically
get pussywhipped you subhuman of a "man"
>“Hmm, how will I make an image of different waifus technology-related so I'm able to post it on /g/? Oh, I know... just slap programming language logos on top of them even it doesn't make any sense, that will work!”
Fuck you OP
1 > 4 > 2
Isn't 50m yen like $300k? That's not chump change. OK horny hag-san, you can be my sugar momma.
I don't want kids and I certainly don't want to deal with someone else's, begone thot #3.
Is everyone ITT retarded? That's not her age. They're at a fucking speeddating event, it's her NUMBER.
how is that a "basic bitch"? nobody I know looks like this
old, cannot bear children. next.
wants your money, won't be faithful. next.
has children. next.
old, rides horses (very expensive). may be self-supporting and can still bear children (probably), but will be a domineering woman who does not and cannot love you. next—oh, none left...

if these are your only options then you need to go out and find someone else. The prefect fifth option, not pictured, is JAI.
Why use this over imgops?
Why, thank you, subhuman. Compared to your kind, anyone is based

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