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/mu/ sent me here, even though this is not very technological.
My tube amp just made a loud popping sound and the V4 power tube started glowing purple at the bottom. Did that tube just an hero? What do? I heard you can't get these tubes right now because they're from russia. picrel
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just replace it with one of these which is louder and less distortion
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Was the pop through the headphones or a loud pop in the unit?
EBay has plenty of KT120 tubes... Hope you have Deep Pockets.
Forgot to ask... Did you smell a burnt electronic smell?
If not, sounds like the tube lost it's vacuum which happens because of the expansion and contraction cycle from heating.
Usually the leak occurres around one of the pins.
pop was through the speakers. definitely smelled a distinct burnt electronic smell
vaccuum tubes wear out, yes. that's why sane people use integrated circuits instead.
Yeah I wanted a full analog signal path. Audiophiles are not sane.
>started glowing purple at the bottom
Tube is probably cooked. Purple often means gas in the tube.
Giving the surrounding components a quick check would be a good idea but if they're all fine you're SOL
match the number on the top of the tube anon.
Buy a transparent DAC/AMP from topping and just use EQ for “muh warmth” faggot.
>definitely smelled a distinct burnt electronic smell
Likely a resistor popped on the high power supply circuit. The tube may have had a pin on the inside bend or melt from heat causing a ground/short.
The unit needs to have a qualified tube tech look for burnt components which sometimes can cause a daisy chain voltage spike to other components damaging them.
The high power side of a tube amp can have 500 to 1500 volts stored in those capacitors. Please take it to a tech as I've been bitten by 900 volts.. (being careless) and have repaired tube radios and amps for years. The bite knocked me off my stool and my arms and chest ached for two days... Really I consider myself lucky to be here.
I made a loud popping sound on your head.
guitarfag here


don't listen to these faggots, there is no match for tube amps in terms of sound quality. Yep, tubes cooked, replace all of them, not just one. You can get russian ones still but they're not that perfect. JJs are a good replacement, a bit brighter as well.

that is also a possibility but I'd start by just replacing the tubes and see if that's the problem, if not, yes, to the amp techie guy it goes
Thank you.
>replace all of them, not just one
The owner's manual explicitly states that you can replace and bias a single tube on this amp:
>should a tube fail prematurely, the single tube can be replaced without having to purchase a matched set
you actually can, I have in the past, but I find fresh ones for the whole set to give off a better sound. your mileage may vary.

Also you may want to consider just leaving your amp on. turning it off and on frequently is what fucks tubes up in the long run. I know it sounds insane, but I had mine up for weeks with no problems.
>needs to have a qualified tube tech look for burnt components
Any dork with a basic test equipment can do that as long as they follow good safety practices.
>turning it off and on frequently is what fucks tubes
Yeah. The power draw is high, though, and this thing doubles as an electric space heater, lol.
I wish grocery stores still had picrel
>there is no match for tube amps in terms of sound quality
Tubes add distortion, desirable or not. Don't sugar coat it. It is factually worse sound quality than any decent semiconductors.
>replace all of them, not just one
What a fucking waste.
>that is also a possibility but I'd start by just replacing the tubes and see if that's the problem
Yeah Op... but the tubes are 50 + dollars each.
Pop in in... It will ether do nothing, Pop or work correctly. Cant stress enough Keep the bias on the finals adjusted to... I think I read for your amp at 30 milliamperes... anything over 30 will cause excessive heat warping the plate which can bend/warp towards the grid or cathode causing a short in the tube and smoking other components... Nice Amp, Hope all works out well.
it depends if you want to go into the "fidelity" and "quality" rabbit hole. There is a reason these fucking things are still being sold. Stick to your semiconductors.

>What a fucking waste.
try not being poor.
also, the other tubes will be usable for replacements in the future.
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Kek... Dam that makes me feel old..
I have a EICO 666, picrel.
And yes I say a little prayer before I plug that bitch in and flip the on switch.
>There is a reason these fucking things are still being sold
A fool and their money are easily parted. Audiophiles are some of the must gullible people out there.
Tubes are cool in their own right, but people lying to themselves to justify their use instead of just accepting facts is absurd.
stick to your flat sounding chips. Tube patricians will always thrive in glorious warm tones and yes, desiderable overdrive (not distortion).
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You seem like such a nice person.
There's a chance I may have fucked your mother!
harmonic distortion
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OP BTFO laughing crying emoji
what's this?
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/mu/ can't diagnose a dead tube? fitting.
Tube is shot. Buy new tube.
>but I don't want to can I fix it
No you can't. It's shot. There's no fixing a vacuum tube, same as how you can't fix a burned out incandescent light bulb.
>I heard you can't get these tubes right now because they're from russia.
Beats me whether you can get that particular tube or not. Usually you can find overstock ones someplace. Otherwise, cope and sneed.
poobar dsp

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