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What the actual fuck Gnome? I cannot choose a middle point.
What use case do you have for that?
Your hardware does not support fractional scaling
What's the use case for fractional scaling?
>install Windows instead of Memedistro
>my hardware suddenly magically supports fractional scaling
really makes you think
>b-but ...
Your hardware does not support fractional scaling.
To use case fractional scaling you have to use case the terminal use case

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"
Probably doesn't use hardware acceleration. But this is bad for both the battery life and the climate, so it is a good thing that GNU/Linux doesn't support it
I updated and there's now a toggle for fractional scaling. Meh
Not a problem on COSMIC.
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Freetroons BTFO
Just use windows lmao, it works
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The reason I'm installing Gnome is because Windows is an incredible piece of shit. I need to use Ubuntu since that's the only thing the fucking onboarding software supports. Otherwise you're talking to debian+xfce+awesomewm masterrace.
>breakes scaling on other monitors
it's ok on KDE Plasma, you can't set the super key to overview, the one feature I love about gnome.

fractional scaling is a lie
there's not such thing a half pixels
if you do fractional scaling, elements will look blurry
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no such thing as fractional pixels
if you have bad eyesight consider increasing font scale instead of fucking everything
>but muh windows does it
and blurs everything in process
And then everything gets blurry as shit because the retards made it scale windows from 1x to 1.5x instead of just rendering 2x and scaling down
>kde solved it 2 years ago
>windows solved it forever ago
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what makes you think "solving" it is a metric?
Noninteger scaling is awful and ugly and GNOME was right to copy Apple instead of bending over forwards like Microsoft did for all the shitty monitors out there that have stupid sizes like 4K 27", which should be either 5K or 24" or come with a big sticker that says FOR AWFUL EYES ONLY.
Fractional scaling is not a hardware support thing, anon...
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gnome developers are transgender please understando.
>a fucking foot
>the de that thought the minimize button was bloat
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Maybe you should use KDE, the only decent desktop for Linux
my ubuntu install can do it though
apple OS renders everything at 2x res and then downscales it to native res
Loonix is a hobby OS
Works in Xfce
By what metric do you deem that they solved it?
Don't say sharpness.
>But this is bad for both the battery life and the climate, so it is a good thing that GNU/Linux doesn't support it
I thought enforcing settings upon users was a Windows thing?
>this faggot garbage again.
there is no such thing as functional fractional scaling. stop buying shitty monitors retard.
it isn't solved.
>use Winshit
>switch from monitor to internal display
>extremely color fringing blurry dogshit
wow, powerful.
fucking keking at these lintroons coping and seething in this thread
sure, but developer time is limited, why would they waste their time with software scaling, that is slow, inefficient, less than 1% users need it and increases your carbon footprint?
They have better things to do with their time
Use the Wayland session.
Stop using gnome, dipshit. How the fuck is this not drilled into your skull? Going into any Linux thread you'll have people bitching about gnome. Stop fucking using it
>They have better things to do with their time
Like developing linshit libraries which are the software dev equivalent of playing with action figures...
>why would they waste their time
Because that's what their user base wants?
>windows does it
>macos does it
>kde does it
>even cosmic in alpha does it
kys and stay kys
Stop using Qt apps abandoned 20 years ago.
Installing anything but GNOME is retarded.
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just having the date and time in the middle of the top bar tells you everything you need to know about this shitware
GNOME 3x... home...
What the fuck is that spacing between "May" and "6"?
people who have such large monitors that they need scaling have more than enough money to buy some other OS, Linux is charityware for small time peasants and broke college students.
The date and the time are two separate objects
And how much effort will it take to make that spacing even?
use case?
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I don't know, I've never tried. But again, you're thinking about it wrong. It's not one clock, it's two separate indicators that form one button, just like the system notifiers on the right
I enable the day of the week on my system and notice that it's spaced the same way, because it's part of the single date widget
Okay, thank you for telling me why it's wrong.
But how many config file docs would I need to read in order to know how to fix it?
It not being laid out precisely as you're accustomed to doesn't make it wrong
>It not being laid out precisely as you're accustomed to doesn't make it wrong
What? I don't think you get how this works.
I don't like how it is positioned, so it is wrong.
Simple as.
I hope the GNOME devs continue not to listen to "community" "feedback"
you've got that backwards
You are a nigger
fuck off ebussy
you're all retarded, why would he listen to you
>make it look like windows
>why would he listen to you
Because his current way of thinking is causing GNOME to lose all of its users to Windows of all things? lol
two more weeks
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no source?
that's the blog you got the graph from
where is the data from
>where is the data from
fractional scaling is dogshit, you're welcome
Is that spike in the late 00s shitbuntu dropping unity or was that later?
>have glorious 16:10 27" monitor
>no scaling needed
Feels good
scale it to 50% for more screen real estate
>fractional scaling mentioned
Ok 85% of users gone right there. Just fucking scale. Warn if you want, but this fucking shit should work.
you don't need an answer; you're just looking to be argumentative because you're encapsulated in your own little world where you cannot see past your own hubes.
Software has to work. Simple as. My computer works for me.
Help I can't read anything anymore!
It's funny how your suggestion sounds absurd (try and turn this into a shitty 5K monitor) but nobody seems to find anything wrong with buying a 5K monitor and using 200% scaling all the time to treat it like its 1600p unless you're pixel peeping images at native res.
>no but I NEEEEEEEED 4K on my 13" laptop screen
No the fuck you don't. Stacy is the reason I can't have a nice, evenly lit, color accurate, wide gamut display of appropriate pixel density in a fucking laptop. Stacy will pry my 16:10 VA monitors from my cold dead hands. Harlot.
How did you make this about hating women? Impressive.
Replace Stacy with Chad or Joe Sixpack then. You're projecting. My point was that the masses (Stacy) see "4K" and think "4K good". Because they do. They don't care about viewing angles, color accuracy (beyond "it looks vibrant"), even backlighting, contrast ratio, response time, etc.
4K is a buzzword. 3840x1920 is bigger than 1680x1050.
Holy seethe.
It's somewhere in the experimental settings. I think it's enabled by default on ubuntu or fedora. I think it was ubuntu
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There's no usecase for it.

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