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File: Mitchell Baker.jpg (396 KB, 1365x1364)
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>be new CEO of Mozilla amid market share shrinkage
>gets paid a record $ 2.5 million in your first year
>brings Firefox market share down to 85%
>steps down, returns to CEO position the next year
>salary raises to $3 million
>market share further shrinks
>lays off over 250 employees
>gets a raise to $5 million
>market share in free fall
>salary is raised to $7 million
>market share completely obliterated
>even Edge has more users at this point
>steps down
Was this retarded bitch anything but an instrument for tax fraud?
All non-profits are like this, they exist to funnel money to their management overhead and money spent on their "stated mission" can be negligible or basically zero.
I think it was a ploy to get all of money and quit before mozilla goes bankrupt
fpbp /thread
Why does Mozilla need a CEO? What value does having one add? Honestly you should just have a tech lead that has to wear some other hats rather than a CEO. It seems to me a big scam to leech the money that google pays Mozilla to exist.
Mozilla also exists so Google can avoid anti-trust lawsuits. Google are Mozilla's biggest investor.

She seems like the kind of person that everyone pretends to like but secretly hates her guts. I never seen this woman but I can tell you judging off of her face. That she is flamboyant, snarky, and pretentious. An overall terrible person to be around.
Truth be told I don't think she's the sole person to blame, the new CEO is no better either, and at least she was on Mozilla for a long ass time and worked together with Eich when he was there at Mozilla's peak. I think the rot is in the entire company, like 90% of programmers and everyone else working there are just lazy parasites, and they got themselves in a hole they can't come out of because they added so many worthless diversity hires that are only there to add worthless shit like presentations, yt videos, blogs, articles about DEI shit, or adding DEI art and themes to the browser. It's just a fucked situation. I don't think there's fixing it.
it didn't work

So Mozilla Is Google's bitch. Interesting.
>Sanpaku eyes
You couldn't figure that out for yourself?
>>even Edge has more users at this point
yeah but in reality chrome and safari only have that kind of market share because of android and iphone. When you cut out the phone platforms firefox has a bigger percentage
it made sense when Eich was still in charge because he was a technical guy
but then gay furries lynched him
dood, never go to Thailand. That isnt a woman.
If you go to thailand and cant tell the diference between a fag in a dress and a woman, you will be leaving thailand with a stingin ring
This. Everyone remotely capable left years ago and all that is left is a bunch of clueless women.
they arent women, theyre fags wearing womens panties
every woman who makes it high on the corporate/political ladder is a banshee demon
that, or they give nice blowies
Fiscal and legal related requirements, it's a whole area that tech people usually don't understand.
>All non-profits are like this
This, this is why I would rather have a for-profit open source solution rather than a full community one.
>When you cut out the phone platforms firefox has a bigger percentage
This has not been the case since around 2021, and currently Edge has about twice as many users compared to Firefox in desktop only.
Anon once you're a CEO you're pretty much employed for life. You can only fail upwards.
>Mozilla also exists so Google can avoid anti-trust lawsuits.
Anon I have some to tell you...
Elizabeth Warren finally did it bros
10yoe here i have experienced this 4/4 times
>Mozilla also exists so Google can avoid anti-trust lawsuits.
boy you are gonna cum yourself when u find out where mozilla gets all its funding from
We need more women in IT?
That's why he's saying that

well there is this image resampling algorithm they it is the default if go small if go big, maybe just coincidence
For tech company CEO is 2.5 million a lot? Idk anything about such salaries
This is generally what happens when you put women in charge of companies, particularly tech companies, especially when they're not engineers.
>anti-trust lawsuits
The day when the US gov actually do something about monopolies is not coming anon, a slap on the hand is the furthest they'll ever go.
Why does a web browser need 1000 employees
they have other products (that no one barely ever use) but yeah, tech companies tend to over hire to pretend what they are doing is actually really important and serious business that you should really really invest in.
Thunderbird isn't even a joke, it's just sad. And they don't really have any other products worth talking about.
ginni didnt seem that bad
her results were mid though
CEO salaries have been inflating in general in the past few decades, so any actual answer you hear should probably keep that in mind
Thunderbird isn't even managed by Mozilla. They are independent. Mozilla just gives them their name and some hosting.
No, it's not. Not for a tech company the size of Mozilla. Also, non-profit doesn't mean it's a charity with volunteer workers.
What would be the median for companies that size or at least normal salaries?
Mitchell Baker was waaaaay overpaid in comparison to past Mozilla CEOs. She still probably gets more than them by being a chairwoman.

But how does it compare to other similar company CEOs?
1000 people to figure out how to implement <center> tag with css
>paid a record $ 2.5 million in your first year
no refunds donation cucks
I'm starting to understand the Shill Lion - Firefox rivalry. I thought it was just business, but I guess it's personal as well.
don't bother, this board is beyond retarded, anything but lewd pics and the occasional useful link is a waste of time.

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