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So can the EU actually into tech now?
The European Javier Milei?!?
What is going on, this is simulation
does this mean the EU will now sell its ass to megacorporations or what
He btfo all their tech companies, and just resigned
>Thierry Breton
>Breton as from Brittany
>Actually a Parisian
Also good riddance.
We need someone who is pro-legal immigration specifically from India. I'm tired of waiting
Fucking what?
carpetbomb every landmass outside of Europe excepting Japan with neutron bombs 24/7 365 days a year
Right wing parties are for legal immigration, in fact we want to increase it, because we always can use more hard workers who want to test themselves in free market. Center-right = best
>excepting Japan
holy cringe, you are one of those
filthy subanimal
No you shouldn't exist anymore
nipoid trash lmao
holy fuck im gonna creampie ur daughters so hard when I get there
you can have fun paying for my child's care ahahaha
this a man or woman?
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kek it's literally over for EU, they regulated themselves to death
>USA glowniggers create Covid, Ukraine war and force EU to sanction the rising suns China and Russia
>this is EU's fault because it doesn't suck corporate cock enough
> LEt's jerk ourselves off and think that by "leveling the playing field" we are creating more entry for smaller businesses without any overall impact.
> Then we can the US because we've regulated against any innovation.

When you legislate everyone use the same shit and is on equal footing, everything stays the same.
>mutt index is getting more top-heavy

these are not total gdp per capita
Overregulation is why the EU won't have a robust tech industry. Thierry Breton will be replaced by another statist with similar positions.
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He got fired for wanting to censor Musk, X, and Trump.
EU lacks grit, it's populace is entirely lazy because the non lazy leave for the US where they get real money
EU doesnt lack grit, they're kneecapped by buerocracy. Instead of freedom to build companies, they have to ask permissions for every little thing, going from UI design permissions to server location decisions to type of hosting, to language usage to content types. So many regulations are in EU that are in place for companies that just want to build shit but they cant so they move out to America
we need them to make bing-bing wahoo! handheld toys
Americana phallus shall forever remain Europa's favorite meat.
S&P500 is dominated by big tech companies. The US was first on the scene for a lot of historic computer developments which gave the US a strong academic and cultural base of computer scientists/engineers to draw from. What places in Europe had like developments? Not many. It's not about regulation but about the US planting the right seeds in the 50s and 60s which are thriving in our current epoch. A similar example is Japan, which pioneered consumer electronics and certain kinds of manufacturing, but to their detriment never embraced software or AI as intensely. Is Japan over regulated? I mean, maybe? But I think most people would agree the issue is a matter of technological conservatism. We're on the cusp of a new epochal shift and it'll be to do with AI. Once again the US is investing heavily into this, alongside China, but what is Europe doing?
I think Europeans are simply more conservative when it comes to research and technology. Like Japan they say "these are the fields we like" and "these are the methods we use". The best mathematicians in the world are of a European background for example. France, Russia, and the UK have many fields medalists. Nassim Taleb says he prefers to hire mathematicians from former Soviet countries to work as quants in his company because they're the best, according to him. But outside their particular niches, they have no presence at all.

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