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Almost white people only, so based.
I honestly didn't knew how good I had it.
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Completely separate from real life, you can't imagine how good that was
You have no idea how good it was. I would give up all technological progress to go back.
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there used to be more creativity and more options on web 1.0. message boards were the shit. webrings and 88x31 affiliate buttons were how we got around

also you could register the user "niggerslayer420" and not get banned. There wasn't shadow censorship everywhere.

Only thing I don't miss is the laggy Java applets, ActiveX popup viruses that would install adware/spyware and toolbars, RealPlayer, and Silverlight. I also to this day don't know what the difference between Shockwave Player and Flash Player was, they both seemed to do the same thing but required separate installs.

I kind of miss the autoplay MIDI files and animated gifs everywhere though.
Browsing the Internet was like walking in nice town and visiting shops with cool things. Now it is like being beaten on a toilet by a popups and paywals, flashbanged by flat white pages and anally raped by human verification.
>Boomers of /g/, how was the Internet in your time?
What internet?
oh wait I think the military had the internet
but kept it secret
>don't know what the difference between Shockwave Player and Flash Player
Shockwave came out first and supported 3D graphs and scripting. It was a plugin that displayed content made in Director (.dcr format). Flash Player was a plugin that displayed content made in Flash. Essentially, both technologies were used to create interactive content. Shockwave primarily relied on raster graphics, whereas Flash relied more on vector graphics. Later, as Flash added 3D and scripting support, and due to its output being primarily vector-based, thus smaller in size, it killed Shockwave.
the internet used to not be real life

>Asheron's Call

I was one of those 2086
Until normies took over the internet
False, Russians weren't there, and Americans are not white
>trying to fit in

it was full of 130+ IQ people who used the internet before social media took off.
It was weird, messy, inconsistent, but fun. It always felt like you were going on some weird journey and mundane shit would be events. Sometimes you'd stumble on a website with tons of information or some barely functional interactivity and it felt like discovering an unexplored cave.

Fucking ton of sprite comics too.
its easy to be nostalgic but honestly? it was sloooooow. so fucking slow.
oh, you had to be there
The americans who had internet in the 90s and early 2000s were almost exclusively white.
Plus, you gotta remember that 25 years ago there were 50million less spics in the USA.
western countries hadn't ramped mass immigration to absurd levels, so IRL was white, and the internet was white.
Everything was so comfy.
Leddit spacing, but yeah, basically this.
There were all kinds of niche sites to explore, and even proto-social networks were much more explorable and unique back then.
For example, ezboard was a popular web 1.0 site with thousands of different message boards, all created by users, many heavily customized, covering different topics.
Everything was much more chill back then
>k-keep counting your days, gr-AAAAACK!
My childhood was picrel and arcade
ironically it was more trustworthy, at the same people were far more suspicious and cautious
Mine was Age of Empires + MSN Zone and later GameRanger
Now the internet is like walking through a bazar in North Africa, browns everywhere and they want to sell you shit at every corner. When you think about it the development of the internet is a warning against globalization.
Social networks kinda ruined the Internet. Small/medium business for example, almost all used to have their own websites. Now a lot of these just have some Instagram account where they shill their services.
>Internet is an escape from real life
>real life is an escape from the internet
>it doesn't work
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Everything worthwhile was text, so that didn't matter too much.

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