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is there a way to synthesize murcery or get a lot of it to do this. If aynone wants to fund this or collab this is 100M+ yotube video
No, and you are incredibly retarded.
my brother did not die that way because nobody has ever died that way. you will be the first. we will honor you in the records
>synthesize mercury
Did you miss 6th grade science class or what?
>this is 100M+ yotube video
im not indian, and this would feel amazing on your body and people would pay to see it and participate in it
What the fuck am I looking at
Hey guys! It's me, ya boy Qin shin Huang, I know you loved my previous video about owning confuciustards with facts and executions, but this time I'll show you a method to achieve immortality to outlast the heavens!
science. this is the shit they wanted to inject you with.
you only need like, 20cm of mercury
but still clue where you'd get 1-5m^3 mercury lol
>is there a way to synthesize an elemental metal?
Not that you have access to.
It looks like some kind of sensory deprivation tank
wrong. if he steals enough copper wire and smoke detectors he can achieve fusion.
those blood pressure things theyve got in old folks homes have a bottle of about 20mL mercury. you just have to go get them, it’s full of old folks and women they can’t do shit
if we made 14 atoms of element 115 im sure they can make buckets of mercury no problem. Much less power on the periodic table.
How old are you young man?
sorry guys i thought this was /sci/... didn't mean to bother you idiots enjoy your chinese pixels
this is exactly what gee needs
lmao no way you could afford that much mercury, and unless you live in a shithole you won't be able to afford to dispose of it either.
After you are done the mercury you can use alchemy to convert it into gold, instantly pay off your debt from buying the mercury. Also you get immortality thrown in for free, if you don't die from mercury poisoning.
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>unless you live in a shithole
it doesn't matter. put it in a gallon jug. drive to a supermarket. toss it in the bushes in the parking lot. repeat.
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>Born: February 259 BC
This post is evidence the immortality elixir actually worked and OP is likely him.
visit your local Hg mine, they should have a few tonnes left over desu
>Synthesize mercury
Yea hold on, lemme just go spool up my fusion reactor right quick.
my niece works in an Hg mine, I asked her about it and she said you can just do
hg clone
to get as much mercurial as you need for basically free
unironically, bust into Qin Shi Huang's tomb to find that much mercury
This >>102421218 and this >>102421272
but anironically
Cody's lab on youtube has worked with incredible volumes of mercury. But in terms of immersing yourself in it, the buoyancy forces would be incredible - so you would have high pressure differentials across your body if you were immersed in it. I also don't think you would be able to swim down into it - the upward force would be too much.
just drink some beforehand to balance it out. ez.
The biggest ecological catastrophe in the near future

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