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What's your preferred browser of choice that offers the smoothest web browsing experience? I have a laptop w/Windows 7 installed (got it secondhand. Pic related) and I was wondering what I could use instead of Chrome or Edge since support w/those has ended. I tried SeaMonkey a year or two ago when I first got it, but the YouTube's website was a bit jank on it. It's only now I'm revisiting this device so I figured I'd ask this time.
supermium for modern chrome, mypal68 for firefox. and new moon for pale moon.
>lust-inducing image

Just think about what sites you're visiting. If it's too bloated use your phone.
Waterfox, supermium, or you can install Kernel extensions and run Chrome natively.
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You can use ikatube + mpv/vlc (or FreeTube 0.19.2 with invidious) for YouTube. I still stick with 115 LibreWolf, I won't install the other chrome forks as I don't want furry pornography in my system.
win7 ungoogled chromium from a couple months ago, with vkex injected to make it think it's on a win10 install
Most browsers work on older operating systems like slackware and debian.
I would not even connect a Windows 7 machine to the internet
Put Debian on it with Xfce, then use whichever browser you prefer
>1 GHz Pentium 3
Holy moly.

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