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>be me, mech eng student with robotics minor
>few years of hobbyist experience before degree
>maintain gpa over 4, top student tier
>problems with self-esteem, social anxiety, very shy
>currently in 3rd year
>applied too late for summer internships first summer, got an interview for a semi-related job but fumbled the interview the second summer
>self-worth down the drain after hearing the news I didn't get the offer
Just burnt through 2/3 summers I get during my degree with nothing to show for it. I need to make good of the next summer or I'm toast for the job market after. A big setback was looking for jobs locally only (my parents don't want me to leave), along with not mass-applying for positions. I'm struggling to get an internship that a classmate of mine maintains despite failing numerous classes and being a year behind from it. The clock is ticking and at this rate I'm well on my way to be a shut-in, depending on my ageing parents for gibs to survive. I get chosen to be an undergrad TA (due to internal employment), hopefully I'm worthy of going down to the bay area for work next summer.

Advice would be appreciated.
There's nothing anyone here can say that can help you and all you're going to get is the feeling of faint catharsis from venting online

Outside of mass applying you can only wait and hope, it's literally all random and your grades barely factor into the equation

Apply to all of the internships through your university's job portal because those are the only ones anyone looks at + they mostly post them in August and early September

Sage grows in all fields
it wouldnt be a problem if you were actually interested in your field now wouldnt it, anon?
best thing u can hope for is living another day, food and shelter aside.
>best thing u can hope for is living another day, food and shelter aside.
I understand.
>it wouldnt be a problem if you were actually interested in your field now wouldnt it, anon?
From the conversation I've seen between my peers, I understand a lot more and more enthusiastic about my field than most. If anything, I'm too embarrassed to ask for help from my peers out of fear of disappointment, or worried I'm lying about my ability, but always get baffled about the ability of my peers and how far it take them still.
aight im sorry
hope u can get something soon
you are NOT to be out in the streets living like a skitzo
u deserve stability
I was in the same position as you getting an ME degree, except I was more of a lazy shit that didn't even bother looking for an internship. Do whatever you can to get one next year since even with me graduating from a top school with a good GPA, I wasn't able to find a job after 1000 applications with no internship experience. That was 7 years ago, so I imagine its worse now.
Ended up doing an internship for half a year after graduation, and it was a lot easier getting a job after that. Post-graduation internships aren't too common so I was lucky with that, I wouldn't count on that as a backup. Also
>problems with self-esteem, social anxiety, very shy
Fix that ASAP. Obviously easier said than done, but you're very unlikely to get a job if you come across as a quiet stuttering autist during the interview. Check if your school has a career center or something where you can do mock interviews and do those to practice
>be me, non American
>spend holiday time with friends, family, and working on some personal projects
>no expectation to do free internship humiliation rituals
>university offers an industry placement for slightly above average students
>take it and do well
>now i have business relations who are happy to be my references
>it also contributes to my degree so i can graduate faster
>get a job

The US is so weird honestly. Whenever I read university advice for Americans it's like you have to do a million gay little chores on top of maintaining perfect grades just to maybe have a chance at getting an okay job or graduate position. Like wtf?
I didn't care that much so I took classes known to be difficult because they were personally interesting. What would Americans do in that situation, take a much easier but boring class to conserve their precious GPA?
me on the other hand...
i think im moving to russia
living in one of those decaying buildings located in the province of Nowhere, region of WhoCares, along with Ivan, a stoner and 2 ex-convicts, all sleeping in one single room, while they ask me to hack into sum government system to test my skills and loyalty.
>problems with self-esteem, social anxiety, very shy
It was for you the moment you were born.
If you have skills after your education and you can display them properly

>find a company you think is worthy. Yes you approve them not the other way around.
>showcase how you have used what you learned to present real world application to knowledge
>pursue the position you want with the company you want regardless of what others including your parents have to say. Your life you only get one.
>if your skills match your testing and retention abilities you can have any job you want in the field.

If you don't have those skills despite having the knowledge consider sharing the knowledge you have on any of the slew of teaching/self publishing platforms available.

Don't give up mechanon.

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