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I built this computer in 2013 and don't see any reason to build a new one anytime soon, but I'm also not an epic gamer with 3 monitors
0 8 or 7
I have a laptop I bought in 2015 also but it's starting to show its age. Desktop masterrace or something
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depends on the one, honestly I am looking at building my own computer appliances. I like meme builds but the big thing is for building a computer I often have several goals, autistic ones, One aesthetic, I give each computer a name, and then a function it should serve. For example, I have one i'm building for disk related media work. Then theres another thats a nas. one thats a main AI pc. etc.

I encourage anyone else to do the same, name your pcs according to your preferences then pivot the whole thing to be about that theme.
anon, what the heck do you do with AI that would require a dedicated PC for it
Just bought a 2019 era PC off ebay with 8 9th gen i7 cores at 3.6GHz, 32GB RAM, 512GB SSD and WiFi for under $300 on ebay. It takes time to sift through the bullshit but there are great deals if you're patient. Obviously if you want some badass gaming or AI rig, this won't really work, but for software dev, office, photo and light video editing it's just fine.
built mine in 2014. i see zero reason to upgrade. don't care about pozzed new 500gb games. vr was a flop. i have no use for ai. will probably only upgrade when my gpu dies, god help me then.
this is like same as my PC but I have an i5-3570k. Cost $1k to build back then

and my SSD is 120 GB that cost me $120 in 2013 kek. I'm looking at upgrading to a 1 TB soon, because the 120 GB has always been annoyingly small
it's just some insane tranny ignore it it doesn't actually have these pcs.
Hardcore pornography
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if your gpu dies just get a new one on eBay for like 30 bucks
My rig is and old office machine from like 09 that got pulled out of a dumpster or something. I stuck a potato of a GPU in it and it's served me well.
I play old games or games with low requirements and none of my hobby programming would benefit from a beefier rig.
Motherboard and cpus are from 2010
I put it together in I think 2015 from used parts and upgraded the gpu a couple times, it has a 3090 now
The mobo is worth like 10 times what I paid for it at this point, Evga sr2
>Evga sr2
never seen that before, what a freak of nature, I like it
get a new computer anyway
After looking it up quickly, you're on the 22nm process with DDR3. You might want to look at shit like https://www.ebay.com/itm/387247592070 to basically upgrade everything at once (22 to 14, 6 cores / 12 threads, DDR3 to DDR4, 1TB SSD plus a HDD, etc)
it has nothing to do with AI requiring a dedicated pc and more to do with getting good deals on pcs and obeying my power limits, I only have one standard breaker amp to split with another room mate after all, not that its a big deal, because a system that can run all this at once is actually much more expensive, not to mention hideous, than a few systems. AI chips like the 4090 take up 4-3.5 slots. I have mine squeezed just behind a t1000. setting it aside I have one last x8 slot. So where do the blue ray players go? theres no 5.25 bays. what about the hard drives? theres no space for all the optane and Spinning rust. So just get a better platform right? are you joking? a platform costs easily twice as much as I paid for the current one WITHOUT the additional cost of the pc's cpu factored in at all. So in total, to get this pc on a sage or something in a custom case or what have you I would have to pay upwards of 2.5k instead of the 600 I paid for everything. Sure, its an OEM lenovo, Sure, it's locked. but even if I hodl and resell and upgrade, do you really think I'm going to make back anywhere close to the 1800 bucks if I bought a regular production MB and Unlocked CPU? I would not. Instead I'll pay this for the work station and spend that money on gpu. But why run it all the time if I'm just casually browsing? I have a surface and the smaller PCs for that. just the total TDP with furmark was enough to heat my room at full tilt during the icy winter storm that blew in last year.

and that smaller PC? it's a i9 10 I scored for 100 dollars and a lenovo 70s for under 100.
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2019 laptop. added 8gb more ram to handle webdev shit. also wanted an SSD but fuck setting up my OS and shit again. there are a couple of games I'd play that would warrant a better PC (Satisfactory, DRG to name a few), but not enough. at this point I'm more excited about starting a homelab with small PCs.
this platform seems incredibly overpriced.
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about a year old senpai
$250? ok
like four years old now, 10700K and a 3080
does just fine, I have no reason to upgrade really
You're cool Anon, but you should atleast buy a shitty chromebook or equivalent currently supported e-waste to securely use the internet or when doing shopping/banking. I used to care about building rigs every three years, but modern games are garbage, it's mostly unwarranted for anything but security, though you can get away with chromebooks or Walmart tier laptops to do that.
its a respectable system. the lack of pcie 4 sucks but i didn't notice a whole lot of missed speed going back to that gen. What really blows about a system like this more than anything is the limited PCIE lanes total rather than the gen, but if you've got a 3080 in there theres probably not a lot of room for other cards.
i built it in 2021
2017-04-11, Ryzen 1600 launch day.
this is easily better
op wanted min 1TB SSD and that 8GB ram in current_year is really pushing it if you want to run vscode for example. Add in the $50 shipping instead of free and factor in upgrading ram & ssd and the shipping/time of that as well and it is no longer clear
same, 2013
I don't know
Some parts of it come from my old laptop, some parts are not even a year old, some parts are from 2019

It's 1 to 11 years old

My pc has no age.
it's a laptop
well in any case the platform is what i was talking about. if he cant afford the platform upgrade he should just get another SSD for his current rig, no need to even replace the 120 unless its an nvme drive.
I have a 3060 12gb for training models but I also have a shitty old processor from 2014 so most newer games are bottlenecked from that, but I can’t really be bothered to replace the cpu because then I need to replace other things as well and it works fine.
>hidden theseus' ship question with /g/ context
Best thread currently if intentional
I updated my motherboard and cpu 7 month ago.
its a ryzen 5 twenty-six-hundie or something so its kinda old i guess. i think i built it a few months before the pandemic.
i dont really care. fedora/kde on it runs like a dream and even AAA games i have bought work on linux thanks to steam so whatever i guess.

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