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File: 04xp-typing-superJumbo.jpg (348 KB, 2048x1351)
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god i hate these things so fucking much

not exactly a hot take, i know. but it really is worth repeating how much smartphones suck ass (or anything branded as "smart"). i hate how everything needs an app now. wanna get deals at mcdonalds? get our app! wanna get coupons at LIDL? get our app! wanna do anything in the modern world? get the fucking app!

i also hate typing with these things. sooooo fucking slow i feel like a caveman.

but that's just my personal beef. the societal ramifications are obviously much greater. dating is a non-starter if you're a male who isn't a 8/10 (yes, there are exceptions - those prove the rule). normies have polluted the internet, which made it so everything is gay and PC and monetized. also with the advent of the cheap android smartphones, the entire third world can now enter once comfy white-only forums and enlighten us with their barely readable low IQ takes and opinions. easy internet access has also streamlined the process of applying for residency/asylum in the west, so now we have more brownoids in our physical proximity than ever before.
welcome to hellworld
are you going to make the best of the situation you find yourself in and find a way to turn it to your advantage?
or just give up?
I'm just going to pass on using a smartphone. I can't take that shit. I'll miss out on the conveniences and the cheap deals, but keep my sanity. And I'll avoid businesses that promote that kind of "bonus" system, unless they have a physical card alternative.
Especially when corporate tracking became also a form of social validation.
If anything the new internet is expelling the core users of 90/00's away, the non woke nerd.
Shitty take. Smart phones are awesome.

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