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You can't do anything productive on a laptop, this is a fact.

If you don't have a monitor that is at least 23", a keyboard and a mouse it will be a pain to do anything that's not word processing.

I hate myself for not realizing this when I was younger. The shittiest desktop setup is miles better than the best laptop for non-slop activities.
Yes, the only convenience laptop offer is to manage some work under the constraints of no fixed workstation. Miles better than "working" on tablets and phones but still substantially inferior to a desktop.
just connect your laptop to a monitor with a USB-C cable and shut the fuck up
nah, i dont agree, but using a small compact smartphone is even more productive, imagine how swiftly you can bump it out of the pocket and start coding. so, nope, completely false statements.
Let me guess you need more
Let me guess you need a 2000 dollar sit stand desk
maybe, i can definetly say that work laptops are the number 1 thing that gets sent over to my repairshops, mostly because the hinges are shit in newer laptops or because their keyboard isnt working
I have written over 10k lines on a laptop on a shelf in my bathroom as a ghetto standing desk
fuckin faggot
dude insanely based
OP is a consumer looking for rationalisation, not a creator looking for inspiration
>I wrote a LLM in punch cards because I'm masochistic and retarded
>that means I'm superior to you
>everyone should use punchcards
I know right. Also use horizontal mice vertically because vertical mice are not vertical. You gotta think outside the box
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AND horizontal mice have lower ground clearance so you are more efficient by default when moving back and forth to your keyboard
He's not using a laptop, he's using a big monitor. So shut the fuck up, nigger.

i see how hes positioned his hands on the keyboard, its a 10 second position for quick smartphone reach. probably the photo is only made for journalists, like Linus photo with standing desk, which came the running desk with smartphone. we need to know the smartphone model he uses, so we become bright coders too
Im this guy and this is my real life setup whenever I dont work from home. As a connsultant I get assigned random tables without screens so it's truly great to have an extendable (sufficient height) and foldable laptop stand and external compact keyboard for the sake of encouraging neutral neck position. In theory if you master yourself 100% you could also not need that and maintain good posture while looking down but I find it a lot easier to have the monitor at eye level because of the angle of the eye balls as well as viewing distance. While working from home office I use a larger screen which is more productive but leas ergonomic. In my experience the gold standard for ergonomics is a laptop sized screen at face level. A larger screen at conventional distance means you wil be looking at thinga that are outside of the deadset viewing centre line of neutral neck position, which is not the case for monitor at face level

Tldr: laptop on stand at face height is the most ergo and most underrated low tech low budget solution. But you get more things done faster on bigger screens at the expense of your long term rate of cervical disk degeneration being higher
Also when adding eye sight degeneration to the full ergo picture, the most optimal solution would be a large screen or projection as far away as your room size allows, scaled to a size that correponds to laptop size screen at arm length and it should be also at eye level.

This way you recreate the laptop at face level ergomomics but train your long distance eye focus
you are evidently one dumb motherfucker since you can only take the image literally instead of parsing out the general meaning of message. so shut the fuck up low IQ brainrot faggot.
You are the retarded gorilla nigger here. If you think buying a monitor is "being a consumer" you have a terminal case of poorfaggotry.

You try to moralfag in order to hide what you really are: a NEET and a poorfag. You equate someone using a monitor to someone that buys a $500 meme keyboard because you have never done anything serious in your life. You are a burden to society and you should neck yourself.

it is not like that, different hardware different yelds, it is fancy to experiment like thousand sets and pick one for rest of life

i can consult and insult within a small textbox area, best eye position is when the ball of the eye rolls to the center of textbox, then, you can type RETARD RETARD!!!111 bigger screen often means one cant see what is happening at corners of budget variator
what a retard, is not my problem you are a fucking gorilla big alien subhuman
I once made a 500k downloads android app on an asus eee pc with no external monitor. However this was back in android 4-5 days when all you needed was eclipse and maven

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