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I need to make a website using only HTML and I don't know how to code at all as I have profound mental retardation.

Is there some tool that a brainlet can use to make a website which will then shit it all out as HTML which I can just copy and paste?

Can one of these new fancy jewish AI things help? If so, what? And how?

Is there another way?

For what it's worth, the website needs to be kinda like a blog or something, like the old days of tumblr I guess
I also wanna make an HTML website to post pictures of my trans progress :3
What kind of website do you need to make?
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OP here, having to post from my phone because captcha shit the bed on my pc. I wanna make a website to show my photography and the different kinda that I do, but I wanna host it on one of those free html-only services and make it look like old internet because I’m pretty sure the current state of the internet social media is killing me
html is just ui definition. Not that hard to learn. You can also embed CSS and JS into your html files
Tell this to ChatGPT and it will happily generate you a template

i was kinda hoping that I wouldnt just get a "learn to code" reply. Im a really busy person, and although Im good at some things, coding is something which Id really have to commit serious hours to in order to learn a lot slower than anyone else


I thought chatgpt only shits out like a few paragraphs when you ask it something??

captcha: KOCK
You dumb retard ai can code, it cant design. You are the ceo in this case, not a customer. If you cant make accurate descriptions of what you want or find it too time consuming you are supposed to move to the customer sector and buy a prefab website
>zoomer spacing
>hopelessly stupid
>wants to make le retro looking website
I can already tell you're a faggot.
There's Neocities websites that provide HTML and CSS files that you can use and customize.

It's not a perfect solution and you will have to learn the basics of HTML and CSS eventually but it'll get you 75 % closer to publishing your shit.

Happy hacking!
Would you mind giving me an example/s of what you mean?
you only need a few paragraphs bro
if it stops half way through (you don't see </html> at the end) just say "continue" or "keep going" or whatever
>Is there some tool that a brainlet can use to make a website
Macromedia Dreamweaver
This. Best advice if you don't want pro skills in html. No one really does anymore.

Html isn't difficult to understand it's very time consuming to learn, like all coding.

You could sub out to upwork or fiver.

50 bucks will get you a pretty decent return.
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Any website can be saved just like an image. Normally if you can find a barebones website its easier to understand. Fyi zoom zoom even 10 year old girls playing neopets could learn basic html
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>draw the pages in mspaint
>mark down the rectangle coordinates for each navigation element like button or link
>create text files which contain basic html showing the page image (img tag) and map tags to create the links
easy, you don't have to learn any other html or css
>any website can be saved just like an image
>open youtube
>Save as...youtube.html
I can now watch all videos offline thank you
try dreamweaver, it's a program used back in the php era
if you just want a static site use hugo use a minimal theme read it and you will understand it. Yes the ((AI)) things help but they won't answer everything unless prompted. Only trial and error will get you any success.
>it's very time consuming to learn, like all coding.
If you spent one hour a day learning HTML instead of playing vidya and fapping to nip cartoons you could learn HTML, CSS, and some basic JS in less than a month. Acquiring knowledge is significantly easier than losing weight or getting a girlfriend
>Is there some tool that a brainlet can use to make a website which will then shit it all out as HTML which I can just copy and paste?
Install Seamonkey, open the HTML editor (CTRL-4) and start typing.
Premade layouts like the one in your op image. I have a lot of time and willing to help you edit the layout as you want, format and styling. Go get a neocities layout and tell me what you want.
do you have a lot of saved sakura net or jp pages? I am not op but if you have any good vaporware unobtanium archived nip sites I would love to crawl them.
This is a very funny image. May I save it?
I think you could just search webarchive or waybackmachine for that. I don't have anything saved I just explore archives and new sites
most of those sites dont properly retain a lot of important image data sadly.
That's a copyright violation if you publish it though.
sorry im replying so late, was playing dark souls D:

if youre gonna help me, youll have to add me on something right? my discord is _tomes
FF devtools have most of what DreamWeaver had, but it's a bit heavy and figuring out how to save your changes is a few extra steps
>only HTML
Are we also accepting CSS and JS, or should it really be ONLY HTML?
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API

>i was kinda hoping that I wouldnt just get a "learn to code" reply
It's really just:
<!-- Head element (optional) -->
<title>Babby's First HTML site</title>
<!-- Metadata here -->
/* Style (optional) */
<!-- Body element (mandatory) -->
<h1>Babby's First HTML site</h1>
All content goes in here.
<img src="path/to/file.jpg">
/* Script (optional) */

- HTML is the content
- CSS is the layout/appearance
- JS is the behaviour.
Just pay for chatgpt, it will include snake in html/js for free

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