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Anyone have any hot tips for maximizing my citizen score?
What a faggot
paywall bypass

I had to look because I guessed it was a misleading headline and he was predicting it as a bad thing, but nope, he actually thinks it's great
what a fucking prick
>that nose
>Ellison was born on August 17, 1944, in New York City to Florence Spellman, an unwed Jewish mother.
every time
based early life checker
just use Bypass Paywalls Clean anon
Be a sjw, vote left, be vegan, be woke by constantly defending the so-called oppressed people while defending Israel and Jewish interests. Alongside basic rules as not littering, not shitting in the streets, smile in front of cosmopolitan billboard ads and no jaywalking.
>That nose
>Needing to look it up
Anon your jewdar is broken. Please have it calibrated
This is a good thing though, lots of people just pretend to be good while actually doing evil shit and an AI will be able to call them on it.
Similarly, for a good person that's under pressure and is rude or yells, the AI will be able to consider the context.

Violent crime is far scarier and more problematic than some computer knowing what color my panties are.
What's the point of Oracle?
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Ellison started his career working for the CIA. AĆ„ least he's consistent.
I didn't "need" to look it up
billionares are often like this.
they get so high off their own farts and only allow people who always agree with them to interact with them
its why you see retards like elon give advertisers the middle finger and telling them to fuck off and then screamcrying when they actually do leave.
are you dumb? They have been building surveillance systems since god knows how long. Dropping 'AI' means nothing, in fact, I would be very happy because AI=shitware. He is saying this because no one buys oracle anymore. Everything he does is
>look at me senpai, I'm still relevant

OTOH plenty other people think the same way, he is just senile enough to state it publicly, that is in fact very fortunate and kinda based.
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I'm glad Trump forced TikTok to give up all their data to Oracle.
Oracle wagies, what is our response?
i'd make a comment about how trump probably doesn't even know he did this considering how rapidly his brain is melting but he wasn't exactly aware of what was going on even when he was president, so.
Interesting, he's the father of the woman who runs annapurna who just had their entire staff resign
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>while defending Israel and Jewish intetests
Being pro-Palestine and against Israel seems more common in woke and leftist circles. Championing the Palestinian cause is a staple of international leftism
God, do I write this and get an in?

I think I'd hate myself too much if I did.
You don't need to worry too much; the system will be pulled within a week for 'recalibration' after it finds that blacks are the biggest source of crime. Then it'll come back and basically ignore black people so all you gotta do is pretend to be black and it'll ignore you.
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Jews are losing their fucking minds about conservatives hating them so they are doubling down on this. Only another 4 years will tell if it takes but it seems like straw grasping to me. Most people who are conservative and can name the jew wont stop doing it just because a few liberals start doing so.
>Conservatives hate jews
>larry ellison
remember, don't anthropomorphize larry ellison.
Are you saying Eli Selig is a jew you FAGGOT??????
he is a redditor who just got banned, that is why he is talking things incompatible with reality
This shit is exactly why I stopped using Windows 10/11 with that Recall AI bullshit. They even backported it into W10. At some point the TOS will be changed and it will be forced onto your system and it will be sold under the guise of stopping malware/viruses but in reality they are just collecting shit and selling it to the government. As long as the government isn't doing it, perfectly legal.
Conservatives are the biggest mutilated dicksuckers in the world you troglodyte, go back to your retarded altchan you sprung up from you tourist
I was going to say this guy looks slightly autistic.
mulatto trumpanzees aren't conservative if that's what you're getting at
Conservatives love Jews (is it a true allegiance based of Zionism?) but attack them on symbols (abortion rights, LGBT and white guilt are promoted by liberal Jewish people).
Liberals do the opposite. Jews can't have both, the cognitive dissonance make them schizophrenic.
Ultimately everybody's hating jews. You have group of rich, privileged dudes that are neither truly on the conservative nor liberal side and just want everybody to respect their special privileges and if you don't do that you're a nazi. The only difference is that conservative leaders ultimately are okay with sucking up to their large-nosed overlords but still would be totally okay if they would be able to get ride of them.
Of course a jew is going to support the real life version of their fairy tale, an all seeing tyrant that spies on everything you do, and threatens to punish you if you're not a good goy
I don't hate them, but I do not trust them. I don't like that they have a powerful lobby that controls American politics when those people are elected to represent me, not some foreign nation or interest. Not only that, but they act like if you oppose them in any way, shape or form, you're shouted down as a Nazi.
>the ones who call themselves conservative are not conservative
If we talk about real politics, not american reality show, the far right loves Israel jews, but hates "international jew", because the so called international jew is a codeword for Russian or ex-Russian jews, who usually lean left
The far left doesn't think there is such a thing as international jew and hates Israel because it leans right and because it is settler-colonialism
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>conservatives hating them
Conservatives and especially Christian conservatives love them though
Nah the far right hates Israel too. Israel murdered Adolf Eichmann and needs to burn.
I'm honestly surprised "they" haven't forced wikipedia to get rid of the early life section yet.

Literally every fucking time I check some ghoul out on wikipedia it is the same story.
You're a faggot for not guillotining those fuckers while you still have a chance.
it is great, humans are cattle and we deserve to be subjugated by the machine god
no one likes jews. no one has ever liked jews. jews are perpetually losing their minds because no one likes them and they cant figure out why; its always the fault of the goyim
>lots of people just pretend to be good while actually doing evil shit and an AI will be able to call them on it.
I doubt the AI will be watching these billionaires themselves, anon.
absolutely insane that billionaire kikes have the audacity to publicly espouse such evil and subversive thoughts.
when a particularly vicious Jew like Jeffrey Epstein is in the news they do make sure to delete his early life section for a while

this, "I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream" is the world they want to create
You don't represent the far right. Azov and Milei does, and they both love Israel
A lot of left/center people think they are right wing because of overton shifting and 80 years of ideological suppression/demonizing. Nazism is aradical left/centrist ideology.
what the fuck is wrong with his teeth?
he's American
They have removed mention of certain people being jewish before. They just lock the page so nobody else can edit it.
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>the trad whore who spread her legs for 50 men isn't trad? but she say she trad
>jamal confuse
theres no international jew vs israel. theyre all players in that same game. there are not two sides.
>you dont represent far right, these jews and fags do
lmao no.
the ammount of (you)s this post got is only proof i'm right.
see above
anyway some dumb neocon kid eaters aren't "conservative" just because they wear elephants on their ties. conservatism is with the people, which is why theres so much hate for it and why we get pushed around and our voices silenced. they need to be sanitized and censored the most so of course the dumb red hat (fake enemy team used in war games) actors dont represent real conservative values.

This is something even you brain dead liberals can even understand if you pull your microdick out of your gaping anus hole: you consider conservatives racist. Most elephantniggers say otherwise, they call you fags the real racists, yet you believe otherwise (they are right to a certain extent) but you still unconciously know, why? because the shit the larping elephants do is to sanitize and gatekeep conservative reactionaries from acting, while riling them up against foreign adversaries that are against jewish interests, like the slavs that live in ukraine being killed off so jews can resettle there, or the israeli neighbors after jews did 9/11. it's your party that helps itself to white money, the only group that pays taxes, and I've never met a conservative that wasnt racist. but after a 100 years of killing off conservatives in fake and gay wars a lot of younger people got wise to this trick, and I really don't see how crowd warming is going to help your case. It's not like no one here remembers how it was before you started pouring election money into more crossboard shilling. basically everyone would have agreed with me just 2 months ago.
This. Funniest description of what Elmo Muskrat did and how his "fuck you" turned to "won't you fuck me?" for advertisers
elon is an actor for the deep state and you both are idiots. he is a clown, hes honking his horn and getting you angry at his stupidity. its a 42 billion dollar show. do you think a guy gets a 100s of billion dollar of government hand outs for his "successful" (((companies))) for free? he pays for them by taking heat off of his benefactors.
What's wrong with this?
You people need to behave.>>102421640
> Your citizen score has dropped by 200 points
>someone says something true
>killing him will "solve" it
Eleutheromania really hasn't changed in two and a half centuries, has it?
if you haven't noticed people gladly gave up tons of freedoms over the last 100 years, its only when our countries are invaded by hundreds of millions of immigrants and our own children cant afford housing that we've reignited that desire. no ammount of your kvetching is going to make people not notice the boiling water, frogs jump out when it gets too hot.
That's inevitable anyway. It can mold people into the states' preferred shapes with much greater efficiency. It shall be, and soon.
I don't know in which reality you live if you don't know that conservatives have a huge hardon for Israel and Jews, meanwhile leftists are the ones screeching about Palestine.
>I dont know which reality you live in
the kind where I talk to other conservatives instead of get my brain updated by (((mass media)))
Most conservatives are devout christians, so if course they firmly believe that jews are gods chosen people and that Israel will become some sort of divine state. They are pro Israel not because it's the logical conclusion they themselves came to, but because the bible says so.
Christian conservatives are as dumb and as much brainless bootlickers as leftists are.
>people gladly gave up tons of freedoms over the last 100 years
Authority is inevitable, yes, regardless of the delusions of whoever's in charge (in name only).
>our countries are invaded by hundreds of millions of immigrants
It's not an invasion, they're being welcomed in. Another manifestation of eleutheromania at the "leadership" level.
>your kvetching

Here's the thing both of you. The more you idiots feel the need to use words which are needlessly complicated instead of simpler synonyms, the more it proves you're trying to come off as intellectuals which really just shows that you're anything but that.
>they're being welcomed in
They are only being welcomed in by the leaders of the states, not by the people of the states. The leaders simply hide behind the
>We're a democracy, you voted for my party, they voted for me to be in charge, so by proxy you voted for everything I do, whether it was part of the party program or not
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>It's not an invasion, they're being welcomed in. Another manifestation of eleutheromania at the "leadership" level.
are you retarded? theres nobody in leadership who wants less immigrants, they are invaders, they are here to replace whites
thankyou uwu
theres basically nothing in that post anyone who's been on this website for 5 years (only 5 fucking years? jesus christ please leave) should have trouble understanding nigger.
>um actually I am the only real far right, those other far right they are not far right because I say so
centrists are usually Christian however and we know from table talk that Hitler severely disliked several aspects of Christianity. He also advocated Eugenics which is explicitly anti Christian (hence why Poland completely banned all abortions for genetic diseases)
>these other far rights are not far right because
*deplatforms all far right indies
lmao theres no such thing as conservative media thats grass roots, unlike leftists. IT's all controlled opposition because every single one gets raked over the coals immediately by payment processors, ICANN, NSA and CIA and FBI. from chans to alternative sites to search results. it's all pruned, objectively and irrefutably. the only way you get to know what conservative voices are are to be friends and acquaintances with conservatives. Nobody under the age of 40 gives a flying fuck about pissreal, the architects of 9/11.
>words which are needlessly complicated
Do you feel the same way about words like "xenophobia" or "pedophilia"? "Eleutheromania" is no different, except that it refers to something many consider "normal."
>They are only being welcomed in by the leaders of the states
>not by the people of the states
>theres [sic.] nobody in leadership who wants less immigrants
Why is repeating what I said considered a rebuttal to some of you?
>It's not an invasion, they're being welcomed in. Another manifestation of eleutheromania at the "leadership" level.
im sorry you are so forgetful and schizophrenic you expected anyone else to be able to glean what kind of trainwreck of the mind produced this sentence other than that one of the current candidates for a leadership position is pretending for the second time to give a shit about immigration.
Yes, the part of my post that you highlighted in >>102425801 before effectively summarizing it with, "[There's] nobody in leadership who wants less immigrants." Where is the confusion coming from, exactly?
>yes the [no argument or explanation]
kill yourself b8ing psuedo intellectual
go back
That is one of the worst arguments I have ever read in my life
>Ellison's children have made names for themselves in the film industry. His daughter Megan Ellison founded her production company Annapurna Pictures in 2011, and his son David Ellison is set to become CEO of Paramount after it completes its merger with Skydance Media.
jesus fucking christ
>no argument or explanation
Again, where does the confusion come from? I can't help you if you don't use your words.
Agreed. I put a camera up and we stopped thieves and assholes
Niggers are worst than cameras, but the worst is when we have cameras and nobody will do anything anyway.
Stray was the worst "game" it was so boring and a cat walking simulator.
Friend, this is based on those conservatives own words and actions. You get the same story first-hand
American conservatives are balls deep into this mindset but you see the same among more religious conservatives in Finland. It's just that same sort of gung-ho Christianity is rarer in politics where I live so it's not as immediately visible.
>your confused
no we are not, you claimed this, and you have yet to substantiate it.
>our (((media))) IS based on (((cherry picked))) conservative voices who know their life will be over if they name us, so it's all legit goy!
I'm not sure you know what first-hand means
western conservative inherently means conserving western (jewish) values. kys well poisoner
jews inherently don't have values other than kid eating and money worshiping. no conservative gives a shit about those, and most want families which is impeded by kid eaters and money lenders, so naturally there is animosity between the two groups.
Real life (not media) conservatives always worship Israel. The /pol/tards you talk to and watch online are an extreme minority.
>you claimed this, and you have yet to substantiate it
Are we still talking about the same thing? Because if we are, (You)'ve already substantiated it for me by agreeing with me in fewer words.
I find these threads funny. lots of threats from people who seem to care a lot about their privacy. meanwhile, a lot of tech workers will work on shit like this as long as there is a lot of cash to make.

>Jews are losing their fucking minds about conservatives hating them
in what fucking alternate world?
>d-dey da exweem minowity
lol no
pissed off elephant blowing donkey fuckers both alike seeth and cope about how antisemtic the youth are.
>y-you agree with me
I'm glad you agreed that you're retarded. go b8 where you belong
we cyberpunk now
and I will dismantle these. I dont give a fuck if its "illegal"
>I'm glad you agreed that you're retarded
Okay, never mind...
If you lived in a conservative area, you would know just how common it is for them to worship Israel. But of course, you live in a left-leaning area, and just want to be contrarian, without actually knowing what conservatives are like.
>They even backported it into W10.

Wait what?
all I remember about this recall crap is they said it was secure and day 1 someone broke it with notepad.
once I find the files for it, I will manually corrupt them.
>"gb2/pol/ chuds!"
>"why is there a Haifa Corp. telescreen in my room?"
Being whores who have no values and give lip service only isnt conservatism retard
You forgot dick cutters, although muslims and protestants do it too so I can see why you forgot. Nevertheless it is a jewish invention
>Being whores who have no values
Is how you become an American politician starting from the days of its founding, yes.
Windows 7 and ame playbook users are the only real windows left
he is right though
ŚŚ Ś™ ŚŚ“Ś§Ś•Śš ŚŚ•ŚȘŚš Ś™Ś Ś€ŚŚ§Ś™Ś Ś’ ŚžŚ§ŚĄŚ™Ś§Ś Ś™
>no counterargument
Yes many are aware that murrica has been glownigging since the french revolution. None the less most remaining euro shitholes are even worse somehow, probably by burger design. They see our freedumbs and somehow demand worse living standards. This isnt new either. Anglo jews have been kvetching about lack of cpu buying loisances in japan since the 80s
What is this habit of eleutheromaniacs taking something someone says and bringing up subjects that nobody asked about?
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I've been saying this for years. it's the endgame of """AI""", everything else is a diversion.
>muh frenchos
America has been built by freemasons and before that Brits who work for the jews
In my times we were putting people like him in a giant shower to wash away their filth. We even used funny smelling salts!
actually it was built by christian zealots and schizos who went to war because they thought the king of england has a grudge against them
It was built by eleutheromaniacs who, considering they were being taxed less than their fellow citizens on the island, couldn't stand the fact that they were being taxed at all and decided to commit terrorism on private shipping vessels over it.
No, freemasons
They are laying the groundwork already.
China is the model and already ahead. EU, UK, Canada and Australia are among the first to implement AI scanning of all communication and attachments. Also no freedom of speech or expression.

There will be a device level mandatory scanning of all communication, so TOR, VPN or any encryption will not help you.
Hold on I thought Jewish nepotism was a /pol/ meme
no, he's not. like I already said I will personally dismantle AI cameras, you've spied on your own citizens enough.
No, the /pol/ meme is that the jewish elitism is genetic instead of cultural. Jewish nepotism is objectively true. How else to explain that 6M jews in USA but 30% of top 1% by income are jews?
please kill yourself 5 eyes bootlicker.
favoritism. the thing you accuse whites of.
so in summary, call the cops I don't give a fuck. I will never bow to you, you'll have to kill me, and you've already proven you are incapable of doing so (2020)

run while you can
>China is the model and already ahead
lol, China is more free than any country in the west. I would actually say that China is moderate libertarian, since the only tasks the government has is prevent separatism/treason and run the economy. The rest is left to the citizens
I'm glad you find it funny. It's not a joke, but from a certain angle, I guess you can call it amusing.
what's to stop people from just building their own little communicators from microcontrollers?
Thank you for confirming to him that "bootlicker" is just another childish insult made by and for a very childish mindset.
>they were being taxed less than their fellow citizens on the island
But received nothing in return. If you pay taxes and you don't get subsidies, welfare and public housing, why even pay taxes? Might as well go full anarchist
>wear blackface everywhere to dodge the system
>If you pay taxes and you don't get subsidies, welfare and public housing, why even pay taxes?
>what is law enforcement?
Law enforcement is unironically not a problem now that we have guns. In middle ages with road bandits where very few people could afford arms, yes. Now, no.
Besides, if a "very important person" has a minor problem such as "trespasser" on his property, vs when a normal person is being mauled by a pack of murderous subhumans we all know who the police are going to go to first
>Nazism is aradical left/centrist ideology
You fags still trying this line of bullshit?
Boomer/Fox News/Facebook conservatives may like jews. Younger conservatives that are extremely online mostly hate em.
But also the aforementioned boomer conservatives often don't really like "jews" as much as they love Israel specifically due to a combination of propaganda, evangelical retardation, and a bigger hatred of muslims.
The American left exists to push "progressive" causes, the American right exists to enshrine them as "trad" after a period of time. Both are Jewish tools and there is no distinction.
>Law enforcement is unironically not a problem now that we have guns
>what is the Monopoly of Force?
>if a "very important person" has a minor problem such as "trespasser" on his property, vs when a normal person is being mauled by a pack of murderous subhumans we all know who the police are going to go to first
They'll help the person who, by your own admission, is more important, yes.
Right, so why pay taxes for people who spend more time solving minor problems of the elite rather than actually solving crime in areas where majority of people live. Complete waste of time and money.
The only thing government does well is welfare and even that only because unlike charities it knows who is actually poor and who is a larping scammer. I say a tightly knit community will protect themselves from unjust violence much better than a government would.
dont care what you think or say, kill yourself feds.
he looks like the slimiest of ghoul
Are you out of your mind kid?
China is a fucking totalitarian dystopia.
Social credit score? A fucking nationwide firewall. Illegal to surf in any site outside of the great wall? Full facial recognition everywhere and who-knows-what-else? Little kids with headbands to "correct" their brains in class?
If you're stupid, stfu. If you're a chink, then go live there and THEN post your nonsense on 4chan, so you can get arrested for breaching the great firewall.
>The only thing government does well is welfare
Welfare is just an attempt by eleutheromaniacs to distract Authority with things that aren't necessary for its own survival. A Government lives and dies from its own Monopoly of Force, not every citizen living an arbitrarily "good" life.
Perhaps the most underrated cyberpunk anime of all time.
>he most underrated cyberpunk anime of all time
I'll take that to mean it's decent, but inessential.
>open borders -> increased street crime -> politicians trys to lower symptoms -> more law and order -> conservative boomers applauding
>cycle repeats
>Social credit score
Not real, see Polymatter on Youtube
>A fucking nationwide firewall
Can easily be bypassed.
>Full facial recognition everywhere
Libertarian doesn't mean primitivist, retard

It is true, China is much more libertarian than the west. China and Russia should be a model for all the freedom loving folks, and I say that as someone from Ohio.
>if you haven't noticed people gladly gave up tons of freedoms over the last 100 years
Freedoms like what, exactly?
Nothing, but ask yourself: do you think that non-technical normal people who struggle with their TV and microwave oven are gonna start using some "hackphones" and "hackcomputers" that don't have the "latest AI features" and best new operating system? Media will also constantly claim how dangerous those devices and services are.
90% of the population will use what is given to them.

Also, those might become illegal. Like having radio jammers or flipper zero.
You're just spouting nonsense, and did you just cite a youtube channel?

Please, do tell me how exactly "China is much more libertarian than the west"?
you do know that you can build networks with cheap wireless routers, right? you don't need much technical knowledge to do that.
>antisemtic youth
right wing, left wing and muslims are "antisemitic".
>Real life (not media) conservatives always worship Israel
You think middle/right conservatives will save israel when it gets into serious trouble? kek
They do nothing more than words and sending tons of money.
It is very much essential cyberpunk genre anime.
No one else has done anything like it.
Closest would be "Minority Report"
It was complete shit. The entire story is fucking retarded and brain dead. Cyberpunk? Nah, more like shit yourself fantasy levels of intelligence.
One job, all they had was one job. Explain how and why such a system makes sense. Just pulled the typical hand wave bullshit but that fails here because the entire fucking premise is that it’s all ‘logical’ but it’s literally just wish fulfillment for tortureporn.

Fuck that show and people who think it’s anything but trash.
Like I said, government's only jobs are running the economy and combating separatism. Seems like a small, minimalist goverment to me, which is libertarian, no?
I've read and/or seen:
>Altered Carbon
>Hunger Games
>In time
>Brave new world
>Ready Player One
>Minority report
>Black mirror
>Ghost in shell
>Person of interest
>Psycho pass

I am ready to serve Larry Ellison and all the other Gods.
>cyberpunk anime
So more eleutheromaniac babble, but with "thing, Japan" added to it. Great...
>what is law enforcement?
Found the extremely wealthy anon living in the best gated neighborhoods available.
Hey there little buddy, you get lost on the way to the country club? Must be hard flying first class and getting chauffeured past all the bad neighborhoods. What are you doing posting around these parts, your handler lose you somehow?
For the rest of us who actually live in the normal world, the police either do not show when you need them the most or are just a discount tax man who also will shoot you and your dog if you look at them funny.
The last two times I called the cops it took them over 6 hours to show. The first time was when a stranger literally walked into my bedroom and the second was when my psycho stalker with a restraining order was banging on my front door. In both cases, I would have been better served jumping out the window instead of reaching for the phone.
You being incredibly rich is the only explanation for trusting the police, either that or you're just retarded. I hope you get brutally raped and murdered desperately trying to type in your phone password.
Nosebot, pull up Mr. Ellison's wikipedia page and scroll to the early life section.
>Yes master. Larry Ellison was born to a Jewish whore in New York City, he never knew his biological father
Thank you, nosebot. Please scroll to the section about politics
>Yes master. Larry Ellison is an ardent supporter of mass surveillance and a pronounced critic of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden
Now please scroll to the section labeled "controversies."
>Yes master. Larry Ellison has been criticized for his support of Israel's continued annexation of Palestinian territories and his involvement in lobbying for the Netanyahu administration.
Thank you nosebot. Now please place an order for 300 pounds of urea-based fertilizer, three 20-gallon propane tanks, and twelve Zavor Duo stovetop pressure cookers.
Dude is literally 80 but looks 50 at most.
>Found the extremely wealthy anon living in the best gated neighborhoods available
Where? Oh, you mean me? Cute.
>either that or you're just retarded
Pragmatism is retarded. Got it.
>Explain how and why such a system makes sense.
It was prophetic.
This entire thread is discussing such technology.
Ellison wants to use it now, and China has been using it for decades.
How it makes sense? What?
Just a year or two ago researchers found that they could discover if someone has criminal tendencies just from a photo of them
Now add to that AI used to analyse actions and chains of actions and you can easily come to the same conclusion.
It's not about the technology in specific, clearly it's in the future, it's not "hard scifi". You expect them to give schematics?
These don't belong:
altered carbon, hunger games, ready player one, those are kinda shitty.
Oh you're that guy who is the only person to use this term. Carry on schizophrenia sufferer.
>The day when goyim is shown their place is the day when our youthfulness and vitality is restored
Eleutheromania is a nigger word that's why
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wow sounds like this guy has it all figured out but oy vey! who will be in charge of it all? who can we trust?
>you use that word
>therefore, you're insane
>therefore, that word can be safely dismissed as having no meaning
Glad to see this not-even-wrong circular ad hominem is still in use.
Amazing how unneeded this is if you just arrest all the criminals. Look at how El Salvador made its crime rate drop by arresting all the people with the "I'm a criminal guilty of murder" tattoo.
Not all criminals are so retarded to wear a tatoo, and El Salvador also arrested the edgy but not criminal teenagers who also wore it, exactly the type to post on 4chan
No, you are insane. Your use of your made up word exposes you for who you are.
>made up word
There it is. Yes, a word some 200 years older than this conversation is "made up," because you can't accept the possibility that it describes something real.
Truly, it never ceases to amaze me how pathetic Eleutheromaniacs are, doesn't it amaze you, anon?
Lmao, implying those eleutheromaniacs have any historical literacy
>samefagging this hard
Lmao you give yourself away when you use that word in EVERY SINGLE POST

> Midwit discovers a new word and overuses it to feel smart
> more news at 11
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Nice try, eleutheromaniac retard
the Lawnmower
They feature elites that live in technological paradise and oppressed masses that experience the dystopia.
Men can marry each other though
>noooo there are hierarchies in complex societies
>so dystopian
ai surveilance is a good thing, it would stop minorities from committing crimes while protecting white people

the problem, as always, is who controls the technology (jews)
>le right wing conservatove nazi terrorist meme for the last 8 years
>"wat" hurrdurrdurr
Free Speech, even in the US, has been restricted.
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"Separatism" like Taiwan and other nations?
>trying this hard to "fit in"
“Why are they going after and executing us? I don’t understand why everyone is so angry..”

Shut up and face the wall please.
Yes, Authority will evolve to the point that the sharing of ideas will also be restricted. Even if (You) took over some claim to Authority, you would eventually find it more advantageous than not to discourage, if not forbid, the sharing of ideas that threaten your Rule.
>as a vendor of database software I advocate a massive data collection system that will drive demand for my software to store it
I didn't even need to see the picture or look up the Early Life, I just guessed based on the name.
This... Of course he wants massive surveillance, as long as it's running on ORACLE software.
that makes two of us :3
The problem with turning western society into an authoritarian shithole is that all of our shit will still be dilapidated compared to all the other shitholes and people will get even more unhappy.
there is nothing more right wing than loving jews. monarchy was invented by hebrews (jews) as was slavery, oligarchy, plutocracy and all forms of elitism
>Authorities that don't know what they're doing is our working model for Authorities that do
Only amerimutts who have never seen a real European person think there's something alien about his nose.
>government's only jobs are running the economy and combating separatism.
Yes, I heard you, but what you said is either a lie or outright ignorant of the facts.
And libertarianism is not *outright* defined by the size of the government, but by its interference in citizens affairs, and China REALLY loves to interfere with its citizens affairs. It meddles with every facet of their lives.
>This is a good thing though, lots of people just pretend to be good while actually doing evil shit and an AI will be able to call them on it.
Except the people in charge of this technology have shown time and time again they cannot be trusted be it direct government control or a third party corporation contracted to manage it.
>Similarly, for a good person that's under pressure and is rude or yells, the AI will be able to consider the context.
This will depend on the programming, but is still subject to the controlling entity's morality and trustworthiness as stated above.
>Violent crime is far scarier and more problematic than some computer knowing what color my panties are.
This would be a good use for the system IF it was used for this purpose. The problem is the owners of the technology will be financially incentivised to collect other types of data to leverage for whatever purpose. If Hillary Clinton is willing to drone someone to make a problem go away, just imagine what people in power will do with AI in the same vein while having the capacity to act unchecked.
it's already deployed and has been
>government's only job
Is to protect itself from within and without by any means necessary, yes.
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>And libertarianism is not *outright* defined by the size of the government
now you are just lying
The law as written has been tyrannical since the cold war. Only a certain level of de facto nonenforcement of the statutes makes life reasonable. There's no stasi, they aren't everywhere and people go about their lives as they think is reasonable committing multiple felony level offenses they aren't even aware of.
If you replace the stasi with AI overwatch that suddenly starts dinging citizens for every thing they're already doing then the draconian law stops being a paper tiger and you start living in an actual dystopia.

You can see this principal playing out at a very minor level with traffic cameras. Where there's always been traffic law and what's enforced. Now "Normal" is both de jure and de facto illegal around those cameras and people react badly to that change being sold to them as not a change at all.
>If you replace the stasi with AI overwatch that suddenly starts dinging citizens for every thing they're already doing then the draconian law stops being a paper tiger
>he needed an early life check
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that anime is a ripoff of minority report book and movie
and it goes to complete shit right after the ripoff part ends
this is a funny bit anon, I laughed.
If I tell you, "It's not a bit," will you accept it, or continue as if I said anything else? Those last three posts aren't mine, by the way.
>now you are just lying
you're deluded for thinking China is free. And you don't really know what libertarianism is either.
tldr, you're clueless, or yourself either a bug bot or npc.
I do admit S2 was disappointing.
But I think there's a big difference between ripping off and inspired-by. It's certainly carries a lot of fresh takes.
He's been doing that for well over a year now. At first it seemed like trolling but he might be genuinely unwell.
I wonder why he spams it out of context so much.
Maybe it's a bot.
>spams it out of context
Yes, the defining trait of American politics and culture has no bearing on American politics or culture whatsoever, and bringing it up for any reason is spam. Don't ever think that this word could possibly ever describe you or the way you've been thinking for your entire life, or anything "real" that's worth considering for a second.
>inb4 "u mad"
No. Shit.
Elon did nothing wrong.
GARM had to dissolve because what they were doing was illegal.
Cope and Seethe.
It's just narcissism. Repeating his favourite word makes him feel like he's winning arguments. Makes him easily identifiable on an anonymous Croatian cat petting forum, which gives him a stiffy.
>Repeating his favourite word makes him feel like he's winning arguments
No, the fact that you pathologically refuse to take any argument I have seriously makes me confident that I'm over the target, so to speak.
Please do tell me, what is your argument that you refer to?
referring to this post.
The evaluation of "freedom" as an all-encompassing value instead of an all-consuming paradox, when applied to political reality, is the root cause of the West's political strife. Just using America as an example, our "left" believes that the Head of Government should be treated no differently than a common scoundrel in the eyes of the legal system, negating all necessary privileges that come with the position; meanwhile, our "right" demands to preserve a founding document that, when put faithfully into practice, would nullify the concept of a Monopoly of Force, another necessary privilege of Government. While they both oppose each other, all that does is create two internal paradoxes, each a microcosm of the greater paradox of "political freedom" itself.
It's not "one evil party and one stupid party;" it's two rabbles of bickering children, all the way up, both too stupid to realize that they're evil.
I was never a part of your "argument". I simply stopped by to reply to one Anon's comment regarding your behaviour. Every post containing your favourite word (in the last 18 months or so since you started spamming it) contains no actual argument, only strawmen/ad hominem. Huehuemaniacs this, huehuemaniacs that. That is your entire "argument". The fact you believe this puts you "over the target" simply confirms my and other Anons' suspicions regarding your degraded mental state.
See the post directly above yours.
Why do poltards insert race into every conversation?
Durov is about to have his. Plus, fresh news! His chick now claims Telegram is their shared property and demands half.
I meant argument as in "difference of opinion", rather than "a set of reasons in support of an idea", but whatever, I'll bite.
>"freedom" as an all-encompassing value
Your whole essay rests on this premise, yet I don't actually see (and you haven't shown) anyone claiming that freedom is an absolute value. You're also attributing oddly specific qualities to inherently vague group concepts such as (political) "left" and "right"... sounds like a field of strawmen to me.
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>all those stormniggers pretending they have a problem with mass surveillance
What kind of a system do you propose in place of freedom? I say freedom very loosely, because in the west it is pseudo-freedom.
What do you propose instead of the western worlds illusion of freedom? Blatant anti-freedom?
Fascism? Totalitarianism? Dystopia? Communism?
>I don't actually see [...] anyone claiming that freedom is an absolute value
Not said directly in this thread, no, but as the continued existence of "anarchists" and "libertarians" proves, it tends to devolve that way when pushed by argumentation. It evolves, in the opposite direction (though often slowly), when put into practice.
>You're also attributing oddly specific qualities to inherently vague group concepts such as (political) "left" and "right"
Yes, it's almost like I gave each of those concepts their own set of quotation marks for a reason. Like I said, it's really just a kiddie pool that got too busy fighting amongst itself, and too punch-drunk from said fighting, to remember that it's still just a kiddie pool.
I'm in no position to propose such a system.
>Yes, it's almost like I gave each of those concepts their own set of quotation marks for a reason.
Yes, it's almost like putting quotation marks around words and defining them as you please, makes for a compelling argument.
>"Group X", the definition for which I just made up, tends to do "thing Y", which I just cherrypicked.
All you're doing is inhaling your own farts.
>>"Group X", the definition for which I just made up
If by "made up," you mean "relegated as a meaningless buzzword only definable by those who identify with it, thus making it functionally synonymous with its opposite," then sure.
>"thing Y", which I just cherrypicked
I could go on, but I'll just summarize it thusly: they both see their self-defined opponent as a threat to their self-appointed freedoms.
They *are* meaningless buzzwords. Not because you're not allowed to define them, but because they inevitably mean different things to different people. Try discussing an actual, real-world problem first, instead of picking a word that you like and trying to shoehorn your armchair philosophy into it.
>they inevitably mean different things to different people
Or, in other words, they're "only definable by those who identify with [them]." Yep, what a concept...
>Try discussing an actual, real-world problem first
What is this entire exchange?
>picking a word that you like and trying to shoehorn your armchair philosophy into it
I see...
>What is this entire exchange?
You asking me to read your "essay" and me trying to "critique" it. In case it's not been made clear by now, your argument has too many assumptions for my liking. Take it or leave it.
If the system labels someone a criminal before a crime has been committed, what incentive would be left for them to follow the system's laws?
I would assume this surveillance would also appeal to the upper crust, and monitor them for decafence, degeneracy and libertine sickness.
Im a phobe retard
Gay rightoids will still defend this shit just because he's rich.
>conservatism is with the people
It's against the common people and for the rich. Does your husband know how retarded you are really?
>your argument has too many assumptions for my liking
What have I said that isn't abundantly obvious from just a cursory glance at American politics?
>If the system labels someone a criminal before a crime has been committed
Crime is defined by the system. Always has been.
So then what is the purpose of critiqueing the opposite of a system that you are not in a position to even propose?
That's the most polack statement ever. Aren't you ashamed of existing?
Legally, by way of the first amendment, I'm allowed to critique the "philosophy" that the first amendment was written under. However, by my own principle, I'm not elected or appointed to any position of Government, so I don't allow myself to propose a new system. I only describe the current system for what it is, and what it will inevitably become, regardless of the tears and anger---the "coping and seething," if you will---of various eleutheromaniacs.
Why do leftards cheer the French Revolution when it totally backfired, and led to the restoration of the monarchy?
Most of the victims of the guillotines were poor and middle class people.
it's what we deserve, we have proven that the only thing the entire race is good for is consuming and accelerating to the point of disaster like a virus, agent smith in the matrix was right, the only thing you can do is smoke weed everyday and try to enjoy your life and share your joy with the people around you to cope with this fact. you are part of a machine meant to thoughtlessly and carelessly consume until it consumes itself because it just cant help itself
What a piece of shit, we should start surveilling him immediately. Every single step he makes, every transaction, every toilet flush, dissect him completely. And most importantly: Take away his money. Just take it, make him a "normal person".
And then let him repeat that statement.
>AI moral compass
>Mode: Sharia Law
Libertine is the ideology of the upper classes. Always been. The elite doesn't like conservatism, since it's the polar opposite of their ideology. Larpers like trump, musk & andreessen are just opportunistic grifters, preying on people longing for the illusion of "the god ol' days".
never forget how rightoids loved bill gates all the way until the pandemic when they started to pretend they never liked him (but still pay for M$ products)
except there isnt going to be any machine god. its always going to be operated by the man behind the curtain. nothing in this universe hates humanity and wants to see it suffer and die more than humans themselves. this is mental mistake people make when they think we're in for the bad scary dark scifi future because someone will make skynet/AM/whatever AI that will subjugate us. we are already the machine that subjugates us. and they'd rather use every single resource on the planet and burn a hole in the sky and kill you, your family, and everyone you've ever known in the hopes of building that skynet-AM-thing, even if it winds up being impossible, than do anything else to help human beings live peaceful good fulfilling lives. this is human nature
Sent him an Email suggesting him to livestream his personal life if that's such a good thing to do. If 100% transparancy improves everybodys lifes, it should improve his as well. So I told him to start livestreaming not only today but right now. As that would improve his life, clearly.
Legally, you are also entitled to your opinion of a superior system.
So, you take away peoples freedom, now in a hypothetically superior system, who would wield control over their freedom?
the idiocy of AI based surveillance aside, the chief problem here is that stupid ass niggers who are prone to violence and breaking the law will not give a shit if they are under surveillance or not. They already don't give a shit about that today, and they won't give a shit about more cameras either. They'll be let go by the police with a misdemeanour or a $50 bail, because if they try give them a proper sentence the lawyers will get them out so it's the same result just with a shit ton more paperwork.

And if they can't get sentenced then they really have no reason to not commit crimes either, as they never get punished for it.
But it all keeps biting back, some store chains have to close their supermarkets in areas with high crime rates, because they simply can't afford to get looted every time there's a BLM rally in town.

All billionaires have a god complex, so do political figures. Power corrupts and the corrupt chases power.
Sure, but it's not for them. It's for you.

Do you know why in every single futuristic movie, the masses live in AI monitored dystopia? Because there is no other way. Once AI does your work and there is no more promise of a better future for you if you "work hard", you start to question those that are at the top. Why do they deserve to be there when no one really has to work? They were just born to old wealth and status that can't be attained anymore. Then you get angry and then you get ideas in your head. Bad ideas.
AI is the elites defense. You will be monitored at all times and if you even think about rebelling, you will be dealt with.

Right now you look at all the billionaires and you say "they did the hard work, they deserve to be there. I could be there some day" and you continue to piss in the bottle at the amazon warehouse in order to not piss off the line manager because you missed 1 minute.
>Why do leftards cheer the French Revolution when it totally backfired, and led to the restoration of the monarchy?

Because before it did that, it led to Napoleon conquering most of Europe, destroying what was left of the unified german state, making France the de facto ruler of the continent for a short while. It was their country at the absolute height of its power, which makes it plenty popular.

Oh and also it showed that corrupt leaders up to and including absolute ruler monarchs can get fucking decapitated, which is another very popular notion on both sides of the political spectrum.

>Most of the victims of the guillotines were poor and middle class people.
Yeah but you can blame that asshole Robespierre for that, not the revolution itself.
That is correct, although initial guiliotinees were elites, in the end it was primarily a tool to punish petty theft and small crime
You don't see lefties talking about race at every opportunity? Did you miss the entire BLM saga? Never heard the term BIPOC? Both /pol/ and the left are all about race. Only centre right people are trying to be colorblind, everyone else is race oriented.
No, I don't see anyone talking about race in my country. Even the self proclaimed fascists are all about Islam now, not race
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Unless you count gypsies as a race, but that is just a European thing, not political thing
This. Race is irrelevant, this is a culture and religious war nowadays here in yurop. And a war between bank balances, rich vs. poor.
What country is that? You realize this is an American website and that issues that affect you might not be the same as American issues?
>Europeans talking about American Racial tensions
That is wrong, that is MLK talking about whites.
Who's talking about america?
Oh so a country with not a lot of black people
If you lived near American Blacks you'd be talking about race too. Recent African immigrants like we have in Canada are much different. They seem grateful to be here, not resentful.

American website eurotrash scum
Its actually a theme in history where leftist regimes are replaced with conservative ones because of just how bad leftist ideas are.
Lenin's international and social liberalism was replaced by Stalin's nationalism and social conservatism.
The revolutions of 1989 overthrew the leftist governments of Eastern Europe and replaced them with conservative ones.
Even the conservative faction won in China and reversed Mao's libertine economic policies of communalization.
Leftist ideas generally don't work,and always lead to a backlash.
Who told you that? Take your meds >>>/int/med
well with blacks in america it is such that nobody except the slaveowners wanted them to be there, not even them themselves
whereas rightist ideas work and lead to... (fill in the blank)
Total Nigger Death!
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Successful post-communist governments in Europe that ban communist parties and symbols.
>Russia: 8%
>Belarus: 75%
lmao, least fake graph. Belarus is more communism loving than Russia
>t. been in Belarus
Ukraine has child prostitution lmao
who will check that billionares are on their best behavior?
Send him an email as well, asking him that exact question.
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lol, everyone who lived under communism except Russia absolutely despises communism.

Ukraine is most understandable from the Holodomor. Literally over 6million Ukranians starved to death - possibly maliciously/deliberately - from the central Soviet government.

For those not in the know:
For some reason, nobody ever mentions it.
Pic added:
Imagine waking up one morning and seeing people dead on the street from starvation every single street.
Hey eleutherofag, this is literally the kind of world you're crying to make:
What kind of wizardry is this
>incompetent Authorities are our working model for competent ones
>huge AI system to detect crime
>barebones police forces that can't even tackle serious crime due to insane red tape, underfunding and being full of short women and disabled people instead of actually physically capable men

The UK will be unaffected by the AI surveillance in any way that matters, the prisons are literally so over capacity here that rapists and violent thugs are being released early to make space.
What good is an AI state without any prisons or police to capture people? These people are on mars (they might literally be within their lifetimes who knows).

Its a nothingburger, the systems to enforce the law would collapse overnight if all the crime in the country was actually caught.
israel takes hundreds of billions of your tax dollars, kill thousands of veterans through suicides while millions of spics flood your country and nothing happens
no one's guillotining anything LMAO enjoy your shithole
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>no one's guillotining anything
wrong, i'm guillotining myself
literally no one needs anything more than hexbars and farmers walk
Knowing UK government, they will likely use it to fine people for more revenue rather than detecting actual crime, same as they want to put tracking boxes in everyone's cars now.
Authorities are almost always incompetent.
Your brain is fake, fucking 'tardo.
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In America our police are all insanely over-funded and still are useless as shit 90% of the time, assuming they don't actively make things worse ("hey I called a wellness check on my senile relative and the cops smoked his ass inside his own home"). They charge insane overtime for sitting in a Hardee's parking lot, have huge backlogs of unprocessed rape kits, shrug at you if someone steals your shit, and the US has a lower homicide clearance rate than all of our western allies.
Giving them AI surveillance would fix nothing except give them new ways to inflate their burden on the taxpayer.
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Damn couldn't even get 3 posts in huh champ?
He says the police will be watched too. Police won't be necessary when our every move will be observed. Cops will be needed just for the arrest
Buckshot loaded steel pipes hidden in a trench-coat will ensure billionaires will be on their best behavior.
19th and 20th super rich at least gave back a small portion of the stolen wealth and built public schools, libraries, zoos, local infrastructure and all; these new age super rich faggots hoard and pocket it all to the last cent.
>literally the only people negatively impacted from samiritan were Team Machine - being "it's only okay when I do it!" tech billionaire, CIA glowie #1, CIA glowie #2, ultra psycho terrorist bitch and a cool cop - and journos
I don't see the problem.

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