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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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I need less
I know you do this aggressive spamming bullshit every day to annoy people into not using it, but I'm going to keep it installed on my old laptop. There's nothing you can do about it.
Mint is legitimately the best distro, the only thing to knock against Mint is they ship it with like 6 media players and a whole bunch of shit nobody will ever use
why do they waste time developing cinnamon when xfce already exists
>The anti systemd Devtard
Devuan is ngmi, they don't have enough devtards to manage it.
>you need more?
>pic is one of the most bloated GNU/Linux distros to ever exist
>>pic is one of the most bloated GNU/Linux distros to ever exist
bloated meaning complete, yeah
base Debian doesn't have a program to make a bootable USB stick for instance
and any distro, even Arch, running KDE is gonna be more sluggish
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Has all I need.
how do I delete a thread
>base Debian doesn't have a program to make a bootable USB stick for instance
Is it that hard to run a doas apt-get?
>and any distro, even Arch, running KDE is gonna be more sluggish
Unironical skill issue
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Yeah. I don't like running 100 terminal commands just to open paint.
Mint KDE and Arch KDE are very different versions.
is there a mint KDE anymore? thought they gave that up half a decade ago. either way, KDE is slower and more bloated than Cinnamon and that's a provable fact
you can install kde
it's an old version 5.xx but it works
cinnamon is garbage, use xfce
But can you uninstall the DE it ships with and all if the bloat that ships with the DE it ships with?
Unironically yes. Linux is way too limited still. I want everything to just werk the way I'm used to and all of my hardware and software to be fully supported. I can't stand moving to something then feeling like I downgraded, it's annoying as fuck.
why wouldn't you. you can do whatever you want.
mint is worse than ubuntu tho
it's exactly the same
Xubuntu has a prettier theme
Mint Xfce doesn't need desnapping
I tried to flash an Android Rom on Fedora and it didn't work. This would be a problem if I didn't owned a second PC.

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