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Daily reminder the primary operating system for the International Space Station's computers is Debian.
that explains why ISS has billions of dollars spent on it with nothing of value given back from it
if we're lucky it can level a city when it falls down
it would be a miracle if it could level even one skyscraper it fell onto
You only need a gameboy to go to the moon, why do you need a useless computer running Debian to orbit on earth?
CERN and Fermilab run CentOS Stream.
And the stock market, Gentoo.
The fact that a symbol of international cooperation is about to be brought crashing down is hilarious to me. I wonder why they decided to do that.
Internet bandwidth limits
it's in a trash and worthless orbit position
to check email for big titty space females
sneaky sex in office stalls with pandemonica
Can you imagine trying to use windows in space?
It'd start trying to update by force and brick itself because it hasn't connected to a microshit server in 10 minutes.
There was a person on board who lost their mind, broke the toilet and drilled holes in random places. It's fucked. Shit everywhere.
That mutt female?
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>In fact, now it turns out that the crew of the latest space tourist mission into space, Ax-1, had to figuratively knock on the door of the Russian segment of the ISS to use their facilities — because the American sector's toilet broke down during their stay.
>Stupid americans, now poopoo float everywhere!
Deborah and Ian?

Source? Anyhow, the latest news is that they're not scheduled to return until February.
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>Did you know company uses linux for company thing
Wow. Really? They sure ain't using those computers for pleasure.
what's the problem? just go on a designated spacewalk.
That's why I use VanillaOS.
Ah that russian women i think. Yeah you cant just replace the atmosphere like most people think you can, the stank is eternal.
its a small station, not a colony.
I remember when people thought that the crew of that Titanic Submersible had to spend their final hours in the dark surrounded by their own waste. Imagine that, but in space.
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They obviously don't use any programs that require working audio
keep posting it, one day you will get yous
anon, the are dropping it in the middle of the ocean :(
tranny symbol
hrt distro
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fpbp and /thread

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