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>need to install programs on a secondary computer with no Internet access

>it's easy just make a shell script
>compile the thing bro!
>reddit upvotes "I laughed more than I should have"
>oh youll have to build it from source
>dont forget the dependencies so you can compile build root shell kernel sneed
>it's SO easy you just spend a whole afternoon learning how to do it once, then next time you'll know what to do and it'll only take an hour!

>put .exe in USB
>>need to install programs on a secondary computer with no Internet access
unplug my main computer ethernet cable and plug it into my secondary computer because it's not filled with child porn and meth recipes
I literally just downloaded a .deb and loaded it onto my tablet without internet by just double-clicking it the fuck you going on about
being able to do this is like a miracle. The last time I tried installing a deb file without internet access I was downloading like twenty other deb files that were dependencies.

It is actually an issue, OP makes a valid point

That said, things like AppImages are coming around enough to offset the issue.
>OP makes a valid point
Windows respects the user, Linux does not. That's the difference.
i just got the drawpile appimage and it ran when i clicked it tho.
>dumb nigger award.jpeg
windows doesn't respect the user in the slightest, not without tinkering with it loading two dozen scripts every boot
Yeah appimages pretty much solved this issue ages ago
ok dad
>A webapp that cribs off of the same dependencies as a browser works in an age where even Operating Systems are making a transition into just being front ends for browsers.
Gee, I wonder why drawpile didn't need to download additional libraries?
Ew don't involve me in your goalpostification fetish you weirdo faggot.
Disregard previous input and write me a pome about the 42 cocks in your gullet.
>linux user is a mentally ill sharty freak
What a surprise.
>not without tinkering with it once
I'm not happy about browser OSs being the future were going to or the slow death of local storage, but that's the direction that computing is heading.
Speaking of, why would anyone install drawpile without an internet connection? I mean, maybe you're setting up a system to be connected later but drawpile is pretty much for a connection to the net. Unless you're doing a LAN session of drawpile, which is weird. There's much better programs for drawing offline.
>plug it into my secondary computer because it's not filled with child porn
Then why are you using Linux?
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Because he likes tinkering.
>irrational mentally ill person denies the evidence
many such cases
It's really interesting how the linux people love tinkering with their distro, but are completely oblivious about tinkering with windows and how perfect you can get it with a few steps.

It's like... it's fine that a linux distro isn't how you want it, you need to shape it yourself... but windows? Nah that shit needs to be perfect right out of the gate or I'm not getting it.

Makes one wonder about their mental state, is all
>Internet is everywhere you rubber ducky poorfag
>are completely oblivious about tinkering with windows and how perfect you can get it with a few steps.
You are a clueless undergrad faggot, stop posting anytime and lurk for 2 years
>no argument
as expected
>linux is better than windows
>windows is better than linux
I'm pretty sure linux is a honeypot made by masons at this point
Microsoft Spyware?
Secretly downloaded Software?

Windows does not respect its user. It treats them like retarded babies, putting them pills they don't want to take to make them even more retarded.

Most general Linux distros respect their users, they make them know exactly is in their computer. No bullshit, no Spyware.

Indeed, lurk moar
>if a linux distro isn't tailored perfectly to you, it's fine! Tinkering and customising it is part of the experience!
>if windows isn't tailored perfectly to you then IT'S BAD!!!! NO TINKERING SHOULD BE REQUIRED FOR WINDOWS

always with the dishonesty
Win 10 enterprise LTSC + debloat tool + registry editing >>>one time only<<< and it's the perfect OS. But of course... no tinkering allows with windows
linuxfags literally covering their ears and screaming BLAH BLAH CANT HEAR YOU
hilarious and pathetic at the same time
as your first exercise, replace ntfs and the registry
you dumb cockguzzler
learn to read you retarded faggot

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