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Go fuck yourself
Oh no!
Go fuck yourself.
>right wing nut buys left wing platform
>destroys it
>people are baffled
literal clown world
If that's all it takes to "destroy" a site it raises a lot of questions about where the actual value lays in these tech scams doesn't it
why did Elon not buy Facebook?
Good. Maybe you faggots will fuck off once you have no more low information garbage to share.
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The main reason people are leaving the platform is because of Elon’s personal spam
Revenue doesn't really have anything to do with how many people are using the site. Your mistake is conceptualizing influence peddling as an actual business model. The business model isn't based on reality, it's based on attempting to shape reality.
His business model seems to be “ban everyone who doesn’t buy premium”
You're a profoundly stupid person. My point is that there is no business model. Glowies arbitrarily select winners and losers. That's the "business model."
its unusable now literally 70-80% traffic are from bots
You don't understand. He is a genius. It is all part of the plan. TRUST!
You haven’t made any point retard, learn to put your thoughts into words.
Ha! That shows him for being right wing! CHUD!!!!
meanwhile I can’t even buy groceries for the rest of the month.
you're not allowed to block him?
he just bought it to influence the election, do they seriously think someone as smart as him paid billions of dollars for a website because he thought it was a good way to make money?
Good. Maybe you'll lose some weight, fat fucking faggot.
yes. He thought he could turn it into one of those chink companies and control basically every aspect of your life. Paypal++, basically, like WeChat.
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I’m skelly though
>can't comprehend simple sentences
Not gonna make it
>sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X
He should just sell it or kill it already ffs. Just because you threw a bunch of money into a hole doesn't mean you need to throw more down after it.
post dick
i agree fuck the allies
no, he wants trump in office and saw twitter as a right wing propaganda machine. hes worth 200b and barely cares about money anyways.
Well someone is lying, either he is faking the stats for users and payments or the Fortune is faking their calculations.
Most likely both
Didn't Elon do drastic measures to take down the bots, like limit the number of requests even for paid users?
I guess you still can't outjeet the jeet
Fake tranny news.

The "revenue" of the old is just WEF's GARM creating fake values. That money was tied with tranny woke propaganda.
>he meant to run it into the ground! 4d chess!
Except that inadvertently helps the democrats. In 2016, all large corporations except Koch were supporting Hillary or non Trump republicans. Now Trump has a mini army of corporations on his side too. That is a huge disadvantage. The main reason why most people I know voted for him was because he wasn't "bought", so they thought he would do some antitrust and they also thought he will warm up relations with Russia and China, but what Trump instead did was want to ally with Russia against China, which angered both
>/pol/tard: "TRANNIES!!!"
This. Same with INDIA GDP statistics. WEF tranny wokes are intentionally hiding the superpower status of INDIA GDP growth which is >>>>> China
>twitter something
Brazil doesn't have this problem.
no one is leaving the platform though lol. it literally has not stopped growing. making threads on /g/ wont change that, looney troon.
He love indians he never insult them or whistle them.
His biggest dickrider (DogeDesigner) is a pajeet. And he has 2 or 3 kids with a pajeeta.
Mastodon and Bluesky and FOSS alternatives boosts never happened then?
>His biggest dickrider (DogeDesigner) is a pajeet
or his alt.
never happened until brazil's government blocked x. youre alone in your troony bluesky echo chamber, jack already endorsed X and quit bluesky
Right right. And general increase in popularity of FOSS also never happened right? Linux totally isn't at 5%, every saar still redeems the apple?
you seriously want to talk about brazils problems?
>USA has less than 100k annual homicides
>UKRAINE has less than 100k annual homocides
this is not related at all but for your information, linux peaked 10-15 years ago before troonies like you started hijacking foss. now its dead. there is zero user growth, and no the steam deck doesnt count.
>it literally has not stopped growing.
source that's not elon?
KEK, I just wanted to confirm you are an Indian
He wanted to duck out of acquiring it but after he was forced to he decided he might as well bend public perception in his favor with it.
Are you sure he didn't want to buy it? He would save so much from regulation removal and tax cuts if he got lolbertarian party to win so sounds like it is worth it to me

+6% for the year
X lost 50% of its revenue before Elon even assumed control of the company because of the ACLU demanding advertisers pull out
He didn't get it back from AIPAC?
>source that's not elon
elon dicksuckers clearly aren't the best at reading.
english hard, sir
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He's a graphic designer working for Dogecoin but his body is 96% Elon semen so I don't know if he counts as a separate entity
Why does he live rent free in trannies minds?
Because they download the propaganda from their corporate media into their castrated brains
Why would he get it back from AIPAC when every jew is still smearing him despite his attempts to appease them? It's a one sided relationship.
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Because he supports Israel and Israel supports him?
>Because they download the propaganda from their corporate media into their castrated brains
Shouldn't these trannies love Elon then
This is about Elon not Trump, tard
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data from third parties are much less accurate, but as a tranny who knows zero about tech im sure you didnt know that. you couldve googled it yourself, they all show the same growth. the question is, where are you getting the idea that theres no growth? from your discord transition channel?
Musk doesn't control CNBC/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/CNN/WAPO/GUARDIAN/reddit/etc. Those are controlled by the WEF and marxist commie propaganda is blared towards those users whom post on 4chan.
Tranny suffering from Musk derangement syndrome. This isn't reddit, dumb axewound
You're right, he's controlled by them.
I can smell this post
>right wing nut buys left wing platform
>left wing platform
lmao spot the American retard without even a high school level understanding of politics. I bet he think Liberalism is left wing lmao.
why do they gulp down on elon's cock so hard for free?
Nope. He's suing them. And one of their wing, GARM shutdown to stop Musk/Court from getting documents.

>fires most of staff, claims AI will replace it
>barely works without installing, registering, and disabling all privacy settings
>app is now somehow more hated
wow such market capitalism
>be tranny
>musk lives rent free
t. eurotard who currently hosts 3 somalians in his flat while getting taxed 70% of his income
>Still talking about shit he knows nothing about with absolute authority
>castrates himself
>claims he's not tranny
Cool theatrics, do you also clap when you read that? Bleat, tranny.
>bootlicking elon
>bootlicks marxist tranny Klaus propaganda
Looks like you're dead
Why castrated troon always flee on sight? LMAO
they always stop samefagging whenever someone comes in and exposes them. then they make the same thread again the next day. one has to wonder, how much money are they getting from blackrock to do this?
The pajeet is seething hard itt, lmao

and nothing of value was lost
at least he got to use Tesla's (temporary) massively inflated valuation for something, instead of staying as Monopoly money.
Tesla got BTFO by BYD anyway. Days of monopoly are over for Musk. China won.
people that cross Saudi Princes usually find themselves in suitcases. Several of them.
He didn't buy xitter for profit anyway
Well at least Saudi prince is not totally dysgenic unlike all other monarchs in the world today
Absolutely. I've never seen him so aggravated.
His cents per post wage is tied to performance and he is failing pretty hard.
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calm down elonfag
I don't think it costs musk much to keep it online , he fired like 90% of the existing staff, and debloated it.
He still has the same office I think, because of remaining employees and servers. California has insane prices for land. If he moves the HQ to Philippines or India he will save most of the money he is losing and then it won't operate at a loss anymore probably
I dislike Musk but Twitter (yeah not calling it "X") is much more fun these days than it was just 5 years ago, people don't get banned over bullshit anymore near as much.
Wouldn't know because I haven't used it before or after. Using alt sites is greatly frowned upon here for a reason anyway
Not really. Most people don't want to be called a nigger on a daily basis. Elon intentionally elevating hatespeech and extremist rhetoric from the right was always going to lead to the death of the platform.
No, 4chan allows that and it isn't dead. The difference is that 4chan owner is not openly saying his political opinions, nor does he promote opinions he agrees with. The fact that Twitter which was 99% liberal before Elon is now several factors less liberal than 4chan (which is the real free speech platform) suggests meddling
It undeniably has stopped growing, at least with organic "human" users. Twitter has never had more bots.

I have an account that I made literally just to sign in for porn. Zero posts, Zero engagement, absolutely no activity whatsoever. This account has almost 100 followers.
>No, 4chan allows that and it isn't dead
4chan is also not a profitable business in literally any capacity and only continues to exist because it is a fed honeypot.
>Twitter has never had more bots.
exactly the opposite. porn bots follow random accounts simply because they have been vaporized from the rest of the site and are unable to do anything else. twitter always had gigantic bot farms and fake engagement. all the stats now are from real users.
4chan is NOT a honeypot. No, you won't get vanned if you do something illegal. I encourage everyone to try out for themselves and see if you don't believe me
lmao at this thread
i should visit \pol\ bait threads more often
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Hilariously retarded
/pol/ doesn't have these kinds of threads because flags and IDs are public. Really makes you think
just rename it back to twitter you stupid fat baldlet
At least the few schizo lefties that were on that platform before were mostly out of sight. Now I can't even use this dogshit website without seeing /pol/ tier autism on my feed. I don't give a shit about politics and no amount of "not interested in this post" helps.

I guess that's what happens when a socially inept retard buys a social media platform. His kid being trans and disowning him has really broken Musk's brain...
>lefty bot farm propaganda filling my timeline good
>legitimate users right wing propaganda filling my timeline bad
Conversing with a bot is more human like than a jeet desu
Wonder at what point he will give up. The revenue loss was predictable, but afaik none of the things he has implemented have seen any adoption whatsoever.
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The community notes was good, but not his idea
you mean when I shitpost I waste a fed's time?
Hi, feds! <waves hand>
I might as well ask here instead of shitting up the board further, is there any way to find a Xitter post through poast/xcancel or any other nitter instance if I have the original Xitter link? Search engines, especially image search, often lead to Xitter links, but the site is often literally unusable if you don't have an account.
Oh, and yes I know that I could just look up the account and sort by media or something like that, I'm asking for a better option.
Musk is not interested in Twitter as a company. It's just the contemporary version of buying a newspaper to further your agenda and control the flow of information.
how can that only be the case if the controlled companys take away their advertisements, and constantly brag about doing this in mainstream media publications. ?
he's interested in twitter as a platform. he wants to make a clone of what chinese have right now - all-in-one app.
>what is a block button?
unlike 4chan, when you encounter a retarded nigger, you can block that motherfucker
if only the lore about these years was not fiction.
Wtf is this beta male doing here? This site is for incel/asexual alphas.
>Most people don't want to be called a nigger on a daily basis
imagine getting triggered by words. LOL.
Man, that sucks. Who could have predicted that telling your entire customer base to go fuck themselves was a bad move. I'm not a genius though like musk so I assume it's 5d chess.
I want to hold your hand uwu
uh the war nevr happened
if i read another story about a woman killing 600 nazis magically, i will literally say that the war did not even happen.
thats hot af i want to cuddle with you and kiss your neck
>w-well he's a murderer but at least he's handsome so I guess it's okay
This is cope.
it has the users though. that's the hardest thing to get
if they had great margins but no users that would be much more worrying. big platforms with all the users can ride on no profit for a long ass time
When I created an account for porn purposes the very first tweet I saw was from elon. He's that retarded. Probably uses 4chan too.
>4chan allows that and it isn't dead
Do you really think this site will survive for much longer?
>Trump dies
>/pol/ dies
>MSM realizes blacked porn exists
>/gif/ dies
>Credit card companies kill pixiv
>/a/ dies
We're hanging by a thread here anon.
If the ban tiktok and genshin the damage to this site will be massive.
Link to the site?
See YouTube
these are the most estrogenized hands i've ever seen. are you a tran or cis?
He tried to back out of the deal last second but was blocked
what about it? youtube is botted and censored to death.
Maybe that's just the advertisers' seething
freaky ass
in the summer of our lord 2012 I would have said some sexist stuff and demanded sex, but sadly in the Summer of our 2024 I just know you are a XY chromosome.
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>fortune says
>Global governments and the fbi and cia were financing the platform staying up because it was never profitable
>Once the persona non grata ceo buys the company, they drop all financing
>Hurr durr twitter is literally in the red boys!!!!
Why are woketards like this?
It's just so simple to pick the lie, yet they continue endlessly trying and failing.
His goal was never to make X profitable, just to doxx people who made fun of him.
The site will inevitably go the way of Myspace. He desperately wants it to be 4chan but his ego doesn't allow him to tolerate ideas that he disagrees with so he's very heavy-handed in enforcing his "free speech" and scaring off even people who agree with him.

The beauty of 4chan is that the moderation is (mostly) actually entirely divorced from ideology and not just enforcing the whims of Moot/Hiromoot. X will never get that kind of staff since the average X employee is an indian visa scammer who is forced to worship Elon or face deportation.

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