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Why can't linux developers just make it simple and intuitive to use?
Then more people would use it and they wouldn't be unique
because they all work for free, and as they say, you get what you pay for
Command line is simple and intuitive to use.
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How hard is it to click the "install" button?
No incentive
Yeah, loonix has been basically filtered by users
>java shit
see >>102425991
It's written in Vala.

nice try Microsoft
fuck off tim kike
>linux developers
found your problem
Do you really have to drag some file manually on Mac? Can't you just press install like on Linux?
Some software got installers but most of them are drag and drop.
Linux still has a long way to go. Yes.

Fuck Mac/Apple

Windows is getting so bad that no matter how long Linux still has to go, people will put up with it. Including me as of yesterday.
Sounds annoying. Doesn't Mac have some store where you can just click to install?
works on my machine
brew install --cask google-chrome
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i am a literal retard who only started to use linux (kde spin of fedora) because my steam deck was so easy to use
i dont know a goddamn thing about linux and the most amount of grief i experienced was because windows kept nuking the boot loader or whatever its called so when i got back into linux i just erased the windows os in that partition manager.
you can thank microsoft for making windows a onedrive advertising delivery system.
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it is, use a better distro
>filters morons from using it
OSes were good when they were made by nerds for nerds
I don't want to have to go to some gay centralized store to install applications. I want to be able to download them from wherever I want on the internet and install them myself.
The price for real control is hard work.
>he fell for the loonix meme
>trolling outside of /b/
>instigating a flamewar
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Both are unix based. It's literally the same.
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Because they're not getting paid enough. They mostly work FOR FREE.
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>open terminal
>sudo [package manager] [install argument] [program name]
>program gets installed automatically
>open browser of choice
>type "download [program] on google
>sifter through shady results until you find the legit one
>download program
>either double click the .exe and click Next 20 times or mount the .dmg then drag and drop shit into the applications folder
>unmount .dmg
>delete .exe/.dmg installer and emptu trash bin
gee, I wonder which is easier and more intuitive
>just works

>nothing works (without user intervention and hours of troubleshooting, don't lie)

>somehow macOS is bad and linux is good

Explain this /g/tards.
>waaaaaaahhhh just let me install my .exe malware
Just don't use Linux nigger
>"It's Sweden's fault I can't understand their language. They should all learn English"
>most actually do
>"Yeah well... not ALL of them!"
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>nothing works (without user intervention and hours of troubleshooting, don't lie)
>don't lie
okay then, I'll be upfront. skill issue
How do people find that funny? It's bland and poorly made, that's without going on the moral standards of it. Do you have it saved just because
>hahah I groom children on snapchat
I don't get it.
>How do people find that funny? It's bland and poorly made, that's without going on the moral standards of it. Do you have it saved just because
>>hahah I groom children on snapchat
>I don't get it.
seething redditourist
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you have to be 18 to post here
>sudo apt install program
>it actually installs something compiled by a middleman, not the original program from the original developer
>she/her thinks this is fine
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legal in america
I already said that I'm not including morals into it. I just don't find the picture funny as it's low effort
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okay but what about .deb?
They don't want you to stop making this thread
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things don't always have to be high effort to be appreciated
use another repository I guess idk what you're trying to convey apart from the implication that you don't like trannies. Just because you're right about one thing doesn't make you right about everything retard
>something compiled by a middleman, not the original program from the original developer
and this has been a problem... never? right
Now do it with a real app and not just some nerd shit you need to debug a meme language.
They already did it's called GNOME
>I have authorization, check for updates and install this program
I only started using Linux because I wanted to run a Windows VM. Eventually I just stopped launching the VM outside of Autodesk slop.
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>Why can't linux developers just make it simple and intuitive to use?
Actually tried, before but people really suffering form wasn't invented here syndrome, so they created snaps and flatpaks.
>Better disro
There are no good distros.
it is simple and innovative, you are just a retarded fag who doesn't know shit about it
Troons thrive off complexity.

i wonder which moderator is behind all these threads....
Yes, it does, retard >>102427769
agreed any decent non-diy distro has a good software store

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