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4chan died sometime a decade ago and hasn't been the same since. In its current state this website is unrecognizable at best and actively harmful to the psyche at worst. What's weird is that the people who notice this and comment upon it are objectively outnumbered by a constant, never-ending influx of newfags.

All of the spark, mirth and joy of early 4chan is gone. Even the term oldfag has lost its meaning. The question is where we actually go from here, since no one cares to fix the site and no one wants real change, a real community, anything beyond shitposts, porn and spam.

In truth, I think it's just an age thing. 4chan was great, then it became an incubator, hence why "You're here forever" is the one mantra even the most cynical anon repeats mindlessly.
OP screenshot is disingenuous because it doesn't complain about right-wing and stormfronters. We used to make fun of those types for being fucking crazy now they're shitting up the entire website and acting like they own the place. /sci/ is a dead board thanks to them.
It's a dialectic. 4chan actually became awful around 2013/14 and 2016 is just used as a scapegoat due to politics.

For fucks' sake, Moot left in 2015 so it's not like everything was sunshine & roses between then & now.
moot ran 4chan on g4 power macs not macbooks you retarded newfag
that whole post reeks of newfaggotry
>ruining /pol/ and creating the stupidest threads in existence to cause stress and turmoil
actually read the whole post next time
>Moot left in 2015
Goddamn I am old.
REMINDER: You are here forever.
I bet this pretentious faggot is one of those "Hitler was a leftist" types. kys
>started being run by jews, spinning off to 8kun
>handing out 30 day bans for slight anti-semitism on /pol/
4Chan is still less jewish than Reddit though
genuinely embarrassed to see newfags trying this hard to fit in while getting all the facts wrong
It was downhill before that, the response to GG was at the end of a long line of moderation failures. 2011 was the real tipping point. It didn't affect all boards at first, but the need for generals and subsequent cancer that generals are was one symptom of the problem.
Unironically and sadly, it was the pedos and nazis that kept the cancer at bay (children, normies and lefties). When they dissapeared, the floodgates opened.

/b/ didn't die but transformed from a trollhaven into a asylum for edgy, mentally ill teens.
dilate, pedo freak
i loved scrolling /b/ board for shitposts and when xo willow hadn't yet deleted xheir soundcloud
Yeah, the imageboards and imageboard's culture is dead. The old internet is dead, normies killed it. It's obvious to anyone.
you are the normies
/pol/ is the most antizionist pro Russian board on an already antizionist pro Russian site. I never get b&
Yeah, I am probably. I just don't get it. What's the point of mourning in ruins?
a few of my anti Israel replies on /g/ got removed already just a few minutes ago, on a post on how Israel hacked Lebanon
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Wrong I first came here in 2006, after some /b/tards raided a pokemon forum I was part of. They spammed digimon hentai for a week straight and made the faggot admin that everyone hated cope and seethe so much, It was the funniest shit I ever seen. The admin got so mad that he took the forum offline for 2 months, but before that I message the guys saying how funny their were and where they came from and they explain 4chan to me. And I was the coolest website I ever used, It was way better to read than any shitty phpb forum. At first I used most for vidya discussion and to find other cool websites, then I stayed for tech stuff and libertarianism. I stayed until 2014 during my last year of college when I got busy with work and school and almost completelly offline only using email for work stuff. My life was great I had a good job, a gf, didn't spent much time only, it was perfect.
I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Not pedo. Just making the observation. Kids are pure cancer with their lack of humour, utter retardation and general ineptitide.

4chan would be much greater if everyone under 30 where perma-blocked, but alas, that is not viable.
good morning sir
it's kinda sad though for zoomers, not their fault. imagine being locked down in a room during quarantine for 5 years, no school or friends just an iPad
It will move to a different platform or be the birth of an alt board to post on. There really isn't anything big enough happening to splinter 4chan again like that happened with 8. Their splinter boards are still lingering but yeah, thats pretty much it.
/k/ is pro-ukraine. well, maybe less pro-ukraine and more anti-russia. watching zigger's faces get blown off by a kamikazeeing drone is a fun past-time over there.
I loved it, because I had 2 years doing NOTHING. There was no online exams because professors knew that safe exam browser has been patched to be bypassed already and 2 camera setup wasn't viable, so everyone would cheat. So they just cancelled all tests and I played videogames for 2 years straight.
It did fuck up my social skills though and sometimes I wonder if I would have a gf if corona didn't happen because I was 19 at the time, which is the best time for this
But I can't regret it because I don't know what would happen, so I still love it
The final nail in the coffin was Oct 7 after which pol has been overrun by muslims and they don't want to debate anything with seriousness.
>Reddit is pro ukraine
we knew
And no books, no hobbies, no boredom. Just chasing that digital dopamine like a freak.
At least Muslims are not raging racists or billionaire (think gates) bootlickers so that is a step in the right direction. Unfortunately they are anti women, which is worse, but /pol/ before was also anti women, so this changes nothing
I am bored, right now.
>/k/ is a gun board
>reddit is leftist and anti-guns
>/k/ is also reddit because...uhm....
get your narratives straight before posting incel.
This. I wouldn't even mind if they stuck to their containment board. But they simply cannot resist the urge to ruin every other board as well. And the jannies gave up long ago, despite what some schizos might think. Then again, this place is astroturfed to hell and back by every nation and intelligence agency on the planet and there's proof of it from various leaks so why settle for shitposting on only one board if you want to cause chaos?

OP's image does read like "anyone I don't like is a normie" though.
/k/ tards literally crosspost to and from reddit ALL the time, especially worldnews. And worldnews is the largest subreddit on reddit. Not even left wing, because they praised Azov multiple times, they also like the right wing Estonian soviet statue destroyer, pinochet and milei
They have a right to be who they are, but at least they should engage in debate instead of just calling everyone with a counter-arguments kikes or streetshitters.
Good for you mate. Find a nice spot in the celing to stare at. It's when you're bored, your brain comes up with the most creative ideas.
The stormfags forced lolbertarians to go back to >>>/r/eddit for which I as a leftist will be eternally grateful to them.
They are not all bad, in fact they can be good in many situations
I think the crazy thing like this is I see what's clearly an actual oldfag posting on the website, and I see someone that looks fucking reasonable. That reminds me of the non goyslop slurping, actually centrist people and friends I grew up with back in 2002-2008. Anonymous and all that shit.

And I wonder where these fuckers are at these days. They're certainly not on IRC anymore.

Gone are the days are actual good shitposters. Now it's porn and AI fucking degen gooning nude request threads for fake nudes of stacy. Ukraine astroturfing politics.

Idk man. I really missed out on the last bastion of the internet.
NTA, but I haven't been bored in many years. Even if the power goes out, my phone still has batteries and mobile data.
Unfortunately, my uni starts in two weeks while I only get very complex software project ideas, like customizable emacs like image editor, or a game engine or something along those lines. Can't think of anything short and interesting
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Lucky for you there is AI to help you realize your dream. You just need to break it down into simple prompts for her.
They were not centrists. The internet back then was mostly middle and upper class, and I certainly remember them wanting taxes to be a lot lower. So center-right, slight libertarian
Damn if we assume other paintings from middle ages and ancient times are realistic, this makes Mona lisa like a solid 10/10 at least.
Daniel Larson in a wig
>And I wonder where these fuckers are at these days
they are probably working, having kids and going on vacation while we waste our lives on this shit internet forum
Reminds me of Emma Vigeland.
Culture evolves; I still enjoy 4chan. It's nice having a place where I can say whatever I want anonymously and reach a large audience. No likes, no algorithms, no narcissistic gatekeeping. There aren't many other places on the internet like this these days. Sure, it's mostly shit but it has always been mostly shit. There's just more shit these days because there's more users than there was in the past. Still plenty of lulz to be had.
in a mere 3 years 4chan would have existed for longer under hiro than under mood.
this also means that anyone who came here after 2006 has known 4chan longer under hiro than under moot
>ruining k
>turning it into pro ukraine
>this site died in 2013
literal two digit iq retard
everyone on /k/ just grew up and became cops, glowies etc.
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>No likes
>no algorithms
"Your post contains banned text"
"Wait a while before doing this"
"Our system thinks your post is spam"
*random "posts successful", but doesn't actually appear* (added recently, I assume this is scanning for porn but it fucking sucks)
>no narcissistic gatekeeping
(You)s are infinitely better than likes. Clicking a like button is the lowest effort form of engagement that exists. Inspiring someone to reply to you takes significantly more effort and thought. The spam prevention measures can be annoying but minimally so with a captcha solver. Just filter the tripfags.
Most of old 4chan was not that racist and Christians were mocked. You'd know that if you were actually there though.
Nah the only real value is unbloated UI and not having to login. The significant downside is no VPNs or Tor which I heard other sites are more lenient with. I didn't use any though so I don't know
>Ruining /pol/
??? It is the best it has ever been. 2022 really did wonders for post quality there
In reply to your post cap
Oldfag spirit is only found here.
Why do you need a VPN or Tor? How do you propose a site like 4chan exist and simultaneously allow Tor? It will just get abused by pizza and fedposting.
As a tranny i can confirm no lefties like you used this site back then, you are revising history.
I guess not. But there could be a text only board that allows Tor.
> um acktually
There was an essay by Paul Graham on how keeping your identity small on the internet was beneficial. What happened then was people who were not anonymous tended to keep their identity small so that they would not be attacked partisanly over things like religous association or race. This extended into anonymous forums because people were there for things like Javascript or baking or other topics people talk about on forums. As a rule, any mention of religion on an online forum degenerates into a religious argument. What religion and politics have in common is that they become part of people's identity, and people can never have a fruitful argument about something that's part of their identity. By definition they're partisan.

Tl;Dr: They were centrist because they were being polite; they were hiding their identity and keeping it out of the discussion. Today this is different, we have a whole field of "identity politics"
Were all still here, were just not dumb enough to tie our whole identity around being a moderate normalfag like you.
That's not the worst idea in the world. It would just be less memetically potent without images.
Controlled op. Zelinski and putin are depopulating ukraine for greater pissreal
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>The problem is leftists
>No the problem is nazis
>No its the pedos
>No it's the bots, glowies, chinks, pajeets
The problem was the introduction of (You)'s and the all time (You) count usercript
we can never go back so bitching about it constantly doesn't change anything. you can always just leave.
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4chan died when generals took over
Mods and jannies like generals because it made their jobs easier
Most boards are dead outside generals
generals cater to retards and morons
original posts are discouraged
>4chins is an Chinese website
Only the Chinese cartoons part is chink friendly, chink. You and the poos need to settle your gay ass US trade agreement dick sucking contest somewhere else.
Sure but it would instead have actual expert discussion on topics like programming.
Would never be able to compete with HN
>same story gets discussed on multiple sites
literal brainrot
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This hits hard, man
China will remove ALL globalhomo, no matter how much it makes jeets seethe
>/hoc/ was the start of the cancer
further proof that canadians need to be rangebanned from the internet
Kek. Great, now I have to learn mandarin just to post on 4chan.
Fucking mongoloids, man.

Also this >>102427391 this will remove a large percentage of the chinks and pajeets that shitpost here.
Only important bit here is about Indians. They're a nuisance across the entire internet. The fact is many of those people did not have internet back then, and there's a billion of them sharing the internet with us now. The other day I tried searching for a video trend on YouTube and sorted by newest and was surprised that the vast majority of content was Indian. Twitter gets more Indian every year. This is a real problem we need to sort out. I'd be in favor of banning the entire subcontinent from connecting to this website.

I don't think the average American poster who arrived here post-2013 is a problem. The problem is just Indians—they're why this place feels more low-IQ and humorless than it used to. (I myself am a newfag who has only been here since 2007)
>billion of them sharing the internet with us
More like 10 million because the rest are too retarded to find 4chan luckily. They are on mainstream sites instead. But I imagine Facebook, Twitter, Reddit must be full of Indians
This would be a cause for concern if the lower quality jeetposts made homosexuals from these platforms move here, but right now it seems like they are accepting it and instead lowering their standards to India level, which is pretty funny
>I don't think the average American poster who arrived here post-2013 is a problem.
nigger please, with that opinion you might as well be cancer yourself

>I myself am a newfag who has only been here since 2007
fake humility about being here early is a later invention. you weren't here in 2007
I thought /b/ feels a lot more like /pol/ these days I guess this explains it.
>Muslims are not raging racists
Lol! You obviously don't have a majority of male muslim coworkers. Pure /pol/ talk... (Kill jews, gays, trannies & black monkeys)
>if you don't like chinks you're a pajeet, said Chang between bites of raw dog
Most muslims ARE black though. I would be more concerned about racism towards whites since whites (like Russia) are 99% Christian. But it doesn't seem like they are.
Jews? Just because of Israel, only the zionist Jews. No real Hitler-like "I will proceed against all jews" antisemitism
>Mods and jannies like generals because it made their jobs easier
One side effect of this is that the existence of generals makes jannies completely give up on moderating the catalog, so even a decent general can be a net-negative by making the catalog around it turn into an unmoderated ocean of shit.

Around midnight central time (so noon in Asia) some boards get more ESL than /int/ language learning threads. It's grim.
Only on /g/. I know because I love making A LOT of low quality bait threads and I know that they stay up on /g/ for days, while for example on /v/, they get banned instantly
actually this website was pretty leftists and tranny back then
trap != tranny
trannies are gay. traps are not
>doubt you been here long
2004, left for a while, didn't leave after GG (should have) just waiting to die honestly. if all the glowies dropped dead i'd be like, thanks for not doing it sooner god, thanks, cunt. I dont care anymore. I hope you all die.
yea see you've always been faggots here
>Around midnight central time (so noon in Asia) some boards get more ESL than /int/ language learning threads. It's grim.
I live in almost the same time zone as Indians, I will larp as being one of them from now on.
>Oldfag larp with ""nostalgia"" /pol/, doesn't even mention /news/, doesn't remember the stormnigger pre 2010 invasion
It is not 4chan, people everywhere are becoming dumber and dumber, to the point where not being a fucking retard gets you ousted out for not fitting in with the legions of dumb fucks spewing tons of bullshit every time they talk. It is all down to the quality of the people.

On /a/, for example, if you enter a thread about a work which requires a bit more brain maturity to understand and appreciate, there are fewer posts, but of acceptable quality. If you enter a thread about a work which is mostly enjoyed by teenagers due to it being wacky, simple and more action focused, you see no discussion, only a pack of apes throwing crap on each other.

Try to point out a single large website or community which improved over the past decade, there are none. The more users there are, the worse the quality is.
>(I myself am a newfag who has only been here since 2007)
I am from 2017 and I think of myself as an oldfag. You need to drop your autism
4chan is a pro Russian, no tranny zone
Going forward, especially considering what happened to reddit, we should assume that basically everything we read online is botted and propaganda. If any humans are reading this, now is the time to stockpile old books as they will be the only reliable source of information. Make sure you are physically secure and have plenty of food and water.
There's no difference at all.
Actually when it comes to history, books are the least accurate. Nowadays to prove something you need multiple witnesses and video, while just 60 years ago an eyewitness account of a single individual would be enough for a historical "fact".
You would be surprised how much of historical information is just books describing what one person said that he heard from another well known person
emma is hotter
I've been here since 2005 my mentally ill friend.
actually, this is the best time in human history, crime has never been lower, people have never been more educated, access to knowledge has never been better, and so on
>tranny seething about muh leftists
I bet it is a hohol azovite
Bro take a look at saudi arabia. fucking retard.
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>pedos are nazis were the last line of defense
They're literally the reason 4chan is so shit today. There are now so many of them their bullshit has infected most boards.
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I started in 08 and old fags were already saying that 4chan was ruined. It's never ending. Just find your generals and ignore the noise.
I see your point. That may be true in your country, but in my turd world shithole and several western countries unfortunately that is not the case.
i'm mocking postmodernists, this world is a fucking hellscape everywhere
>The site used to be fun and not filled with lefties, troons, poozjeets, kikes, niggers, sandniggers, chinks, etc;
Hilarious considering that the main reason moot sold the website is because he was tired with stormfags making everything about politics and white male insecurity.
Proving that he was part of the problem. I already knew after the creation of /mlp/ and /lgbt/
>be me
>sitting in a computer lab(you remember those right?)
>friend says "hey check out this sites its pretty funny and interesting, people just post random shit on it"
>ask him what it is

Those were some good days. Back when /b wasn't just 95% porn. 4chan has gone downhill for sure since then. 4chan needs an owner who actually cares about/uses it, until then it will be the same bullshit.
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Mea Culpa

I feel somewhat guilty for the state of 4chan as it is.

back in 2008 I was on /n/ - News (not transportation, fuck those choo-choofags).

It was just funny to post the most racist shit imaginable because people would genuinely get mad at it. I would copy entire threads from Stormfront, with the replies and everything to make it seem like it was a genuine thread full of people discussing racist shit.

I never could have predicted that people took it seriously or it would eventually morph into /pol/

It wasn't only me, but I helped. I was there, 3000 years ago.
The platform has to die, just to have a chance to be born again.
>election frog autist
>le I've been here for 18 years
you haven't fuck off
There was that other imageboard, but very weird things happened around it, people died, people went to prison, people ought to go to prison, and now it's only used by qboomers.
it started with such promise, such shining hope. sad.
Like the rest of the internet, normalfaggots ruin it more and more each day.
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If only it wasn't for that dastardly website 4chan, then no one would be racist online or anywhere else. You did this! How do you live with yourself?
That just exposes him as a /pol/nigger.
>posts image showing that pedos and weebs have always been part of the board culture since the very beginning
>complains about pedos ruining the board culture
>Oldfag spirit is only found here.
I unironically lurk that board because of that. I don't give a fuck about the content matter, but I like how the people still feel real.
okay buddy lol
>back when /b wasn't just 95% porn
I used to scroll it with my dick in my hand back then.
There's only a few boards left
The ones that are resistant to infiltration all have a certain thing in common
I'll provide you one hint to find them, if it's a board that constantly seethes about trannies, then it's compromised
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Honestly, things started going downhill around the time of project chanology.

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'08fag here, I stopped caring a long time ago. Sure, it was nice when memes were not just pepe/wojak clones and being edgy was for the lulz instead of some autistic sociopolitical crusade. If I could go back, I would, but we can't, so what can ya do.
>free bastion of speech in the world

That's how you know he's a newfag
missing the point hard I see
>4chan was fun when the problem was managing it
Your brain on conservatism.
>/pol/ screenshot
go back
you're just getting old anon, you grew up on an environment that got slowly replaced by new ideas, new people and etc. like in any other community or public group
if it makes you feel better, zoomers will complain like you as well when gen alpha niggers get old enough to browse this site and displace the current zoomer culture with something even worse
he meant the drooling pants-shitting bums who get paid to manipulate and shit up every board.

even more hilarious when they forget to hide their flag.

now the billion dollar question is, how do you create a board and leave all the unorganic, manipulated trash out, while staying fairly anonymous.
>as a tranny I can tell you that I have lived since before 2016 without killing myself
he's just like me fr
t. 2022 newfag
>4chan is a pro Russian
Who is this 4chan guy?
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The problem is the amount relative to the total users. There are many times more pedos and nazis on 4chan now and they're a much larger chunk of the user base.
I suspect that a lot of traffic nowadays are ai chatbots, just like on all other social media (yes this is a social media site and has always been).

That and the people with half a brain have gotten families and left, the rest are us true, unsavable turbo-autists with nowhere else to go.
There's not and they're even less visible than they used to be, you're just more fixated on them.
>this post was written with Microsoft Copilot
This. Indians and especially Indonesians, Malaysians, Filipinos, and other SEA trash have all absolutely tanked the quality of certain boards.
I'm hirofaggu but I identify as originalfag.
I hate zoomers so much






>taking a /pol/tard's opinions seriously
go back
he's probably a larping newfag
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some boards (/a/, for example) are truly shadows of their former selves. but others are still going relatively strong. if you can dodge the rage bait and propaganda, /v/ is actually really close to a sfw old /b/. the website has changed, and gotten more popular, but the world has also changed. the stuff that went on in 4chan's early years would never fly now that there are real consequences for illegal shit and raiding and whatnot. also, we've growen up. the guys posting about lolcatz on /b/ in 2007 are now in their 30s and 40s. you can't expect everyone to be the same as they were 20 years ago.

with that being said, i still love coming to this site. there is a certain type of retarded humor that only 4chan has. altchans don't have it. leddit doesn't have it. old school forums SOMETIMES have it, but they're few and far between, and honestly a pain to read. parts of 4chan have changed a lot, but other parts are still something of a time machine back to the 2000s. this is also still the best place to discuss certain fringe internet topics and interests (vtubers, trackers, etc), and there are legitimately good threads on the site if you take the time to look. /dpt/ and /hsg/ are legitimately high quality and useful
Man do I wish to see train an AI on 4chan and see what type of characteristics it would have?
>This has been done before
That was pol.
>sfw old /b/
OP is 100% correct

> Pepes
> Bad
> REAL Old-Fags present before Pepe would NEVER use a Pepe

Uncultured swine. EVERYONE used Pepes, from Wendy's to Kardashian whores. They belong to everyone.
You are looking way to much in to it.
People grew up and stopped being fun. Maybe the politics ruined them.
>People grew up and stopped being fun. Maybe the politics ruined them.
>/v/ is actually really close to a sfw old /b/
How's it different from the current /b/ which is full of porn just like /v/?
Don't let the door hit you on your way out
>turning /k/ into a Ukraine/troon board
Fun fact: it was the pro Russian general on /pol/ that accidentally simped & jerked off to a tranny
>we've growen up. the guys posting about lolcatz on /b/ in 2007 are now in their 30s and 40s. you can't expect everyone to be the same as they were 20 years ago.
people change very little after a certain point personality wise. at around 15-18 i'd say you're going to more or less be the same your entire life. age just makes you jaded and bitter and sometimes more accepting of your flaws. your core true self doesn't change a whole lot after high school i'd argue. the mask you put on in front of others might change sure.
no matter how hard you pretend you will NEVER be a loser that wasted 20 years of his life on this website
posting redditfrog in 2025 is easily proof
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Fun fact: the pro-Ukraine general on /pol/ still simps & jerks off to a tranny
>cant even find comfort in the internet after work.
fuck when did it get so bad bros?
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go back
We'll keep you trapped here forever. You're here forever.
Indeed. That's where you get the highest quality.
>no u
Sad attempt at a cope
>being this butthurt over a pepe
have you consider not making being a 20 year loser a core part of your identity?
the fact that he thought /pol/ was ever good enough to be 'ruined' proves he's the problem. the entire reason that board was created in the first place was that we all got tired of stormfags and their obnoxious bullshit and moot thought ok maybe if we give them a containment board they'll fuck off to there and stay there. this didn't happen. you people metastasized like a cancer. YOU are the reason this site is dead. 4chan used to be libertarian left if anything. it was largely apolitical. the neonazis fucked it all up.
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We all know trump won because of the Russian.
I belong here. You don't
>The question is where we actually go from here,
hashchans, it tames the swarms and is an at cost posting model, no profits, no cookies, no ads, no mac ip addr harvest, all open source runnabe locally host text in blockchhains ,hotlink or self host images
>awful around 2013
Anything after project chanology is cancer
gilticus is cute enough so she doesn't count
Stormfags and Neonazi ideology are both red herrings and anyone entertaining either as a serious existential threat shouldn't be taken seriously. That said, the political culture war bullshit would have happened with or without /pol/, because it's only a reflection of what's happening in the real world with grossly partisan societal issues. OP pic is only partially right, but he's not wrong on the factionalization of 4chan being a real problem.
Muslims want to kill anyone who listens to music at all retard. They dont belong in western society no matter how based they pretend to be about jews.
in the real world most people genuinely do not give a shit about politics.
If you want to change that check out a witch in broad daylight on fimfiction. Its basically mlp if it was made by /a/.
a total ban of culture war discussion would fix 75% of 4chan's problems, a SEA/india/canada rangeban would fix the remaining 25%
I think the web as a whole died around 2016 when trump was memed into office. The powers that be really started tightening the screws such that nothing like that could happen again.
Nobody said they belong in western societies
Are you 17? Stay in school kid. Unless you are a woman. Men actually continue to get brain development 6 years after your skull calls it quits.

No one cares about your sadistic left hand right hand 2 generals for squeezing out all the slavs in jewkrain for pissreal annexation kike. Both governments are bad and wef. Nafo is fucking broke. Go away.
Nah, it started way back in 2014 or 2013 late, that's when I started seeing a lot of canaries die.
Go back to the site run by the pedophile woman in jail
*starting to die.
Oldfag is 2004-2007, rest is cancer, stop posting this election tourist revisionist trash

t. posted in one of the first frog threads in 2007 before post-chanology ebin maymay faggots discovered it and shared on 9gag in 2008
>trump was memed into office
Why do frog-spamming retards believe they elected trump and not all the actual voters he correctly targeted?
2006 were the good days. Remember /b when the mods were off everyone posted bread. I roflmao'd the whole night. Current state its a complete shithole of morons born after 2000s. I only visit tech and history. Even business is a complete pajeet cowdung. Torrents is full of coomer shit
Canada? kys
youre a dumb nigger. Storm seething was because of jews shitting up the place thanks to gamergate. The entire concept of new and pol was pushed for by glowniggers after moot got his ear pinched by his silverstream media uncle. The entire un called gamers who called out dod funding of journalists terrorists. Moot banned anyone from talking about it. He was forced to sell this shithole or get clintoned. Then clinton and oboomer ran that gay drumpf wargame on their shiny new board while trying to take down dubs chan.

4chan was never left leaning. Libertarian values died here because people grew up and realized those values where worthless at insulating them from all this shit. The entire process by which 4chan was ruined was because of leftist meddling. The entire purpose of leftist activity on the internet is to police peoples speech. You are coping and sneeding. If you havent dropped your commie values by your 30s you are just low iq.
>i-im not a commie
Yes you are. The government is just a company some ancaps set to the purpose of running a protection racket to mcnuke anyone who threatens their profits. They do that by enslaving the public with """"voulentary""""" debt slavery and socialist policies. They simply own all institutions. This country sold out before anyone alive today was around to see what it was like before the fed. Your policies dont work. They are never real free markets to you. Because the truth is the moment that power vacuum is filled people take their gains to the vault and lock them away. If you own billions youve lied and cheated your values too, gaurenteed. If not you are a cooping shitting and sneeding slave like the rest of us goy, nose or no nose. Now fuck off back to whence thou came
Man, when I look back at myself from ten years ago, even at times just five years ago, it's like I have the thoughts and memories of a crazy person in my head, and when I think back to how I was at 18, I was such an embarrassing piece of shit that it's almost painful
I hope that you can continue to grow as a person some day
i consider it character development. Why look back with horror and emberassment. Sure those feelings are natural. But friends would put wings on your back and talk about how far you came.
>defending yourself is jewish
so you learned how to put up a nice facade more efficiently while i continue to be a real nigga you mean.
>in the real world most people genuinely do not give a shit about politics.
if you discuss politics amongst your friends or family you're an asshole nobody likes.
I'm not reading all that shit, go back to /pol/ you inbred bucktoothed nazi pig
Dying till the average soldier in ukraine is 40 years old is not defending shit. Jewkrain military should have shot the brass and migrated west with their wives and children, then slaughtered ukraine jews after they settled in their blood libel won land after instigating that war, leaveraging their burger vassals to topple their government, and running child sex trafficking operations there for decades.
You did read all that, but you know (((you))) have no arguement.
Go back
Perhaps I should be kinder to myself, people shouldn't be judged by the worst things they did twenty years ago
This is just the same nonsense that women spout with their crap like
>I'm just a bad bitch
>I tell it like I see it
No, if you continue to act like a child into adulthood you're not a real nigga, you're just insufferable
>4chan was never left leaning
>we wuz freemarketist pedophiles n shieet I swear!
reading comprehension of a nigger confirmed.
i don't, and the world would be a better place if you were right, but i have never met a group of people who stay apolitical in their speech. in the right leaning suburbs it's constant, i hear it at work any time employee conduct guidelines get brought up, in urban areas i hear tons of social justice stuff, at little local art galleries people will have all the new gossip about trump and this is across multiple states in my experience not just an isolated thing

im glad your friend group or whoever eschews politics but man that's not the world i see
trump lost and will lose again
How the fuck did Ukraine instigate that war though? This whole post just fucking glows
okay kike
>goes on to be a complete gay retard
Oops my bad, you got a lot of growing up to do. Try starting with c. S. lewis's quote retard.
probably a mutt issue.

i will continue to be my honest genuine self and you can continue putting on a facade so you don't upset the easily spooked cattle.
America will collapse even if he loses so I win
you can have your old life back right now if you just open your eyes and stop playing victim you vapid, colossal reject.
you won't have sex even after america collapses
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If this statistic is true, /tv/ is probably the worst board on this website now.
Unironically touch grass
>probably a mutt issue.
oh you didn't tell me you were from a country that didn't matter that would have cleared the confusion right up.
no one cares
Nato did instigate it but it doesnt matter who instigated it, both the ukraine government and the russian government are the same entity, a jewish run mafia.
>day dat you cant make me weed white goy!
Jewish and a nigger. Try learning to read niggerjew. Its pretty simple if you arent a nigger jew,
>no one cares
i think you do
yes touch grass, that will bring back an entire demographic back from the ashes of jewish depopulation. Fuck off roasty
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Think of all the anons who have died and no longer browse 4chan. Spooky

I just got some goyslop to remember these anons, while I hold my sprite no ice up in the air, cheers to all the fallen.
you can't be a jew and a nigger, because jews have a colonialist imperialist mindset and niggers don't. also niggers support Russia and jews hate it more than anything else
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A good alternative would be a minimal Chan available on Tor. It would need to be 100% Tor only to filter out normies. I don't know how the site would combat CP and enforce bans, though. Might have to ditch anonymity on the back-end in favor of randomized client certificates?
>Im projecting that you care
I like to imagine stuff too, sometimes i go on mental adventures with chara, or tita russel, or other fun anime and gaymer pcs. But i realize none if that is real. Not sure why you cant. Maybe try eating some red meat or lifting more weights.
I will with vanushka every day
do you imagine trump winning?
Hey hey people
>so you see, your honor, my neighbour recently purchased a handgun, so I was left with no choice but to break into his house in the night to kill him and his whole family
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False premise. The judge, plantiffs attourney, and defence attourney want both sides to summerily execute eachother and sell their wives.
Just buy 10 macs and build a new 4chun for you and your friends and leave this place.

It worked for slashdot -> hackernews.
then go to one of the other chans and help support them.
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>Nato did instigate it
>America will collapse even if he loses so I win
>If trump wins:
America will go to isolationism and will lose their influence around the world.
>if the other one wins:
America will keep going to shit.
>nobody stood a chance
Until the SMO in 2022. Now all of those niggers are subservient to the pro Russia cause. It is laughable how small /uhg/ and /ptg/ are on /pol/, the influx of eastern block citizens really did a number to improve the quality of that previously thought to be unfixable shithole
/g/, /v/, and /tv/ are all just /pol/ 2.0 at this point. might as well be the same boards.
/pol/ for trannies, /pol/ for kids and /pol/ for marvel fans, respectively
>you were going to get fired anyway, find a new job
>your gf was going to leave you anyway, find a new gf
>grow up and find new places to go faggot
if you can't do the above then it's not the world's fault you're a pathetic piece of shit.
>>>/v/ is actually >>>/h/ 2.0
If jannies did their fucking job none of this would be happening. I suspect jannies sold out at some point and turn a blind eye when certain posts are made.
>/pol/ for jeets, /pol/ for jeets and /pol/ for jeets, respectively
>All of the spark, mirth and joy of early 4chan is gone
Do you remember when they changed the captcha and all bots broke?
There were a few hours of early 4chan bliss before the bots came back.
Unfortunately, we live under a regime that tries to control every social media interaction so we'll never have that joyful spirit again.
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Jews will tell you what happened but never why. That nothing burger called gaymer gate happened because during that spat /v/ uncovered silver stream media, the alleged whore slept with, revieced funds from the department of defense. Guess who moots uncle works for. That same company, so moot, the uncle, and the fucking military came down on /v/ like a bag of gay dildo handled hammers. The un declared gamers terrorists over it. What would have been fucking nothing snowballed into the end of the site. Speaking of dod glowniggers, theyve owned /b/ since 2008 and forced moot to hand them the keys to it. Theyre the ones who dropped all their sanitized blackmail porn onto /b/. None of us would have had the chance to obtain any of that, furthermore nobody but glowniggers were allowed to moderate /b/.

The failure of these gay spooks to control /v/ led to those containment efforts and the selling of the site. Subsiquently, the site became a test bed for kvetching kikes seething that virgin fat retards clould ever discover their expert scheme to funnel money into video game journos for no real reason likely but more money trading (((favors))) via tax dollars.

Anyone who blames reddit for this is retarded and from reddit. The actual post goes on to even say that it was reddit who took the side of the dod, and why wouldnt they, reddit is owned by epsteins wife in secret
Yes, I remember that, soon after 4chan worse when the bots catched up.
*4chan got worse
Even worse than before the captcha change.
Those boards arent like that because of /pol/, schlomo /pol/ is like that because of the rest of the site.
it proved that dbtaco threads are all bots
>Anyone who blames reddit for this is retarded and from reddit
kys redditor
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niggerjew do you know any other trick except saying the exact opposite of what i said and then pretending thats my opinion? Its starting to get old.
>browses /g/
>doesn't recognize the "no u" bots
>write mentally ill ramblings
>get mentally ill ramblings in return
>All of the spark, mirth and joy of early 4chan is gone.
Early adopters thought it was fun to just be act silly. Then the election tourists showed up and thought it was fun to be act stupid.
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>The question is where we actually go from here
Shut up idiot.
I've been here since 2006 and retards have been saying this same shit for literal decades.
Newfags keep forgetting that the purpose of this place was so that ordinary people could have throw-away conversations without having useless dick-measuring contests based on popularity or points. Where the value of your comments was based on how creative/intriguing/entertaining you were.
The entire notion of "back in mah day", let alone a sense of 'chan community, is retarded when applied to 4chan. The entire reason why 4chan became shit was because people kept trying to memorialize the content posted here and added egos into the mix, thinking it was anything more than momentary entertainment.
4chan is NOT serious business and you should kill yourself if you treat it as such
>muh macs
>mutt mentioning niggers
Yup another election refugee larping as le oldfag. What does this have to do with technology again?
Does anybody still have the "/pol/acks are like footfags" copypasta
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Lukewarm piss but i suppose this trick is mildly less vexxing
Do you want to know how bad this site has become? For the past 7 years popular memes on reddit and twiter got reposted here instead of the opposite being true. If you see a polemic on twitter you can bet you'll see one of two threads discussing it on the relevant boards
Template threads and OC? Regurgitated from twitter
Zoomerspeak? From tiktok
Cultural impact? From GPT

It's over
Thankfully for the permanently online dweller there's still darknet or some i2p imageboards. But the better solution to this problem is unironically to GO OUTSIDE, because that's where the genuine people are gathering again. Join a club for your interests and you'll be surprised to see how many people feel like you do, tired of the fake web and corporate interactions devoid of soul. Start disconnecting yourself and using your phone/computer less. Reconnect with your fellow man. The internet used to be an escape from the real world, now the real world is an escape from the soulless, politically correct, sanitized and at the same time completely insane modern web.

tl;dr go outside and touch grass or start browsing onion forums and imageboards exclusively
Did you read anything i wrote? The entire point of my posts itt was to explain how kvetching jews in dod turned the last bastion of the series of tubes into serious business
That isnt new newfag, just tell them to go back as usual
>just do thing that never worked
It's Moot fault that the right wing on this site got so radicalized. Never forget that he deleted the news board the first time because he was literally trying to get investment money for his shitty faggot canvas imageboard site that went down in flames because no one gave a shit about it. Then he nuked the board again because he was simping for some half asian slut. Combine that with the 2016 influx of redditors that got banned, but still came here with their shitty pseudo right wing beliefs and you get the current shitstorm of retarded normies that think they're right wing, but they're just goy cattle.

The next big problem is that the entire internet has been infested with trannies in positions of power on every social media and discussion forum. Most of the mods on this site are literal pedophile trannies with anime avatars.

The next issue is the sheer number of jeets and bots. This is self explanatory, but every thread is full of obvious AI posts or shitty jeets with the same poor grammar skills. At least most of the real posters are starting to call out the ESLs more often.
>What's weird is that the people who notice this and comment upon it are objectively outnumbered by a constant, never-ending influx of newfags.
Yep, but what can you do? It's dead. Just leave.
This is true
Nice DoD psyop retard
bullshit you dumb niggerlarper, the problem has always been that quasianarchy is only viable as long as there is a backbone culture which unifies and regulates chaos. when the newfags started outnumbering the people telling them to shut the fuck up and lurk moar 5 to 1 and the mods stopped banning attention whores and retards, then 4chan was already dead. it's not serious fucking business, it's just a basic failure in maintaining the funny, novel and interesting while filtering out the unending horde of low iq boring dumbasses. it was in any case a losing battle after the invention of smart phones and third world internet access
>Then he nuked the board again because he was simping for some half asian slut
No one said you going outside will undo what Putin has done
>it's just a basic failure in maintaining the funny
The very first picture I saw on 4chan was a man stuffing a statue of Rei in his hairy ass and shitting on it. Which happened during a time which most newfags consider the golden era of 4chan.
My point being, 4chan was at its best when users were willing to laugh at silly pictures of cats and make jokes about aids. Everything went to shit precisely because you retards thought 'backbone culture' even existed, even though we are EXPLICITLY ANONYMOUS to avoid gay ass cliques like that.
Going in a tangent here: not enough people blame the mods maybe bc that would be
admitting that, yes, any anarchist community eventually turns into an authoritarian hellhole,
and it devolves into a fight between bootlickers and contrarians.
Not bc some strange agents join in and ruin everything, but bc that power vacuum along
with that F A G G I T Y undertone, typical of the midwits loners, makes the one at the top make
a 180° turn bc he soon realizes: wait, i have this much power and no one can stop me, in
fact they think im their friend or something, so fuck it, ill do whatever i want.
board culture definitely used to exist but hasn't for well over a decade.
those damn numbers...
k. well. even if we convince ourselves that it existed, where is it? in some random crackhead's mental palace? does he even give a fuck about it now? Does anybody here can claim they truly cared at some point?
Truth is you never had a culture, just an overglorified excuse to keep wasting your time in the form of a quirky website and a bunch of (you)'s.
no i mean people used to tell people to fuck off and lurk moar if you acted like a retarded faggot. now retarded faggots are rewarded with all the attention in the world and threads full of retarded faggots all circlejerk and feed off their absolutely fucking retarded opinions that got them banned everywhere else except twitter.
There's nothing better. 8ch was better, then it was killed. Truth is it's still one of the best places to discuss stuff on the net.
also people blogpost about normalcunt shit constantly and try to one up each other about who's more of an accomplished normalcunt, unironically. shit would have never happened years ago. you'd be laughed out of the thread.
idk man
i think lots of ppl here are confusing culture with spoonfeeding. And now that it's gone, you rush to your meme folders and screencaps,
trying to prove something that never existed.
lol, lmao even, AI is smart enough to reject incels. https://x.com/mothmush/status/1835837565078831213
I've only been here since 2012 but that honestly feels recent. Posting MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT is still funny
This is why it can't change, and it's not even because of genuine /pol/ fags. 4chan is a propaganda honeypot and is target by various groups.
That screencap looks like written by a newfag.

Other imageboards exist besides 4chan. If 4chan is so terrible, then go join another imageboard. You either won't, or you will end up coming back.

>never-ending influx of newfags
wait do newfags like OP actually think this?
I am under the impression that imageboard culture is on the decline popularity wise. Is there any data to suggest this that there are more newfags over time? I believe each year less people find 4chan than the previous year.

Also rule 8. No one cares about your whiny soapbox and I feel like shit for even wasting time replying to your bitchy underaged rant.
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>you're not learning board culture!
No one cares about that lame culture. There is little more pathetic than 4ch cultural wank.

And fuck anime.
this is what im talking about
"culture"? nigga PLEASE
you wouldnt call the local bicycle "culture" just bc is accessible to everyone, wouldnt you?
nor a porn site, just bc it has what youre looking for in that moment.
but hey, i kinda get it. tens of thousands of hours going into the trash, producing zero value.
i too would be desperate to find some value of any form in it.
No one even knows what that is. You are deranged. Go outside occasionally, please.
NTA but damn dude, you just lost the game of life.
I just sit in few cool generals and gatekeep them from normalfags.
you are the reason why this place is dead
your kind and magaboomers are the same cancer, but at least they deter the average normgroid from posting here
if you don't enjoy imageboards and imageboard culture then fuck off

>nigga PLEASE
could you be anymore of a newfag? cringe af
>imageboard culture
keep digging. Some day you will find value, some day.
My home board died due to Generals and no fun allowed mods. Even the occasional trolling /pol/tard(who always failed miserably) wasn't nearly as bad as those goddamn jannies. At least they knew how to laugh and have fun instead of banning absolutely anything OC or everything that could be considered fun. Now it's a wasteland of Generals and dead threads with the few anons tip toeing around in a sea of endless shills for marketing or politics that the jannies like. No more random off topic turned on topic and back again discussions. No random but somehow related to board topic threads that are full of interesting stuff. No more fun threads. nothing but dead threads, No OC or fun allowed, and those damn Generals.
leave this site and l<1LL y0vrself, my man
put 100 more hours and youll find some value in this place, pinky promise

unlike what this loser is doing>>102426938
>um akshually they were secretly racist and upper middle class and white :^)
go back to twitter dude. 4chan wasn't the KKK cesspit twitter and instagram tell you it was. I would say lurk moar, but honestly go back to twitter and go get some fucking virtue signalling retweets. fuck out of here.
sad and bigly if true.

hm. okay, thanks for that. :')
time to create a new imageboard, let's call it niggerchan
While he isn't entirely wrong, he's not really telling the story right either. It isn't just the people here that changed, society changed as well. 10 years ago I remember sites like anandtech had big break downs of different phones and SSDs. Now it's all the same three brands. I remember when most people used a desktop or laptop to connect to the Internet. The vast majority now use some street shitter devices like an android phone or an iPad. We live in an incredibly gay age. Phones are the same. Movies are the same. Video games are the same. The food is the same and it doesn't taste like anything. Hell even the politicians are the same 8 years after Trump went down the escalator. It feels like 2014 is everyones eternal September
nice bait
newfag spotted lmao

everyone get a load of this fucking retard
any other interesting places to hang out?

I was trolling around some irc channels but figure dounly actual autists use those these days.

Something awful is fucking worse than reddit.
>touch grass
whoof, boomer spotted.
larper spotted.

i bet the first time you typed "TITS OR GTFO" was in 2015, and you thought you were the most clever and special boy ever in the whole wide world, didn't you?

I bet you think that because you've been here since 2015, that that makes you an "oldfag" now, don't you?

It doesn't, fucking newfag. If you weren't here in 2005 or earlier, which you clearly weren't, you'll never be an oldfag.

Stay mad, newfag.
>We used to make fun of those types for being fucking crazy
Archives disagree, faggotnigger
Most accurate post so far. /pol/ origin dates back to /new/ the anons from that board were so butthurt about Moot taking it down that they raised hell on the entire site until he gave them /pol/ as a containment board. The stuff about stormfags and neonazis has always been bullshit. The closest time 4chan was ever 'left leaning' was its obsession with free speech and desire to be left alone. When the left started targeting free speech they very quickly swung around whereas before that it was the Christian Right who tried to crack down on free speech hence 4chan's supposedly 'liberal' era. Truth is 4chan never cared about politics or ideology really except for free speech and until /pol/ because those faggots had the bright idea to start a huge debate over politics and ideology that turned into a clusterfuck of a grand melee.

As for why anons hate liberalism the answer to that should be painfully obvious by now. It was always about free speech for anons you stupid fucks. Enjoy your nazis that your very own stupidity, paranoia, and lust for power literally brought back to life. Hitler is laughing his ass off in his grave.
4chan and the rest of the internet got taken over by WEF and the leftist elites. That includes reddit, all the corporate media, advertisement agencies, government agencies, etc.

Currently the jannies/mods of 4chan are trannies and tranny worshippers and sip through their propaganda. And reddit posters are crosssite posting here to replace it with their tranny worship ideology
Reminder, if your values align with reddit and the media, then you are the NPC. The more you align with mainstream propaganda, the more NPC you are.
It's Moot fault that the right wing on this site got so radicalized. Never forget that he deleted the news board the first time because he was literally trying to get investment money for his shitty faggot canvas imageboard site that went down in flames because no one gave a shit about it. Then he nuked the board again because he was simping for some half-Asian slut. Combine that with the 2016 influx of redditors that got banned but still came here with their shitty pseudo-right-wing beliefs, and you get the current shitstorm of retarded normies that think they're right-wing, but they're just goy cattle.

The next big problem is that the entire internet has been infested with trannies in positions of power on every social media and discussion forum. Most of the mods on this site are literal pedophile trannies with anime avatars.

The next issue is the sheer number of Jeeps and bots. This is self-explanatory, but every thread is full of obvious AI posts or shitty jeets with the same poor grammar skills. At least most of the real posters are starting to call out the ESLs more often.
>fake humility
I distinctly recall being 14 when I first browsed /b/, that my birth year and being 14 means I was using 4chan the very month it was online.
>you weren't here in 2007
I know it's hard for you zoomrot kids to understand people, and things, existed before you were born. It's ok.

to OP:
I don't...I really just don't give a fuck, at all.
I see /pol/ is leaking again
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It's a reaction (no pun intended) to the current ubiquitous ideology.

4chan lost its board culture over the years. Too many newcomers, probably. If you have a majority of users importing memes, opinions etc. and spamming them from some Discord chat or elsewhere, then this place is no different than anywhere else.
Threadly reminder that fox news is the most viewed news outlet in the world
The nexus of all this culture war bullshit all began in Gamergate. Some people say it's Chanology, but that failed since SA goons hijacked the damn thing and actually believed they could make a difference. GG blowing up to catastrophic levels was all moot's fault, Reddit's fault, every single mod from all game forums and social media banning all GG discussion literally funneled everyone to /pol/. It was a huge clusterfuck. I fucking hate /pol/ so much. Fuck everyone that allowed /pol/ to metastasize to this degree.
reddit npc detected
>"Normies" instead of Normalfags.
Easiest way to spot a redditor.
>4chan died
Everyone and everything did
It used to be a lot easier to call them crazy before everything right of Lenin was declared to be right-wing and stormfronters.
i find some altnets, like onion sites and gopherholes interesting. i don't think this will let you avoid autists altogether, but you can trade raging idpol spergs for people who are genuinely, perhaps obsessively, interested in their hobby.
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Capped from a /pol/ thread that was deleted when people were noticing too much.
>2010 right wing
racist, censorship, war mongerers
>2010 left wing
free speech, reduce gov corruption, anti-war

>2024 right wing
free speech, reduce gov corruption, anti-war
>2024 left wing
racist, censorship, warmongerers
>Also 2024 left wing
castration ideology, degrowth, nu marxist identity politics
This. Every libertarian is just a naive white dude who is 3 red pills away from becoming a national socialist. As always, OP is a faggot and Christ is King.

Ignore everyone who disagrees with you. They can fuck off back to plebbit. /Thread
>Libertarian values died here because people grew up and realized those values where worthless at insulating them from all this shit.
Values by themselves can only insulate so much, that does not make them worthless. Most places don't have their laws designed around protecting and enforcing the non-aggression principle.
>Ignore everyone who disagrees with you.
Spoken like a true libertarian.
Don't bother replying to the shills and glowniggers who post here because they don't get relentlessly singled out and ridiculed like they are on pol.
Denounce the talmud

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