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This is what every file system should look like.
>requires a paid subscription to develop for said platform
LOLe, this is the platform apple expects you to take seriously
>my way is the only way
Not how life works kiddo.
You're thinking of iOS. Anyone can compile software for Mac OS without paying Apple one cent for it.
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>look like
yeah because the actual file structure is a fucking mess
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Except for the cents you have to spend to buy a Mac. But I never understood that objection, really. How are you going to develop software for a computer you don't have?
I think more specifically anything that goes in the app store.
not my problem as the end user
you don't already have a mac lying around?
then neither is macintosh hd faggot, it's hidden by default
delete your retarded post and kill yourself
>close thread
least unhinged windows user
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why does my music app put music here by default
seems asburd
most devs are dropping apple because of the new chip
No, but I have two ipads, neither of which are really mine.
[citation needed]
now show the hidden unix directories
jesus fuckin christ
then it is not your problem what is on C:\ or / so this thread is completely retarded
You can just run Mac OS in a VM.
i'm a mac user actually, windows fags don't know about https://eclecticlight.co
i just hate people on the internet posting stupid shit cause i see it all the time
What I don't get is why updates take so excruciatingly long when the system and data volumes are split up like this. Shouldn't it be as simple as doing a crc check on the system volume and then patching in a few hundred mb for the changes in the update? It should be like a 30 second process on any modern system with an ssd. But instead every minor update is a multi gigabyte download and it takes 30 minutes for even the tiniest security updates to be installed.
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see https://eclecticlight.co/2021/10/29/how-macos-is-more-reliable-and-doesnt-need-reinstalling/
Most of the things in this flowchart take milliseconds to complete. The "install to system volume" step is the only that's taking half an hour for no reason. It's like every update is overwriting the same files that are already on the disk for no reason, instead of just patching the new changes in.
reading the link practically says macOS is a stateless OS. nothing but updating it can change the base install, and your apps are totally separate.

direct opposite of lintroon approach where a random dependency can make your OS ack itself
It's reallly the best structure for a file system, I primarily use Windows.
No they're not kek
actually they are, you can't play diablo 4 on a Mac, and there is talks of them dropping world of warcraft support on the Mac.
>direct opposite of lintroon approach where a random dependency can make your OS ack itself
yet it justwerx xd, windows is the same (but it is shipped broken garbage)
but fedora atomic does what you describe and to an even more extreme degree
Diablo IV is total dog shit, nu-blizzard is just incompetent. There's no way they drop WoW for Mac, they added native support for it shortly after M1. They're getting more, and better devs now than anything, look at Capcom and Kojima Productions. Either way, for games, yeah it's always been shit on Mac and probably always will be either way. Regular apps are not dropping support.
actually my coworkers are throwing the fuck out their frameworks and replacing them with m3pros.
It's just the music kinda media in the music app directory in your music userdir, bro
>useless abstractions on top of the unix file system
Their 1000 remaining players will be very upset
>Filesystem doesn't list drives first
Worthless for home use
Top part of meme
Bottom part
Mac has all the same freebsd folders in there, they just hide them from you, you retardo shill-kun.
How does /g/ organize their files?
Mine's a mess, I'm looking for pointers.
>How does /g/ organize their files?
Good enough actually.
>Mine's a mess, I'm looking for pointers.
So you mean you are going to do symlinking, might help.
by domain
>upper case directories
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Cool, where's a link for an official, legal ISO
They even went as far as transition a lot of kernel extensions (Kexts) and to DriverKit which run in user space
Apple does not want anything tampering with the secure OS, unless you explicitly turn off SIP in the recovery menu
Everything gets dumped into ~/Downloads. That's it.
>slide to install, do a frontflip to uninstall and scan your face to extract .zip

That's not the filesystem.
>jeet can't afford a mac
>Anyone can compile software for Mac OS without paying Apple one cent for it.
It wasn't always this way. Before OSX developers had to pay a royalty to write for their desktop.
window 7 has multiple thumbnail rendering inside the folder icon
Imagine having such as shit file structure you give up organizing and put everything in a folder called "etc"
This is why I use windows.
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>iFag only shows the trimmed down storage his OS tells him.
IToddlers don't know shit about computers

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