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>BILLIONS must listen to U2
>instantly destroys U2s career
Steve did have some uses
they are one of the most famous bands among younger generations thanks to Apple constantly shilling their shit
U2 melodies stinks. Dunno about the lyrics tho.
Why do people only associate this with that album they forced onto everyone's iPhone? Jobs always fuckin loved them.
Vertigo (one of, if not their absolute worst single) and How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (surprisingly not their worst album, the aforementioned one was) went hand in hand with the 4th gen iPod.
t. U2-fag that had a 4G U2 and a 5G U2. Should've kept the 5G, replaced the battery, flash card modded it...
>Hey here's a free album
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>fuk timmy gon do
>Timmy: *forces U2 album on your iPhone*
Y-you, too...
None of the zoomers I know has ever uttered one single sentence, complimentary or critical, of Irish rock band U2.
I deleted that album just for that faggit ass thumbnail
My wife was telling me to get an iphone so we can use imessage. She said its for if we dont have cell service we can send texts through wifi if we are on wifi. But isnt that just wifi calling except you can only do it to other iphones?
Meh, after Achtung Baby they stopped being worth a listen.
Go dunk yourself in embalming fluid grandpa
Lyrics are the weakest link in any piece of music. If the instrumentation is good, or the vocalist has a good voice, then the lyrics are ultimately irrelevant. If the instrumentation is bad, or the vocalist has a bad voice, the lyrics aren't going to make it enjoyable. The only exceptions to this are operatic and devotional music, where precise configurations of words are often crucial to compositions (as devotional, and to a lesser extent, operatic music, are highly and formally ritualized).
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Still one of the funniest moments in tech.
>have broadband connection
>have wireless internet
>dont have cell service
how do you end up in this situation anyway
Just install WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal. Why are Americans this fucking retarded? You think you need an iPhone to send a fucking message?
>You think you need an iPhone to send a fucking message?
No, but you do need one to send an iMessage.
Yes, but reread the message. You want to communicate with an Android user "when you don't have a phone connection". What will the itoddler do? Install any messaging app with two clicks? NOPE, she tells the Android user to BUY A NEW PHONE instead.

Do you see how retarded this is? I swear the imessage retardation in the US is like boomers confusing the Internet Explorer icon with "the internet", I can't believe goycattle can't even conceive of the idea that sending a message over Wi-Fi can be done in two hundred different ways.
i mean anyone who lives in a rural area might not have good cell service. anyone traveling internationally may not have their cell service turned on and rely on wifi. i go camping a lot and sometimes i will go to the ranger station or somewhere like that to call my wife. until last year my family had a cottage in canada and i used wifi calling on my work phone so i could still get calls and do some work without racking up tons of international roaming data on my company phone. also i have this one boomer friend who whenever i call him he has to run outside because his house is a blackhole for cell service. unfortunately i cant get him to understand wifi calling so we still have to do that dance

do you ever leave your town?
>Lyrics are the weakest link in any piece of music.
Yeah, no, and yes, I am aware of the distinction of voice (singing) and lyrics (content).
Maybe you just have a dull imagination that the words do not add too much to you.
Weak lyrics are correlated with bad instrumentals because the """artist""" xirself is a talentless hack
>the words do not add too much to you
Huh? I'm not going to listen to bad music because of lyrics. If I want compelling words, I'll read. I listen to music purely for the instrumentation. If a composition happens to have compelling lyrics, then great, but there's no way I'm sitting through garbage music just for the lyrics.
that was a Tim-era mistake newfags
anyone who dislikes the joshua tree isn't white
i mean yea then the words dont add too much to you he was right. it doesnt mean youre stupid its just when you listen to music you hone in on certain things. You cant listen to music wrong just enjoy it.

But just food for thought. I listen to some heavy music and sometimes the lyrics are difficult to discern fully. So I will read the lyrics either with or without the music and contemplate what the artist was trying to say, but more importantly what it means to me. This might help you sus out more meaning from music you already like.

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