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>never give my phone number away to strangers, only to people I know and my CV which I only share with decent companies
>still get messages and calls from random jeets from time to time
genuinely, how do these saars get my number?
Is there any service to check if a number has been leaked?
things like these make me want to drop using smartphones in general
your "coworkers friends" who have you on their phones contacts install a shitty App full of adware that steals their entire contacts list (including your phone number) and sells them
i have my phone on silent all the time and never pick up calls from unknown numbers. if you have something to tell me you can send me a text message first
if i had a more advanced phone i would probably configure it to still ring for priority contacts, though probably only during certain times
Basically all of Azure was cracked a year ago so now any Azure database is just a direct funnel to data sellers. Most things run on either Amazon or Azure cloud services, government and banks are typically Azure, so now whenever you fill out a government form you are autodoxxed.
If you pay attention, you'll realize the calls are clustered around any time you have to fill out something, or make a purchase online.
i want to pressurewash reimu's teeth with my semen
There ARE other ways, but this one takes the cake for me. And pisses me the fuck off.
>be Floridaman
>register to vote
>vote by mail because I'm lazy
>write my own name in for POTUS every single time because it's funny
>register Democrat to shit up the closed primary
>updated voter roll includes my cell phone number
>voter roll is public record, no FOIA request needed
>Democratic party rapes my number with texts begging my NEET ass for money for every fucking election in the country
>no, I cannot spare 5 shekels for Niggerstein Whoreberg's race against the evil incumbent Republican boogeyman in Potato County, Idaho
>jeets realize this
>jeets can now bother every single registered voter in Florida
Source: This actually fucking happened to me, and I'm a NEET so I always fuck with the saars that call me.

Most of them hang up in my face or say fak ur mudda. Some of them are legitimately dumb as fuck and I've taken them on 15-30 minute long adventures that might've saved some geriatric's nest egg because Rajesh roped after I was done messing with his head.

ONE of them just wanted to kill 15 minutes and talk with an American. I was taken aback. Mr. Poo sounded empty and lonely, and couldn't wait until his uncle's cousin or something got him a driving gig so he could leave the call center. Before he hung up I asked him how he got my number, knew my name, address, etc (poos make it somewhat convincing with their phishing attempts where they larp as your bank as a result)
>my friend, you are registered to vote in Florida
>your state government thinks the entire world should be privy to this
>we get the list for free and go through it in order
>pretty sure I have to call your brother next, but you seem nice, I'll skip the rest of your family

Hope you made it out of that dump Mr. Streetshitter Saar.
reimu thigh
the whistleblower saar probably died in a car accident the next day
If you're American then chances are a couple of data broker sites have a lot of your information readily available for anyone to find including emails/phone numbers
I'm pretty sure my carrier had a leak at some point, I get random advertisement SMSes. And also calls from a specific range of numbers, and every time I pick up it's just static.

It's also not that hard to just randomly guess numbers. In my country cell phone numbers are 9 digits. The first 3 numbers indicate the carrier and they only have 5-6 possible carriers. So every carrier has a million numbers at most. You can just keep calling random numbers, eventually you'll get somebody.

I've also noticed most of these spammers and scammers call around noon. I think it's because they know most normal people are working and won't pick up, but they're trying to scam old people who will actually pick up at that time.
reimu if she scout
>which I only share with decent companies
So you give your number to jeets who then share it with their 5.8 billion cousins.

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