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What went wrong?
bad plugin ecosystem and very few updates that actually improved people's dev experience
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it's just a pop-up that sometimes appears when you open the program. I don't even notice it anymore.
No reason to exist

lol cucked
>No reason to exist
>literally the fastest text editor in existence
>opens in a fraction of a second
>doesn't choke on large files
>never crashes
>batteries included when other text editors require plugins for the most basic features
lol, lmao even
you shitheads do not deserve it
>not buying a software license and using it with a nag screen is the equivalent to getting married and letting your wife have sex with other men
Is this a zoomer thing, or are you just retarded
I guess it failed because they simply made a text editor that works instead of a half-assed advertisement platform for the cia to tell people which causes must be supported and which ones ought to be ignored. I for one I'm glad it exists, if only because I can edit json files larger than 1MB without it crashing like notepad++.
I still use it somewhat, but not as much as I did.
But I didn't like that they changed the S logo to winamp's logo, it's really fucking confusing.

Also it really lacks a compare plugin that works exactly like notepad++'s. There's only a retarded one which wants money and still looks worse because there must be some missing api or some shit that prevents the verbatim replication of the golden standard that is "Compare" from np++.

Nowadays I mostly dump notes on Obsidian, use vscode for editing code on projects, and notepad++ for comparing and sporadic file editing from right-click edit.
Oh right, I forgot to mention.
I do keep sublime around mostly because it's the comfiest to manipulate text.
Nothing. It just works.
sublime text and merge is pure kino. Don't know what kind of crack you're smoking.
VSCode was released and stole all of their good ideas but was free of charge. It’s not as performant, but it turned out that the users didn’t care.
I'm mad at how good vscode is because I'd rather use emacs, but using an editor just because it's "cool" is idiotic. I would be using linux instead of windows. But I care about getting shit done.
>batteries included when other text editors require plugins for the most basic features
its like youre completely missing the fucking point you raging dumbass
vscode simply had more momentum and better oob lsp support. Zed looks like its going to be the new shiny toy its pretty good so far.

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