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The Unix experiment needs to end. It seems like everything is a unix system these days. Windows is our last refuge. Even fucking Haiku is posix compliant. I hate unix. Make it stop
Just took a fat shit
taking a fat shit rn
Ate some pizza. Gonna take a fat shit soon
>Make it stop
>The straight cis people are winning noooooo we must enforce transdows!
Gnu's not unix, though
Is it true that americans shit more than once per day?
I don't know about others but I typically only shit once a day, and sometimes not at all.
>Literally read the title thread at first glance "End of Unix TRANNY"
This place is fucking my head.
Spsbp + same
That's precisely what the Jew wants you to think...
This is because Unix shills want to rewrite history. They want you to think everything was invented by C and Unix and the only way they can do that is by replacing everything else. They already say things like this >>102423689.
The options are:
>Amiga OS / MorphOS / AROS
Gnobody gnows what the fuck it is now. Genau?
DOS and Windows will be remembered as a speed bump in the grand history of *NIX computing. As dead and forgettable as OS/2.
WSL and Rust in the kernel means Windows is now Unix like.
>in the grand history of *NIX computing.
Why do you Unix trannies want everything to be "Worse is Better"? Why do you like lying about history so much?
Rust is not Unix-like.
>le twannies
Your opinion? Has been discarded.
Read about Mary Ann Horton. C and Unix are the reason companies are pushing "trans" propaganda so much.
no, it's because having a common interface is the only way software can realistically interoperate. people converge on a single platform, and that platform will devour others to meet everyone's needs.
compared to the dumpster fire of APIs that is the web (our higher-level common interface), I think we got a pretty nice deal with unix
>As dead and forgettable as OS/2.
Except DOS and Windows actually made an impact on personal computing.
Yes, I am aware of the monumental contributions she's made to general computing and free software. Your reactionary moaning in defense of dead ideas and dead platforms will avail you nothing. Crying "trannies, trannies" will not save you. We know, and we welcome the future.
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>Windows is now Unix like
Coincides with it getting worse and indian.
It's spiritually Unix.
>no, it's because having a common interface is the only way software can realistically interoperate. people converge on a single platform, and that platform will devour others to meet everyone's needs.
This is not true because people have been using a lot of different operating systems and programming languages and they could interoperate. It was not a problem until C/Unix people decided that it's a problem. It's like saying "we need one religion" so let's convert everyone to Scientology. "We need one language" so let's make everyone speak Esperanto. It's globalist thinking. It's just people who hate innovation and freedom wanting to force everyone to do everything their way.

>compared to the dumpster fire of APIs that is the web (our higher-level common interface), I think we got a pretty nice deal with unix
The web is the only way to have a decent GUI on Unix systems.
You're only saying that because we live in the period of this Windows bubble, even if in its closing days. GNOME, for example, is already blazing a new trail completely free of legacy Windowslike graphical baggage, providing an intuitive and uniquely Linux/*NIX workflow. Gradually all that Windows has """contributed""" to personal computing will be left behind. That weight will be lifted from our shoulders. Software will be free, open, and built upon a single reliable foundation.
If dianetics had not been weaponized as a brainwashing tool, acquired mental illness could've been completely eradicated.
>GNOME, for example, is already blazing a new trail completely free of legacy Windowslike graphical baggage
So you were trolling. That's better than believing anyone could actually support Unix.
Posix compliant =/= Unix
I'm being totally sincere. Posting this from GNOME. You have lost.
Ate some slow-cooked red beans. I'll be taking a fat shit here in a bit.

I shit more than once per day but I eat a lot of fruits and veggies. If you're only shitting once a day then you probably need fiber. I shit when I wake up and I take at least one or two more shits during the day.

Drink water. Eat plants.
Are you against UNIX or POSIX?

What do you suggest as an alternative to POSIX? Oh you don't have any suggestions. You're a contrarian. Opinion discarded.
Whatever you're smoking, can I have some?
so your day revolves around eating and shitting.
for what reason are you eating these excessive amounts of plant fiber? you're not a fucking rabbit, that's not normal. find something better to do you jeetoid amerishart
POSIX doesn't have any purpose. Mandating that everyone uses the same thing is not a good idea. The alternative is letting smart people design good operating systems, instead of being shackled by Worse is Better hacks for the PDP-11.
we weren't forcibly made to speak Esperanto, but we chose to have this conversation in the world's most widely spoken and understood language (English). my point is, it's a natural process, no evil conspiracy in the background
>The web is the only way to have a decent GUI on Unix systems.
it's also decades worth of "standards" piled upon a document viewer to turn it into a shitty VM for shoving ads down your throat. posix has lots of useless legacy garbage too (starting with C), and it's annoyingly underspecified in many places, but having worked on implementations of both, it's a night and day difference.
>my point is, it's a natural process, no evil conspiracy in the background
POSIX is not a natural process. It was created by big companies making a committee.

>posix has lots of useless legacy garbage too (starting with C)
If you removed C and the Unix shell, there would be nothing left to POSIX. It's a set of C functions and Unix commands. Other languages have their own ways to do things and it makes no sense to add C headers and functions to other languages.
lmao my bowels are healthy. its perfectly normal to shit two or three times a day. I have good firm poops not watery ones whereas you're turning blue trying to push out a shit. That's not normal.
So you don't have an alternative to suggest?
i take firm shits that are easy to handle once every 2-3 days, check your anus because i think it may be a little loose
POSIX does not solve any problems. It was created so Unix companies could force the U.S. government to buy a Unix-compatible OS.
>POSIX does not solve any problems. It was created so Unix companies could force the U.S. government to buy a Unix-compatible OS.

It must have failed spectacularly in that regard because Windows dominates the market. POSIX is the "portable operating system interface". If you have nothing to replace it then you're just an old man yelling at clouds.

If you're not going to make a point or at least attempt to point out flaws in POSIX then you're wasting everyone's time.
>It must have failed spectacularly in that regard because Windows dominates the market.
Yes, it failed spectacularly, so why do you want to mandate it everywhere? Why do you want to mandate a bad design that nobody wants to use?

>POSIX is the "portable operating system interface".
No, it's a standard for C functions and Unix commands for Unix-like systems. You need to actually read POSIX and learn what it contains. It's a lot of complexity for little value. It won't help with portability for anything but toy command line programs written in C or Bourne shell.

>If you have nothing to replace it then you're just an old man yelling at clouds.
It should be replaced with nothing. If you want my idea, Common Lisp, but I don't want to mandate it everywhere. I just think building C/POSIX on top of Common Lisp is much easier than the other way around. Java is also easier to make portable than POSIX.

>If you're not going to make a point or at least attempt to point out flaws in POSIX then you're wasting everyone's time.
POSIX is bad because it's only for C and forces your OS to be designed like a Unix-like system (or creating a split between native and POSIX parts of the OS). Other languages have their own way of doing threads, IPC, memory management, I/O, math functions, etc. Specific problems with POSIX are the same as specific problems for C and Unix, like having bad string functions that cause buffer overflows.
>Windows dominates the market.
Which market?

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