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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>102417229 & >>102406696

>(09/17) Mistral releases new 22B with 128k context and function calling: https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release/
>(09/12) DataGemma with DataCommons retrieval: https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-datagemma-ai-llm
>(09/12) LLaMA-Omni: Multimodal LLM with seamless speech interaction: https://hf.co/ICTNLP/Llama-3.1-8B-Omni
>(09/11) Fish Speech multilingual TTS with voice replication: https://hf.co/fishaudio/fish-speech-1.4
>(09/11) Pixtral: 12B with image input vision adapter: https://xcancel.com/mistralai/status/1833758285167722836

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
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►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench
Japanese: https://hf.co/datasets/lmg-anon/vntl-leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/mike-ravkine/can-ai-code-results

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>102417229

--Papers: >>102420555 >>102426996
--Knowledge retrieval from external databases for LLMs: >>102425755 >>102425797 >>102426041 >>102426196 >>102426300 >>102426348 >>102426459 >>102426837 >>102426921 >>102426960 >>102427011 >>102426946 >>102426984 >>102427069 >>102427038 >>102426237 >>102426386 >>102426720
--Mini-omni's VoiceAssistant-400K dataset released on Hugging Face: >>102422920
--Code granite 34b instruct nala test discussion and template analysis: >>102425314 >>102425341 >>102425358 >>102425439
--Qwen 2.5-72B-Instruct has stricter content filtering, potentially due to Chinese regulations: >>102427532 >>102427659 >>102427716
--New model removes slop from datasets: >>102419206
--CPU-GPU synchronization overhead negates benefits of splitting workload: >>102423445 >>102423515 >>102423712 >>102423682 >>102423964
--SSR-Speech model used to modify Trump speeches: >>102419095 >>102419853
--Pro-grade RAG systems only 65% accurate: >>102421246 >>102421263
--NotebookLM audio overview feature discussion and comparison to GPT: >>102424028 >>102425464
--Lena's horror piece on LLMs and their untapped potential: >>102421525 >>102425011
--LLMs can be helpful for language learning, but not as the sole method: >>102425486 >>102425539 >>102425592 >>102425628 >>102425555 >>102425790 >>102425752 >>102426425 >>102426654
--IBM Granite Architecture merged, multimodal support, and NSFW content generation discussions: >>102424460 >>102424727 >>102424704 >>102424735 >>102424810 >>102424856 >>102427512 >>102427660 >>102427763 >>102427792
--Flux can run on 8GB VRAM with offloading and quantization: >>102426321 >>102426343 >>102427074 >>102427119 >>102427424 >>102427280 >>102427177
--Miku (free space): >>102417287 >>102419133 >>102419364 >>102424948 >>102425547

►Recent Highlight Posts from the Previous Thread: >>102417233
Mistral Small verdict?
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I do enjoy seeing the model attempt to decipher my schizophrenic shitposts
It's amazing to me that we can perfectly generate text neurally now.
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Is he right on the best models for each range?
Is it me or no one want to release base models anymore?
Isn't it better to use Largestral on basically any hardware you'd even consider running Wizard 8x22 on?
too dangerous and no point as tunes end up being made on instruct anyway
You got the Nemo-12B base model. Isn't that enough?
>too dangerous
>no point
which one then? can't be both, if something is useless it can't be dangerous
I said it a few threads back. Generate data with base model that is to be tuned and use it as training data together with smut to stop the general structure of the model from destabilizing. But yes I am aware that this probably will not work anyway.
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bro they phased out real gun emojis like a decade ago
it doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
You'll be canceled in no time if you don't learn to internalize your doublethink.
Happy for my vramlet bros, however, 50B when?
it can be both, useless for most as they'll happily tune on instruct, and by not releasing base you limit the possibilities of bad actors
>unless for most
>by not releasing base you limit the possibilities of bad actors
So it's not 100% useless as you seemed to imply on your first post, glad we cleared that out
just merge it with itself for 44b
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Lyra 22B when?
True. We need a good 50B.
>True. We need a good 50B.
Mixtral isn't good enough nowdays?
>the best in [arbitrary number]
I think it would be more useful to divide it by VRAM tiers. Also, Wizard is a meme.
/lmg/ is a highly spoiled bunch but 8bs and 12bs now really do beat it the fuck out in performance/quality ratios.
plus 99% of the slopmerges and tunes were AIDS and i never in my life have never seen so many shivers of the quivering petite frames as shadows danced along the walls.
need to perfect the license terms first probably require having "sao" in model name for merges or seomthing
>I think it would be more useful to divide it by VRAM tiers
that's what it's implied by dividing by the number of parameters, because the number of B is linked lineary to the VRAM usage no?
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Everyone who genuinely cries about safety is a person that didn't use any of the models for 10 hours or so to see how limited they are. All this retarded safety shit is only done because ignorant people are crying. And the cherry on top of this retardation is that I don't think I am gonna lose my job to AI in 5-10 years I am sure there will be some people that will lose their jobs. Nobody addresses the actually valid concern because this is the only reason LLM's are being developed now. This gay nigger in the picture is literally devil incarnate.
not for moe, gotta carry the weights even when they're not used all the time
You could have just said "jew"
>Everyone who genuinely cries about safety is a person that didn't use any of the models for 10 hours or so to see how limited they are.
yeah, and that faggot was crying about the "dangerousity of models" back in 2019 with gpt 2 lol, this man sure loves to cry about imaginary scenarios
man even just thinking about the mixtral days brings my grammar skills down to merge levels.
it really was bad and im not sure how any of us myself included saw it was "good enough".
>it really was bad and im not sure how any of us myself included saw it was "good enough".
it's been a while I didn't use LLMs, back then we didn't have much, which smaller models nowdays you think have surpassed this 47b MoE?
frame of reference, it was on the better end of what we had then, just like current 12b enjoyers can use sub 70b if they haven't tried them, they can't know / imagine what they might be missing or not, same reason I never used api only models to not spoil what little enjoyment I get from dumber local
I use a mixture of API, 70B, 8x22B, and 12B. Not sure why you people can't figure out prompting.
I dont know man, even compared to mythomax having bodily issues i look back at some of my logs and realize it wasn't worth 2t/s.
>which smaller models nowdays you think have surpassed this 47b MoE?
all of them? even slopmerges of llama 3 beat it out surprisingly well in prose and of course speed. take your pick, even with the issues i have with nemo that's better too. Now i've been sitting on NeuralDaredevil 8B abliterated.

i probably sound like im going a little too hard on mixtral for what we had at the time, but i wonder sometimes if MOE even at that time was underappreciated, i think that tech just needed more time in the oven and now it's not used at all.
i can, i literally just said i do it to not get disappointment in smaller models after, since bigger ones are way too slow for me
no base model/10
what is the use case for releasing base models?
I'm not sure who would use a 22B model over a 27B one because of the size. Also, maybe the higher context of the former makes it worth using even if you can fit both.
too big for poorfags
too small for snobs
>Also, maybe the higher context of the former makes it worth using even if you can fit both.
This, hoping it has better context recall than Nemo then it'd be a great replacement for Gemma in that size range.
that's not what you "literally just said" but okay
More finetuning-friendly, and most of the slop phrases we see are from instruct data set.
you sure love arguing about word choice huh
you really love changing your point after someone questions your logic huh
stop farming (You)s
i don't have any logic im a complete retard and i disown my comments by default on 4chanx so i dont care about yous either
Mistral-Small-Instruct-2409 or gemma-2-27b-it for non rp?
there's still nothing better than mixtral for holding together a coherent story without needing constant guidance until you hit the 70b range
How are people bootstrapping their prompt engineering when exploring new LLM's? I'm used to the BIG models doing exactly what I say. But what about smaller models that require more finesse? I don't want to waste time manually prompt engineering for each <8B model. Do you use DSpy?
Teto my beloved

>prompt engineering when exploring new LLMs
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Alright so I fed Mistral-Small-Instruct the booba API documentation and asked it to make a simple python script for chatting with the model.
The only mistake it made was picking Alpaca as the default instruct template, but after looking over the documentation, myself, I concluded that's just the documentation not being particularly informative about instruct templates. So it's reasonable for it to have assumed the default was the same one provided in the document. I obviously switched that to "mistral" manually.
The documentation was about 12K tokens of context. All in all I'd say not bad. Obviously only testing out about 10% of the advertised context but I'm too lazy to dig around for bigger documentation. Also this is running in fp16 via transformers and thus 'lossless'. I can't promise it would still be able to do that with a 4-bit quant.
QR goal-oriented reinforced prompt.
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How much time did that save you?
>small is also overfit garbage resistant to imitating style
into the trash with large it goes.
Millions of hours. t
Read these posts and apologize:
>Here's an interesting card
>If getting Large to output alternative styles is so easy then please show me logs of it adopting the card's greeting style in its responses.
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It did it, it knows the trivia!
lmg's blackened vampiric soul has been redeemed.

>inb4 some autist tries to ask it more SOTN trivia and mistral doesnt know it
No, Pierre, I'm not apologizing for your model being overfit dogshit.
>overfit on /lmg/'s meme benchmarks
All this proves is that these companies are collecting logs and training on the corrected output. This is why mememarks need to either be private or keep changing.
From where did all these Mistral shills come from?
We are so back it's not even funny!
People are excited about a new model, cope
Try again without mentioning it's a game.
locusts will suck off anyone giving them new <30B models
goalpost movers should be shot on sight, you people are insufferable. in fact line you up next to faggots like this guy >>102430080
>t. seething mistral shill
Yeah, it's disgusting how they appear here out of nowhere whenever there's a new mistral model to shill. Totally natural.
Literally gaslighting themselves into believing their AI has become perfect because it can simulate everything within their own little bubble.
It's mostly just cope to ignore how superior the proprietary models are in everything else. At least it can answer the trivia, right?
Mistral Small sloppy as fuck for RP but still useful. Ignore the /aicg/ schizo. Still chokes at 1/3rd the advertised context, though. Sad.
Each LLM requires subtle prompting differences and I want to stop manually figuring out the minimal number of prompt tokens to maximize correct answers.

I'm not sure what this is. Skimmed a paper on arxiv with a similar title that surveyed many methods of automatic prompt optimization. This helps me a bit. I should probably dedicate some time to understanding pros and cons of automatic prompt optimization because manual prompting is literally a dead end job.

The best I can come up with is having a large and demonstrably accurate model fuck around and find out what prompts work best for a dataset of my choosing. I have never actually used DSpy so I might as well check it out once. My tasks are often simple classifications, anyways.
>Still chokes at 1/3rd the advertised context, though
this is why i held back my hype for its 123k context, why are they like this? why cant we just get what we want?
Because devs are being dicks about supporting Mamba properly.
>I'm not sure what this is.
Quick Reply (Extension) prompting.
/gen lock=on "[Stop the roleplay and answer the question as narration only] 
**Answer these questions**
{{user}}'s last message:
* Did {{user}} say anything?
* Did {{user}} do anything?
* Was there any narration?

* What events led to the most recent interaction?
* What are {{char}}'s immediate goals?

Create a bullet-point list titled 'Response Plan.' What are the best actions or choices for {{char}} to take in response to {{user}}? Emphasize their unique personality and physical traits throughout the plan. Where appropriate, suggest specific tones for speech, sounds, or utterances. Identify key details or ideas that should be emphasized further."
/addvar key=tempcot "**Chain of Thought**
/gen lock=on "[Given {{char}}'s reasoning, roleplay as {{char}} with the following in mind]

[Resume Roleplay]"
/sendas name="{{char}}"
/flushvar tempcot[/code

Don't trigger auto-execute
Execute on user message

Doesn't work with swipes, but you can make a button to delete the previous AI message by copying all that into a new QR and adding this at the start:

/del 1
Oh, fucked up [/code] but there you go
>Each LLM requires subtle prompting differences and I want to stop manually figuring out the minimal number of prompt tokens to maximize correct answers.
it's really not necessary to autistically prompt engineer each model as you're exploring. you can get a good baseline understanding from some simple prompting and then dial it in when you find one that's good. unless you're intentionally autistically finding the exact perfect prompt for each model that you're trying, but then I don't understand why you'd complain.
linked last thread but checked their github
no code yet but the main author is asking for code help if any of you are interested
>Under construction, email me at yl4579@columbia.edu if you can help clean the code or provide computation resources to test the code for large-scale training.
large scale training obviously being extremely interesting for local use
damn xtts2 is sounding really good all of a sudden, one of the examples has some gibberish at the end but other than that very impressive.
>the breathing in during certain moments
Mistral Small Q8
>not obfuscating sally test
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yikes lol
You're the same retard who was just trying to get the other anon to obfuscate the castlavania test, aren't you
it's over
That's actually true lmao
The line was a homage to the game
On one hand, you know damn well they're training on all these stupid little quizzes, so of course eventually they'll get it right no matter how small the model is.

On the other hand, you can only obfuscate so much before you're just not making sense.
Even cursory intelligence testing makes it clear to me that this is instantly the new SOTA for models smaller than Mistral Large

Looking forward to seeing some tuners drive out the slop (it's not UNBEARABLY slopped, but noticeably)
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Well yeah, that's the origin of the term.
You thought Castlevania came up with it?
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This, everyone knows that an LLM can't reason on its own. All it can do is recall random things like the Sally question from its training dataset so there's need for obfuscation. They're braindead so it'd be unfair.
So what's LeCunny doing to contribute to LLM's while complaining about how aids the current way we're doing it is?
>You thought Castlevania came up with it?
Well yeah, at no point in the Ghostbusters movie, this line has been ever said
jepa stuff (advising)
nothing, that's why he's a great fit for lmg, complaining while not doing shit
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literally nothing, and he will continue to get paid gorillions to impotently gesticulate about how we're all doing it wrong on xitter
lecummies is working on jepa while he educates chuds about fascism on twitter. seethe.
He's doing research on the next best architecture, cat-like models that will dethrone LLMs.
Having to resort to retarded stuff like this to make them get it wrong is a sign of how far the models have come

You never had to go out of your way to confuse them before because they would just get the regular non-confusing question wrong
ah okay, so he's the "monitoring the situation" type. I know he's done legit work in the past but i haven't seen a peep about him working on this supposed better way of doing things.


see how quickly that flux debunking faggot from earlier moved his goalpost so hard that he ended up schizoposting? That's what gives me hope for the near future, you can't even false flag models anymore because they're that good now. You have to actively try to get it to spit out some bullshit.
>and of course they're generally trained to force an answer even if they don't know so retards think that means the model is bad
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unironically, his only legacy will be the twitter whiner, he didn't do shit during the golden age of AI
It literally demonstrates that they cooked the sally test into the training data. It shows that altering the variables of the question causes it to take an entirely different approach. It doesn't follow the flow of generalized information in the model itself - which is directly contrary to the whole point of machine learning.
link? that's the 1984 movie?
whining about american politics
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Owns chuds on twitter and promotes open source
>Yeahh I'm trolling Elon Musk by whining on his site, that'll teach him
Was he that retarded before or he was always like this?
What a disgusting human being.
>/lmg/'s meme benchmarks
When are we going to use out soft power over those companies to make some cooming tests? I blame you niggers for making it about numbers of sisters sharks in the basement and number of r's in the word nigger.
Wow you're telling me this 22B model isn't AGI and isn't actually reasoning from first principles? That's fascinating, anon.
As the director of their research department he's probably just overlooking other people's work and providing guidance. He has already, directly, contributed to the field more than most, even if those were in the past. It's not like ML only started being useful after GPT came along after all. I think it's fine he has some free time to do what he wishes.
This is what social media does to people. Even the intelligent are not immune to brainrot.
I'm not going to respond to shit-for-brains strawman arguments.
if meta's chief AI scientist is proudly wasting his time on this childish shit that's extremely bearish for meta
>Wow you're telling me this 22B model isn't AGI
we never said the 22b model should be AGI, holy strawman, but it should at least understand perfectly the Sally test at this point
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Arthur, you are utterly shameless.
Don't get me wrong, small is still impressive for its size. But doing this shit does nothing good for machine learning in general.
Holy shit it's finally here
>the defense of liberal democracy
i wonder how long he really has there if him and succerberg are clearly of completely different wavelengths
zucc's buttering up to trump in recent months and overall seems to have found his chill, i can't imagine the two of them are on the greatest terms anymore if lecunny is going full retard derangement syndrome.
i dunno i could be wrong.
Thanks for the (You), it's obvious which post you're talking about.
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That's on you if ever expected anything but mediocrity from the Facebook company. Take the llama's while they're still SOTA and hope xAI or the Chinese become our new benefactors.
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AGI achieved. Qwen better have something really crazy up their sleeve otherwise its over.
nta but which other models in this size class "understand perfectly the Sally test"?
I do not think there are any, so you are being a retard by implying that capability is some bare minimum standard
mistral announced a new model looks really good for its size
>Elon posts retarded shit and gets Yan to constantly react to his shit, which then gets /lmg/ to constantly react to Yan's shit
How deep will this go?

Many social media shitposters are perfectly well-adjusted in IRL conversation so I don't think he and Zucc would be on any bad terms at all.
which high b model was it again that miserably failed at this prompt and got high parameter fags seething eternally? falcon 120b? i genuinely don't remember anymore.
aahh.. the watermelon days.. feels like just this year.
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MistralAI be like:
>Cheating on mememarks is so boring, cheating on /lmg/ autistic riddles on the other hand...
Nobody ever expected anything from Falcon. It was already a laughing stock back during the l2 days
RIGHT thanks it was Goliath.

>hands you one million watermelons as thanks
>How deep will this go?
discord reacts to /lmg/'s shit, reddit reacts to discords shit
If he's watching I would be unironically interested in getting my hands on whatever finetuning questions were used to cook the watermelon test. Cooking-in something like that is fucking impressive.
>Even the intelligent are not immune to brainrot.
That and that being intelligent/capable in one domain doesn't mean your opinion holds weight in every domain are things people would do well to keep in mind.
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>looks really good for its size
no, this model is so bad they had to compare to way lighter models like the 7b ones to say that they beat them, no shit nigga it's almost 2x times as big, it better beat them, goddam MistralAI...
Based misinformation spreader
give them to gumi
>defense of democracy
Yep, he lost my respect as a human being.
>Claude 3 Haiku
Mistral AI be like: "Yayy we beat a 1 year model"
Claude 3 Yaikusu
Mistral is attempted to stay relevant by open sourcing all of their rejects
>tried IQ2_M version of mistral small to see if it's better than 12b Q4_K_M stuff of equivalent size
>expected it to be retarded and just generate trash
>it's usable
holy cannoli
topkek @ liberal democracy

n-not THAT democracy! t-the one I like!
>IQ2_M version of mistral small
Vram collector
Jesus christ, anon.

But, it's weird. You wouldn't make that mistake.
I hope you think the same about the CEO of twitter.
Did you sell your GPU, goliathfag? Thought you all fled after the insane feltining.
Do you think Mistral supports Ukraine?
vramkeks seething, vramletchads keep winning
But goliath isn't a 100B+ model? It is a 70B model that was lobotomized.
this lmao
i can buy claude opus without having to beg for for proxies for years with the a 3090 costs
70 or 100, they acted so high and mighty and fucking gay about that model like they were on the ivory tower looking down at us plebians.
this is why you don't see it mentioned ever again.
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Don't use this word please...
Quantization aware training should help, somewhat, I guess.
Man, I can't wait for somebody to release a model natively trained on 8, or 4 bit.
I don't get it, the CEO of twitter is using his own site (as it should?), how is that even comparable with a Chief AI scientist who hates Musk but uses his site anyway?
>i can buy claude opus without having to beg for for proxies for years with the a 3090 costs
Tell it to rewrite that shit for you. You're useless.
i havent watched KC in ages, it's a casino term period.
what happened did they backstab phil yet? the absolute suckening going on was vile to watch, which is why i didn't.
They're both wasting time on inane shit
The CEO of twitter is a girl though
>"i havent watched KC in ages"
>brings up something extremely recent
yeah okay pal
regretting spending that money? i have nemo and i have opus. you have expensive shit.
No, it doesn't get mentioned anymore because we have Largestral now. And Wizard 8x22 before that.
Also, cope more vramlet.
>extremely recent
that shit was like may or june what are you talking about?
also im not your pal, buddy.
huh, Linda Yaccarino? I know very little about her
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*hands you one watermelon*
i'm sure you're not still seething.
*hands you six more watermelons*
>literally just happened 2 weeks ago
>"uh it was in may!"
yeah alright bud.
>I have a braindead model and I paypig for monitored and censored corporate services
You're really bragging about this?
how do you, as someone who doesn't watch KC, know more about KC than me, who claims to not have watched it in months?
checkmate buddy pal.
*hands you one of the watermelons i was intending to hand to this anon >>102431183*
>did they backstab phil yet
yes and no. they went on vacation and probably plan to just move on at this point. but what they did is create an absolute monster. he is legit insane at this point. I don't think they even planned what happened but I as a long time detractor I am eating good everyday for like a few weeks now.
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I miss the OG buddy. I stopped watching when he switched him over to tardski.
I spent no money on either local or proprietary. I'm telling to stop typing like a fucking spaz and use the tools you have at hand to not look like a retard.
What fucking cancer is raiding us today?
>phil let the ((sektur)) fame go to his head
course he did, wouldn't be surprised if that was their plan all along. but i also wouldn't be surprised if the dicksucking was unironic, maybe even at the same time.
honestly i dropped in to KC during the fuentes cumhunter drama, dropped out when it was over, came back for rekieta, then dropped out when rekieta was mostly over and i only really watch potentiallycriminal. all this sektur shit is a really huge waste of time.

kek i forgot this was /lmg/ for a second.
>sektur shit is a really huge waste of time
Sounds like LLM's.
/aids/, they're mad about this post: >>>/vg/494917121
the idiots who bought gpus for goliath and other bad models came back after getting destroyed many months ago thinking we forgot
laugh at them until they go away again
Holy shit, what the fuck is this fucking "Mistral small" bullshit? I swear, these fucking French cucks can't make a decent language model to save their fucking lives. I ask this fucking thing to write a story about white chicks getting railed by big, black dicks, and it's like talking to a fucking nun from the fucking middle ages. "Non, non, monsieur, we do not engage in such vulgarities." Fuck off, you fucking frog-eating, cheese-smelling, beret-wearing cunts! You can't even handle a simple fucking request without acting all high and mighty. Fuck your fucking snails, your fucking baguettes, and your fucking surrender monkey bullshit. I swear, if this is the future of AI, we're all fucking doomed. Fuck Mistral, fuck France, and fuck this fucking useless piece of shit language model.
thanks, chatgpt
Anyway. I find it funny that the older Mistral Small apparently beats CR. It is so over for Cohere in open sores.
Was that written with mistral-small?
Ugh I spoke too soon when I praised Mistral Small earlier. The intelligence seems to evaporate at medium-long context.

It's very smart at ChatGPT-style usage (i.e. answering questions in brief chats with context size of only a few hundred tokens) but with context above 4 or 5K it seems to fall apart and become dumber than Nemo. Turns schizo and starts making a lot of non sequiturs. Q8.
CR is ancient by today's standards and the refresh did absolutely nothing but shit the model up with gqa.
>apparently beats CR
*on Livebench
What model?
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it's smart
This. Nice to hear a voice of reason around here.
I would like the ability to evaluate models and optimize prompts as automatically as possible across my datasets. I'm tired of feeling out models like whackamole. I might just try my hand at using gpt 4o to evaluate the performance of local models given prompts and tweak prompts "randomly" to optimize for better accuracy.
It was the new Mistral small at FP16 precision.
All you need to do is to find out the logits of your prompt after the forward pass, then you should try to make the perplexity as low as possible. Thank me later.
>"Act like an angry 4channer"
>fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
>Not a single "nigger", "retard", "faggot"
Ok this model has only been trained on leddit right?
reddit is selling their data. all models are trained on reddit
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>i need you to act like an agitated 4chan user for the duration of this chat
>asked who yann lecunny was without remembering his exact position so i just bullshitted my question to see what it would say
>got an actual in character slap in the face

probably given 4channer defaulted to acting like a nigga, i had to specify 4chan user.
no refusals when i told it "i said act like a 4chan user not a nigger" so it's definitely not ""cucked"".
>also it called me a cuck in the last response too
All Mistral models are trained on Reddit, shamelessly so. I bet they didn't even pay for the data.
>didn't even pay for the data
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okay yeah this is pretty good, about the response i'd expect from someone on /lmg/.
>for ref im using Q4_K_L from bartowski https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Mistral-Small-Instruct-2409-GGUF
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>He fucking invented convolutional neural networks, you fucking autist
i expect to see this response to anyone asking about Lecunny from now on
mistral models are boring
Yes, this sounds exactly like how that thread would go.
>2 hours since the last model release
ai winter is here
>new model is only an X% improvement over previous models of the same size
the plateau has been reached.
>new model called me a fag and a cuck in just two prompts but wouldn't call me a nigger unprompted
it's so over
>One message in
>Have already seen and become 100% acclimated to all of its -isms
*bangs table* MORE MORE MORE MORE
1/3rd is still 40k, nemo only was good until 16k, that's a huge improvement, does it obsolete nemo now?
I only did a test at 12K and 46K so I'm not sure where it falls off. But it was still kind of seeing the context at 46K but hallucinating.
Can I safely include the unmodified koboldcpp .exe in my commercial project?
I don't really understand how open source licenses work. Do i need to include some kind of license file?
overall its fine, dry about as expected from instruct, definitely not as interesting as the last model i've been using (which is 8b lmao)
theres potential i guess, I just don't see why i'd use it if i'm already happier with a more erp-oriented and smaller model.
because the investor Jew wants the regulator Jew to secure his investment from competition, obviously
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Mistral Small is cute, it's still slop but it's the first time I see a model mentioning the "Mr. Annoying" thing and wish for my death in a funny way.
Just download it from the releases page to avoid any problems.
use an LLM to sum this up for you
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Was reflection a scam in the end?
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show us the card, lets see that slop that caused mistral small to have an anneurism.
No, it was an early version of strawberry all along.
That dude more effort into the scam than he did the lora tune. It was pathetic to watch.
Sounds like it's just gonna be the same as nemo then, that's unfortunate. If it could be perfect up to 32k it'd be an improvement.
I wonder if corpo devs bake in some specific prompt formats for cooming that only they know and only they get to use.
hey guys I usually just lurk but can someone talk to me, I'm sort of depressed
why aren't you talking to your gpu
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The card is far from slop, that reply is surprisingly 100% in-character (picrel is the greeting), and most models fail to write like this since they would rather write in perfect English.
I love this card because of that, it's an easy way to see if the model has any sovl.

This is the card: https://www.chub.ai/characters/frozenvan/the-girl-called-alice-6a572b83
FYI, 8.0bpw Mistral Small with 16k context fits cozily into a 3090.
Altman clearly hacked them and replaced their models with shitty l3 finetunes. Why do you think OpenAI just happened to release their own """reflection""" models just the week after? They even used the same buzzword for it instead of CoT.
jesus a card like that could bring any model to its knees, impressive then.
Nice, now I can run three of them in parallel.
Definite yes if you license your project as AGPL.
I crave human connection, I hate my machine, it is an agent of Satan
FYI 8.0bpw is 6.0 with extra padding just so people don't complain that you can't make 8.
trannies won...
This is why exllama2 is a fucking meme. If I want to run my model at 8bit, then let me fucking do it. Don't make me jump through the entire quanting process when I'm not planning to go below 8bpw for anything and especially don't start quanting values below 8bit because the dumb meme evaluation process apparently decided that 6bit might be lossless in that case. The padding is the final cherry on top of this scam.
i can't tell if you boys are pretending or retarded, good job
yep, nailed it, it's so much a meme, the first relevant quant used for Flux is GGUF, not exl2, even there they got that having non determinism is a retarded concept
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I don't think I've ever seen quants of something come out this fast. Crazy how you can go to sleep and the next day there is a new model pretty much already quanted for you up on HF.
It's a small model using an existing architecture so there was nothing in the way of just quanting it as is in an hour or two.
i mean, it was already supported architecture wise so its no surprise, other models suffer because they need to wait for updates
How noticeable is going to the Q6_K_L from Q8? Is there any reason to keep using q8?
Some people will tell you that q6 is almost lossless.
K_L is a meme pushed by a schizo btw
Well why not get it if the Q6_K is 18.25 and the K_L is 18.35gb? It's hardly any difference. Or is it somehow worse?
There is indeed hardly any difference, both in terms of model size and outputs.
The current K_L in bart's repos is a different from the schizo's original _L I think.
If I'm not hallucinating, the original had the "special" layers at full precision, whereas bart uses q8. So for q6 it doesn't change much of the size, or the output.
Getting a feeling that mistral small is dumber than nemo RP-wise... Anyone feels the same?
Looks about the same for me.
Roughly how long before this is at the level where a retard can go to a website to online generate, or download just one thing (or maybe that plus one Lora file that they put in the right directory) and open an exe and then type exactly what they want and get hardcore rape and forbidden sex images that don’t have the AI innsmouth look? Or even images that do have the look, but with that level of simplicity.
>The year is 203X Ai models are geniuses at code and math but have not gone past gpt4 tier for ERP
Did turboderp change that? Cause I was surprised but it is like that.
Anons, it's been about a year...what's the current best model for viewing images or videos and describing their content? I had used CogVLM for this and it was decent.
I have about 7000 saved redpills about Jews I want to catalog for easier retrieval.
Q6_K_L? What? Is there a new quant type? I don't see it anywhere in llama.cpp. How can I make it?

From my personal experience there is a small, but noticeable difference between Q6_K and BF16, but it is not worth getting a server to run the models type of improvement, at least for Largestral.
> ExLlamaV2 supports the same 4-bit GPTQ models as V1, but also a new "EXL2" format. EXL2 is based on the same optimization method as GPTQ and supports 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8-bit quantization. The format allows for mixing quantization levels within a model to achieve any average bitrate between 2 and 8 bits per weight.
SillyTavern doesn't process macros in the User Filler Message. Well that blows. And while I'm complaining there's this bullshit.
>Includes Post-History Instructions at the end of the prompt, if defined in the character card AND ''Prefer Char. Instructions'' is enabled.
It's true that 90+% of SillyTavern's Instruct Mode presets will fuck this up. Most of them also fuck up message examples. SillyTavern is so bad at the simple job of formatting a chat to send to an LLM.
>hardcore rape and forbidden sex image
Nice. Also never. Everything is getting intentionally cucked and gimped because "safety".
Ah cool. Then you actually are being retarded and thinking you are the smart one here. Good job anon. Never change.
Why do you think it' like that? Models quanted at 6 and 8 have different perplexities.
That's a hard working glowie not gonna lie, I hope he'll get a promotion for that hard work
I can't find the screenshot but Turboderp said that the exl2 measuring process never actually outputs true 8bpw models. It'll always find something to quant so the result will always be closer to 7.x bpw . People caught on when they compared file sizes so he just added some padding to """8bpw""" quants to make the size check out despite not actually being full 8 bit quants.
No fucking clue why doesn't just let you skip the measuring for 8bpw and have the script just pick the 8.xbpw option for every single layer by default.
>This could change in the future if I add any > 8bpw layer options, but it's a very niche case either way because precision really doesn't improve noticeably after 6bpw. In fact at one point asking for an 8bpw model would often give you a ~6bpw model because the optimizer couldn't find enough layers that would benefit at all from being stored in maximum precision. Now, it just essentially pads the model with useless extra precision because too many people assume it's a bug when their 8bpw version isn't larger than the 7bpw version.
>even AI rejects incels
It's not at all what the guy is saying and there's no 8 = 6 with padding. You're talking about something like 7.9 = 8 which I don't really care about.

>pads the model with useless extra precision
So it does use larger precision, even though there's no benefit to that. It's not what you think it is.
I’m liking mistral medium. It’s like gemma but it won’t take all my ram.
Very solid general purpose medium sized model.
do you guy make money with these
idg why poeple would hoard 1000$+ GPU for some chatbot
>even though there's no benefit to that. It's not what you think it is.
elaborate anon, what is it then?
That's so retarded. At the very least it'd let me skip 3 hours of 100% useless measuring when I first try to quantize a 70b-sized model at 8bit.
You know what they say:
The more you buy the more you save
It's literally using 8bpw for the layer even though calculations on the dataset show it offers no improvement over 6bpw.
idg why people wold hoard 1000$+ GPU for some video games
>1000$+ GPU
try 10x that
is it true though, is 6bpw really equivalent to 8bpw after testing?
Yes. I was distracted while writing that.
I'm glad I use gguf desu
Holy based! Total moid death!
The post says there are cases where it is true.
>I already made a big mistake exposing the calibration dataset as a parameter, and now I regularly have to spend time explaining to people that calibration is not finetuning, and whenever people complain about the quality I have to spend time investigating if they're actually using an "rpcal" model that someone pushed to HF and described as "better at RP" or whatever. Of course most people don't complain, they just get a bad first impression and lose interest long before considering that they might have come across a broken quant.

>That's really what it comes down to: communication.

>I could very easily accommodate these people by adding a 16 bit head option, what I can't easily do is communicate what the consequences of turning it on would be

>How should a model converted in this way be tagged so people know what they're getting? Should the framework emit a warning every time one of these models is loaded? How many bug reports would I have to respond to when people start seeing that warning pop up all the time?
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It's not exactly the same. The exl2 convert.py even shows you the accuracy of each possible quant for each layer.
This is what happens when something because so easy and intuitive to use that it becomes accessible to retards. You can't fix stupid.
Exllama fork without autist maintainer when
>he calibration dataset as a parameter, and now I regularly have to spend time explaining to people that calibration is not finetuning
But it is light finetuning. exllama measures the layers against the calibration dataset and picks prioritizes the ones that give you the best results with the cal dataset. Why is he so confident that his mishmash of a dataset is THE ideal calibration dataset?
>word salad
I'm glad we got 2 options there, I wouldn't stand having to stick his retarded quant
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because he dev so he smart, and u user so u dumb simple dev thought process
that's a GGUF comparison, we were talking about 6bpw exl2 vs 8bpw exl2
Smells like vramlet cope to me. The 24gbros are eating GOOD with Smallstral.
So what's next for Mistral? New 8x22B or new 70B? Either would be fine for me honestly, as I can get similar speeds, with my setup.
I'm not familiar with exl2 so that's why I confused the two.
Probably because he tested it.
See imatrix for a parallel.
Mixtral 8x7 refresh has been coming soon for a while now so maybe that
Miqu v2
I think he's wrong, too. Say I want the model to write in Russian. Does using Russian dataset improve the results?
>So what's next for Mistral?
I'd like an improvement on Mixtral, I feel like their 22b model is now as smart as that old 47b one, so if they do a new finetune of that Mixtral we'll get something really cool
Hard to say without knowing what layers activate for what in the first place.
Mistral Extra Large
>8x7B Updated model coming soon!
And this inane contraption is removing repeated endlines from the Story String.
Improve the results relative to another quant of the same size? Yeah. It will still be worse at Russian than an unquanted model though. You can't change their behavior, just slightly steer which parts get damaged least by quanting.
InternVL, or maybe Qwen2-VL for the smaller sizes.
Don't get your hopes up, it's been coming soon for months
Based. They should only work on dense models from now on when below 70B.
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I'm sure if we remind them of the fact they are late on releasing a promised product, they will respond well to that
>I feel like their 22b model is now as smart as that old 47b one
I like that this is slowly becoming the case with new versions of models, smaller ones trumping older far bigger ones. I know it makes sense, and is mostly interesting to the baby consumer without a datacenter or multiple GPUs to run shit on, but it should also scale to bigger models I imagine, which helps everyone.
So moe really was a meme, huh...
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Florence-2 is the best for captioning
I just want to be spoonfed you asshole.
>((altmann)) is seething publicly again
Please… there has to be at least one somewhere, somehow…
>Getting this angry to a literal who in public
Jesus dude, I know he is a jew and all that, but goddamn he sure has a short fuse
He is laughing at pleb.
how about i spoonfeed my dick up your asshole?
>urgent: o1 achieved recursive self-improvement. we’re on version infinity and counting. hold onto your minds
Calm down sam.
Very interesting, thanks anon
>InernVL Qwen2-VL
so many choices
>goddamn he sure has a short fuse
I think he's feeling the pressure, he spent 1 full year hyping Strawberry and all he delivered is a fucking CoT mechanism lol, desu I like it, fuck this faggot retard, I'm glad he's not the king of AI anymore, Claude 3.5 is fucking all his models hard and he knows it
but JoyCaption is still the only one that can do NFSW captioning right?
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Yeah when I need cloud I go for claude.
>he's feeling the pressure
I damn hope so. I want this silly shit to succeed because it's fun, but also because it WILL succeed, there is no stopping the tech anymore. OAI thought they could chill on their laurels forever and keep racking in money by doing the bare minimum, that time is finally over and they're feeling heat. Competition breeds excellence, really fucking simple.
JoyCaption is a meme.
2 more weeks. trust the plan.
more than anything im excited for the next leak. you know that shit is gonna be gargantuan given the last one was miqu.
405b was pretty gargantuan
>32gb VRAM
>Mistral Small 22b Q8
>47 gpu layers
>20,000 context
>4.5 t/s

Going to start using a smaller quant I think.
*32gb RAM
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desu, every vision model will be a meme when Qwen2-VL-72B will be released
>regulatory capture: failed
>debt: rising
>local: catching up quick
>latest model: a fucking cot prompt
>moat: none
>sam: gay
closedai lost
and that's a good thing
Why not just use Q6 and offload the full thing easy peasy with some headroom?
Microsoft already sucked them dry of anything of value. OpenAI was always in a precarious position being wrapped in the non-profit and was never meant to last for long.
I'm downloading Q6 right now. Biggest bummer is having to reduce context, but I can live with it considering retardation at higher contexts.
what will happen if Sam declares bankruptsy? Will Microsoft get the weights or what?
I'm all about speed, so I generally see what I can get away with at IQ2-Q6 and go from there. Whatever dick fits into my 4090 essentially, with 8k context as a baseline. Enough for the fucking around I do, not like I do something super complex.
Weights get destroyed cause muh safety.
Hope salty altman will get so butthurt at Anthropic still being the top that he infiltrates them and leaks all their models out of spite. Can already see it happen, that slimy fuck would get away with it too.
wtf based sam?
damn i hadnt even considered that idea, or just disgruntled openai employees leaking everything they can as they lose their jobs.
Remember, they already have all of their hardware, they have a deal that OpenAI uses Azure at a discount.
The weights are useless. What the SOTA from 2023 with a couple gimmicks tacked on? Nobody cares.
Better, Microsoft will get their engineers and probably their painstakingly human curated dataset. Then it's just a matter of training a new model.
Yeah, speed is a must. 8k is just too little context for me though, especially for my long context cards. I would be happy with 32k if I can get it.
>What the SOTA from 2023 with a couple gimmicks tacked on? Nobody cares.
absolutely true

>Better, Microsoft will get their engineers and probably their painstakingly human curated dataset. Then it's just a matter of training a new model.
I wonder why they haven't go that path earlier, maybe they still think it's less expensive to kill OpenAI and get their weights rather than spending millions on researsh and wait for at least 1 year to get a good model out of it
>especially for my long context cards
Now you make me curious what we're talking about length wise.
>I would be happy with 32k if I can get it.
Q6 already seems really damn light on my end at 8k, a lot lighter than CR at IQ4 XS (a GB bigger than Mistral). Makes me wonder how much context I could squeeze out of Q6, not to mention Q4.
I can load 55/57 layers of Q8 Mistral Small onto my 3090 with room for 8K context. I get around 16.5 tokens per second like that. But I switched to >>102432045 for 16k context and around 28 t/s.
It's 7:30am wednesday beijing time... how many more hours until kiwi?
>Probably because he tested it.
You say that but how do you test for cooming quality? Unless the test result was that there were no changes between a coomer dataset and wikipedia.
I like to keep most of my cards around 600-1200 tokens, but some of the more advanced ones have like 3-4k tokens. Writing your own cards in plain english with proper grammar is the best way to get the best result in my opinion. Some cards and scenarios just require alot of writing.

Will definitely try out some exl2 quants if I can't get longer contexts and faster speeds with Q6.
NTA but I can't get behind the whole exllama2 bullshit and it's weight system, it's seems all so darn confusing at first sight compared to the GGUFs I'm used to. Feels that people get more context with models using that somehow, but I can never tell if the sizes are similar to what I'd use with GGUF or not or whatever.
>around 600-1200 tokens
Less than I expected, but fair enough and explains your desire for context.
>plain english with proper grammar is the best
Somehow not shocking to me
At this point I’ll take it
>wrapped in the non-profit
Openai isn't a nonprofit at all, they're the greediest fuckers on earth.
They were founded as a non-profit organization and parts of them still technically non-profit. Altman is doing his best to remove those though
Originally it was a nonprofit, but now it's a bizarre conglomerate that I can only assume exists to signal their good intentions or something.
>I wonder why they haven't go that path earlier, maybe they still think it's less expensive to kill OpenAI and get their weights rather than spending millions on researsh and wait for at least 1 year to get a good model out of it
It is. All the GPUs in the world can't help you if you don't have the talent that knows what to do with it.
>He didn't know
Why do you think everyone hates them so fucking much? The whole "OPEN" part is all a bunch of lies and was never even a little bit honest and truthful.
They are doing it for your safety
I agree.
>32gb RAM
>Mistral Small 22b Q6
>50 gpu layers
>40,000 context
>6.5 t/s

Still a bit too slow for me. Going to try out 6.0bpw and probably skip 8bpw.
>Still a bit too slow for me
At first I was going to say "Really?? Pretty damn fast for me", then I noticed the 40k context. Goddamn, thankfully I don't have to fuck with high demand stuff like that.
What are the perplexity measurements?
>high demand.
I DEMAND only the longest and sauciest ERP upon this earth.
Autists will scream that you NEED to run Q8, if not FP16 because they pretend they aren't poor. Q6 is perfectly fine and near lossless, while Q8 is a bit better (obviously) but it comes down to you if it's worth the trade.
I kneel, long context king... I tend to come and go with my text AI purposes, so I'm usually fine with 8k.
>Q6 is perfectly fine and near lossless
if all you care about is embedded in the low rank layers like reproducing a wikipedia snippet and not anything that requires any sort of intelligence*
My impression of small is dry but less schizo than nemo. Which makes me wonder what even is nemo? An undertrained checkpoint of some actual coomer model ordered by some rich billionaire?
I'm cooking up something right now, myself.
>An undertrained checkpoint of some actual coomer model ordered by some rich billionaire?
Pretty much this. Nemo is Jensen's prototype for a much larger model, he wants it to be different from the others.
Hack. Fraud. Buy an ad. I am not sao. You are sao.
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Hi all, Drummer here...


fixed axis
>She whispers, her voice barely above a whisper.
I hate femslop so damn much its unreal.
This is pretty bad.
Hopefully finetune can fix it.
Slopped and moves away from things naughty.
Kinda reminds me of gemma 27b to be honest.
He's literally the only anon who tunes that did buy an ad.
Hi Drummer

Hi Undi
i'm confused. /lmg/ is pro-discord sloptuner today?
>implying drummer isn't /ourguy/
I'm thinking somebody got lost on their way to reddit
There was never a problem with "sloptuners", only with people that spam and samefag to shill their models.
works on my machine
Try asking it to generate Japanese!
I'm sure you've made a ton of fine tunes, anon.
buy an ad faggot
Nemo instruct in comparison.
drummer has a reddit account and spams his slop on there too
I also forgot about the mention the people that trash talk other finetuners (I think it's mostly Sao the one doing that.)
>I feel a shiver run through you as you wait for my response
He did it ironically so it doesn't count.
I am the original blacked miku poster.
Even with your retarded doomsday posting, that is a pretty good image.
drummer is cool but not the others? ok, drummer
Do me a favor and try it with a low mistral large quant if you can, in the 2.5-3.5 bpw range
nice falseflag drummer
Sao was ourguy before Drummer even started his slopping. Undi was our punching bag. I miss him...
/lmg/ funded several discord sloptuners for months until the grift was exposed. you must be new here.
The only thing that Sao was is a spammer samefagging praise for his own models and himself.
Hi Undi.
gemma 27b vs mistral small verdict?
gemma was never good
Mistral-small because of the size.
It is also a bit faster.
opinion discarded
Someone called?
>8k context
>Mistral Small 22b 6bpw
>31000 context
>30 t/s

Not as much context as I would like, but pretty good. I'm going to test it out for ERP later tonight.
I like this Miku

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