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Israel is able to remotely blow up your phone.
OP, Stuxnext was almost 15 years ago. Everyone should know that governments can do that.
so, yeah, THAT happened
I'm not an antisemite so I have nothing to fear.
God I fucking hate jews
We can't really do much more than speculate right now, but it seems like the most likely answer is that a shipment of pagers was intercepted and implanted with explosives. Israel has done this before to assassinate a prominent bomb maker. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahya_Ayyash#Assassination. None of these shitty images and description match battery malfunctions, they're literally explosions.
Yeah, except I've outplayed them because I want to die.
It's not terrorism when the Chosen People do it.
If you think this is scary, wait till the surprise China has prepared for y'all.
more words on this please :D
how long until someone runs into Tel Aviv covered in pagers
Beepers cased with explosive material.

>able to remotely blow up
Only devices which they stuffed with explosive material and installed a trigger in.

This anon is intelligent.

This anon is retarded.

For blowing up rival semitic cult faggots? It's a win-win for everyone.
>This anon is intelligent.
That's insane. I've never seen these words in that order before.
Heh, armchads keep winning, only arabs have intel chips in their phones
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Occam's Razor dictates this was ECM/EWAR, not bullshit like >>102429785

THEORY 1 - >>102429785 ) Multiple Government officials in Lebanon and Iran carried pagers that were detonated. XRAY machines in consolates, embassies, and government buildings would have likely seen the explosives. You're also assuming none of the 4000+ pagers that blew up today were never disassembled and inspected.

Theory 2) Hezbollah installed explosives in the devices themselves to provide IEDs to all "soldiers" in the field. SEE ABOVE: The Gov't officials wouldn't have had said explosive laden devices for multiple reasons.

Thus this was an ECM/EWAR attack. Spread the news retards, inb4 slide. Please wait a while before making a post.

Since I have to wait 60 seconds. If anyone doubts the 'died suddenly' bullshit with 5G and more capable devices that "explode" electronically in your hands against your vagus nerves, please see today's events.
>For blowing up rival semitic cult faggots? It's a win-win for everyone.
It's not because Is!real is milking money from the EU and USA. They are feeding the demon.
>For blowing up rival semitic cult faggots? It's a win-win for everyone.
No, retard. Instability in the middle east always results in refugees inundating the west. Imagine how peaceful the world would've been if not for the existence of Israel.
big if true
Facts, you can trace it all to the Cold War and them.
We would live in a true paradise without the military money laundry trillions.
no. the pager uses a small cell that would not explode as seen in the videos, no matter how you tamper with it.
do you maybe mean how muslim the world would be?
>Occam's razor is that a wizard magically remote detonated tiny electronics
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>XRAY machines in consolates, embassies, and government buildings would have likely seen the explosives
Not all buildings use xray, most have only metal detectors (and you need a huge mass of metal to trigger'em) if they have anything more than a badge to open a turnstile thingie. I'm pretty sure an xray operators would not mind a small cube of 10g explosive material, within some obscure 90's electronics. Dogs might sniff it out though, but it can be sealed.
I remember back in mid-2000s watching an Israeli-Palestinian conflict video in geography talking about phone-controlled car bombs. This is not a new thing. These have been around since at least 2005.
who the fuck still uses pagers?
funnily the disuse of pagers in modern life made this an effective precision attack
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I saw a video of the aftermath at a hospital and it was definitely a small amount of high-explosives and a trigger.

It is absurd to think that a battery cell could cause those types of injuries. Do pagers even have lithium-ion batteries? Even if you could conjure up a spell to magically make a battery cell explode(?), the resulting injuries would be at worst 2nd/3rd degree burns. Battery cells can release their stored energy in an explosive-esque event, but it is still significantly less violent than actual high explosives. There was chunks taken out of people's legs.
This. It's crazy that a technology board has proponents of that nonsense theory.
That's cool as fuck! Where do I apply to work for the Israeli military so that I can remotely blow up Arabs too?
How are you enjoying your now Pluton Powered CPU anons?
All foreign aid is out of control, though it should be noted that while the US prioritizes Israel and Afghanistan (obviously for different reasons), the EU definitely does not prioritize Israel, and gives orders of magnitude more aid to Turkey and Egypt.

>No, retard
When your response is directly to a beeper-bomb operation, why would you expect anyone to infer your issues with "refugees", when you said nothing of the sort until now?
The EU should not even consider it a country. Took us forever to get rid of them and now we need to help their subsistence.
I consider anyone who doesn't immediately jump to retarded conclusions based on headlines and hysteria to be at least a bit more intelligent than average, because the bar is so fucking low now that it's hopeless. It is truly over for the thinking man. Godspeed brother.
so anyone bother checking up the pizza/gay bar index yet? If its a really happening it should be getting very busy in the former in a couple hours.
>occams razr (retarded blathering)
You cannot make a battery go BANG! like shown in the videos today. Lithium batteries produce thick smoke and streams of flames. Even peabrain conspiracy cucks like you should remember the Note7 and realize that any claims about a battery going off like a literal bomb is retarded distracting bullshit.
wow, watching idf faggots like this run damage control in real time is surreal
>The EU should not even consider it a country
If an entity has sufficient territory, military, infrastructure, and governmental organization, to rule its own people while defending itself, and its government wants to be a country, it will likely be a country. Virtually no modern state today legitimately represents the will of its citizenry, yet here we are.
>you're an idf faggot if you don't believe that jews have the ability to remotely detonate phones all over the world
KYS subliterate.
Thanks! I'm not Jewish, but I'm sure that won't be an obstacle if I mention that I come from /g/. After all, this board is known for being intellectually elite, with an extreme concentration of technical competence.
Ah yes occam's razor dictates that the jews have space lasers that make pagers transform into bombs instead of an explosive being added to a pager
Tell them that you're the 4chan hacker and want to hack terrorists like Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran.
phone controled bombs are not the same as phone bombs you absolute fucking retard
israel is circling the drain,
46000 businesses closed
Up to 60000 businesses might close
Tourism nonexsitant
Intel pulls 25 billion dollar project
250000 displaced kikes
No coal imports
Citizens are pulling their money out of israel
Houthis kick ass
Credit rating lowered
Bonds sold at junk bond levels.
Workers pulled out of work and sent to the front lines
Construction has stopped no one is coming to work
israel committed economic suicide.
This little show is just that a fucking show.
So every single pager exploded in that country so we will never know how they did it?
Damn Israel turned their enemies into a bunch of dickless freaks.
>God I fucking hate jews

God hates them too (literally "Esau I have hated"). That's why the shortest book in the Bible ends with a prophecy that they will be genocided to the last man at the end of the age by the very same white people they oppress, followed by the words The Lord Has Spoken. MIC DROP

What's funny is that Paul, the most controversial figure of the New Testament, said that God's dislike of Esau was not proof that God was unjust. These people are cursed through and through.

>It's not terrorism when the Chosen People do it.

The irony is that they were the un-chosen people. If you read the banished Book of Jubilees, Abraham told Rebecca that Esau was godless and there was no way he should be allowed to inherit the blessings of the bloodline. The rest is history.
If the technology exists to phone controls bombs, then it should be no surprise that phones can be turned into bombs
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>i hate semitic gobbledegooks so much that i have complete faith in these semitic gobbledegook stories written by semitic gobbledegooks

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