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When will java become outdated?
I still can't believe that it's one of the most widely used enterprise level backend languages.
>When will java become outdated?
Never. It's still the best language/platform for enterprise systems.
Cause the popular alternatives are all pathetic. Javascript? Only startups use those cause they hire kids who know nothing but js and python, and js backend frameworks are neither maintainable nor scalable.
kotlin has potential. Go makes you like java.
when the needful is done
>t. compsci brownie
I wanna become a java dev. I don't want to work on my epic java project after work, I just want to bang out work and be done with it. I don't want to join hackathons, do meetups, any of that shit. just enterprise java for me.
Rust revolution is in the making brother
>I still can't believe
Wait until you see what kind of "people" work with enterprise java. and no I don't mean pajeets, I mean the denizens of your average big corp
The JVM is unironically great.
And slowly Java is improving.
Truth is that it's perfect for enterprise and Spring made.it.much easier to use than in the J2EE days.
Rust has nothing to compete with Java.
50 or more years some gov systems are using Frortran. Because they never needed to switch.
Fortran, C and C++ will last forever due to it's libs in HPC and GPGPU.
Java will remain the enterprise start too because it's already used by the biggest ERP and CRM tools in the market and they don't really invest in new tech. Hell, data alone will save Java forever as you only use Python for the highest abstraction. All down is Java and C++.
Fixing and improving C++ and Java is a much better investment that whichever new languages people keep on pumping to create hype.
People use the JVM but they're not all using Java. You have the option of multiple languages like Scala and Clojure.

Now with GraalVM, Java and the JVM both are here to stay.
10 years ago.
>Spring made.it.much easier to use than in the J2EE days.
Ironically, Spring is now how the primary JEE engines are all wired together. The genius of it is that it competently looks after lots of the shit that you don't want to deal with but need.
>Java will remain the enterprise start too because it's already used by the biggest ERP and CRM tools in the market and they don't really invest in new tech.
They occasionally invest. The last time was when the switch from Cobol to Java happened. It could be another few decades before things change.
Still tons of COBOL around.
Yep, but not so much new stuff being written for it. New enterprise code is in Java (or sometimes C#) and has been for a while. It's a hard market for a new language to break into too, doubly so if they're not targeting the JVM (or CLR) and so aren't able to use the existing libraries/frameworks.
Java is peak comfy once you get used to it

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