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Anyone care to explain how this was accomplished?

How can you make a non-explosive electronic device explode remotely? In Minecraft of course.
>blown up their testicles
Jews rock, total muslim death
Well if it's very easy when you intercept a shipment and place explosives into it
>xhitter nigger is technologically illiterate
I bet you use windows as well
not your average batteries
supply chain attack, they rigged the devices with a remote exploding thingy
fly plane overhead, make phones download a signed ota update
at a certain date and time trigger overheating lithium batteries
kill kids in the biggest terror attack in history
they probably use a very specific method to source the pagers and a mole in the group leaked it to the jews so it became easy target
schitzo answer: they made the batteries explode by either disabling internal safety mechanisms of the lithium ion battery or by subjecting said batteries to some kind of pulse wave that would trigger a catastrophic failure

normie answer: israel intercepted shipments of imported goods and manually placed bombs into every single one without anyone noticing

glowie answer: everything is a bomb and always has been dont worry about it :)
/g/ will look at this and continue using smartphones like good goys
I wonder how many bloodlines they distroyed
Yeah so basically what they did is they put a bomb into each pager.
you don't need to be actually flying to trigger an over the air update, Roberta.
next you’ll say that meltdown didn’t physically melt the cpus
b-but the cloud...
we need to connect to it
and the mitigation for spectre isn't actually a binary form of james bond
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innocent children died in this attack
or even worse, ubuntu
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Was it worth it? It only killed 9 out of 3000. Now they sre all gonna be aware of the devices they use and where they siurce then from.
every consumer electronic device has a kill switch that detonates if mossad thinks you are a terrorist
wouldnt hacking those devices remotely be easier than this?
It is time we are honest, in that all palestinians and all lebanese are cultivated in an environment of evil, and each and every one want to kill and destroy the people of Israel. There is not innocent in lebanon.
mass maiming is much more effective than killing, they have to use a lot of resources on them. demoralizing as fuck
Mr. Robot did this.
Li-ion batteries don't "explode." These batteries clearly had some high explosives placed in them.
ok goy
not enough energy in a standard pager to cause such damage.
And now I'm supposed to believe CIA/MOSSAD cannot hack commercial planes??
We are NOT on your side goyim
>videos in youtube explaining what pagers are started cropping up
sounds eerily like Jews
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>all lebanese are cultivated in an environment of evil
>There is not innocent in israel
Jew are really going to start WW3 with all their might.
>intercept shipment
>place explosives
>put it back
>wait for the fun to happen
They all exploded at the same time. This means they had a timer or it was possible to explode them remotely.
One video had the guy checking his beeper right before the explosion. For maximum damage they would have wanted to call the beeper before exploding it.
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Most plausible explanation so far.
>Jew are really going to start WW3 with all their might.
WW3 is never happening
Shouldn't a military have a team that checks tech like this?
>It is time we are honest, in that all palestinians and all lebanese are cultivated in an environment of evil, and each and every one want to kill and destroy the people of Israel. There is not innocent in lebanon.
strange i'd say that's far more true about the israelis, nice projection.
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I can't hold back my tears upon hearing these news...
why the Random capitalization?
You can't make a device explode just by hacking it remotely if it doesn't have actual explosives inside it.
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It's all so tiresome.
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So the least they can do is make my laptop battery catch on fire and toast my computer? That sucks.
>t. has never played watchdogs
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Dude. A lot of news involving children is ToT, but children actually fucking dying is not cool. They deserve to be loved and cared for, not murdered due to political conflicts they had zero involvement in (not even passively as voters or taxpayers, they didn't even have the option of moving out of the country).
I am actually saddened by the news, just took the opportunity to include ToT
it's not like having tact is going to change what's happened
Lithium-ion batteries are literally explosives. However, the speculation is presently that explosives were added in Taiwan at the factory.
>dissing ubuntu
>ubuntu's login sound is drums
>drums are known to drive out daemons
ok cia
>intelligence agency taps coms of terrorists
>terrorists knows this so wants to create an alternative com network
>intel knows this
>terrorists buy stuff from taiwan
>taiwan ships
>logistics is captured by intelligence
>they open and mod the pagers before repackaging them back and sending it on its way
>intelligence can now not only trace signals for specific pagers with tower triangulations but can also trace calls
>but also has mini IED installed
>they track movements of pagers installed
>they collect whos who
>they execute their plan and it blows up the terrorists

In short, a perfect man in the middle, surveillance, logistic attack.
Either specialized batteries that can be commanded to explode with surge in voltage or a specialized explosive package. Its very possible a dangerous battery chemistry is used and command to increase voltage might have triggered the explosiveness of the specific explosive chemistry
>innocent drow children died in this attack on Menzoberranzan
>just because they all worship Lolth and brutally murder surface-dwellers doesn't mean they are evil!
It still unclear what caused the explosion(the battery or explosive). What's clear is the Taiwanese company with HQ in US that make those devices definitely provided the way to perform remote detonation to Israel
US has done similar logistics attacks in the past as well, dumbass. Its not necessarily a taiwanese company being compromised, but that also doesn't rule it out either, however logistics is also doable.

A chip modification software could easily be made for the pagers which can modify the firmware and quickly repackage them from logistics center. Suppose it takes ~10 mins to do this job per person, then in a 10 hour day, a person would be able to mod 60 of them. A team of 10 person can do 600 per day. If there were 1200 of these, then 2 day "shipping delay" could do the job easily.

But it could easily be modded at the factory by installing a single plant that can add the modification to the chip with 0 latency as well.
Islam is a cult, the youth is being groomed constantly into becoming a suicide bomber to honor their state. Kill them all as soon as possible and we won't have such cases anymore
I want both to suffer, and I want it NOW.
>islam cult groom kids into suicide bombers
>western commie lefitst cult groom kids into castrating themselves for their human extinction movement
They intercepted the devices and inserted explosives into them.
>non-explosive electronic
all electronics are potential bombs
How's the weather in Herzliya, Moishe?
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Read the book, it'll all make sense. Goyim aren't people, they're animals.
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how do you do fellow goys
Who is we nigger
Look, back in the day if you looked at me the wrong way, I might have twisted your neck slammed you on the ground chopped your body up put it in a black Hefty trash sack and thrown you into the Hudson River, but I digress. I'm a changed man now, with a moral compass shaped by decades of PAIN!!!!!!!.........
That's what you zoomers will never understand, Tik Tok has morphed you feeble minds into a psychologically devastating reality the likes of which my generation has never had the displeasure of being subjected to. But if I used to have to walk 15 miles to and from school everyday with a shitty shovel hanging over my right shoulder, a few black eyes from not scrubbing the toilet hard enough, and a terrible limp from a horse that kicked me in my to cage and nearly sent me to the ER. It's nothing you degenerates could relate to, instead you consume empty calories WASTED on USELESS VIDEO GAMES AND TIK TOK!!!!!!!!!
>exploding pagers
whole thing seems like a made up story by people who like james bond. realistically what the fuck is anyone going to use a pager for these days.
absurd story being spammed everywhere, which only lends credence to it being a goofy hoax.
least insane lead poisoned boomer
i fucked your wife and used your bible to roll my last blunt, grandpa
You can do anything in the universe with energy, frequency and vibration
>Anyone care to explain how this was accomplished?
This is what happens if you keep using C while safe alternatives exists.
Terrorist group bought new pagers
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Now that they're dead I can forgive the children.
>schitzo answer
more like hollywood answer
and the glowie one is the same as the schizo, they're opposite sides of the same coin
>realistically what the fuck is anyone going to use a pager for these days.
Hospitals and terrorist organizations, for when messages must get through in as little time as possible and must be read immediately.
just because you are too stupid to understand something does not mean it is a hoax. they were using pagers because they are typically harder to trace and because smart phones were targeted and hacked by israelis in the past.
Israelis literally take their kids and babies to commit war crimes together.
Blocking and destroying food is a war crime.
Now listen goyim! Israel commits all it's war crimes in the most humane possible way.
its being going on for months, they even set a bouncy castle at one point, the police tell them they actually support them and give them headsup to let them know when and where the trucks with food are coming through so they can destroy them
extremely low IQ detected
israel is Harry Potter and muslims are Voldemort


"The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It's very hard to detect it through any means. Even with any device or scanner," the source said.

The source said 3,000 of the pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, simultaneously activating the explosives.

Another security source told Reuters that up to three grams of explosives were hidden in the new pagers and had gone "undetected" by Hezbollah for months.
if you could go back in time you also would kill baby Hitler. this is no different
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>bank transfer for 5000 unit of pagers
>pagers that can't be utilized usefully (no GPS, no Mic, no camera)
>intercept pagers
>add happy candy
>now they have pager phobia
If I were them I'd re-order or mass order pagers and re-assemble it locally.
And for the glowie reading this please offer me a job.
everything that goes to palestine goes through israel, including food and water
Where they different pagers or were they all the same make and model?
>all lebanese are cultivated in an environment of evil, and each and every one want to kill and destroy the people of Israel.
This seems very stupid thing to say, anyone who has paid some attention should know Israel has many allies in Lebanon, a Wikileaks exposed the message of a lebanese general to Israel saying they wouldnt interfere with Israel bombing southern Lebanon and just please avoid the christian areas
There’s a lot of /pol/ and Jews leaking in here. Trannie mods won’t take it down. Takes a week for them to take down cunny
Correction, it seems it was the lebanese minister of Defense to the US
Still the open door to Israel stands

But why out of only 106 countries?
Neither 'side' is innocent, they're exactly the same just differently funded.
>the speculation is presently that explosives were added in Taiwan at the factory.
That's retarded, they didn't even buy them from the factory. More likely the middleman in Iran that actually sold them the pagers, or maybe a shipping company. But most likely the middleman.
According to the pager manufacturer they didn't actually manufacture those particular pagers themselves. Another company based in Hungary bought a license to manufacture them in the EU.
Seems pretty fucking obvious what happened. Israel owns the company and managed to manufacture explosive devices used in a terrorist attack on EU soil which were then shipped to Lebanon.
This wasn't an aftermarket mod on a compromised shipment, these devices left the factory ready to blow.
What is the name of the manufacturer and the name of Hungarian base company?
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BAC Consulting
Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-planted-explosives-hezbollahs-taiwan-made-pagers-say-sources-2024-09-18/
And here's an official statement from Gold Apollo, available on their website.
These devices were purpose built for this shit from the ground up.
They're clearly a front too, the CEO made a statement claiming they're just an intermediary between other parties and don't actually do any manufacturing despite having specifically requested a manufacturing license for their own company directly from Gold Apollo
Check out the CEOs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristianabarsony/
One of the latest art pieces on there is shared with the BAC website. I'm gonna be disappointed if she doesn't end up with terrorism charges.
>muhamud is literally a pedophile
>imams are literally drag queens with a beard
wow the more you notice. no wonder they support each other so hard
trans pride is muslims pride
I explained like 6 times. I'll not repeat myself. Look in the archive.
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They fucking cucked you good, didn't they?
Being evil is in their genes
Hezbollah are in Lebanon
but I read that the pagers were intercepted in Jordan, so similar thing
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>Taliban uses Xiaomi phones
>was able to pull off the attack on the US army that killed 13 people on the day of departure
>was able to take over Afghanistan in 1 week

>Hamas uses Xiaomi phones
>was able to pull of an attack on Israel killing almost 400 people, kidnapping 200 more

>Hezbollah uses Taiwanese pagers with AMD chips
>immediately got hacked and their balls blown off

Hope you're not doing anything illegal on your iPhone, your Dell laptop, or your PC with Intel/AMD chips.
We've seen lithium ion batteries with thermal runaways before. They get got for a while before they catch fire and burn. You can feel them getting hot for a while before they actually catch fire.

There were explosives in there, triggered remotely. It's not just "something made the battery catch fire". There were explosives.
Pagers have a multitude of alerts.
You have the ringer, a speaker that plays a sound
You have the vibrator that vibrates the pager
You have the led that flashes.
Each of these alert methods can be toggled off or assigned to an exclusive high priority contact. There is generally a ton of space inside modern pagers too these days.

Tl;Dr The Israelis added a contact to the pager that was set "priority" and used the alert Led. They made sure the led doesn't go off to normal numbers.
They then ran wires from the led through an ignition circuit and into a small explosive charge.
They likely just did the soldering, then reassembled it, and poured in a ton of gunpowder into the case through a small opening in the battery compartment and covered it up in tape to seal it.
i thought pager used AA batteries
nah, you are are the one who doesn't understand it because you don't even get what it is that a pager does and why it is completely useless for communication without also having access to a phone.
story is a hoax and everyone who believes any part of it is a low iq retard.
>exploding pagers used coincidentally on the 50th anniversary of the og james bond movie Goldfinger, which killed the bad guy at the end using an exploding pager
anyone who doesn't see this for what it is is beyond help.
literally God himself did it
That's tragic if true. Keep in mind we only have Hezbollah's word for it.
Large JIDF presence ITT. Be aware
no phones in sight, no technology, no western lgbt propaganda, just bros vibing in hospitals. they look cozy. they should thank da joos for helping them RETVRN
It was PETN according to analysis. Not every had their pagers detonated. Some people had them turned off.
>Goldfinger, which killed the bad guy at the end using an exploding pager
different bond movie. that was Tomorrow Never Dies.
It is time we are honest, in that all Israelis are cultivated in an environment of evil, and each and every one want to kill and destroy the goyim. There is not innocent in Israel.
>They likely just did the soldering, then reassembled it
Nope. According to the company who owns the brand stamped on the device this particular model was entirely designed and built from scratch by a third party company, likely a front for Mossad.
batteries don't explode the way explosives explode. (hint: batteries produce fires when they "explode")
the explosions in the clips circulating are of actual explosives
>terrorism against hezbollah
What a clusterfuck, these people will keep killing each other until eternity
NTA but it's rather indiscriminate targeting so is very close to that yes.
>Only explode pagers that Hezbollah terrorists would have in possession
Anon, this was anything but indiscriminate, it was surgical as fuck. Air strikes and SOF ground attacks tend to have a much worse ratio of civilian casualties than this did.
It had to be PETN or something similarly energetic. The amounts were tiny, well smaller than that of a grenade. The kill radius of something like 120 grams of composition 2 used in an M67 is 5 meters. The amount I heard cited was close to 20 grams. I also heard that they coincided with raids. It almost feels like a psyop to spread paranoia among the terrorists and that they just capped most of them and dressed it up afterwards to make it fit their story.
What makes you say indiscriminate? That's not Mossads MO. If you wanted to just murder a bunch of gazans, there's not that much stopping them. I thought the narrative was that they do anyway, so why go through the extra effort when a mortar shot once an hour at a random spot is cheaper and more effective at spreading fear?
Give me the names of these innocent victims who just had the bad luck of accidentally being handed a 3310 Mossad Spicy Special. I'm so fucking tired of the liars on all sides, just hurry up and exterminate one or the other or both sides so we can stop being bothered about this bullshit.
nice job Jews, I won't support your cause but props to you, now the sandniggers terries can't procreate... please, both sides, Palestinian and Israel just kill each other already
Hezbollah is not in Gaza.
these are ugly 3dpd children not cute lolis anon...
magyar cigany
apparently also their autist phones
only innocent children, women and puppies!
Yo how can you be sure some of these were not passed to other, unrelated people or even left in the vicinity of children that thought of them as nothing but toys? And that's assuming the explosions would not hurt others in the vicinity in a crowded place
that would be too simple and convenient. modern designers hate it
I hate to break it to you but if alphabet boys put you on a list, your family is in danger. Do you think every last entry was a mistake? If you do, you're a retard. I can assure you that 20 grams of PETN has the ability to maim and maybe kill just about one person. I've already provided numbers for you to mull over. Comp 2 is barely less energetic than PETN.
>think of the children!
yeah I'll be thinking about how they're going to grow up, travel to my country and try to blow themselves up and kill mine
Are you implying Jews are Duergar? I don't see how this analogy works
He’s a psychotic jidf poster.
jews haven't tried to kill me, islamists have
jews don't blame me for the rocket attacks, islamists blame me for when jews kill them
kill yourself newfag
sandniggers and niggers have no autonomy over themselves or any responsibility. its da jooooooooos fault that they shoot and stab crackas
No they didn't, fuck off

>Anon, this was anything but indiscriminate, it was surgical as fuck.
Surgical terrorism.
Children were killed
>Muh kill ratios!
Israel's already murdered something like 70k civilians this last year, what's a few more right?

Btw this had nothing to do with ethics of indiscriminate killing. This was a way to do targeted terror attacks in a way that missile strikes could not achieve for much less expenses
remember kids:
if a muslim does it, it's terrorism
if a kew does it, it's a "targeted strike"
You can't be 100% certain about something like that with any weapons system, but this was way more precise than the available alternatives. Mossad/IDF was gonna get these guys one way or another and doing it this way means there weren't hundreds or even thousands of dead civilians caught in the crossfire.
I don't like either of these groups, and I would love nothing more than for the entirety of the middle east to be turned to radioactive glass, but this was a well executed, and shockingly clean operation.
Also I might add that terrorism is an attack against innocents, and Hezbollah is absolutely not innocent, at best it's a precise operation by a government, at worst it's tribal shit flinging between two groups of reprehensible retards.
Hate to repeat the "current thing" of like 7 years ago, but the Catholic Church does the same shit. So do public schools. So do boy scouts. So do movie stars. What demographic doesnt rape kids, honestly
>What demographic doesnt rape kids, honestly
Wait. I answered my own question. Puritans and Buddhists.
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Pitbulls, they eat the kids before they get the chance to rape them.

>A religion with a significant presence in India
>No rapists
Are you sure about that?
all of reality is made of strings that exists in atleast 11 dimensions, if you learn how to move these strings then you can cause someones pager to explode by simply taking a sip of your coffee

t. s/x/ientist
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looks like it failed its intended goal
sounds like a giant cope

it makes perfect sense, this attack doesn't really much sense if you are not going to follow up with a bigger attack
It is a giant cope. They got about 3000 mid-level Hezbollah operatives and (allegedly, according to one reporter) one child.

>Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon in second day of explosions

if you wait a month or two, hezbollah would have recovered and now wise to your tricks

walkietalkie attack caused much smaller number of death and injuries as people were already suspicious of electronic devices
What's the point of blowing up a few towelheads with no follow-through? It literally just wastes your money and spoils an potential attack vector
It's already killed more than the pager attack.
Go to hell, kike.

I bet you're gonna stop posting the moment there's another rocket attack
Read the talmud, they aren't your friend.
>Kill kids
>Ahahaha we sure did gettem
What an absolutely ORGANIC post
Any pro-israel post here is clearly bought and paid for, it is known
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they're not even buddhist
>kill baby hitler
>witnesses catch my goblin-like hook-nosed visage killing an innocent newborn
>massive outrage turns into full political movement
>actual holocaust happens for real this time
>curb your enthusiasm theme starts playing
This is the designated JIDF thread, which is why the other threads are getting pruned.
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Hitler was the hero, why would I kill him?
are you a jew anon?
isn't that kind of gross? why not convert to a faith that doesn't see everyone else as an animal?
You must be a bad person
Fight or the board will look like /k/

Then the pager attack was shit
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The Jew is shilling a lot in here

Also can't quote his posts because 4chan gets paid by the Jewish ethnostate through their sugar daddies
It’s pretty nice seeing how unsubtle kikes are becoming with their psychopathy and bloodlust so the only people left who support them are stupid, evil, or both.
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Jews crying about terrorism when their entire history is terrorizing people, lol
Yeah, it used to be that you could make an argument in opposition to the palichads in good faith, it's just not possible anymore, the kike is the villain of this story, yet again

Hitler was the greatest Zionist to have existed

He gave you more rights in Germany than White Gentile Germans

Without him you wouldn't have an ethnostate today

Once again a reminder that you don't give a shit about your sugar daddies and anti"semitism" is justified
Denounce the Talmud

Say who is flooding Europe with immigrants
wanna suck on a khazar girl's tits so bad bros
i really don't give a fuck about the middle east, they are all violent subhumans and i truly don't care wether palastine, libanon, israel or all of them are wiped from the map
from a military/intelligence strategy pov, this was fucking brilliant. Not a single enemy of israel will feel save handling any sort of electronics again. I mean this is literaly anime shit, blowing up 5000 pagers simultaniously
I’m not going to “argue” with a kike on a Kazakhstani centrifuge testing forum whose argument is the purest of projection to continue justifying slaughtering children.
Besides, others have done it already. What are you resorting to my reply for?
That sure is a word soupy way to say you don't understand a post that is agreeing with you

Go the fuck away, Jew
Lithium batteries do not explode. They'll pop and burn. Enough to hurt. Not blow your balls off.
Just because you're on the losing side of this conflict doesn't mean you're a victim, Ahmed. This is truly a new era of war we're witnessing, and it's much more exciting than slavnigger fighting with shovels and cold war tanks
>REEEEEEEEE stop resisting my illegal immigration to your land, as well as the acts of raping you, maiming you, stealing your organs, tissues, and skin, building a Jewish ethnostate on your land, dispossessing you, enslaving you, and committing genocide against you

Only one side is innocent. It's the gentiles/the goyim.

If the gentiles were on equal footing with you, you would've been destroyed in five days, Jew
>dropping 100000 tons of bombs on gentiles in a concentration camp, ten times the damage caused by the two American nukes dropped on Japan


Hi, Jew
My bad I misunderstood it as sarcasm lol.
Friendly fire is part and parcel of being a part of a global war against the kike
Practically impossible to make them all explode at the same time and like in the videos. Also there were some duds to Hezbollah has confirmed they indeed had small plastic explosive loads in there.
talk shit, get hit
We've all seen it
Hamas bolstering their slavshit Ak's, killing a bunch of hippies thinking they could demand shit
Hisbollah warning israel about attacking palastine and feeling like tough shit for the handful of slavshit rockets they could barely afford
Iran will be next with their hillarious videos of capturing a scale model airplane-carriers with jetskis
Anon, it leaked a long time ago that IDF troops were the ones shooting at the crowd trying to make it look like hamas, it was on the news and everything
>Ree ree I want the facts to make me look good
they dont tho
the cult of childhood is a fickle thing. When convenient, kids stop being human, and all the moralistic theater goes out the window
2 children. Is that not good enough for you? Should we go back to firebombing entire cities? I swear you faggots would complain even if no one died, but some civilian was late to his job or some shit.
>source: sandniggers on telegram
>seething kike
Ovens could be here he said to himself out loud
The only two nations who worship hitler are hoholland and jewsa and we know what these two are like
This is how Europeans see Americans, Europe has very few jews, but we have Americans who want to turn Europe into America, that is why they constantly shill for immigration for example
Cute horsey ride

You're not going to get anywhere arguing in bad faith, astroturfing is very expensive
Hohols are the one astroturfing, but you knew that
EU, US and Israel are allies. No amount of seething on 4chan will change that. You do realize nobody here has that kind of power right lol? These are alliances that have existed for as long as western civilization has existed, and they will never disappear. No amounts of seethe can affect that. Sorry ruskis and arabs.
>Autistic screeching
The ovens are nearing anon
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The only thing nearing is THD and total Russian victory
>We are going to win in 3 days
>We are going to win in two weeks
>We are going to win by next year
>We are preparing for forever war
Are hohols the ukrainians or the russians? the shilling around that war is mental
Ukraines are hohols. The redditor's insult of choice is "zigger" which is hilariously wrong since Russia is pure white
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incredible b8, moshe.
In what world is russia pure white? It's literally statistically the least white country in all of europe, even compared to UK and France.
Who is the 14 year old muslim immigrant posting nazi basedjacks? Just go home, there are tons of nice places where you can enjoy the fruits of islamism! Or you can gas yourself today, if you long for it so.
EU and US have a huge wedge driven by russian psyops right now. The US public thinks that Ukraine is the cause of their economic problems (lol). Trump wants to pull out. EU politicians are rubbing their hands at the opportunity of strengthening the union and taking even more control over peoples lives. Israel provides little more than an economy to trade with for either. And some tech and research/researchers, but it's still a very small country.
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They themselves don't post there, because manual labor is beneath them
Instead they hire pajeets to do it for them.
literally going to kiss my brown russian wife right now, enjoy dying in a trench
>There is not innocent in Lebanon.
>There is not innocent in Palestine.
>There is not innocent in Iran.
>There is not innocent in Europe.
>There is not innocent in America.
When will you stop?
All Russian ethnic groups are white. Russian is like the Berlin German, while Tatar is like the Bavarian German
please tell me you actually believe this
So you're saying Russia is just imperialistically annexing nonwhite nations?
No, Ukraine is for now white too, less than Russia, but still white. It won't be if Russia loses however
You are delulu if you think trump winning means that US would stop supporting Israel/Ukraine. Especially not Israel, his own daughter married a israeli man and trump loves his jewish hats. The reality is that Israel is a crucial ally to the west and quite literally the most important ally the west has ever had. It represents all our interests and investments in the middle east. Ukraine is also pretty important because weakening and draining Russia through it is crucial to geopolitics. The goal of NATO is to have complete control north of atlantic and for all of Europe, Americas, and Oceania to be inside of NATO. Total russian and palestine death is necessary to guarantee complete domination of the west for as long as humanity exists. The roman empire, the holy empire must grow until all of Earth is firmly under our grasp.
They are absolutely not, I don't know who you are trying to fool. Outside of the main "russian" ethnic group which itself is not 100% white, but let's say 95% white, and the tiny minorities of other slavs that make up less than 2%, everyone else is from central asia and most certainly not white. You can literally check your own countries demographic statistics and then look up on yandex how the people of those ethnic groups and geographic areas actually look.
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This is how a half Russian half Tatar looks. Completely white
65 IQ
Okay? I can cherrypick and find some mulatto that looks white passing and has a middle eastern or asian mom/dad in the UK/France as well. The reality is that over 30% of Russia are non-whites. Tatars make up like 4% of that 30%.
>No (ignoring all the other nations annexed)
Russia is speeding up its genocide of the whole russian population (by extension, its white population) by not controlling the spread of HIV
You saying it doesn't make it so. I KNOW Russia is over 99% white, I have been there
>inb4 white is not about skin color
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Ok, but when will ALL children browsing on the Internet die from their exploding iPhones?
Yeah bro, I'm sure you visiting moscow is representative of every other place in Russia. What a retarded 50IQ take. Why would russian own government lie in it's statistics and claim that 30+% are non-whites? And no, being an asian with pale skin does not make you white. Accept your zigger title and treat it with pride, Russians are the least white country in europe, but you also claim to be anti nazi and anti white supremacy, it's one of the reasons you are attacking the evil 99.5% slavic nazi ukraine.
the goal is the same as why they used to drop ammunition for the vietcong during the war but one in every 100 rounds or whatever would be a hot round that would explode. the point was to make them mistrust their chinese suppliers and to terrify them that the next round will blow their arms off.

now these guys just have another thing to be paranoid about along with the random hellfires from the sky and drone attacks and whatever else. they have to spend every waking minute on opsec and one slip means they get blown up, and sometimes they do everything right and they still get blown up. that's a lot of stress and demoralization. some might stop carrying their pagers on their person or have to come up with some workaround. this is psyopping (state terrorism) 101
Based. We should be happy, they are literally killing each other while we sit here, shitpost and watch.
They’re using a different method and it’s to blow up children’s brains during their development stage with brainrot after encouraging women to slave away for their boss while abandoning said child. Crucial growth is prevented and all kinds of mental illnesses are facilitated.
Good goy.
Moscow is actually the least ethnically monogamous place in Russia
>literal terrorism indiscriminately targeting everyone
>international community cheers
Allegedly, it's what this guy said:
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You know we can see that you're a Jew when you prefend Nazis weren't Zionists, right
Is this real LMAO
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Hitler was the biggest Zionist.

He gave Zionists more rights than White Gentile Germans in Germany.

Built factories for Zionists in Palestine.

Trained Zionists how to do settler colonialism in Palestine.

Saved Zionists from bankruptcy several times.

Transferred Jews to Palestine.

Germans and Zionists document everything happening and refuse to show their documents.

The founder of the Jewish ethnostate shilled it as an European outpost defending Europe against Brown Asiatic hordes by arguing that's why Europe should infintely fund Jews (and this is ironic, because Jews have made Gentiles fight most Jewish wars).
The more you know
drow cunny MUST be saved
>Ukraines are hohols. The redditor's insult of choice is "zigger" which is hilariously wrong since Russia is pure white
vatniks are not white at all and never have been, nice try.
>realistically what the fuck is anyone going to use a pager for these days.
>here have this pager. when it beeps, call the number on the display from a public telephone asap
>no one can trace you back.
That's why
Palestine didn't exist back then as a country you stupid sandnigger.
Has anyone else noticed a massive increase in posts praising jews and israel on various boards since this attack? It feels like an unnatural shift in dialogue has taken place.
>Islam is a cult, the youth is being groomed constantly into becoming a suicide bomber to honor their state. Kill them all as soon as possible and we won't have such cases anymore
so is judaism, they're the same death cult desert trash.
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Kill yourself, baby killer
this isn't anything new, jews have been doing this for decades, also zionists receive infinite funding from the west, use the money to pay hundreds of thousands of shills, use AI to automatically create shill posts and pay website owners to let it happen and ban oppositions

Stop replying to your post to play the centrist and doing we wuz native semites n shieeet propaganda, Jew
all three Abrahamitic Spirituality branches are trash
would not spec in
There's no lithium battery in pagers. Every pager sold today new is just refurbished old stock. They run off a single AA battery, which makes the case thick enough to hide explosives and a circuit board that reads messages received. I worked in a hospital and I was able to send a single message to hundreds of pagers in a second. They could've just spammed "BOMB" to every pager in the country.
Christianity is at least not dick cutters but they have bad sides too
There are 9 million Buddhists in India, with how rapey India is, I guarantee there are thousands of Buddhist rapists.
Buddhists in India are Japanese/Chinese immigrants. You realize India has 1.4B people, right? 9 million is less than 1%
>Christianity is at least not dick cutters
The gnostics got suppressed a long time ago. Not sure if the cathars were into that.
It's about 0.7%

At India's rape rate of 32000 reported cases per year (actual rapes is way way higher, definitely well into the 6 figure range) that's still 225 reported rapes per year in a population similar to that of New Jersey, which itself has about 115 reported rapes per year but with a much higher rate of reporting.
That is assuming the racial makeup of Buddhists is the same as of India as a whole which is utterly false
this post seems to trigger the mossad bots
you are assuming that only terrorists use pagers.
I'll admit thats a pretty good assumption, but there is zero chance its 100% correct, and radio silence on the innocent firefighters blown up.
I do.
>zazazel darktroon
get thee behind me mason
I've noticed a massive increase in posts calling this a terrorist attack that targeted civilians and that no Hezbollah members were harmed about 12 hours after the attack. I guess that's the time it took to come up with those talking points.
kikes don't care about it
Would you be able to point one out?
Or you own the factory that manufactured the device and have a special batch made with explosives.
>drow lolis see males as subservient
Overheated Lithium doesn't detonate like a bomb moishe.
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this place is so good for laughs hahaha i needed that anons thanks.
>realize I didn't accidentally visit /pol/
what does the /g/ mod even do?
I'll correct them
Yes. They want us scared that jews can explode our tech at any time.
Japanese/Chinese buddhists are fake buddhists

Their direct counter part is the trad cath 14/88 isrhell shill
Based. Fuck them both. I sit here and laugh.
>If you wanted to just murder a bunch of gazans, there's not that much stopping them
They do that at every opportunity. Not that we're talking about Gazans itt... They have to be more cautious with Palestine because Hezbollah has a shitload of missiles and probably a stronger army with much better morale than Israel. Not to mention that Iran may get involved. Israel's army is already exhausted and they are facing criticism from officers at every level. Benny and his buddy Ben want to start a real war with Lebanon, but they want to do it in such a way that they can blame Lebanon and force the USA to help them. Otherwise they are fucked. That's the basic point of these attacks. To piss Hezbollah off and bait them into doing something that lets Israel cry "muh terrorism" and bring daddy USA along to invade. I doubt it's gonna work at this point because this attack looks weird and disgusting and popular opinion is turning against them, but Benny is desperate because he's going to jail if it doesn't happen.

weird how it's been the same few quotes for 20 years now, seems like there should be lots more if you're right?
>original sin
were the muslim?
by putting something explosive in it,which is already known to be what happened
how fucking stupid are you
weird how it's been 2,000 years of persecution, too huh?
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>concentration camp

nice 1930s/40s map, retard
Seems inaccurate.
Someone generate a "might is right" meme with the jews standing on the backs of goyim statue.
Sure is a lot of kike cock sucking in this thread.
b-but based orban...
Reads like the story of Dinah.
do you think people care
Shut up before I order your phone to blow up in your face
Just watched the full video on youtube; looks like we found who the real president of the United States is.
>Hungarian-Taiwanese pagers
Holy shit they deserve it just for being this stupid, getting technology from an EU country which is obviously a US puppet which is an Israeli puppet by transitive property.
Everything is made in China but they get ones from Europe? Is like they went out of their way to let Mossad fuck them over.
there must be some vicarious thrill boomers get from watching Israel's shenanigans.

In Western countries, they can flood your community with invaders and if you complain about it, the corps, government, academia will all get together to ruin your life. You are utterly powerless, you can't vote in your interests because even the 'ultra far right extremist' politicians up for election hate your guts if you're white. You can't even express your interests publicly. So when a boomer sees Israel, an explicitly ethnonationalist state killing people and taking their land, perhaps the boomer still has some vestigial desire to assert his interests and a subconscious awareness that he is losing his country, so he identifies with the Israeli because, in the absence of a civil war in his own country, he literally has nothing else
When will /pol/ realize jews are the superior race and that they are brown shitskins
>In Western countries, they can flood your community with invaders and if you complain about it, the corps, government, academia will all get together to ruin your life.
Who's they? Jews? Yeah I agree Jews and Jewish puppets are letting the people displaced by Israel into your country.

Also please explain how a terorrist attack like this is "ethnonationalist" and not just terrorism.
please bro. I have gigabytes of jewish coal.
terrorism, torture, mass-murder, assassinations are a natural expression of the jewish identity and reflect the will of the israeli majority
Can't believe Israel managed to blow hezbollah's off
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fucking kek
You place a capsule of fuse plus 1 ounce or 31 grams of petn made to look like a battery into the device.

That's what the israelis rigged those pagers with.
those particular pager models ran on 2 aa batteries.
very nifty when they can intercept those pagers and in no time swap one of the batteries for an aa battery shaped petn explosive, and the pager still runs fine on just a single battery.
If electrical devices with batteries can be triggered remotely at any time.
Is this why they're pushing for full electrical car now?

The Taiwanese company has links to the FBI. They even bragged about it years ago.
This only give China opportunity, massive telcom device orders incoming.
You honestly believe Mossad went to Taiwan. Convinced factory workers to place explosives into pagers. And that Hezbollah didn't see the explosives when they opened their pagers. Lol.
secret service and fake shell companies
No, there is a remote backdoor either in Apple software, Intel ME or both which can be used to overheat the hardware and explode it.
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>Apple software
>intel ME
>motorola pagers
the alternative would mean suicide
>You honestly believe a kike went to an amerikike colony?
This surprises you somehow?

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