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I am quitting windows and switching to linux. What distribution do you recommend? I will be using it for

-accounting software
-visual studio code
Pretty sure any version will work so I will try whichever one is most user friendly and stable. Which one would that be?
DON'T unless Windows doesn't fit your usecase but all of the things you mentioned are done better or on par by Windows anyways.
Don't let yourself be trolled by >>>/g/
Ubuntu. Beginner friendly, the Windows of Linux
Paranoid about spyware training ai to take my job via copilot, one note etc
>Paranoid about spyware training ai to take my job via copilot, one note etc
Being afraid of tech is the most retarded thing you can do.
Not a reason to stop using windows, you are just making your experience worse because of fear. If you can find better alternatives on Linux, great. But let's be realistic here, if you want to have a job in any were tech related somehow, you are going to be around windows, your government data is most likely inside of a Windows system anyways. So what are you fearing?
> training ai to take my job via copilot
Well if AI can take your job you aren't a very good at your job, be better.
Fuck you.
Any distro will work, ideally you want an easy one that will automate system functionality till you get your bearing. Mint is popular. Ubuntu is trash that probably sells your data
I was considering mint already. After I find a realistic way to back up the tons of data on my laptop I want to install it
If you want a serious answer, than Linux Mint. It will be easy to use and hard to fuck up and all of your software will work on it.

Ubuntu has many problems, which are unique to Ubuntu and are fixed with Linux Mint. There is no reason to use the flawed Ubuntu, when the superior Linux Mint exists.
devuan. it's easy, just werks, good hardware support, good installer, lets you use scripts for init files instead of commiting you to systemd.
maybe qubes if you like extra security, but then you should also consider openbsd (for a more secure kernel baseline) or gentoo (so you get used to configuring packages early, and can slim down / tweak your system with a community to back it up).
i haven't wanted to fuck with anything and I haven't needed to with Mint. I run it on a laptop and my desktop and there are some quirks but for the most part it's very stable and there are tools available to replace what's lost leaving windows. You can always run a virtual machine with an instance of windows if you want to run a proprietary program.
If you want to "switch" then you're going to want to get a basic understanding so you don't get frustrated. Try to learn the command line a little bit so you can navigate and have a basic knowledge of how linux handles everything.
Based troll. The first tards started replying reflexively without knowing what you wanted because they don’t have any ‘real world’ work experience in tech.
Mint is the one all the linux tubers recommend for windows users, so start with that.
Yes but the first reply was by myself
Try Zorin! It's been my daily driver ever since I personally quit Windows

With the built-in Wine compatibility layer, it does everything I need it to do

TL;DR, Zorin OS just werks
endeavourOS (arch), *buntu is garbage
>NOOO you can only learn on a shit distro

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