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Press X to doubt
>still believing in privacy
>I never heard about FOSS
FOSS? more like Trojan Horse in sheep's clothing
>6 months later
>turns out those private discord calls/chats arent private after all :)
>Communists? More like ancaps
>Nazis? More like turbojews
>Russian? More like homosexual
Is it the opposite day already?
Everything you know is wrong
black is white up is down and short is long
and everything you thought was so important doesn't really matter anymore because the simple fact remains that everything you know is wrong
just forget the words and sing along
all you need to understand is everything you know is wrong
Discord's entire business model is based on selling user data eg chat logs, voice logs, video logs and software logs to advertisement/AI training companies. Why would they get rid of 99% of their income? Doesn't make any sense if you think about it for a second.
Yeah it's clearly some sort of sting/back-doored operation. As retarded as they are, not even the Discord owners are retarded enough to make their platform encrypted with how much illegal shit already happens on there.
encrypted connections that can be easily decrypted by discord in its servers.
just like any other messaging app.
That's how CIA operates. The lure you privacy and supposed end to end encryption. It makes you think your com is completely private and that makes you spill the beans and share all your secrets.
even if the feature is honest, it'll never enabled by default (like in telegram). whoever uses them will be a small amount of the userbase, and that makes them more noticeable
end to end to end encryption (everything is still stored in plaintext on the servers)
No one trusts of the implementation of "privacy" lmao. And for good reasons.

Tech companies/FOSS or Corporate run the same tranny/commie ideology that don't believe in privacy or freedom of speech.
If that was actually true then the headquarters would get raided in less than a week. Discord is a cesspool
Tell me when the messages are also EEE. Maybe Discord will become the new Telegram.
The only privacy this affords is basic MITM attack from non-authorized vendors. Its just bare minimum to protect against non-government, non-advertisers, non-affiliates third party of discord.

It doesn't protect you against governments, discord's snooping, trannies, etc. Just randos
Thinking it was end to end encrypted in the first place is gullible. Just delete your fucking weird of personal texts and tell your friends to do the same. Worst thing is to not only keep all texts but to upload every awkward thing into the cloud like some dementia ridden 80 year old 'Nam veteran trying to fiddle with the dang ol' 08' thinkpad running Vista and some decrepit google drive app that keeps crashing even tho he has no hood goddamn business uploading shit there but it's on there anyway cause the sketchy IT chud installed it cause "it's essential to help the computer function"
>just delete
Once its on their server, you can never delete it. It stays there for years and decades. And now for AI training purposes and ad targeting
>end-to-end encryption
>new devices logged in to the account can decrypt messages
So how does it work? Do they just store your private keys on their server? If so, what's the point?
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> no link
> not even to the discord site that explains it
fuck off, retard.

also: not everything is encrypted.

>Do they just store your private keys on their server?
no. discord don't have access to the keys.

This is the replacement for the Signal Protocol now?
i think so.
I'm kind of a retard, are MLS and Signal protocols actual on-the-wire network protocols or are they just cryptographic algorithms for communicating between peers?
>cryptographic algorithms for communicating between peers
this and the secure exchange of keys.
>also: not everything is encrypted.
Nothing is encrypted if there's a man in the middle with the key at hand. LMAO.

You got lost in buzzwords. Its like saying someone's not bald because they put a wig on. They're bald.
Not even a year ago they announced they were going to scan all private messages on the platform to find problematic content. They literally included "misgendering" on the list of thought crimes, that's not something you can find with simple string searches like calling someone a bitch, something as complex requires analyzing context to know who the pronouns you're using refer to, so at the very least they planned on running advanced models on your text.
Who is this announcement for? "Oh yeah, we read and scan all your messages, but audio calls are tooootally encrypted ;)"
you'd need to exploit the clients and devices to do it, you couldn't do it while in transit due to the protocol they're using. anything can be mitm if security of client's devices is shit.
will they use the super safe CIA approved Signal(TM) protocol?
>will they use the super safe CIA approved Signal(TM) protocol?
no. they're using: The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol
>but audio calls are tooootally encrypted
this is what i don't understand about this. they're not encrypting messages due to moderation concerns but they're not moderating video and audio? how does this work?
The "Signal protocol" doesn't exist.
Whenever that term gets used by shills, they mean the double ratchet algorithm, which is a key management algorithm.
Its all CIA approved shit. If they dont use CIA approved shit, they get arrested and charged for not allowing CIA to spy on your encrypted shit
They have an adult content filter for years now, that censors porn images if the recipient has the nsfw filter on.
And that one was also triggering on private nudes, so they will need an AI looking at your pictures.
We need a message encryption kit to run on top of Discord.
No, as little signal stuff as possible.
(This is actually discuss devs seething over the amount of people leaving for Signal.)
(They can see the groups of people talking about it in Discord for weeks before they make the move KEK)
>They don't use the Signal Protocol(TM), but go for a better, more advanced and more secure algorithm, because they are jealous of Signal
aha, interesting
How does one implement MLS in an application?
You don't, you use pgp instead.

Anything that doesn't have a system of trust, can't claim to be E2EE.
>Ok my internet friends! Discord is unsafe, we will move to Signal!
<cool, how do we do that?
>well, first we all have to share all our phone numbers with each other
It supports usernames now
using pgp/gpg would be ideal and you don't need a complicated protocol
>end to end
>but theres actually another end in the midle
Well technically they didnt lie
There was an extension a while back that would do key exchanges so it could theoretically be secure however you never know who you're talking to on the other side and further if the extension has been compromised.
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>”Hey bro can you give me the link to the signal group?”
>User was last online two months ago
Discord janny are you ok?
Discord janny are you ok?
Discord janny:
>hey cool, someone posted a link to a signal group here!
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This shilling is getting insane.

Does anyone here know even one single example of a Discord community switching to Signal?
Who in the world would do that? The use case is completely different. Discord and WhatsApp aren't competitors.
Looks like they are finally cracking down on pedophilia by giving nonces a false sense of security on shitcord
For the record I’m not shilling signal.
Normal fags are using it more and more because of said shilling you mentioned.
I’m here to laugh at discord jannies, who can’t abuse their power anymore when all the normal cattle are moving to signal.
>Russian? More like homosexual
But anon those are synonymous
>Cool, how do we do that?
How do I get to that part if my friends doesnt care about privacy?
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>Discord janny enters the group uninvited
>Gets banned.

I saw people switching from Discord to matrix.
I saw communities that were never on Discord in the first place, to use matrix (all decent-sized FOSS communities).
I saw people saying that matrix is bad who prefered XMPP and actually used it.
I saw crypto bros switching to Telegram.

Not a single time did i see someone switch an online community to Signal.

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