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Turns out /pol/ was right again.
I'm sure they have some real pro scientists to crack the case yeah. The pagers were bombs obv.
ok, off you go now
next time just stay there
>The terrorists using bombs don't understand bombs when they see them
>From within the lithium battery
They probably hid explosive compounds within the battery so it wouldn't be suspicious when the pager's casing was opened
Go back to your containment board.
This story is really filtering the brainless chatbot degens who believe anything.
I prayed for this it was a miracle
HOW did they do it?
HOW did they intercept the shipment (if they did)?
HOW did they modify the devices?
WHAT detonator design was used?
WHAT other design aspects are in the explosive?
WAS the explosive concealed to appear as part of the battery?
Based Israel. They just keep winning and winning.
It's very possible they dissassembed a few to test, but could not distinguish the battery from explosives concealed in the same package.
I want to know everything we can about the explosives they used.
This is a major security concern.
This could be used to attack/disable political opponents.
They were warned
Is anyone able to confirm for me (I'm a pleb) that this isn't just somehow exploding the Lithium Batts themselves?
Or is there any type of Lithium Battery that can still function as a battery - but is highly volatile and easily turn into an explosive?
For example, could it have been advertised as a LiFePo4 battery that would appear to function as a normal battery, but was deliberately using a volatile Lithium-battery form instead that they could make 'splode?
Or would the explosives I'm seeing here have to be a sidecar payload?
>from within the Lithium Battery
So Israel put an explosive inside the battery.
The hardware of a normal battery charging circuit (such as is typical for Lithium-Battery powered devices) is designed to prevent any kind of dangerous condition.
Circuitry is also embedded within the LiPo batteries themselves to prevent it.
This attack required a very sophisticated modification of the hardware, battery, AND software.
Probably attached it (not literally inside the battery), with a label that covers both. It would've needed a detonator, which needs its own wiring unless the power wires were used to send the ignition signal (not a trivial solution).
Those poor jews can't catch a break lately.
They get blamed for everything.
>Hezbollah Intelligence
I bet they made use of the sense wire and some hacked battery management firmware for the trigger for the detonator.
Yeah. The only real question now is specifics on the explosive. "Ballistic holes in structures around where the pagers exploded" raises some intriguing questions.
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they should send a sample to one of their neutral allies (like china) for forensic analysis
>israeli simping americunts
god i hate /g/
>Is it possible to learn this power?
Since the other thread got deleted, no, the battery chemistry is not really relevant, this is high explosives.
This is amazing. So many terrorists hiding in plain site all exploding at once with minimal blast radius. It’s like their dream come true and nobody else gets hurt. Win-win.
So it was the bloody CIA
Stop noticing things.
Burgers confirmed it was an Israeli supply chain attack https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/17/world/middleeast/israel-hezbollah-pagers-explosives.html
Do you remember stuxnet?
i hate americans so much kek
It's funny to imagine a terrorist group buying all of their electronics from a single distributor.
Nothing changes the physical fact that is has never been demonstrated to be possible to detonate a lithium battery like a bomb.
However, it's not that hard, certainly easy enough for the IDF to replace it with a smaller lithium battery say 10-25% of the volume with a fully working battery and the rest filled with high explosives and a thin metal shell to provide dangerous shrapnel.
go the fuck back
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>Burgers confirmed
let's have an objective investigation first
They have 3+ sources, they're practically taking a victory lap (understandable)
They probably put the explosive compound inside an airtight insulative chamber literally inside the lithium battery. Then, they had a backdoored function that would overheat the battery which would melt the insulative capsule and cause the explosion.

It's not unfeasible for a nation state to pull off.
And requires implanting a explosive device.

But a pouch-style battery can be Modified relatively easily, and a round, metal covered cell like an 18650 type would be covered by a label that might be enough... It's gonna be a big pain to take random samples and irreversibly dissemble everything...

>>102433541 >>102433512 If their biggest vassal state says they're responsible, they probably are.
Lithium batteries don't explode violently with no aftermath like the bombs in the videos. They flare up and burn intensely for ages - and the fire burns hot enough that a regular extinguisher isn't going to put it out.
If this was lithium batteries malfunctioning, the victims wouldn't have pieces of their bodies blown off, they'd have burns. And probably not very severe burns because they would have had time to pull them out of their pocket when they felt the heat.
Repeat: this is NOT faulty lithium batteries.
Making it detonate just based on the tiny cells (to make the device work) voltage getting low is probably enough of a timer to have it detonate once someone has had it for say 12 hours.
Why repeat this across multiple boards and threads?
I watched the video of one of the pagers going off. It was not a lithium battery. Nevertheless, lithium batteries are very dangerous but causes a different type of explosion after the vent gases (hydrogen) collect and ignite.
Exactly. But at the start of these news coming out there was a lot of retardation and FUD about this.
>Repeat: this is NOT faulty lithium batteries.
>Why repeat
Because dumbasses (probably paid shills) are attempting to assert that it was a simple battery hack and any battery powered device is a risk now.
Because it's so damn stupid to imagine that a battery is going to act like a high explosive. It'd going to both spread FUD that might stick for a while, and also diminishes the attack.
>voltage getting low is probably enough of a timer to have it detonate once someone has had it for say 12 hours
They had these pagers for months. They ALL went off at the same time despite likely varying levels of charge.
Remote activation is undeniable.
Isreal hasn't claimed responsibility for the attack so I bet they try and deflect any blame on the devices malfunctioning. It doesn't need to be believable, just something they can say in official capacity.

Is /g/ usually this retarded? I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see someone who knows what they're talking about. Tech truly is a 100 IQ field.
20g in 3,000 pagers is 60kgs worth of explosive. How does a shipment like that make it through without being detected?
The evidence cited so far (youtube videos of loose batteries) isn't convincing, and makes less sense considering we had a wave of phones catching fire in people's pockets only a few years ago
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Additionally, you don't just blow a capability/exploit like this willy-nilly.
Something must've happened, perhaps "Hezbollah" planning something, to trigger this action.
Everyone will be double-checking their devices now.
You have no clue what that word means.
Did they really have to set them all off at once and reveal this to the world? What were they thinking exposing every electronic device as an explosive?
Is that confirmed? I don't know that it is. It could be only the newest batch of the same pagers they had, and they could have went off in the same 12 hours for all I know. You could certainly be right, but I dont have that info.

Certainly, they will try to deflect even though everyone knows, there could be psyops here to "help" with that.

Explosive sniffing canines aren't trained on all explosives, they could be well sealed, tons of bribes... We don't know where the interception and modification was done. Of course, the closer the better... Tons of areas where they have operatives.
Lebanon has a history of being incompetent with explosives.
It's more likely to be a purposefully designed fault in the batteries themselves, there's no reason to uncritically accept that explosives were used. It's just an appealing explanation. Note that >>102433702 is also entirely ad-hoc and lazy reasoning
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phones, laptops, vapes, e-scooters, electric cars all catch fire. They never ever explode
>this other israeli op proves they are incompetent
Why the fuck would they bomb a warehouse?
If you pre-heat batteries and disable their protections they can explode like a bomb. Youtube is full of these experiments.
Shut up, jew.
At the very least they were modified batteries. Normal batteries have weak points to release the pressure, they could never be turned into bombs. If you are going to modify the batteries, you may as well replace it with a smaller battery and use the remaining space for an explosive, and it will work better than a battery pipe bomb or some stupid shit like that.
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Jews hate dogs too, because dogs notice when someone is lying
>Large sections of the port and its infrastructure were destroyed,[4] including most of Beirut's grain reserves,[5] and billions of dollars in damages were inflicted across the city.[6][7][8] The Port of Beirut was forced to close, due to the large-scale damage caused by the explosions, with cargo being redirected to smaller ports, such as Tripoli and Tyre.[9] Prior to the disaster, about 60 percent of Lebanon's imports came through the port, according to an S&P Global estimate.[10]
Why the fuck would they destroy one of their main ports?
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No fucking way it was the battery and anyone who believes that is a retard. Some people have died: a pager battery is far too small to explode with enough force to kill, and that kind of battery "explosion" is more fire than force anyway.

They clearly infiltrated the supply chain for their pagers somehow and planted actual explosives in them, it's simply not physically plausible that the kind of damage we're hearing about was caused by a regular pager battery. At most the batteries were involved in detonation somehow, but that's all.
Okay... didn't their own reports say they had stored the explosives there for a very long time?
Not unwilling to consider it an actual sabotage act, but incompetence seems the most likely explanation right now.
Normal lithium batteries cannot explode. Cylinder batteries like 18650 have a weak point in the positive side that will break and release the pressure in case of thermal runaway. Pouch batteries are just held together with plastic and aluminum foil, they would break at pressures much lower than necessary to make an explosion.
Technically it would still be an "explosion" but definitely not able to do anywhere near this kind of damage.
Yes, they had a bunch of chemicals impounded in a welded-up warehouse which no one wanted to deal with. Not the first time chemicals caused a huge fuckoff explosion.
Hezbollah has no idea what caused it. They are too busy searching for their missing cock and balls all over the ground in Lebanon to be investigating the cause.
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Reports that multiple brands of pagers were affected.
>a hezbollah intelligence official
a thread laptop backup thread died for this
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>Cylinder batteries like 18650 have a weak point in the positive side that will break and release the pressure in case of thermal runaway. Pouch batteries are just held together with plastic and aluminum foil, they would break at pressures much lower than necessary to make an explosion.
Similarly, loose gunpowder isn't dangerous until it's in a sealed in a container. You'd have to examine the construction of the pager.
If they had access to batteries, they had access to pagers themselves. My guess is they manufactured almost identical copies of these pagers Hez ordered, with ~60/40% battery/explosive and a special functionality to remotely detonate them upon receiving some specific signal, and replaced the former with the latter somewhere in transit.
No. That thread was still alive after this one was created.
>My guess is they manufactured almost identical copies of these pagers Hez ordered, with ~60/40% battery/explosive
we don't have to guess, hezbollah can send any dud munitions to their allies
No, because no battery explodes like that. It's high explosives.
>purposefully designed fault in the batteries themselves
No, you physically can't make a plausible "design fault". You can hide explosives, especially if you know where it was going, which is probably what they did. There is no way to make the chemical composition of a lithium battery act like a high explosive.

Not at all. There is no evidence at all of similar explosions.
What you dont understand is that high explosives like gunpowder (and since then more modern explosives) burns extremely fast. All of the explosive burns in ~0.01 seconds which produces massive pressure that can send pieces of metal traveling at the speed of sound, going through you.

Lithium batteries no matter how they are made to short and malfunction can never release so much energy at once, they are more like a torch or a towel covered in gasoline, their energy is expended over multiple seconds, they can never create a strong explosion.
> In the first case, the explosion happens by the shock induced detonation.
Wiki editors lost all sense of grammar and impartiality.
vacuum sealed + ultrasound washed explosive pouches.
yeah, I'm sure they will keep us posted on their findings investigating their intelligence fuck-up.
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/pol/ cannot bring themselves to admit that this was an incredible operation by mossad, holy fuck
>a pager battery is far too small to explode with enough force to kill
30g of their best explosive 3 inches away from your femoral artery. I'm surprised more people haven't died.
The problem with your reasoning is black powder burns relatively slowly compared to modern explosives, so when you say "never" it sounds like you're more desperate to convince people than the truth. desu I don't trust any of the cope ITT.
It's very impressive, nobody is taking that away from them. It's just that they keep bombing doctors and foreign aid and defending sodomizing prisoners and firing apache helicopters at music festival attendees.
sure, when it's actual implanted explosives which is what it clearly was
not a fucking pager battery that "explodes" by just catching fire
who the fuck uses pagers in 2024? They consider phones too insecure? Also good job ordering the pagers from great satan while ur fighting israel
This thread what happens when software guys try to talk hardware :cryinglaughingface:
>black powder burns relatively slowly compared to modern explosives
I didn't say black powder, when I say gunpowder I mean relatively modern such, smokeless powder... Although even old black powder would burn a lot faster than a lithium cell can release energy.
But that's why I mention high explosives, and use gunpowder just as an example.
I'm sure Israel would love it if Hezbollah were retarded enough to think that their pagers got remotely hacked, and Jew radio waves were fired into the pagers till the batteries exploded. Nah they were tampered with. And given that there were several kinds of pagers manufactured in several locations around the world in different countries that had this happen to them, the tampering was not at the manufacturing but closer to the delivery. No device you could ever purchase anywhere in the world is safe if your enemy can get their hands on it before you do. Hezbollah's failure here was on procurement. They were too lazy and sloppy, too cheap, or both.
I thought it was obvious it wasn't a regular battery.
All they need is the code red signal. They all know what to do. Having pagers is smart, because you can't trace them. They should have sent their trusted party on a yacht to China to personally smuggle them back to Lebanon. But given how Russia is using Discord and Telegram for command and control, I'll cut a paramilitary group some slack.
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real af
>they keep bombing doctors
(using money/bombs supplied by you)
>good job ordering the pagers from great satan while ur fighting israel
This was the "fatal" flaw in their decision. :cryinglaughingface:
>I'm sure Israel would love it if Hezbollah were retarded enough to think that their pagers got remotely hacked, and Jew radio waves were fired into the pagers till the batteries exploded.
Yes, but also all the westerners that can be shrugged off as conspiracy theorists, which might lead to psyops pushing the "They can make any battery explode!!!" narrative.
>Jew radio waves were fired into the pagers till the batteries exploded
That's literally what happened though.
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They were probably sloppy because they got hype about getting it over on their big bad overfunded enemies with cheapo beeper. Arrogant.

another slightly overweight 40+ guy at a fruit market stopped. Israel is safe
taking out the fat old men who run/lead the organization unironically does seem more useful than taking out random young soldiers, yeah
are you implying otherwise for some reason
>we take out all the soldiers to keep us safe
>Soldiers? No we wanted to take out all the old fat hezbollah leaders that go shopping fruit in central beirut and look like tourists
Mossad is quite an institution. literally any talking point coming out of there makes me more anti-semitic
are you implying they spiked a bunch of random pagers and accidentally killed some top officials with them? i know you're probably an arab but how stupid are you, exactly?
Muslims are 20 years behind the west, so when they see a Samsung Note 7 they think "what a wonderful pager I can use to receive message from boss at meat market"
the official narrative now is that the pagers were stuck at customs in Jordan.
Thats a far leap from "they handed out pagers to hezbollah terrorists".
In 2 weeks we find out they just handed out pagers to normal people so they get notified of impending rockets when the war starts, same as they do in Israel
official narrative where? even hezbollah admits that it was a huge fuck up, it was a targeted attack.
It's more salacious to pretend all of our phones could do this at any time. Even if its not true, which is why this is getting spammed
>they just handed out booby-trapped pagers to normal people so they get notified of impending rockets when the war starts, same as they do in Israel
Unfathbombably based.
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>Lithium reactions cause insane amount of heat and fire.
>instead pictures of just pagers immediately exploding with no fire.
/pol/ fags need to be fed into a wood chipper.
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This is what lithium batteries do when they explode https://youtube.com/shorts/OtZtdLVNWDM
The pictures of this show holes in nearby walls that look like they were made by ballistic shrapnel..
Not something a lithium battery can do if it's only filled with lithium polymer
How long until Israel is classified as a terrorist state for carrying out a worldwide network of assassinations?
go be brown on some other website please
every relevant country does that
To be fair, how many people still mass produce pagers.
Oh say can you shart
in the local Walmart
catching on fire =/= exploding
Yeah they're both bad but one is not the other.
What is even notable about that?
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> can't even trust my iPhone anymore
yes they do i seen it, i used to work in a recycling place
yeah, it's true that they can blow up if you apply very high voltages to it, but have you seen the videos? the explosions were way too strong, even reportedly causing amputations. Even a smartphone battery isn't capable of doing such damage, and a pager's battery is tiny.

My guess is they made a "mod kit" where they reduced the battery by 50% or more and used the empty space to put compact explosives and custom chips.
/pol/ failed reading comprehension test once again

Here's a fun video where floridaman fucks wityh some lithium batteries and does what you shouldn't do to them. They aren't bombs.
So the Israelis are terrorists. Tell me something I don't know.
mudslimes finally got the taste of their own medicine
Is this a problem if you use an ancient phone like the Samsung Galaxy S3?
America is subtly threatening China here as well.
You're the same desert goblins
Shut the fuck up kike
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The problem starts when you react, eh rabbi?

We're two weeks away from jews crying on TV that Hezbollah shot rockets into Tel Aviv for no reason at all.
Anon, Hezbollah has been shooting rockets into Tel Aviv for months.
When you can interdict shit with state power it's less impressive.
>this shilling
intel me 2.0
Israel is kinda based ngl
muslims are in the fucking stone age they don't know what a bomb is they just buy them
>WITHIN the lithium battery
is not
>it was the lithium battery
You absolute retard.

As usual, /pol/ is not right, and /pol/ can't understand simple English.
In 2 days /pol/ will decide it had always claimed there was an additional explosive, and that everyone else was saying otherwise.
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Yes but why have they been doing that?
kill yourself
>Jews hate dogs too
Go fuck yourself Ahmed.

this was Israel a couple month before the ((accident)) Hezbollah said they would blow up the Israeli ammonia stockpile which was much larger. This was clearly a warning to them.
>hezbollah admits
who is the spokesperson that releases official statements for a supposed clandestine terrorist organization? I'm really curious what levels of delusion are at play here.
the world's a stage. even gangs operate in the open.
Should've just stuck with their NSA-free Huawei devices.
Secretive? They're a political party in Lebanon you fucking retard
>"No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens
Didn't know arabs where such ceniles. It wouldn't have happened if they programmed the pagers in rust.
Maybe it was bombilioum-lithium-ion-battery. Maybe it was cesium-ion battery with small water tank that would burst when certain signal was made
Hizbollah works in Lebanon. They use mortars and missiles across the border, less suicide bombers.
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Wow I guess we have to destroy all of our battery powered electronics now since all it needs is a simple computer code to make them explode.
Never. Israel is the one who decides who's classified as a terrorist.
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I hate religious people
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Explain to me how a lithium battery explodes
You will never be a woman nor a programmer nor an engineer
>believed to have
>says random faggot on X
it was 3 volt.
Lithium batteries can totally explode like bombs.
>Get a pressurized container
>Use hacked voltage surge to ignite the LiPo inside of its pressure cooker.
>pressure cooker eventually pops, also doubles as shrapnel.
Pagers can't be tracked.
Also ordering pagers from globohomo country while you're fighting kikes, just how dumb you have to be.
They triggered the devices because they got a tip that Hez was getting suspicious of the pagers and were about to decommission them.
Hezzies only had them for a few weeks.

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