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can we talk about the smoke alarm low battery warning chirp?
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I don't use smoke alarms because I am not a lil bitch
new smoke/co detectors have built in 10 year batteries
Ay yo, what chirp u talking bout?
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I’m not black, this doesn’t happen to me.
I wonder how long it takes to make yourself deaf to the chirp? a week? a month? it's a chirp every 40 seconds, 2160 chirps a day.
a major globohomo real-estate company in my country is now rolling out "smoke alarms" that not only beep when there's smoke or high CO concentration, but also constantly measure temperature and humidity, has an optical sensor for some reason and sends diagnostics via wifi.

At this rate it's not going to be long until "smoke alarms" with cameras and microphones are mandatory in every home in Europe.
Do you think nigger brains intercept it as bird whistle, thus filtering it out as background noise?
hey hey people
Idea: Smoke alarms that play classical music when the battery is low.
>new smoke/co detectors have built in 10 year batteries
i know your skin color OP
So you have to throw away perfectly working devices to buy new ones. Fuck whoever came up with that shit.
Think of your neighbours
What's a sell that it's a hidden camera or mic? I'm losing my mind thinking about it
There's that no peace of mind anymore no wonder there's a mental health crisis rn How do you function in this morally fucked play where the you're presumed guilty until innocent? Paint the town red
why is the chirp associated with blacks? Why don't they just take the battery out? I had mine lying in the drawer for a 3 months before I remembered to buy a new one.
>unable to resist the devil's temptation as i begin looking for jungle bunnies on pornhub one day recently
>EVERY SINGLE VIDEO has a smoke detector chirp in them
i'm 100% convinced its a genetics thing, they actually cannot hear the frequency of the tone >>102434359

My pre-Google Nest detector claimed to out of batteries - it takes 6 AA lithium. Took them bitches out, tested them green, put them back in and the thing didnt have shit to say about it. TLDR its just counting time not the actual battery power - its like laser printers just counting pages and not actually knowing how much toner is left. Fucking scam shit.
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What chirp?
I've never heard my smoke detector chirp.
Downstairs neighbor let it go for almost a month. At no point did I become deaf it. It invaded my dreams. it was awful.
She had two kids. after the first couple days we went and asked her about it. she didn't know what we were talking about. Later that day she started fucking around without because it started beeping as if she'd hit the test mode on it. She must have stopped because shortly after it resumed it's 1 per a minute beeping.
It only stopped when we complained to the landlord and he sent her a replacement. I wasn't officially a tenant so I had to wait til someone who was emailed the landlord. I'd have done it after 2 days otherwise.

The answer to your question is yes, yes she was.
It's actually a warning for white people that you're in nigger territory. Exercise caution and leave the area immediately.
>Idea: Smoke alarms that say "nigger" when the battery is low.
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>not having a hard wired fire alarm
>how would you feel if the hall stopped beeping?
>the hall just sounds like that
>but what if it stopped
>i don't know what you mean thats just how it be. it beeps.
>but if you changed the smoke alarm battery how would you feel?
>smoke alarm? it just sounds like that okay
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Had a meeting today and someones was going off.
New are hardwired with battery backup here.
my house is only 2 years old and we already had to replace the batteries in a few of the detectors twice. AND they seem to also be hardwired but when they start chirping I change those batteries, bez believe
>not having a battery backup in case the power (or your generator) fails
Personally, I have misophonia and would kill the cause of the problem in less time than it takes for cops to show up.
Smoke alarms are political, a philosophical problem of a Trojan horse. It's like Ring front door bell cameras, the perfect Trojan horse. These companies really take kindness for weakness and it's obvious to me
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lol I unironically have hidden a camera in a smoke detector at my job
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it's my job to catch people stealing, here is my first attempt but I think the second is comfier
Neat. Yeah this one >>102436622 is better.
I don't trust things that beep anymore.
Can someone post that funny image of the science negro talking about the smoke detector chirp? I love it. Always makes me giggle.
That means it's working
No. Weirdly enough, that subject belongs on /pol/, not /g/.
make it 1db louder each time
also an app that gives you 5% off all kfc products while your battery is above 20%
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The trick is to use a ^decoy^ camera (can be fake, or real but never on, or just real, doesn't matter) and then use a real camera to cover the "blindspots" of the ^decoy^ camera. People will think they're "safe" in the decoy's blindspot, but no.

How difficult would it be to embed cameras into phone/monitor screens, btw?
Smoke/CO detectors are usually legally required to an hero after a set amount of time nowadays, as a measure against people leaving them untouched and untested for decades.
Found out last year when my CO detector started beeping and literally displayed "END" on its screen
I can't stand that chirp. How do they put up with it?
but I do not understand, I actually had breakfast
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>Smoke coming out of the top
>developer cheaped out and all smoke detectors in the house are ionizing chamber detectors
>places one right next to the kitchen
>smoke detector goes off every time I cook
>had to disconnect the smoke detector in the kitchen
Why are builders so fucking retarded?
You could just change the built-in ones
Wired alarms with battery backup still beep when the battery's charge is low.
>have one of these smoke alarms
>low battery chirp
>go out of my way to buy batteries and replace it with a brand new one
>keeps chirping anyways
>pull it off the ceiling and put it in a bag where it's been for the last 5 years
No alarm no problem
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Wired alarms have batteries as well so that if there is a power outage and a fire, the occupants won't die in their sleep.
SSETH here

Have you changed the batteries on your smoke alarm recently? Mine's been chirping away all night making my fellow merchants from the merchant guild nervous
he was talking about smoke detectors??
why does he say hallway?
They 100% can hear it. It's just that they live in the moment, one 15 second interval to the next. The beeping is just long enough to be over that interval. It beeps, they wonder what it is for a few seconds, but because it stops for more than 15 seconds, they forget about it. Then the next beep; oh hey what's that noise? Oh nevermind it's gone now. Beep.
Seems drastic. You didn't try taking it to therapy or giving it some antidepressants first?
The battery recently died on mine and this shit is LOUD as fuck I clearly remember being dreaming and hearing a bip being progressively louder and louder until it woke me up
How do black people manage to live like that???
This. I don't live in a plywood McMansion to worry about silly stuff like fire.
>b-but anon-kun... What about your furniture?
I'll just buy new furniture lmao
I have wired if the battery goes out then itll chirp no matter what.
thanks anon
couldn't you just remove it, unsolder something and install a custom chirp/soundbite
There's a beep somewhere outside of my apartment I still hear 5 months after moving in and I've already decided not to renew my lease since I brought it up and people looked at me like I'm crazy. Also the basketball people leave trash in the stairwell and stink up the place with weed.
They didn't hear the last chirp, that was a different nigga. And a different nigga will hear the next chirp 15 seconds in the future. Why would %current_time% nigga change the battery for Future Nigga? Fuck that nigga.
wye pepo don spice der food but dey spide der smoke alarms AYLMAO
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Abysmal dogshit
Why do these fuckers need to beep every 30 seconds for months when the battery is low?
It's a purely diabolical design
Change your fucking battery.
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>t. In the summertime when the weather is high, you can stretch right up and touch the sky. But when the weather is high, you got niggers you got niggers on your mind. My oh my, why oh why. Touch any grass that you can find.

thats another theory ive heard that sounds way more probable given it also explains 99% of the rest of their behavior.
Why are you so obsessed with niggers, anon? You could be doing ANYTHING else right now, like going out and making friends, but, here you are obsessing over a group that don't even care nor think about you. Wtf is going on bro?
replace the battery, fool
Smartest "whitey" (amerimtuts arent white) itt
>you have to throw away perfectly working devices to buy new ones
They don't last forever moron. Learn how they actually work. NIGGER
>I'll just buy new furniture lmao
You won't because you died of smoke inhalation.
i just replaced the 9v battery on mine and i dusted it out and cleaned the battery before i put it in and it's still fucking chirping and i can't discharge the battery for a minute because i live in an apartment and there's obviously no option to mute it while i'm discharging the battery this sound is like a fucking bomb going off in my head every time my stress levels are through the roof i feel like i'm getting an equivalent stress dose of a near fatal traffic accident every fucking time this thing is going off please god help me shut this thing the fuck up please lord this sound is the fucking devil
i want to fucking bomb a government building
please god landlord respond to my fucking email you fucking nigger

i have tested it with two new fresh batteries and it still fucking beeps it is still fucking beeping i will murder children indiscriminately if this doesn't cease by midnight
Punctuation, nigger. Use it.
>cleaned the battery before i put it in
you put in an old battery?
The radioactive magicium has a short half life. Since that cannot be replaced, the whole device is bricked once the amount of magicium falls below Harry Pottery levels.
until the accuser prove they're white i don't see the effort in refining my sentiments
>You could be doing ANYTHING else right now, like
getting your skull bashed in because they want your shoes, your wallet, or are simply bored.
Since I'm white and don't have this issue myself, Loveline was where I first learned about this issue (white trash and Mexicans).
Many a laugh was had as Adam and Drew marveled how anyone could not immediately notice the issue and solve it.
I still yell at people in COD lobbies when I hear it using the basic Carolla mannerisms
>Happens roughly every 45 seconds
>Engineered to emit a beep so annoying at such a decibel that anyone who wasn't a fucking monogoloid retard would immediately get a new battery for it
>low battery is still enough to let it beep for years and years without fully draining
The people who let it beep either can no longer hear it or they actually think it's a normal function of the device and it's supposed to beep.

It's mostly a poor (and stupid) thing. See the above Loveline clip where plenty of white-trash and stupid Mexicans also have the same issue.
Too poor to get a new battery so they keep letting it beep forever until they no longer even hear it or the slightly more aware ones just assume the device is supposed to beep. To get racist for a minute most blacks are dumb and poor so they end up with a higher percentage of theirs beeping compared to smarter/richer people.
Read the back, nigger.
>Why do these fuckers need to beep every 30 seconds for months when the battery is low?
Because it's been engineered that way to be so annoying that anyone with a basic level of intelligence and 1 dollar for a battery would be compelled to stop it immediately. But unfortunately they didn't consider how fucking stupid a lot of brownoids are.
New ones not only chirp, but announce with a recorded message its time to change battery. Every minute, continually, until the battery is changed. These are now all over in shitholes everywhere.
Try a dowsing rod. Never fails me, no bugs yet. There's a great tutorial for that on Youtube.
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Show me on the doll where niggers hurt you, anon?
im not nig
>announce with a recorded message its time to change battery
Good. Much harder for retards to ignore.
Seems like an explosive device to me
I always thought the chirp was a shoe or chair leg squeaking on the floor. My fire alarms have always been hooked directly into the power of the house, and they sound like Gilbert Gottfried going "ERT ERT ERT ERT ERT ERT ERT ERT"
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Hardwired smoke detectors also have batteries so they can work if there's a power outage.
My nvidia 4060 starts chirping if I read ebook with adobe digital editions. I am sure nobody else would notice as they are so noisy. Its hell to be white
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replace the battery. it's not hard, you're just lazy.

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