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All of us are making it off the blacklist after we get our OMSCS degree.
fucker guidance counselor got transcript and said my gpu isnt good enough so i have to do a course from the academy. i graduated with a 3.39 what the fuck?
can they not read?

They act like a bitch all the time
>this thread again
Sorry, you're not getting off the blacklist until you take your meds and get your schizophrenia under control.
Is this school worth the trouble? Seems sketchy.
I have sunk so much time into this shit bruh
my sister is about to graduate and owes only about 10k rn, been in a couple years for teaching. As compared to a regular on campus (pay 5k a semester or some shit) and end up 40k for bachelors vs maybe 8, 16, 20k. yes.
You can go as fast as you want. so if you have cost in mind and an empty schedule just speedrun this shit
and then you can say you have the bullshit piece of paper corpos want.
Why aren't they letting you in tho? Just be like fuck you bitch
gpa apparently. he said if i want to contest it or whatever i can request another one but I'm not doing this bullshit again.
Gonna scrounge up $100 for a course and get it out the way.
For an online college I would say it's worth a shot it's just like my luck is terrible I guess
Now she got to deal with dat blacklist doe

It can be worth it if you get past dat blacklist doe, still 3 years for WGU + OMSCS instead of 6
Yeah, post WGU blacklist from interviews
can u explain more? first time hearing about this
This is why I'm doing mine through TESU. I'll still probably do OMSCS though.
nta. A bunch of people claim that WGU graduates are on an interview blacklist.
TESU, SNHU and WGU put us all in the same boat. But we will all make it still, even in this fucked up society that nobody gives a fuck about.

Informal interview blacklist, doesn't always apply though
op is mentally ill and made this blacklist shit up a couple months ago after he pretended to fail a job interview https://desuarchive.org/g/search/text/blacklist%20wgu/
I don't even feel that this warrants a response.
having graduated from wgu, I would NEVER hire anyone from here
my cohort were the stupidest motherfuckers alive
How did you have a cohort? Do you mean the message board where you can talk to other students? I never contacted another student there.
it seems "accreditation" these days seems to make a school as insufferably woke and dumbed down as possible. just got an invite to a


>...the recipient of the 2024 Most Inspiring Women in Cyber, 2024 Security’s Women in Security Honoree, 2024 40 Under 40 Georgia Tech Alumni, the CS Hub Top 25 cybersecurity leader for 2024, 2023 Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal 40 under 40, 2023 Ivan Allen Jr. Legacy Award from Georgia Tech, winner of the 2023 SANS Difference Makers Award (Best Book of the Year), 2022 Women Who Code Applaud Her Awards in Security.

And the only male in the event is a professional CIA glowie

Why can't we have an event with a computer scientist who builds passion projects and who talks about cutting edge technology in detail? I don't give a fuck about a long list of credentials, good god WGU is useless
WGU basically is pass/fail where a bunch of grads simply make it out. There is no A/b/c/d/e grade scale most things are project based or most course work open book, only proctored tests which are basically CompTIA brain dumps are monitored by someone via a webcam.

People speedrun through it with 0 EXP not realizing they went to a school that is for people with experience on their back simply looking for a degree to break into some job that requires said degree. They come out and can't understand why no one will hire a WGU student without exp because they completely missed the point of WGU's main student body.

Basically a Degree from WGU is more worthless than a Community College Associates degree for someone with 0 EXP because how much a joke WGU is in the industry. There is no blacklist just everyone knows what kind of "school" it is. People hark on it being the best to throw off Karen in HR who does a google search

OP can't grasp this and has made up some blacklist theory

WGU bankrolls mostly off the GI bill and other shit so anyone in the military can snooze through or eternally remain in school. Women and Men do it because it makes $$.
>most things are project based
Wrong, its dumbed down auto-graded multiple choice BS. There's barely any project assignments, becasue WGU can't afford to pay anyone to grade them
Depends what course you're in and what part of it, the slop is for sure multi choice but they do at least get some simlabs in there. Network lab sims are stupid easy to automate grading
im in data management right now. its supposed to be an advanced class but all they focus on is simple SQL statements. I go on codewars and nothing i learned in WGU helps me answer 7kyu problems. the course content its so easy and boring I can't focus on it. I keep getting disracted by AI genning more than anything. I guess you're not supposed to learn anything in school, its a means to an end and a disgusting farce
Are other online schools blacklisted?
It's a checkbox degree, I'd probably do WGU in 5-10 years when I am ready to pop to just project management rather than anything. I have 12 years EXP in the field however but lack a degree, that's what I feel most of WGU is for especially at the price. Currently a the lead Sr. Systems Engineer doing interviews and what not but it's still the head boss who approves/denies the guy as he has a degree I don't, he obviously looked better on paper to HR and yeah he does a good job.

I work with a few WGU people and asked them if it was helpful all just laughed and said 'yeah got me a promotion I dunno about the course work'.
>im in data management right now. its supposed to be an advanced class but all they focus on is simple SQL statements.
kek that is bad. follow https://cs145-fa19.github.io/ on your own.
Yeah all online only schools are
Not really, any WGU B.S. is still greater than an associate degree. Also, all of us WGU night owls are going to OMSCS and getting off the blacklist so I hope that bothers you
Lmao a community college usually has work study programs to get you a job. Though wgu is better I am sure the paper degree you get is better quality to use as toilet paper
Idk man I'm sucking ass at intro to cybsec (just started OMSCS)
WGU actually has a decent job-placement network, people just don't use it often. The local director of the city's library system participates in the job-placement alumni network here. I got my FAGMAN internship through WGU but of course I was retarded so I didn't get a return offer.
Ah yes so that's why so many anons have made similar threads about unable to work after wgu
It's been one guy for several months now.
Sure schizo you glow too hard
I'm the OP, and it hasn't actually been one person. WGU is better than any associates, but will lead to an informal blacklist across the board if you only have WGU and no experience. This means that you won't be interviewed even if you apply to a high number of jobs that you are qualified for. OMSCS + internships is my chosen path of getting unblacklisted, as I'm still interested in pursuing this career. I would recommend it to anyone else in a similar situation.
There is no informal blacklist

There is this, as someone who does read resumes and has to evaluate things for non helpdesk staff now. I hope someone can cap this for further threads.

When I did Helpdesk interviews and stuff for Tier 1-2, WGU and the similar schools would float by and we did internship stuff with them. I can count on 1 hand out of the many years we did it how many people I would have even considered for a Tier 1 position and maybe a single person for a Tier 2. ALL OF THEIR STUDENTS WITHOUT A CURRENT JOB OR EXPIRENCE ARE BRAINDEAD. We didn't even give them hard tasks at all, but they would fail every. single. point.

Things like "RDP into Dev environment and map printers here are the IP's" dude sat there for an entire day trying to connect with teamviewer and other freeware
Get told that DNS runs on our Exchange server(we use gmail) and the reason he can't login or do any work is because it's poisoned by someone in the company and it needs fixing by a rebuild. He just didn't have WiFi on.
Had someone spend entire days trying to putty into a printer IP for configuration when we explicity had it in documentation for firmware update project to use the software and as a fall back access it via HTTPS.
Someone couldn't understand how to reinstall windows as the laptop didn't have a disk drive so we needed to buy some usb ones
Get told about how someone is really good with VM's only to not know what workstation is and only played NES emulators
Have someone who was a last year student complain he couldn't configure the switch we gave him because it didn't have a USB port to plug into
Someone explains our company isn't going to last because our internal domain uses .local and everything should be .com ... for our internal network

best one was
Have someone on the phones taking calls going off about how WWW. is offensive to jews and is being removed from the internet by them for censorship.

WGU grads without exp are 99% sure as shit some just out of High School 'good enough with computers to be dangerous' level person who's boomer parents heard from some military buddy that it was good, accredited for federal aid, and cheap.

They get passed over because if you've ever hired one you instantly know how dumb you fucked up within the first week. Their course material largely consists of CompTIA book practice test like Q&A that probably all can be found online, and their pass/fail mentality means there is basically no feedback to the student if the work is sloppy. This leads to all their graduates being well overconfident in their skillsets leading to them piping up in interviews and explaining things so fucking stupid with a 100% straight face it makes me feel bad they wasted their money.

WGU is not for people to get into IT with no experience, you want to get into IT? Cool call up WGU and speak with a rep, tell them you want to transfer credits from a Community College to WGU and see if they will say yes. If they don't, I don't know right now post covid changed their stuff I heard, that's a red flag. At least a community college will give you a D- showing you how bad you worked rather than assume you did A grade work with a PASS..

WGU is specifically targeted for the HR and application process so you can 100% honestly say and back up the fact you have a B.S. if it is required for the position. Many of the times this is the case for SysAdmin/SysEgineers, higher level code positons, DevOps, etc. People attempting to use their WGU in lieu of EXP are going to get the door shut on them because EVERYONE IN THE INDUSTRY KNOWS IT'S JUST TO COMBAT THE GLASS CIELING "DEGREE REQUIRED" TAX. People will praise it up and down who have exp because they need to make sure if Karen in HR googles "what is WGU" they see positive responses, the industry gatekeeps it's prestige for that reason.

There is no blacklist, there IS a perception as to what WGU is.
If a person acts stupid during an interview, that should probably be the checkpoint they are rejected at. With an informal blacklist situation that is present with WGU, SNHU, TESU, there is a lack of interviews to begin with. Many of them don't act how you described and are fully qualified for entry level work, but there is still that informal blacklist that has to be bypassed somehow. The fact that WGU graduates even get through masters degrees from other schools proves that the answer isn't as simple as "all grads from X school are simply retarded". it's also what I'm doing to get past the blacklist. I think in the end all of us WGU Night Owls will make it, it just takes a while.
>If a person acts stupid during an interview, that should probably be the checkpoint they are rejected at.
You're missing the important point

People have been burned so much by WGU and similar schools that it's seriously not worth my time or the companies time to interview unless I see some EXP with that degree. There is no "blacklist" shared this is just something that comes from being burned and having so much time wasted on that Xerox of degrees. You know how many applicants a day a simple thing like System Administrator gets? Usually I post before lunch, and when I come back I probably have 100 replies. Seeing B.S. WGU, EXP - 0, is usually pass because I of what I just explained. You aren't blacklisted you're just not going to compete with Anon #2 who has 4 years EXP, Anon #3 who has an AAS and worked at the school as techsupport, and no degree but 4 years exp. Not worth your time or my time to set you up for failure.

This isn't blacklisting because if I get someone who has WGU there and I see oh okay they worked at another company and know what a computer is, that's fine. Like I said it's the people who assume that piece of paper will get them a job. No exp, nothing on the resume about projects or labs they've done, no *nix services they touched, no version of OS's, no feature sets of tech like AD/DNS/GPO or Even EIGRP/OSPF/BGP etc.

> The fact that WGU graduates even get through masters degrees from other schools proves that the answer isn't as simple as "all grads from X school are simply retarded
Anon... I've met people out of the military with double master degrees from their GI bills who are dumb as bricks. Yeah I am totally going to hire hamburger flipper for System admin with a masters in ITSec...

No, again you're doing EXACTLY what every other WGU ITTTech Uni of Phoenix grad does. Plug your ears and go LALALA It's not the fact I picked a dumb school and didn't build exp while working through it, it has to be a conspiracy!
You are just thinking what you want to think about it though, clearly. If a person goes to the for-profit, non accredited unis you listed, that choice alone should probably disqualify them from holding a job because it signals low intelligent and poor judgement to give money to a for profit college that doesn't even have proper accreditation. WGU is a non-profit fully accredited school, which doesn't automatically mean it is a great one, but that it simply isn't in the same category as the schools you listed. Also, I'm not speaking of the applicants that you are saying you had negative experiences with. I'm speaking of applicants who may even have internships and projects on their portfolio, have had their resume critiqued several times, and obviously know what a computer is. There is an informal blacklist where that type of candidate can send thousands of resumes and will not be interviewed, and that's just the way it is. You clearly think they deserve it and are seething through the computer about it. I don't care if it is deserved or not, I basically just shared that I am going to Georgia Tech to circumvent it. And that other people should probably do that too, for that matter if they already went to WGU for CS or SWE. At the end of the day that's still 3 years for a bachelors degree and masters from a top 20 school that will land me a job, vs 6 years.
Anon, none of them are discounted for attending for-profit or online only schools, I've worked with fine people who have for profit degrees and they are solid.

They are not blacklisted, if they were I'd never give anyone a chance with WGU degree, exp or not. Again, you're looking at WGU as a degree in lieu of exp rather than a degree to compliment experience, if you can't understand that you're just going to end up very frustrated and confused.

>I'm speaking of applicants who may even have internships and projects on their portfolio, have had their resume critiqued several times, and obviously know what a computer is
Yes anon, I give those a chance because people generally list those things under experience in their resume. I don't know how I can make this anymore clear. Why would you not list those things under experience and skillsets with your resume then get confused when someone doesn't magically know that you did those things? A resume should be the check list of high notes and relevant things you've done applicable to the job you are applying for.

I don't know what else to say other than best of luck out there because you clearly aren't getting it.
I said that people with no experience and only WGU are informally blacklisted, so I'm not sure if you even know what you are disagreeing with me on or what point you are trying to make. You said that there wasn't an actual blacklist, which is still what I already said. An informal blacklist is just where you won't be interviewed, but obviously they would never expend the energy of putting people on an actual list, as that isn't a thing.
And by experience I am referring to paid professional experience, so I am saying that people who even have internships and several projects are also informally blacklisted if that doesn't include paid professional experience that they already have. It was more of a psa that night owls like myself should go to OMSCS if they didn't know this already, but then you kind of derailed it with a lot of information that doesn't really argue anything or negate anything I already said.
>An informal blacklist is just where you won't be interviewed, but obviously they would never expend the energy of putting people on an actual list, as that isn't a thing.
That isn't a blacklist, stop using that term. Again, I don't hire anymore for Helpdesk T1 and T2 so WGU is probably all good there, I am talking from a perspective of Infrastructure, DevOps, Engineer level of things. None are blacklisted but I am not hiring people who try to shove those degrees for a Jr. System admin because I have no idea your depth of knowledge, this would be the same for most 4 year degrees from even state schools. WGU is just and has always been more focused on complimenting the working employee looking to get past that HR check box. Not for no exp anon to go "well I got a degree..." go through a year or two of 2yr helpdesk, prove you can at least do that.

A blacklist of any kind would mean instantly seeing that would bar it from consideration, however I and others I know weigh degree with experience, certifications, and so on. Seeing a degree only without any EXP is just normal using your brain to evaluate candidates at my level, this is why managers exist because they have history of experience to know these things. This is why I said using something like these school degree's in lieu of exp, I am not sure why you lose this context.


Stop using the term blacklist because that's not what the word means to anyone.
>I picked a dumb school and didn't build exp while working through it
how are you meant to build experience while working through it if you need the degree to get even the most basic entry-level positions
Staffing agencies, TekSystems, RobertHalf, AreoTek, etc
Take internships while in school for exp building
Apply to some BS like your ISP to work helpdesk for them then apply out the ass after a year
Couple it with certificates to show me some drive to learn
Web Host companies
Hell even craigslist has a tech position section

WGU with no EXP are the kinds of people I'd see in with Helpdesk T1 positions applying, we had a small HD team for about 3k users, we needed quality over the prior managers 'we can't have long wait times'. Any Customer Service Rep job should be easy to nail while in school at WGU, grad with a degree and work exp, certs would be the easiest way into a position like that.

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