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Can we have a thread to share wallpapers based on GNU/Linux distros?
Feel free to request a wallpaper.
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isn't asahi the linux that runs on apple silicon?
You win, i will install arch right now
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Are you sure, buddy?
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Installing Gentoo right now!
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Nix-tan is so cute :3
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install mint right now!
Great thread OP.
Moar gentoo wallpapers. Only distro that truly matters
Seconding this. We need moar gentoo!
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more jentoo
Thats all gentoo users ever do lol
Which animu?
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What is the /konata/ distro?
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BLUE STAR LINUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
weeb faggot
btw i'm trans
Does anyone have the Noa wallpaper?
any artix papes?
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any gentoo papes?
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I should try (trans)Lesbian Debian
These were all made by a straight man. Just saying
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Gentoo isn't FSF approved, nigger.
Why you say?
Does anyone have a Remilia Scarlet Touhou wallpaper with the Gentoo logo?
Lurk moar
YWNBAW, kys troon.
Imagine legitimately having some shitty generic anime girl #45215 lazily slapped on the logo of the distro you're using as your desktop.

"when is the year of the linux desktop guise?!?!" Maybe if you stop infecting linux with your pedophile chinese cartoons normal people would use your retarded OS
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I can't do better than this if you don't give me any ideas.
>implying that I want more people using my OS
lol, lmao even
Crucially important normalfag repellent. We should all strive to gatekeep our hobbies and make them as inaccessible as possible for new people, so only the most passionate and dedicated find their way in.
cute and based
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I'm not normal and I cannot and will not pretend to be so
Based and lolipilled
Is this "young enough" for you?
I'm in need of mahjong
anything cunnier?
pero pero pero
I will now install your operating system
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My own, inspired by Ace Combat 4's title screen.
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And the chameleon.
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Mai waifu is so cute
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seriously what's it with trannies and Linux
go back
You have to go back.
Installing Linux is like performing SRS on your laptop.
>Feel free to request a wallpaper.
Bocchi gentoo plox.
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Don't know, maybe Ryo would be better for Gentoo.
Mitsuba-sama and gentoo pl0x
The projection is sad. YWNBAW
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Any specific image?
Not that Mitsuba, Mitsuba Marui. Preferably this, thanks anon
Based. /g/ stays losing
Customizing laptop like customizing your body and gender
nta but great tastes anon
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Ryo doesn't have the intelligence to install Gentoo.
Need more Arch papes. That slackware guy makes dope wallpapers. Anon come here and save this thread.
>every other post is gentoo
We are so back, /g/bros...
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White background is just pure soul, isn't it?
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Wish we had more anons into Guix. It's basically the niceties of Nix but without trannyfaggotary.
I will now avoid your distribution like the plague.
Install Alpine, I never see trans colored/anime wallpaper with Alpine in desktop threads
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Thank you. I will now avoid Alpine like the plague.
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Artix stands victorious.
Which anime girl would best represent it?
Bismarck from Azur Lane
>teleports behind u
>unsheathes lightsaber
windows XP...
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boku no peeko LOL winrar!!!
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What is the XP of Linux?
Does linux or mac have soul software like this?
install oneko
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MaCoPiX is pure soul
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I'm sorry but this is the best I could do. I'm not a design guy, so please don't mind the rough edges.
i thought Gentoo was lightweight
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>Internet Explorer
>Mozilla Firefox
>Windows Media Player

I have used all of those. Am I old?
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Now you remember
WOW that looks like shit. Did boomers really?
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>tfw nostalgia hits
I'm not even that old but I remember this! Also this game was peak soul. Does anyone else cry when thinking about old games you played with your family?
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>flash games two for seven dot com
>the future of gaming? now
I still play bike mania sometimes btw
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I actually wanted to use this picture instead of the other one, but cleaning the background would be a hell of a task to do. I don't have access to Adobe slop since I'm using Linux and can't afford to pay for Adobe cloud lol.
I think we could do like that picture of Kirisame Marisa with Emacs logo, but with Mitsuba and Gentoo.
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best in thread
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I double checked and I had saved it, here you go.
NTA but I'm saving this
Thanks anon :D
urgent canadian healthcare calls
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File: suika guix.png (858 KB, 1200x1360)
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I need Suika + Guix wallpaper.
Please, help!
that was the most amazing UI I've seen during XP era. Flat niggers would not understand.
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I appreciate it anon <3 it's well made
Debian & Mari Illustrious Makinami? I feel like the colour schemes would match.
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Its like if a braindead third worlder and the worlds smartest tumblrfag made a /wg/ thread and forgot they were both colorblind and autistic before opening GIMP and vomiting all over the canvas.
fucking hell. What an embarrassing display.
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>image is too large, senpai
Retvrn to plebbit AT ONCE.
Best ITT
This one is good
Best ITT actually. Do you have a higher resolution? You can upload at catbox by the way
LFS-tan looks a lot like Arch-tan, they'd make a cute (and funny) set of twins
I'm a bit late but here you go, anon
btw, the artist's handle is raviolimavioli
>pronounced "geeks"
im good brah
>anime wallpaper on linux
ultimate mark of an ironic weeb tranny
>anime wallpaper on linux
ultimate mark of a based and cultured chad
>anime wallpaper on linux
ultimate mark of a well-adjusted cis straight male
First wallpaper attempt, Lain plus Debian.
reminder that bocchi runs macos and garageband
really well made for a first try, gentoo please?
Why is Hector Martin pretending to be lesbians with a tranny
Anyone got some good OpenBSD+Cute Animu girl wallpapers?
This Sakura + BSD is so fucking cute LMAO
Very good one, anon. Would you mind doing a similar one but with Suika and Guix?
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Guix + Suika
LFS-chan has an excellent tummy.
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Mind sharing the Suika.png and the logo.png? Good wallpaper by the way, added to my library
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just repostan, i don't have either of those unfortunately
picrel is the original art tho, never managed to find it as png
what flag is that?
Gruvbox pattern: https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox
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You know OP pic is about lesbians right?
Why don't you go back to >>>/pol/ ?
The devs are literal tranny vtubers.
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Nah, he's just your average chud
Why'd you have to ruin it for me? Whenever I saw his vtuber I thought about a cute, innocent girl. Fuck you man.
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Nigga, stop being a fucking retard. Marcan is Mexican and Lina is half Brit-Japanese.
They're literally not the same person. By the way, Lina already showed her hand in Discord, she's literally white as snow while Martin is simply brown and fat. Lina is skinny as fuck.
Stop being a fucking cunt, don't derail this fucking thread
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Help, I need ideas
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>part 2v2
Where is part 1? These stories make me really sad...
>Who cares about stupid genitalia
Based, he went from tranny to MGTOW.
Considering that Ubuntu + LXQT is called Lubuntu... Debian + LXQT is lebian?
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Here you go mate.
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Lina doesn't exist.
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Hope this is alright
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Here's an Ubuntu one I made
fuck you nigger I'm not a tranny and I never will be

- sent from my Linux Mint machine
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If this is not your wallpaper
> you're using a retarded dist
> your time has no value
is this is your wallpaper
>you're using a tranny dist
>your genitals have no value
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Not a single good Arch pape, Arch bros it's over for us.
i'm bi, actually
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Where do you got Murata's art with transparent background? I tried to find but couldn't help it
I cut it out in gimp.
Mind sharing the xfc or the png? It is for a school project, I can pay with rare pepes
Here you go, anon. It's not perfect, but the it becomes less obvious when the image is scaled down. I included the version where she's holding the original boomerang, no boomerang, and the smaller version with the Devuan logo.
>I can pay with rare pepes
No payment necessary.
any non-tranime arch wallpapers?

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