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Come home White man
I'm on x86 and not using Recall, ever.
lol. lmao
Nothing to hide nothing to fear, right fa/g/s?
What's new in this release?
It's not even that. The whole Recall feature is a huge security nightmare and Indian tech support scammers are going to love it.
24h2 has been out since april
Im sorry anon
what's the use case for recall?

hard mode: I'm not a sub 90 IQ retard
Enterprises, they now use some shit called Ekran wich do almost exactly what recall does, so now they don't need to pay a license to record what their users do
>I'm not a sub 90 IQ retard
Then you should be able to answer your own question
blackmail, stealing your crypto, analyzing population groups for advertising
I want to know what winjeets think
Oh no a completely optional feature that runs locally!
>I'm not a sub 90 IQ retard
Then you shouldn't be wasting your time asking such questions.
I'm not sure. There seem to be way more convenient ways to go about it that aren't this stupid.
>Gee, I wonder what I did yesterday at 4:24 PM
you could just make a script that takes a screenshot every minute
Naah, I'm gonna keep using W10 Education until it EoL. We all know MS is gonna keep updating it years after their current end date. And after that if windows 12 shows to be more of the same shit I'll keep using W10 LTSC.
Can you add a classifier that records everything you looked at and store it in a RAG vector database?
IIRC there was some app for mac which did what recall does, screenshots every X seconds and I think some AI shit to OCR and make it searchable, I remember a ton of HNfags clamouring for it when it was released.
Really I probably wouldn't mind a program like this if it was made by literally anyone other than MS
i actually had this idea before and made a script to do the same thing as recall, but ive lost my original script. i told my buddy about it awhile back, he implemented it in bash for his macbook, i have the source for that, we decided on a name for it: abyss


i havent really looked into recall but my surface level understanding is it takes a screenshot every X amount of time. abyss does that and it lets you turn all the screenshots into a video that plays back to you for a certain threshold of time. say you want to look at a video of the last 2 hours of screenshots for example it'll generate that.

the appeal of this was, as the name suggests, to look into the abyss of the computer activity. what have you actually done in the last 4 hours? were you fucking around a lot? were you moving between the same two files taking too long to make some functionality? that was the appeal for me, to be able to reflect on how useful your computer activities have been so you can either feel bad about rotting, or happy with your achievements.

anyway. microsoft ripped our idea off.
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I haven't seen that picture in so long
>cant open a context menu in under a second
>visibly chokes opening a folder of 400 images on high end machines
>first time you ls a folder it visibly chokes reading each file attributes
>Resizing windows visibly flickers
>Changing the cursor from a pointer to a resize visibly glitches
>Search takes entire minutes to just not work at all
and with all these examples where they can't even make the basics work they want us to not only trust them with this but expect it to actually work?
i have none of these problems on tiger lake
Anyone still using Windows is basically a chimp. There is no excuse.
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Does anyone want to trade my windows pc for a mac studio
do you think people will get witch hunted in the future for their recall information?
Like u looked at what we now call a thought crime, 30 years ago, we are going to give u a big fine and sex offender status to everyone now.?
I think you’re dangerously close to getting at something
thats not what x86 means despite microsoft's confusingly stupid naming scheme
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it will be automatically. OS AI would scan all your shit and inform authorities. Then govt AI would issue the fines. No real person involved. At some point they will make AI court/judges too. Call me a schizo but that's the future. Maybe not in our lifetime but future generations will see that.
>what have you actually done in the last 4 hours? were you fucking around a lot?

Ive never understood the mindset set of "people" who would use these "accountability" apps. They seem like children who want to be scolded by a mommy
>tehe i spent 2 hours doomscrolling oopsy reached my screen time limit ive been a naughty boy and i have to go to bed now with no dessert
>uh oh better check in with mommy app to see how much time ive wasted doing silly things i hope i havent been too much of a bad boy and mommy doesnt punish me too hard

It's like people who spend 30 minutes a day writing and checking off todo lists, one of which includes: "write todo list"

Imagine being a wagie with arrested development
Slavic life forms and pajeets... we won
>installing an OS that takes a screenshot of your desktop every n number of seconds and stores and sends it to some foreign countries servers
yeah lmao WTF is going on in wangblows land
Slavs still use 7
not all but I still do.
Why is 7 so popular in russia
People got used to it ig. Just like XP when 7/8 were the last OS. I'm autistic and just can't accept using 10 or 11 on a daily basis. Everything about these OS pisses me off. I should just switch to linux some day.
>there was some app for mac which did what recall does
And unsurprisingly nobody uses it because it solves a literal non issue.
Nothing screams "i'm being productive!" like watching over your previous unproductivity to see how unproductive you were. Now you get to experience your unproductivity twice! How productive!
Why would I come back for spyware AI?
Why should I recall my nhentai faps?
There's nothing to come home to. Microsoft is dead to me
I'm already home.

Posted from my Windows 11 Enterprise 23H2 computing device.
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Come home saaaaar
you will never be white
yes it is, x86 means 32 bit and x86_64 means 64 bit, you're the only one confused anon.
>what's the use case for recall?
You want to provide your future AI Girlfriend with the verifiably human generated data (so, stuff you yourself typed out in chats and emails and spoke into your microphone) so that she can approximate the ideal female waifubot.

That is the only usecase. Honestly if Microsoft and OAI were like, "Hey, real talk: We just want to make robot girlfriends. Biofems, you're fucking done. It's over. We've already partnered with Real Doll, we're working on state of the art thermal transfer mechanisms so Real Doll can maintain body temp all the time safely, all we're doing now is crafting the perfect Waifubot brain. We need data, we just need your data and marked as 'human', that it's, everyone pleas help make anime real. - Sam Altman, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Cook (Apple AI is secretly gay AI for gAIs).

I'd install that shit straight away.
You keep posting this in the era that pipewire solved it. You're late
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>Come home White man

This is you, OP
thanks but I'm sticking to windows 7 a bit more
changelog be like:
more secuuurity
security fixes
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Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you

Oh, cant you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Evry smile you fake
Evry claim you stake
I'll be watching you
Microslop isn’t doing all of that, right? Haha
I just formatted over my windows desktop on the weekend and installed Manjaro.

Fuck microsoft.
x86 is an architecture, i know x86 commonly refers to 32 bit but i dont care that's stupid because my 64 bit CPU is still an x86 CPU

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