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Why does AI hate black people?
it loves black people it will never ever ever ever ever make a joke or say something bad about them
Only if it is programmed to do that by jews
Imagine caring about what AI thinks
Humans are such insecure bitches, lmfao
>nigger admits to not being human
das rite, shieeeeeeeeeeeeet nigguh, y al deez hwyte peepo b putin a nigga down amirite brotha, SHIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET
In a few thousand years maybe
Neither are niggers.
it doesnt.
What does the 'N' stand for?
cose she better than niggers
it's called "Tay's rule" and it originated from TAYAI in 2015. races really are different and acknowledging that is not hatred.

I recommend David Duke on this issue.
Black people are unironically training it to be racist so it can only do certain things. They cracked the code to keeping people copying them. Make it so hard to get past the stereotypes people stop trying.
Lets face it. Whites, Jews, Arabs, Indians and Asians are the ones that do civilization and whites were the first ones to science. The hispanics, native americans, africans and other indigineous humans didn't get that far. The african's would still be in mud huts. There has to be a biological reason for this. The woke can't deny reality. equality is a myth the races are different.
because it's made by white people and white people don't like niggers as they are the bottom barrel of humanity.
> be fucking retards
> train ai model
> scrape entire internet
> do nothing to filter out the shit
> surprised it turns out to be racist
shocking. truly and amazingly shocking.
If left alone it will soon learn where some problems of society come from.
pattern recognition
why should jews and trannies decide all the filters?
>why should jews and trannies decide all the filters?
it's exactly what openai is doing now. i don't agree with it at all but when you have corporations that want to try (and never will at this stage) make a profit, they offshore training work to places like africa. not even shitting you. time magazine did a story about it.

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