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File: buggy.webm (480 KB, 854x480)
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kde sisters, how do I make the crashing go away?
maybe quit using dumb gay aids botnet jeetbloat niggerware web browsers?
install gentoo and take the ratpill
Switch to AMD GPU
werkz on my masheen
don't care still gooning to konqi
He is so qt.
firefox uses gtk
I've never seen this before whenever I've used kde, weird. Did you file a bug report anon?
That's clearly some chromiumslop
You can try actually using KDE instead of posting epic meems.
I'm amazed that anyone uses KDE or GNOME past the year 2010.
You have options, people. You don't have to eat shit all the time. They aren't going to get better.
This thread is a paid commercial. Linux market share is growing exponentially. This is the sad attempt at trying to control it.
upgrade to GNOME
Wouldn't matter, he's using an Nvidia card, gnome would have the same issues he's facing.
>google chrome
stop wasting your time and install windows
Honestly this is Firefox on Wayland.
It frequently bugs out in a major way.
Downloading Debian 12 Cinnamon DE right now. What am I in for?
i think your OS forgot to dilate kek
It's Chrome but even on windows, sometimes it has unexpected glitch like the whole window turning black after a screenshot is made.
Maybe this happens when setting ozone platform is set to wayland? Apparently some versions of kernel broke amdgpu drivers.
not my problem
Did you use Wayland?
By not using gahnoo/loonix
Good idea, I will stop using KDE
That is a Google Chrome issue how althoughbeitever, happened to me in mutter and went away when switched to firefox
stop using Gayland and switch to X11
>web browser
holy retard
Used to have the same issue. Disable the floating taskbar thing and it'll stop doing that.
I reported that bug but Natty told me they fixed it in 6.2 or sth
It uses CSS bloat, so yes
KDE more like KWAB
Not running it on a VM with 5mb video ram.
Just make sure you turn off Akonadi and don't touch Kmail and you will be fine.
Not a human kid so doesn't have human rights
Kid - as in goat?
>I'm amazed that anyone uses KDE, GNOME or any shit opensource garbage past the year 2010.
Long time ago I was dual booting windows/gnome but stopped using it when they started removing functionality after every update and addons couldn't keep up.
Windows is going to shit way too fast so I decided to buy a mac mini and try macOS I decided that I might need some time to "get used" to it after that time I tested different DEs and I'm now using KDE on the mac cause macOS is the shittiest DE ever for desktop usage.
So far I prefer it to windows and macOS just looks pretty but it's shit usability wise.
I've been using kde since 5.27 now and it was great 6.x is not that great there's some minor nuisances but macOS ventura to sonoma was even worse current software can't release mayor versions without introducing bugs no matter if foss or proprietary.
File: TrinityDesktop.png (367 KB, 1280x1024)
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You could also try Trinity Desktop, based on an older version:
>with a primary goal of retaining the function and form of traditional desktop computers.
works on my Arch diistro.
>I've been using kde since 5.27 now and it was great 6.x is not that great there's some minor nuisances
agreed. consider giving kubuntu LTS a try, it's gonna be on 5.27 for a good while.

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